The Ring Finders Category | Page 519 of 527 | The Ring Finders

2 Lost Rings in the UBC Area / Spanish Banks…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)


Smiles are the best things we find! I got a call from a young lady that tells me she lost two rings while on a big water slide that was made for a party with lots of friends. The rings meant a lot to Fran and she thought she’d never see the rings again so she was going to rent a metal detector and went on line and found The Ring Finders Directory.

My wife and I met Fran at 8PM just before it got dark and she showed us the huge hill where they had the slide that weekend. I could see the flatten grass where the slide was placed and this helped with our grid search.

After just minutes of turning on my big flood light we found one ring that was flattened into the ground. After a 14 hour day at work then 2 hours into the search we decided to call it a night. I knew it would take daylight to find the second ring as it was hard to do a grid in the low light we had.

We sent a picture of the ring to Fran and told her we’d go out and search on the weekend for the gold & jade ring. I went out and bought a new metal detector(Whites V3i) and I was excited to give it a go, our son wanted to join the search and Beverley and I were excited to have him as the search area was pretty huge.

I wasn’t feeling all that great when we got there and it was a hot day so I slowly started to set up my new detector and Jamie ask me if he could give it a go, I said sure and his mother let him use the Whites XLT that she was going to use. I just started to grid search when I hear Jamie and Beverley shouting…Found It! Found It! I’m thinking found what? It was almost like Jamie walked right to the ring!

With such a big area to search that day Jamie knocked it out of the park! I was so proud of him and happy to know that I could go home and rest…Like his mother he has the knack of find what people thought was lost forever.


I love my job & family!


Lost something? Call the Turners ASAP

You can watch the video below.

Found Diamond Ring at Centennial Beach, Tsawwassen, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I was at work on a Monday and I received a call from a young lady who ask me if I could find her husbands lost diamond wedding band at Centennial Beach in Tswwassen BC. She told me that the ring could have been lost while he was playing volleyball or out in the ocean while he was swimming.

I met with Sasha that evening and before the park was closed she showed me the area that the ring could be lost in and it was huge! I got permission from the park ranger to stay and search the area for a few hours, Sasha went home and I spent 3 hours searching the dry sand and a little bit of the water. I had no luck the first night but I felt good that it wasn’t in the dry sand and I knew that it would be a long shot that someone already found it in such a huge area when the tide is out.








My wife Beverley came out a week later at low tide to help me grid search the wet sand, she was ready to go out and find the ring and the competition was on! I found a two dollar coin and yelled out that I did! Then a couple of quarters, some dimes and after 1 1/2 hours of a slow grid search I got another signal and found a nickel, and I yelled out to Beverley more change…A second later she yells out…FOUND IT! I’m thinking what? Then she yells out again…FOUND IT! I FOUND THE RING!!! I thought she was joking until i see her dancing in the ankle deep water .

I couldn’t believe it! It only took us 1 1/2 hours in a huge area to find the young man’s ring! This was amazing and Beverley was so happy! It’s a great feeling when you can help someone and this young couple told us that they had given up and were ready to claim it on their insurance.

It was nice to do another hunt with my wife and this was the first time we had ever been to this beach, we met a lady who was metal detecting the beach and we talked for a while, she told us that she was 90 years old! OMG!!! We still have a good 40 years of helping people find what they thought was lost for ever!!!

One other note…We got an email that night and someone had lost his wedding band at the same beach we found this one…Beverley found that one too at midnight!

We love our job!

Lost something? Call the Turners ASAP!


You can watch the video of the search below…


Lost Ring at Boundary Bay, Centennial Beach, Tsawwassen BC…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)











We received an email at 1o:15 pm from a young man that lost his ring at Centennial Beach, Boundary Bay, Tsawwassen. The strange thing was that we had a search that morning for a man’s lost ring in water. It was a massive area and we found it in a few hours…My wife found it! She was so excited!!! that video will be up as soon as we meet the person who lost the ring and give it back…

So this search Danny told me that he knew the area the ring came off at and my question was did you lose it by a log? Yes he replied, not far from a log. I knew we had to hit the beach ASAP because if we waited till the next day someone could beat us to it…

We met up and discussed the search and set out to the location he lost the ring. I have a big  battery powered light that lit the way to the area he lost his ring.

Because Beverley found the last ring at this beach she decided that she’d find this one too. Danny was confident that the ring was lost in a relatively small area so Beverly started her grid search and within 5-10 minutes she found his ring!

Beverley was so happy that Dan got his ring back and this was only the second time we ever hunted this beach! The same day Beverley found a diamond ring(32 diamonds) for a man that lost it a week before we were able to search for it…

I’m so happy that my wife is excited to compete with me…I just hope she lets me find a few!


Lost something? Call The Turners ASAP

You can watch the video below…


Lost Ring at SunSet Beach, Vancouver, BC…Found in 3 Feet of Water!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This was a 911 call at around 5pm when I was still at work, I talked to the young lady and she told me that she had lost a very special ring that was given to her by someone she loves very much! She spent hours searching in the water with googles and the ring as most do just disappeared into the sand below.

I assured her that as soon as I got off work that would be right there to find her ring, she told me that she knew the spot and I was hopeful for a very quick recovery… She waited at the spot for 4 hours until I got off work and arrived at the beach.

It was dark when I arrived,  I was sure that it would be a fast recovery as she showed me the area the ring was lost. Well it took 2 hours before the ring showed itself! I could tell that Tina was losing hope and I wanted to get a first time reaction so I told her my batteries were dying and I needed to change them.

As I got out of the water I started my video camera and started to talk to her about the search and about how many pennies I was finding…Then I reached into my scoop and held out her ring!

Her face lit up and the ring that meant the world to her was back where it belonged!


I love my Job!


Lost something? Call me ASAP!

You can watch the video of the search below…Thanks for watching!


Lost Gold Ring in North Vancouver, BC…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)









So last night before my night hunt for the two wedding rings I receive an email from a young lady who lost her gold ring that was given to her by her mother. After discussing the search we both knew it was a long shot due to she didn’t know when the ring came out of her pocket..

These kinda searches I call (closure searches) I will search the most likely areas where they think the ring fell out of her pocket. My chances are very low as its a needle in a haystack…The area was very big and to boot there was power lines directly above me. This drives detector crazy!

The only thing I could do for the first part of the search was use my pin pointer, as we moved away from the power lines I was able to use my detector by dropping the sensitivity  to almost the lowest setting. I would still be able to get a signal as the ring would be sitting on top of the grass.

The young lady was at work so her boyfriend met with me to show me the area they had walked when they realized the ring was missing.

After 30 minutes I got a great signal and as I bent down to use my pin pointer and move the grass there was here gold ring starring back up at me!!! Crazy, I was so happy and so was her boyfriend! I always give a 100% even if I don’t think I have a chance, today I was rewarded by finding this young ladies most cherished  gift that was given to her by her mother…




I love my Job!

Lost something? Call Me ASAP!

You can watch the recovery on the video below…


Found Wedding & Engagement Rings at The Dog Park, Kits Beach.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)









Just before I was getting ready to call it a night I received an email that a young lady had lost both her wedding & engagement rings at the dog park at Kits Beach. I emailed the person right away and asked them to call me, minutes later we were discussing the search.

Because the rings were lost at such a high risk area…(beach and by a log) I knew that we’d have to get out ASAP to search for the rings. The young man agreed to meet me at 11:45 pm, we met and he showed me the area he thought the rings would be in…

After a few swings of my metal detector and no rings I began to move to the front of the log where they never searched for the rings and within a minute I found one of the rings…



Minutes after the wedding ring was found I found the engagement ring! Smiles all around! The rings were not where he thought they’d be but its my job to think of why they’re not there and expand my search area. For some reason the rings were deep! After discussing the search he told me that they have a 70 lb. dog that was play right were the rings where found…


I love my job!

Lost something please call ASAP!

You can watch the video of the search below…


Ring recovered from bushes in Greeley, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

The night before their scheduled departure to return to Arizona while visiting the family of her boyfriend in Greeley, Colorado Danielle Crook lost a ring that was given to her by her boyfriend. A hand full of people searched the driveway and area of rock and bushes that separated the neighbor’s property from theirs. They searched in earnest for over two hours with no luck. There was a mat of leaves that blanketed the river rock area that contained the bushes that made a visual search seem nearly impossible.

Danielle found my profile on « Ring Finders » and sent me an email around 11:00 that night explaining that she was leaving the next day so time was a critical factor. I responded to her email early that next morning and told her to call me ASAP and we should be able to work something out. Within minutes I received a call from Danielle and we arranged for me to search for her ring which was white gold with a diamond adorning its top. I readied my gear, strapped it onto my motorcycle and headed out to meet Danielle.

Upon arrival introductions were made and I further inquired as to how the ring became lost. Come to find out a dispute had come about and the ring was tossed aside in the heat of the moment. Almost instantaneously Danielle regretted what she had just done and wished she could take it back. She could not remember how she had tossed the ring, right or left handed. I had her toss another ring with a several inches of sting tied onto it with both hands while in the seated position she was in the night before.

I began my search in the area of the consistent landing spot from her right handed toss. Using my metal detector I began searching the leafy rock area first without success. I then switched to searching the branches of the bushes, the branches were small in diameter but long and filled with leaves.  Within a minute I heard the tone of white gold come from my machine. I separated the branches of the bushes and there was a pretty little ring hung up on a branch in the middle of the bush about 24” above the ground. I called Danielle over to see the ring for herself, I almost had to put my figure on it for her to be able to see the ring. Within 12 hours of contacting me Danielle had her ring back on her hand. She was quite happy to get her ring back and this made their flight back to Arizona a much better flight.


Ring recovered July 29th, 2011

Danielle with her ring back


Lost Silver Chain at Kits Beach, Vancouver BC…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I receive a call this morning from a young man who told me he lost a very special silver chain that was given to him by his girlfriend. He lost it at Kits Beach in Vancouver the evening of the fireworks.

That’s the worst time to lose something on the beach because after the fire works many metal detectorists will search the beaches all night long. I thought fore sure someone would have already found the chain.

I put out a few calls but no one heard of a silver chain being found on Kits Beach so I called the young man and we set a time to meet at the beach that day.

After about 20 minutes of searching for a parking spot we hooked up and discussed the search area and I told him that our chances where low and he understood.

He took me to the area and I set my grid and started to search, the people around the area were curious and watched as I searched. One pull tab, one bottle cap, one washer and then…Up from the sand hanging half out on my sand scoop was his beautiful silver chain!


Within seconds of seeing the silver glinting in the hot sun people started clapping and cheering… The young man and his girlfriend were all smiles.

I have found lots of rings and things over the years, this recovery made me smile to see how such a young man was so happy to see his silver chain that was given to him by his sweetheart. He told me how much it meant to him and another one wouldn’t be the same…

I Love my job!

Lost something? Call Me ASAP

Watch the video below…


Lost Antique Silver Earring in Richmond BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)










Hi all, I received a call about 3 + weeks back in regards to a search for a lost antique silver earring. The lady was heading out of town for a few weeks and due to work I couldn’t get out before she left on her trip. We agreed to touch basis later when she got back in town, I got the call and off I went to search for a silver earring.

When we met I could tell how frustrated  Trudy was with the thought of never finding it. She really loved her earrings and it was only recent she had her ears pierced.

I started my search and 25 minutes into to it I found  earring, I was as happy as Trudy when I found it. Its hard when people don’t know where the item is lost, sometimes these searches give people closure…This was a fun search!


I love my job!








Watch the video below…



Lost/Recovered 14kt Gold Diamond Engagement Ring Delaware Seashore State Park Bethany Beach, Del.

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 07/31/11 @ 10:19 am, I received a phone call from a young lady who had lost her 14kt Gold Diamond Engagement Ring on the Beach at the Delaware Seashore State Park Bethany Beach, Delaware. The ring slipped off of her finger and fell into the dry sand while she was applying suntan oil. The sand had been searched for about one hour without any luck before I received the phone call. I arrived at the beach and found that the area of the lost ring had been marked with beach towels. I began my search and with three swings of the detector I received a familiar gold tone. I used my sand scoop to carefully recover the ring and as the sand filtered through my scoop the ring appeared. The young lady gave a cheerful yell as she said « He’s got it, I see it! ».  Another great recovery!