lost wedding ring Tag | Page 19 of 49 | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost wedding ring somewhere in their backyard. It was lost sometime when they performing gardening work and filling their composting box. Started the search in all of the common areas in the grass and paths with no luck. I search the composting box and found many nails then continue on to some other areas, came back and got a good hit. Continue to follow the hit all the way down to the bottom of the box and there was the ring. They were very happy to have the ring returned to them.

Testimonial:  Jon, Thank you so much for finding Maria’s wedding ring! We never could have found it on our own. We will recommend you to anyone who needs your service. We sincerely appreciate your work.  -Jim & Maria

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”


Lost wedding ring Waikiki Found

  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started mid day on Easter Sunday. We were just winding down from watching the little ones search the yard for eggs when I got a call from Katie the wife of Kylee and she was asking if I was available to help her husband who just lost his wedding ring in the water out front the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. I assured her that help was on the way and immediately told my wife the unfortunate news and so we gathered up the family and I grabbed  my gear for underwater hunting. As we were leaving the house I noticed the sun was on its way down as it was getting closer to the evening. Within the next 50  minutes I called to let Katie know I’m almost there and will park and head towards them at the beach. I arrived at the hotel and quickly grabbed my gear and headed to the beach where I met Katie and Kylee. Kylee and Katie greeted me at the beach and both were very appreciative for coming out on Easter to help them look for their lost wedding ring. I encouraged them that this is what we as ring finders love to do… help find lost items. As I talked to Kylee about the incident and gathered as much information I needed, I noticed the tide changed and there would be a difference to where this ring could be now many hours later.  I encouraged the couple that I will do my best and get Kylees ring back on his hand. As I started my search I noticed there was a lot I’ve trash in the area. I continue to go on the line in which Kylee believes he lost it. Close to the shoreline not much farther out than that and maybe up to waist deep of water. And as I continue to search the area back-and-forth I noticed there is no sign of a ring. So I decide to move into deeper waters. And low and behold I get a beautiful tone on my equinox. I dig for the target and there in my Xtreme scoop is Kylee’s ring. I look up to notice Kylee is not looking at me and so I ask him « hey Kylee can you tell me what the ring looks like »? Kaylee says it’s all black and nothing really other to it. And so I ask another question,  « Are you sure? He stops for a moment and as his mind is in ajar I ask does it look like this? As I hold out his ring in my hand he says « YES! That’s it ». We both rejoice as the beautiful sun starts to set behind us. A couple in passing looks at us and asked you find anything good? Our response YES HIS WEDDING RING. As we walked back to our towels in the sand we both get our phones out to call our wives. I can hear his phone as he can hear mine… the first thing out of my wife’s mouth was… you find it? I responded with a happy yes! I could hear Katie excited on the other line as well. Kylee and I both smile as we know this was more than a lost and found… what started out as a day for my kids to find Easter eggs ended with daddy finding a beautiful wedding ring in Waikiki under the shade of the most beautiful sunset. Kylee and I both shake hands and head our ways back to our families we love so much… another great recovery and another precious recovery back to the rightful owner! Always a pleasure.


  • from Dunedin (Florida, United States)



I was scheduled to conduct a search for a lost wedding band on Honeymoon Island last Monday afternoon when I received a call from Derek and Rhiannon Sunday evening. Rhiannon’s beautiful wedding ring had slipped off her finger while the family was enjoying some beach time earlier in the day. Even though Rhiannon realized the loss almost immediately, the family was unable to locate the ring in the sand. As the family was leaving Honeymoon Island, they reported the lost ring to a park ranger and the ranger passed along my contact information.

Because Sunday was the end of a busy Easter holiday weekend, we set up a search time for early Monday morning, hopefully before the hobby detectorists began searching the beach. Derek and Rhiannon took me to the location where they were sitting (thankfully they had marked it well and it was beyond the high tide line) and after only about a 3 minute search, I uncovered the ring, pulled it from the sand, held it up to Rhiannon, and the tears of joy began to flow. I know you Ringfinders know this already, but there can not be anything more satisfying than returning a precious item to someone when they thought they might never see it again. I love my job!

Thank you to the rangers at Honeymoon Island for connecting me to Derek and Rhiannon and thanks for the generous reward!



Wedding rings lost at Silver Strand State Beach Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Yuliia took a walk south from The main Silver Strand State Beach, and with a simple hand movement, her wedding ring (a combination of 3 separate interlocking rings) flew off her finger and into the sand. She found my name on The Ring Finders site and gave me a call a couple of days later. We arranged to meet at the parking lot the following morning. My wife and I arrived at the prescribed time, met Yuliia, and we all took the mile walk south to the search area. Much to Yuliia’s credit, she took GPS coordinates and also remembered a particular log that was near where she lost the ring(s). She found the spot and I started my search. One short pass and a half and my first signal was a nice strong 10-11 on my Equinox. Out came the pin pointer and just and inch or two under the sand was her rings. A pleasure to meet you Yuliia and thank you for the reward.

Lost Gold Chain North Shore Found

  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

This recovery started out by a referral from one of Hawaii’s known Ringfinders Joe Au’ franz who called me and asked if I was available to help search for a lost gold chain in the ocean on the North Shore. I received the information I needed to contact Jojo Aka Mom and called her to let her know I’m  gathering my gear and will be heading out to meet them. As I was on the road I decided to call and get details. Jojo informed me that Her and her husband Alan are on their way to the beach also with scoop nets to try and help their son Justin who actually lost it the moment he dove into the water which was in waist to chest deep. When I got to the location Jojo sent Justin to the parking lot to meet me and show me to the place in where he believes the chain will be. As I get closer to the waters edge I see Alan Justin dad in the water looking. I asked Justin as we stood on the beach looking out at the water a few important questions regarding his recollection of the event and I gathered as much information as possible. There was surf and the tide started to change. So I knew this was gonna be a task. It’s been close to 3 hours since the drop and with our currents and surf a big thick gold chain can move around so I needed to get out in the surf quick as the day was coming to an end. I turned on the Minelab equinox and head out to where Justin recalls him losing the chain. I start my search and being diligent to grid very carefully all the while dodging waves as they pound over me. After a few passes I notice the chain is not where Justin remembers. I call Justin  into the water to ask a few more questions and got a little more information. So I started another approach… outside of the surf zone there is a drop off and since the tide is going out there could be a chance of it rolling into the deeper water. I carefully followed the trench line and came up short! Not a single tone. I needed to move quickly because time is of the essence. So, I start to go into shallower water and that’s where I started to get a lot of targets. Many sounding like Gold but to only find old aluminum and trash. As I continue to look in the shallow water I notice out of the corner of my eye Justin looking at me. It’s not a look of excitement but of HEY RINGFINDER… your in the wrong place. And knowing that look started to play with my mind. One part of me wants to please Justin and go back to the place he thinks but my knowledge of the ocean and metal detecting got the better of me and I turned away from looking towards Justin and continued to search the shallow waters. As I was in knee to ankle deep water I hear the tone of what could be Gold. I turn back over my shoulders to look at the family and as they were all looking towards me with many emotions I decided to turn away and dig this target. After the first scoop I see a huge gold chain slide out of the side of the scoop and fall back into the water. With excitement I turn to the family and yell… WE GOT IT! I put my had in the water a pull out Justin’s huge Gold 10mm chain. The family on the beach all screamed with joy as I held up the chain in the air to show what was lost is now found! People on the beach were looking as the family and I celebrated the recovery. Another beautiful day here in paradise a place we call home. Mahalo for the referral brother joe!


Lost Cartier Diamond Love Bracelet Found in South Kingstown Rhode Island

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

I received a call for help from Jen, after she lost her diamond Cartier bracelet somewhere on her 10-acre farm.  I told Jen that I would be happy to search for her bracelet the next day, which happened to be St. Patrick’s Day.  My wife accompanied me on the search.  Jen thought she may have lost it while she was feeding the farm animals.  My search included the outside pens and inside stalls of the horses, goats, and chickens but no bracelet was found.  After I confirmed that she had cleaned the animal stalls recently,  Jen directed me to an area at the far end of the property where wood chips and animal waste are dumped.  I searched this area and located half of the two-piece bracelet.   The second half could not be found in this same area.  I believed that it would probably be the areas where the animals are kept or where the hay and feed are stored.  I reminded my wife to keep an eye on the ground as it could be sitting there in plain sight.  Jen and I went to the pod where she keeps hay for the animals and went inside to search inside the storage container.  That’s when my wife looked down and found the other half of the bracelet sitting on top of  the ground in plain sight right outside the pod.  My wife and I were so excited and amazed that both halves of the bracelet were found and in different locations on this large property.  Jen was thrilled to have her bracelet back!  It was a very happy and lucky St. Patrick’s Day all around!


Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring Set in Gahanna, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost white gold diamond woman’s ring set. The set was lost in the snow and was unable to find it about three weeks early.

During that day when she lost her rings, she had visited many other locations, she had made many phone calls about her missing rings at the other places of business with no luck.

After metal detecting two other locations close by with no luck, the last place we looked, there was the rings. Found one then the other close by.

She was very happy to have her rings returned to her.


Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring Set in Gahanna, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring Set in Gahanna, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring Set in Gahanna, OH. “FOUND”

Gold and Diamond Ring Lost Swimming at Tutukaka 5 Weeks ago – Found.

  • from Paihia (New Zealand)
Ring Finder – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost ring? Lost necklace? Lost keys?… Metal Detector Service – Call ASAP 021 401626
When I hear about a lost ring, I do whatever I can to get it back to the owner,  This has become something of a ‘domino effect’ this month.
Liz was enjoying a swim at Kowharewa Bay in Tutukaka when she felt her ring slip off her finger and disappear into the water.
Efforts to visually locate it at the time were unsuccessful, so she posted on Facebook in the hope someone had/would find it.
Five weeks later, I was in the area delivering another ring back to a happy owner, and since I was so close…Well, it’d be rude not to have a go.
The bay was relatively shallow with a fine silt bed, perfect to swallow rings as soon as they touched the bottom. In amongst the Eagle Ray feeding holes were scattered scoop marks. I knew another trusted detectorist had had a go in the shallows, although he had been unsuccessful. I decided to concentrate my efforts wide of his earlier search, as I could always re-search his area once the incoming tide forced me in closer.
The water was calm, warm and clear which made a very pleasant change from my normal water searches in surf. I was enjoying not having to use the scoop, and instead just sinking down onto the seabed and fanning the silt away with my hand, to find yet another fishing weight, or pull tab off a can.
Accompanied by a school of fearless and inquisitive juvenile fish, I systematically searched the bay in the area where she thought she lost it. The pouch slowly filling up with lead and tabs along with assorted ancient car keys and bits of brass from boats that had passed by over the years.
About 2 hours into the search the phones whispered a bright, clean tone that (nearly) always tells me my search is over. I once again sank under the surface and wafted away the silt – my entourage of followers darting in instantly for any unlucky invertebrates lifted up into the water. As the cloud of silt and fish dispersed, there was the unmistakable outline of the edge of a ring in the bottom of the depression.
I picked it up, and the diamonds flashed in the sunlight, I discovered diving masks leak when you give a huge grin…
It was another fortnight before I could hand Liz her ring, completing a bizarre sequence of connected ring reunions:
I originally travelled down to Tutukaka to recover Merryns ring, lost in the surf at Whangaumu Bay.
After meeting Merryn at Tutukaka later to hand the ring over, I decided to have a go at recovering Lizs ring nearby that I’d read about on Facebook.
Two weeks later, and I’m back in Whangarei to hand Liz her ring, but I travelled down early and successfully recovered Karens ring, that had been shared on the local Metal Detecting Facebook group.
So, one recovery request leads to three separate recoveries and a trio of very happy people, none of whom have met, but all with a connection through TheRingFinders.

Wedding Ring Lost at Ocean Beach, Found after Two Months in the Sand

  • from Paihia (New Zealand)

Ring Finder – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost ring? Lost necklace? Lost keys?… Metal Detector Service – Call ASAP 021 401626

At the end of December, after a day at Ocean Beach near Whangarei, Karen arrived back home to realise she had lost her ring back at the beach.
She had taken it off to apply sunscreen and presumably left it on the towel, and flicked it off when she packed up.
She drove out again to try and find it with her friend who owned a metal detector, but had no luck.
Successive attempts by various people with detectors were also unsuccessful, and she had all but given it up as lost.
As is often the case, it was the sentimental rather than the monetary value that hurt the most.

I was in the Whangarei area to hand over another previously found ring and had come down very early to spend some time at Ocean Beach to see if I could find her lost wedding ring.

Sitting in the carpark just before dawn, I went through her Facebook post again. She had noted several crucial times: When she was at the beach initially, and also when she went back to look and found the tide had covered the spot. Quick flick back to the December tide tables allowed me to work out how far below high tide mark she had been sitting.
She had also had the presence of mind to take photos of landmark alignments which while giving a relatively accurate fix, could equally work against us if a casual detectorist had intentionally sought to pocket it.

A very small white gold ring, lost on a popular surf beach with nearly a two month headstart and an accurate description of the location posted on social media, I wasn’t too optimistic to be honest – but you have to believe it’s there… having that valuable edge of experience to sway the odds in your favour helps.

It was still dark and no moon, but I could see the silhouette of the landmarks against the city glow behind the hills. After a few dry runs to get the best of three guesses as to location, I took the average of the three and started the grid.

Within fifteen minutes, I had the ring in the pouch.

I posted a photo of the ring as a reply to Karens original post, and hoped she would see it before I had to head back north. She did, and several hours later, I met up with Karen and handed her ring back to her.

Two rings handed back in one day – It’s a good feeling.

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Cap Sante Marina Anacortes WA

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call ASAP 206-618-8194

Like, share and subscribe to this exciting video of John’s platinum wedding ring recovery.

On a Sunday morning I received the following message.

Is this Jeff Morgan? I found your contact info on ring finders. I accidentally dropped my platinum wedding ring off the dock in the Anacortes marina last night. I figured it was gone for good but my wife suggested I do some investigation and see if there was anyone who could possibly find it. The water depth there is between 8 and 10 feet depending on the tide. Sorry to bother you on a Sunday morning, but if there is any chance at getting it back I’d be super grateful after 15 years of marriage!

Within minutes of reading his message we were on the phone discussing details and set a plan for a dive recovery a few short days later.

On the day of the recovery we had cold weather however the Puget Sound was calm with no rain. John was able to easily recall and point out exactly where he was standing when he was attempting to flick off some slime from his hand when his ring shot off straight into the water below. 

I measured the depth at 17 feet deep, scanned the waters for stray electrical currents, and prepared all of my gear.  I also placed my marine radio set to the marina channel at the end of John’s boat as another piece of safety mitigation. When working in an active marina there is a lot of concerns and precautions that need to be taken into account for a safe and successful outcome. With cold water diving in active waters this is a task you should leave to a trained and experienced specialist to perform. 

On this dive I chose to use a drop line and my PVC gird system to ensure a safe hassle free recovery. During the dive as I already expected his ring was not visually available with all the silt on the sea floor. If you loose an item don’t think for a minute you going to jump in to freezing cold water and just dive down and find a lost wedding ring, cell phone or car keys. They are heavy and ninety-nine percent of the time hidden under a layer of silt. Once a diver reaches the bottom the silt will cloud up into the water column and you can quickly become disoriented with near zero visibility conditions. 

When I reached the drop zone and put my tools to work I quickly located his wedding ring under a cloud of zero visibility silt. Thank you Lord for another successful recovery! This man’s cherished wedding ring will be returned to his finger and its story will continue on.

Of course after I surfaced and reunited John with his heavy platinum wedding ring of fifteen years he was very appreciative of my recovery services.

If you lost an item of value reach out to me directly for a quick chat so I can formulate a recovery plan for you!



CALL 206-618-8194
