The Ring Finders Blog | Page 25 of 987

Lost Gold & Diamonds Sentimental Mother’s Day Earring at Kaluahole Beach…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This Earring hunt began when I got a text from Carolyne saying, « I lost an earring in the Diamond Head area.  Ring if you can help. »  I asked if she had parking as this area was all condos with no street parking.  She responded « Yes » The tide is high right now…It’s probably lost forever »  I said, « No.  Low tide is 6:30 »  I’ll call you before I head over.  When I arrived Carolyne directed me to the parking and escorted me to the beach entry.  Her husband Mark was going to come down and walk me out to the area down the coast a bit.  Carolyne had the other earring in a bag,  so I scanned it on the Manticore and it was a 3-4 on the VDI.   Mark took me to the search area and I told him it could take awhile so he didn’t have to stick around.  I started the hunt and there were several iron pieces along the retaining wall I had to work through.  The first possible target was a small chunk of Aluminum.  The next target was a #10 on the VDI and to my surprise it was the stunning earring.  Mark had started walking back to his condo when I yelled, « I got a gold earring with diamonds »  and he came back quickly to confirm.  He was in shock saying, « That’s it! »  I found out it was actually lost two days prior so what a blessing it didn’t end up in the coral after at least 4 pounding high tides.  The difference in the VDI had to be the earring Carolyne let me test was closed and the found earring was open.  Good point to remember.  When we got back to Carolyne she was obviously ecstatic after a successful recovery.  A few hugs & handshakes and of course the smiles.  Aloha to Carolyne & Mark!

Lost and Found Blanchard, OK

  • from Norman (Oklahoma, United States)
I was contacted regarding a lost hand-made fixed-blade knife a goat rancher had dropped while cutting a round bale of hay for his livestock.  Ranchers will cut the twine from the hay bales, then roll the bales across the pasture or spread them out for livestock to graze.  After spreading the hay, the rancher noticed his knife was not in its sheath on his waist.  This hand-made knife was special to the owner, made of Damascus steel with a G10 handle.
The owner spent a couple of hours kicking around and sifting through the hay with no success.  He thought about renting a metal detector then realized he did not know how to operate one properly so he looked up metal detecting recovery services and found me.
Later the same day I arrived at the location and within 20 minutes the knife was located and returned to its owner.
Have you or anyone you know lost a valuable item and need help locating and recovering?  Get in touch with me ASAP.
.metal detectorists finds lost valuables in Oklahoma

Tungsten Carbide wedding ring recovered in Canterbury

  • from Kent (England, United Kingdom)

I had a call from Keenan , the other evening, he explained how his Tungsten Carbide wedding ring had slipped off his finger into long grass whilst throwing a ball for his dog .

I met up with Keenan this morning and began the search , after about 10 minutes I had managed to recover Keenans precious wedding band , he was extremely happy to be able to put his ring back on his finger again , he told me this was the second time he had lost his wedding ring in 18 months of marriage, another successful reunion thanks to .


  • from Moose Jaw (Saskatchewan, Canada)

I received a call from Mitali this Morning asking if I would be able to help her locate the engagement ring that flew off her hand  in Bushel Park while she was brushing snow from her hands, the ring flew from her left hand after taking the trash to to the can

There was an area that she was sifted through, she searched the area but could not find the ring.  I found the ring inches away from where Mitali had put hot water on the snow to melt the snow, we had just had 7 inches of fresh snow. She was very excited that I found the engagement ring.

Thank you, Mitali, for entrusting me to find your engagement ring.

Ben Griswold- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call or Text ASAP  Anytime   1-306-630-3016


Lost White Gold & Diamonds Wedding Band at Kaimana Beach…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a call from Dean who was on vacation from Newport Beach, California and enjoying his vacation on Kaimana Beach in Waikiki.  The day before he had placed his ring in his towel and when he picked it up the ring flew out and disappeared into the fine sand of Kaimana Beach.  Knowing Kaimana Beach is heavily detected and it was lost the day before I asked Dean to go to the beach and guard the lost area until I could get there.  It was my lunch break so I knew I could get there in a few minutes and hopefully the ring hadn’t been found.  When I arrived at the beach Dean & Rick were waiting.  They showed me the area and I fired up the « BEAST ».  First target #30 on the VDI.  Boom!  Dean’s awesome white gold & diamond ring was in the scoop.  I was amazed how quickly it was found as the area was a few parking stalls in size.  Back to work in record time and Dean’s family was so appreciative of the recovery.  Aloha to Dean & Rick


Lost wedding ring found in Murfreesboro, TN

  • from Nashville (Tennessee, United States)

Kari’s husband lost his titanium wedding band in the back yard of their beautiful Murfreesboro, TN home about a month ago when he was doing some yard work. They had spent countless hours searching for the ring, and even bought an inexpensive metal detector to use themselves. Kari was able to laugh when she said it was a much better noisemaker than a metal detector. Kari and her husband were somewhat certain the ring was somewhere in their backyard, but no idea where in the pretty expansive yard. I began a grid search and located the ring in just under 22 minutes. I offered to show Kari how to use the metal detector they bought in the event they needed to find another ring. She was quick to respond that she would much rather just call me for any future metal detecting needs. It is often that word-of-mouth recommendations are the best advertising there is.

Wearable Healing Coil Lost in Northland Garden, Found.

  • from Paihia (New Zealand)

Daryyl asked if I was able to locate her wearable frequency generator.
She had tucked it into her top before going out into the garden to spread bark, and while getting changed later that day, noticed it was missing.
After searching the garden, she decided to phone me.

I did some research into the construction, I had no bias for or against the theory behind it, I just needed to determine if there was any metal target inside.
There was a very fine gauge copper coil, not ideal if it was deep under bark – and a rechargeable internal battery, that’ll do!
Yes, I could certainly help.
Daryyl had to travel away but the coil was safe where it was, we arranged for the search the following weekend.

It was a relatively small area, however an excess of wire mesh around the garden and many nails holding the garden beds together (and rusting deep in the soil) meant it would have to be a very small coil to try and avoid multiple targets.
I did a quick scoping search with the 6″ coil, nothing other than foil seed packets, odd nails and screws and flecks of foil.
Step down to the 2″, time to go all surgical…

After about 30 minutes, I got a faint target tucked in under some Blueberries.
I pulled the bark back, chasing the signal.
About 10cm down, Daryyls missing device came into view, likely having fallen out as she leaned forward to spread the bark under the Blueberries.
I recommended she dry it out thoroughly before attempting a charge and having been subjected to only a bit of rain, I suspect it’ll be okay.

Wedding Ring Found! A Cornfield Search – West Bend, WI.

  • from Menomonee Falls (Wisconsin, United States)

November 12 marked a day of profound sadness for West Bend resident, Michael Schultz. His loose-fitting wedding ring came up missing after a day’s activities. He had done chores on their country horse farm, spent time sighting in hunting rifles in anticipation of the upcoming deer season and then made a trip to town. A recently harvested cornfield served as a 100-yard shooting range. Later, as he stood in line at a grocery store, Michael noticed, to his horror, his wedding ring was missing from his hand!

Michael had recently lost weight which resulted in his ring fitting loosely. He remembered thinking that very morning how it might be best to store the ring away until it could be resized. Now, he regretted not heeding the thought. He was truly grieving his loss and all the precious memories the ring held.

Michael’s wife, Nikki, reached out to me several days later. After speaking with her on the phone, I concluded the ring could be anywhere. The most likely place to search seemed to be the cornfield where Michael had taken his gloves off and on as he sighted in his rifles. But the area was similar in size to a football field. No matter, it would be a process of elimination.

I arrived early afternoon on November 22, 10 days after the ring went missing. The remains of corn stalks made the search challenging, hampering the swinging of my search coil. After 3-hours of searching, it was pitch black. I still had about another hour of searching left when a signal caught my attention. Beneath a muddy corn leaf, Michael’s gold and diamond ring appeared with the help of a flashlight!

Michael and his family were overwhelmed at the sight of the ring! Hugs and tears of joy ensued.

This was yet another amazing find in what was, by all accounts, a long-shot search. However, the ring’s hiding place was no match for modern technology and perseverance even in a vast cornfield in the black of night.

If you or someone you know has lost a ring, don’t let its story end. Contact a member of the Ring Finders today.

Ring Lost in Sand at … Sandy Bay! Quick Find.

  • from Paihia (New Zealand)
A phone call this morning led to a quick dash down to Sandy Bay to salvage a sentimental family gold ring lost during a surf lesson.
Fortunately the ring was lost in the dry sand and not in the sea – those recoveries are a lot more technical, this one just needed a systematic and thorough approach.
They did all the right things by marking the area and calling an experienced ringfinder immediately.
With the equipment already in the car from a recovery yesterday, I headed straight down, with the ring being found in a short time after starting the search – just inside the edge of the marked boundary.
A classic case of helping the Ringfinder help you.
But it makes for a very light story 😀

Lost Triple Russian Wedding Ring Found in Whangarei Garden

  • from Paihia (New Zealand)

Jo realised her triple Russian wedding ring was missing one afternoon.
Unsure of when or where she had lost it, she turned to me for help.

She had been mowing the paddock with the ride on mower, and had stopped a couple of times to clear the blocked chute of heavy, wet grass.
– Or was it when she had been laying out pea-straw on the garden?

As a heavy shower started to fall, I decided to clear the pea-straw first – No sense in getting all the wet weather gear on for a long paddock search if I didn’t need to.
It was too cramped between the veges for the main machine, and even the 4″ coil would have been banging into and damaging her veges so I opted for the pinpointer.
Halfway down the second row of leeks, I picked up a signal.
I pulled the straw back and there were three golden rings lying on the soil surface.

All done in a couple of minutes, and a quick dash back under the cover of the house eaves while I waited for Jo to emerge from the house.