The Ring Finders Blog | Page 25 of 973

Tungsten Wedding Ring, Lost In Leaves and Grass Clippings, In Biddeford, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Friday October 4th, 2024! Cheryl and I were on our way, to Franconia Notch State Park, in the White Mountains, of New Hampshire. We intended to hike the Artists Bluff Trail Loop, on Bald Mountain . On our way we stopped to see the Parsonsfield – Porter Covered Bridge, in Parsonsfield, Maine. While visiting the bridge, my phone rang at 8:28am. The caller identified himself as Tim and Tim had lost his Wedding Ring, 3 days earlier, on the job, in Biddeford, Maine.

Now, Tim is the owner operator of a local Landscaping business, T.A.P. Lawn & Landscape, out of Saco, Maine. On Tuesday, as he was dumping mowed grass and raked up leaves, just inside a wooded area, Tim saw his ring slip off his finger and into the pile of leaves and grass clippings. Tim told me that in the last 3 days he and his wife were really anxious, to get his ring back. Tim had spent 1 1/2 hours, on his hands and knees, going through the pile, with absolutely no luck. Tim also rented a metal detector and even though he had one target, he still couldn’t find the object, in all the leaves and grass clippings. Tim then knew he needed help and a friend of his recommended me.
I then told Tim that I should be home, in Saco, at approximately 5:00pm and I could search , at that time. Tim said that would work because he had clients to tend to and he could meet me there, after 5:00pm. I told Tim, I would call him , when I arrived home and we could meet up then. Since the ring was lost on private property, there was no concern that someone would find the ring.
Tim and I ended up meeting, at 5:30pm, at his client’s property and we immediately walked to the pile of leaves and grass clippings. The pile wasn’t very large and my first thought, to myself was that this lost ring, should be found and fairly quickly. Tim pointed out the location, on the pile, that he had seen his wedding ring fall into. You could actually see where he had been searching, in the pile.
I walked back to my vehicle and grabbed my Minelab Manticore, with the 15 inch coil. I also grabbed my Garrett Handheld Pinpointer, which I just knew would be invaluable, in this search. As always, I asked Tim what the metal content of his wedding ring is. He answered that the ring was a Tungsten Carbide ring. I then took a Tungsten Carbide ring out of my bag of test rings and threw it on the ground. I then proceeded to run the coil of my metal detector, over the Tungsten Ring, so Tim could see and hear the Tungsten Ring being detected. My clients seem to like knowing what the sound/tone, of their ring, will sound like. Once I finished showing Tim, how the detector works, I immediately started searching the pile of leaves and grass clippings. Within a minute or so, I received a signal and it was an extremely low conductor, of a target. An extremely low tone and the reading, on my VDI screen, was a 07/08. Being such a low conductor, I didn’t think this would be a tungsten ring. Once I located the target, in the leaves, with my pinpointer, I ended up pulling a used packet of ketchup, out of the pile. I immediately started searching again, It took another minute or so, before I received another non ferrous target. This time the target was nice and loud and was reading on the VDI screen was 55. I told Tim that this very could be his Tungsten Wedding Ring. I located the target, once again with my pinpointer and slowly removed a few leaves from atop the target. Still couldn’t see the target. Removed some more leaves and still couldn’t see the target. Pinpointer still locked in on it and I didn’t want to move the target, further down, into the pile and that is why, I was being so careful, removing the leaves. A third time, removing some leaves, proved to be the winner. I could see just a small area of the ring and Tim could see it also. He was just overjoyed and couldn’t wait to get the ring back, on his finger, where it belongs. Tim texted his wife, told her the good news and she was also overjoyed, with Tim relaying her thank you , to me. Tim said he was going to sleep well tonight and that he also learned a lesson and will no longer wear his wedding ring, while performing his landscaping services m to his clients.
Another smile, or three and I just love being able to help people like Tim, in their time of need.

Found Gold ring after 7years lost!

  • from Sarnia (Ontario, Canada)

after finding the ring finders website I received a call from Andrew who told me the story about losing his sentimental gold ring that was given to him from his father after passing. He told me the story of doing yard work 7 years ago shortly after buying his new home but when work was done for the day he noticed his ring was no longer on his finger. Andrew and his family spent many hours and days searching without success and said that after all these years he would still search whenever he did yard work . Finally his son found the ring Finders which I am a member of in Sarnia Ontario his son told Andrew and the next day I received the call. He gave me an area of the most likely spots that his ring may have been lost. I began searching and quickly realized how difficult the Terrain was consisting of Vines bushes and twigs. I searched for a couple of hours and was very close to giving up but something inside me made me take one more walk around the yard with the detector. I was definitely close to calling it a day when I got a signal that sounded like the many hundreds of other trashy signals I was getting however this time after scraping some dirt away I saw a glint of gold. I said a small prayer before I pulled the clump out of the ground and low and behold it was the ring. Andrew and his whole family were very shocked and very pleased and I wouldn’t doubt if they have a family celebration.

Diamond Engagement Ring Lost In House.. Jacksonville, FL. Found 1 Week Later

  • from Ponte Vedra Beach (Florida, United States)

Andrea called me pretty frantic. She explained how her wedding ring set has 3 pieces and after returning from the gym she walked into her bedroom to prepare to shower. Before she was able to take her rings off, two of them just fell off her finger onto the floor next to the bed and nightstand. She was able to find one of the weddings bands and the other was still on her finger but her diamond engagement ring was nowhere to be found. She and her husband searched for an entire week even taking the bed and nightstand apart, still unable to find the ring. She said they were about to make an insurance claim but wanted to hire someone with expertise to search before making the insurance claim. I assured her that the ring did not vanish and we would find it. I arrived at her house with the tools needed to find her ring. Her bedroom floor was a laminate which would allow the ring to bounce. Within 2-3 minutes I was able to find her ring wedged into one of the nightstand legs. The ring was not in plain sight to the naked eye and somehow when the ring fell off her finger it bounced off the floor and under the nightstand, then wedged into the corner of the nightstand leg which had a wood support about 3″ off the floor. Her husband started that he had taken everything out of the nightstand and turned the entire nightstand over searching of the ring. She was so excited that it was found she asked if she can hug me, then her husband asked to hug me also.

If you’ve lost a valuable item call an experienced metal detector expert. Timing and persistence is important.. A phone call or text anytime 24/7 will give us  the best chance to recover your sentimental keepsake .. Adam .. 714-785-5111

Lost Texas A&M “Aggie” Class Ring…Found and Returned Four Years Later!!

  • from Dunedin (Florida, United States)


Steve Thomas

Dunedin Ring Finder

“It’s Only Lost Until I Find It!

Lost a ring or other metal valuable at the beach or in a grassy or sandy area? Jewelry slip off of you while working outside, playing with the dog or swimming? Please contact me ASAP at (843) 995-4719 or @dunedinringfinder. I offer a FREE metal detecting service, reward optional but appreciated upon recovery!

My wife and I recently spent a week in Texas with our daughter, son-in-law and two grandsons. Part of the trip was a three day beach stay in Port Aransas along with other family members on both sides including our son and his wife. Of course, any opportunity I have to do detecting on a beach I try to take advantage of it so I carried along my Minelab Equinox 900 with me.

While detecting on the beach at Port Aransas the first day, my finds had been a handful of coins, a bling ring, a bling earring and an assortment of pull tabs. After a few hours of this, I was about a half mile north of the property where we were staying when I swung my detector over a target in the wet sand about four inches down on mid tide. The number on the display and the tone in my headphones gave me indications that the target was probably a beer cap but when I scooped it out of the wet sand I was pleasantly surprised to find what appeared to be a small gold class ring! After a quick wash of the ring in the salty water, I could see that I had found a Texas A&M class ring from 2021 and the full name of the owner was inscribed inside! For those of you who don’t know how important the achievement of a class ring is to an Aggie grad, you can find out more by searching “Aggie Ring Tradition” and the “Aggie Network”. To say it’s a big deal is a huge understatement.

I returned to where we were staying and began my research. I found two people on Facebook who had the same first and last names as what was inscribed in the ring and who lived in that part of Texas but only one of the two had graduated in 2021. I reached out to her through Facebook messenger (her first name is Amber) but I did not receive a response. The next morning, I decided to post the find on a Facebook page called “Aggie Ring Lost and Found” and it wasn’t long before some of Amber’s family and friends let her know that her ring had been found! Amber then responded to me and of course was shocked that I had found it because she lost it while playing beach volleyball about four years before and had only had it about four months. She had given it up for lost and had purchased a replacement ring. I told her that I was surprised it was still there because of how many people metal detect on beaches now. Amber asked me if I could return the ring to her brother Matthew who was in College Station for his last semester at Texas A&M when my family returned from our stay at Port Aransas and I promised her that I would. The day after our family returned to College Station from Port Aransas, I met Amber’s brother Matthew and returned the ring to him so he could deliver it to Amber who was living and working in San Antonio.

Amber, I was so happy that I could return your precious Aggie ring to you!




Wedding Ring Found In Backyard, Holland, MI

  • from Holland (Michigan, United States)

Rebekah sent me a text and stated she was playing with her dog in the backyard and by pushing him back between her legs she thinks her ring flew off. They went and rented a metal detector but did not find the ring. I met Kevin, her husband, at the door and he showed me where she was standing when she thinks the ring was lost. Kevin goes back into the house and on the second sweep I find the ring about 3 ft from where she had been standing. It was deep down in the lush green grass and very well hidden. I knocked on the door again showing Kevin the ring and he nearly crushed me with a bear hug. They have been married for 2 years and added to the family with the arrival of August. Smiles all around and what a way to brighten your day.

Small Gold Pendant Lost in Ivy Found with Metal Detector.. Valley Village, Los Angeles, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Metal Detector Man mobile detecting service can help you find your lost precious keepsake .. Call or Text ASAP  24/7 anytime … 949-500-2136.
Erin was lifting her large dog into the backseat of a car when the dog’s paw snagged her gold necklace and the small gold pendant possibly fell into the ivy beside the driveway.

I was across town and it was a weekend day, so the traffic was not a problem. It was looking like it could be a difficult search because it was a very hot day.  When I arrived, Irin  was waiting and showed me the area of the loss. I was happy to see that the ivy was under a huge shade tree.

It did take awhile to find the gold pendant. This type Ivy was very thick large leaf. It had many years of dry leaves under the new leaves. It took a while to find the small pendant which was expedited by using my handheld pinpointer metal detector.

Erin was more than grateful. She shared with me that this pendant has the imprint of her son’s finger print. She wears it everyday in memory of her son, who passed away two years ago. It’s these type recoveries that keep me doing this service.

I’m available to help you or anybody that has lost an item at the beach, park, yard, car, water, home even if it has been years ago. Call now for information .. Stan .. 949-500-2136

Engagement Ring Recovered!

  • from Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)

I got a call from a young woman who had lost her engagement ring – not an unusual situation – and I agreed to help her recover it. In talking with her, the story emerged… she had been in the parking lost at work and in having a discussion with a co-worker, flung her hand in the air and the ring came off. The good news: she actually saw the ring come off and go over the fence. The bad news: the area where she thought the ring had landed was large and fairly trashy (gum wrappers, pop tops, bottle caps, etc.). After thoroughly searching through the trashy area and not locating the ring, I expanded my search and found the ring considerably farther out than I had originally thought, nestled in a nice (and relatively clean) grassy area. Being able to reunite the ring and the distraught fiance was a great feeling for both of us.


Lost Wedding Ring Found in NJ

  • from Madison (New Jersey, United States)

MADISON, N.J. — When Kelly’s husband took their dog out for a run this weekend, his ring felt a bit loose. After walking through some high weeds along a trail, he realized the ring had slipped off.

Kelly messaged me to see if could locate the ring, luckily, her husband was able to pinpoint an approximate location in the weeds where the ring was lost.

Kelly holds up her husband’s ring found by NJ Ringfinder, Bill Leasure. The ring was lost when her husband was walking their dog near an area with high grass.

A gold and silver wedding ring lost by a couple in Madison, NJ is revealed under a pile of grass by Ringfinder, Bill Leasure.

Ringfinder, Bill Leasure holds a lost wedding ring pulled from high grass after it was lost by a local NJ man walking his dog.

After several minutes of searching for the gold and silver ring, a strong tone was detected beneath some high weeds. Moving the pinpointer into the grass, a solid signal was found. After sifting through the grass for a couple minutes, the ring was found right where they thought it had been lost. So happy to return this ring to their family.

14K Gold Wedding Ring, Lost in a Saco, Maine Backyard, Found Visually, While Searching With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I had just returned home, after picking up my granddaughter, at Fairfield School, in Saco, Maine and walking home. I wasn’t home 5 minutes, when I received the following text, from Christina

“Hey! Found your number on ring finders. We think my husband lost his ring in our back yard and can’t seem to find it. Would you be able to help? Thank you”

I immediately replied and I asked some questions

“So sorry to hear this. Where are you located?

A few questions

1) How long ago, was the ring lost?

2) What makes you think it was lost, in the backyard? Did he see or feel the ring coming off?

3) How large is the yard and what type of terrain? So, is it woodland, grass, bushes, etc? This will let me know size coils to bring.”

Christina replied

“ Saco, off of 112. Ring was lost today but we do not know exactly when. I took a picture of his wearing it around 9am and he noticed it was missing around noon. I have checked all our sinks and shower if it may have come off there.

My husband was tinkering with the power washer that he could not get to work about 5 feet from the back of our house.

Back yard is mostly grass where we think it may be. I would estimate the total back yard as 100 feet by 40feet. I am happy to provide a picture if that helps.”

Christina did send me a few pictures and I told her I would be there, by 3:30pm. It was now 2:50pm and I just needed to change and get my equipment, into the car. I arrived at their home at 3:15pm and was promptly met by Christina’s husband. He introduced himself as Justin and told me he was the one, that lost the ring. Justin explained that he was working on the pressure washer, out back, when a bunch of hornets came at him, from under the back deck. Justin was getting away from the area,as fast as he could, as he swatted the hornets away. Once inside the house, Justin cleaned up and was ready to head to Lowe’s, to purchase a new pressure washer. As he was getting ready to leave, Justin noticed that his wedding ring was not on his finger.

Justin and Christina searched inside and out the house, particularly in the area he had been working. When their search didn’t result in finding the ring, Corina contacted me.

Once Justin showed me the areas, he thought the ring would be in, I showed and explained to Justin how my detector works and threw 3 different test rings, into the grass, so he could see and hear, the detector find the rings. This seems to soothe or calm my clients some. I then come up with a game plan, so to speak and told Justin, I would start searching on the side of the house , where he had been walking. I would then grid the back yard, going approximately 1/2 down the yard, turn around and head back towards the house. I would continue doing this, while Justin visually searched, for his wedding ring. I find that my clients like to be involved, whether it is using, one of my detectors or visually searching. Once I am onsite, it’s all hands on deck and a group effort.

My first pass , on the side of the house and halfway down the backyard, resulted in nothing but a few deep coins, that I didn’t dig. I took a 1/2 step to my left, explaining to Justin that by only taking a 1/2 step, to the side, this allows me to overlap my swinging of the coil, so I don’t miss any area of the yard. As I made my way, back towards the house and about 10 feet, from the house, I heard Justin say something. I looked up and Justin reached down and picked up his wedding ring, in the crushed rock, along the house. I could see his big smile and was so happy, for another successful recovery. I had Justin put the ring, back on the crushed rocks and swung my detector over the ring and it came back a nice and loud, repeating low tone.

So when I arrive on the scene, or a search, we all work together, as a team, to get the best results. I often bring extra detectors and let my clients search also. I have actually had 3 successful recoveries while doing this. I don’t care who actually finds the ring, as long as the ring is found. After a few photos of Justin and his ring, I left with a big smile. Maybe not as big as Justin’s, but big. I just love being able to leave, on a moments notice, to go and help people like Justin & Christiana.

Lost Tungsten Wedding in CDA Idaho….Found!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

What was a mother named Kelly to do? For her son had lost his wedding ring in a backyard game of football. Asking the almighty Google to show her the finder of rings, I the Idaho Ring Finder answered her call…aka text. After completing my noble work, I made forth my way to the house of the lost ring. As I grabbed my trusty Equinox I laid eyes on my evil nemesis. A well manicured lawn. It’s luscious green grassy fold clinged tightly around the cold metal tungsten ring. With quick swipes and long strides I tamed that evil grass and reclaimed the lost ring. Kelly’s surprised smile and joyful laughs warmed my heart and gave proof to the power of the knights of The Ring Finders. With my coil raised high I mounted my noble steed named Toyota and rode off  into The Ring Finders golden sunset.

« May we all find what we seek and may we recover all that is lost. »

-me 2024