Finders Category | Page 417 of 433 | The Ring Finders

Treasure hunter braves chilly waters, Cape Cod, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Watch Rick in action finding a class ring on Cape Cod, MA.

Follow the CapeCast YouTube link:


  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

On the afternoon of 12/9/2012 I recieved a phone call from a gentleman by the name of ( Mr. Joe D ). who explained that his father, ( Mr. Tom D. ) lost a 14K gold ring while working in his yard a week earlier.. After speakin with ( Mr. Joe D.)  , I then called his father , ( Mr. Tom D. ) to speak to him and he explained the story of losing the ring as well.. I then agreed to meet them about a hour later and when I got there, I had ( Mr. Tom D. ) walk me through what he was doing when he lost his ring.. He explained that he had searched for it with no luck and even had the neighbor help.. He told me that it could be in one of the many bags of rakings or around the bushes which is where he was when he lost it.. Rather than go through all the bags and dump out all the leaves etc which would be alot more work to clean them up again, I got out my Long Range Metal Detector / Electroscope and proceded to scope the area around the Bushes where he was when he lost the ring.. Instantly I was able lock onto a target by the bushes where he was working using my Long Range Metal Detector and in under ten minutes I was able to recover his lost ring for him.. I am so glad I was able to help him.. I hope they have a Merry Christmas and wish them a very Happy Holidays.. In the pictures you with see the ring and me holding my long range metal detector standing beside Mr. Tom D.

Lost Wedding Ring City of West University, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)



I was contacted by a homeowner from the City of West University (Houston) regarding a lost men’s Platinum Wedding Ring. The homeowner indicated the ring was possibly lost in one of two locations, one a little league baseball field, and the other the hedges in their front yard.  

Several days ago, I conducted a search of the baseball field with unsuccessful results. A follow-up search today at the homeowner’s residence was successful.

The homeowner will be extremely happy to learn his Platinum Wedding Ring was recovered.

The homeowners in the case wishes to remain anonymous. 


  John Volek



Class Ring Returned Vinton Iowa


This is kind of a long story, but it has a happy ending!

I found this girls class ring back in September when I was water detecting at a small beach. There was a name engraved on the inside of the band but I couldn’t read it even with a 16x loupe.

So I put an add on craigslist on the lost and found section but I didn’t have any replies. So I kept wondering what to do with it. There was no school name on it. Just the name Emily and the year 2010.

This was the first class ring I’ve ever found but I wanted to return it. So I was having some jewelry work done on an old ring and decided to take the class ring along and have them look at it. Well they gave me enough information on the name on the inside of the band that I was able to google the name and come up with a girl who was the right age and lived close enough to the beach I was detecting. It must be her!

I was able to get her parents address. Today I was going to be in the area so I stopped at their house. Luckily Emily was there. She was very happy to see her long lost ring. Her mother and her couldn’t believe I found it. She had lost it last year while swimming at the beach. So it had been in the water awhile.

I believe she was thrilled to have her ring back and it made me happy to finally get it to the rightful owner.



Lost Ring in Sooke B.C. Found

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

After being lost for more then 18 months, Courtney contacted me to search for her lost ring. She was in a panic because she was moving within a couple of weeks. After meeting at the site, I searched until the rains came. I returned twice more and after 2 1/2 hours I was able to find Courtney’s ring.

Lost Texas A&M Class Ring

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)



 Open Case in Houston: Lost Men’s 2013 Texas A&M Class Ring-Engraved (EW Arnold)

The actually location where the ring was lost remains unknown, possibly in the West University area of Houston.

A reward is being offered for the recovery of this Texas A&M class ring.

 A metal detecting search of a possible location lost has been exhausted.

Thank you,


Lost Class Ring in College Station, Texas Update-Found

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)
                        Update-Case Closed Ring Found
    The following was informatin was forwarded to me from Detectorist B.
    Sloan  from College Station.
Good morning John,
Last night I got a phone call from Kelly Walker, she found her ring. Some how, her ring had ended up in her couch, and as near as I could understand, her phone was breaking up, for some reason, they were shaking the couch and her ring fell out. Just wanted to let you know about the happy ending.
Best of luck, and stay safe,

Lost Class Ring in College Station, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

 I was recently contacted by Ms. Walker from College Station, Texas regarding a lost 2011 Texas A&M class ring.  Ms. Walker was not exactly sure of where she lost her ring, but knew it was missing after an exhaustive search of her home and car.

Ms. Walker felt there could be a slight possibility that it may have fallen of her hand somewhere in her front yard, but was clearly unsure.

I was able to assist Ms. Walker in contacting a fellow Detectorist Bill Sloan in College Station. Mr. Sloan was able to assist Ms. Walker in a metal detection search of both her front and back yards.

The ring remains unrecovered at this time and has been reported to the College Station Police Department.

The ring is described as a ladies 10K Texas A&M class ring with inscription Kelly E.B. Walker. If this ring should cross your path it’s looking to go home.

The following is an e-mail sent by Ms. Walker

Thank you Mr. Volek,

I really appreciate all your help and your connecting me to Mr. Sloan. He was incredibly kind and patient with me throughout our dealings.

He wouldnt even let me pay him for gas. I know he was from the area but I still found it surprising. He made clear that he was simply doing it to help, as you did.

You’ve both made a painful process much easier and I really appreciate it.

My next step is to have a friend of mine take apart the dash on my car. I heard a metal object sliding around when I made a particularly sharp turn yesterday and my heart stopped. I have no idea if it’s my ring or not, but a girl can hope.

Take care, Mr. Volek. I’ll keep you updated if I find it.

Thanks and Gig ’em,
Kelly Walker



Lost ring while cleaning gutters in La Grange, ILL. found

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received a call from a woman who had lost her deceased husbands ring while she was cleaning the gutters on the roof. This ring was the last memonto she had of him and was very upset. After about 2 hours we found it.

Shaw TV Calgary interview with local Ringfinder Kevin Niefer

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

Found clients wedding band another recovery that by Kevin