lost wedding band Tag | Page 78 of 88 | The Ring Finders

Venice Beach Resident Lost Ring in Sand .. Found by TheRingFinder Member

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Even after many years living on the beach, you can not be too careful with your valuables. The sand can hide your dropped jewelry in seconds.

Jeff and Fran live on the beachfront in the Santa Monica / Venice Beach area. They spend much of their time on the beach at the towel line nearest to the water. Today Fran asked Her husband, Jeff to give his gold wedding ring for her to put in her bag for safe keeping.
After a few hours Fran notice the ring was missing from her bag. They had not moved so they were sure the ring was in the sand. Two hours later their attempts to find the ring was useless. Fran went to the nearest lifeguard tower to ask for suggestions. The lifeguard recommended they Google search TheRingFinders.com also suggesting that they call me.
They called me and I asked them to stay on the spot or Mark where they where. The traffic is always unpredictable but I was still able to meet them before they had to leave. That made it an easy search. With a few swings of my detector I had a solid signal which turned out to be Jeff’s ring. They were very grateful and told me this was 37 years of being married and living here in Santa Monica/Venice Beach. It was a pleasure to meet them and help them find their ring.

Ring recovered Friday 10-9-15 using a Minelab CTX3030 metal detector.

White gold rind recovered from Commerce City park

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Patrick was out playing in the local park with his son with a boomerang type toy. Being afraid of losing his ring, Patrick took off his ring and placed it in his son’s hat which was on the ground. As they were bringing their play time to an end, Patrick’s son went to pick up his hat when he noticed it was crawling with ants so he gave his hat a kick. And with that Patrick’s ring went flying and disappeared into the grass. Patrick went to a local metal detector store and rented a detector. After several minutes of searching he had not found his ring and ended up calling me for help. Luckily I was only a couple of minutes away and even though I was running late for a dinner date with friends and my wife I couldn’t resist helping out.

After 15 minutes of searching my CTX gave me a nice ring signal, there sat Patrick’s ring peeking out of the grass. Quickly we gave high-fives and snapped a couple of photos so that I could race home to my diner date.

Ring Recovered 10-10-15

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Ring Lost at Silver Strand Found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Alisha contacted me about her lost wedding ring. She had been to Silver Strand State Beach with her family last Sunday, and lost it out in the surf. She was in waist deep water when it slid off her finger and into the sand below. The visibility of the water at the time was poor, and try as they might, they were unable to retrieve it. Heartbroken and discouraged, she figured it was lost forever. Just contacting me gave her a small ray of hope, as I explained what needed to be done. We agreed to meet at the location where she could show me the search area. Having not taken any specific landmarks or photos to show the exact area, we would just have to do our best. She even waded out into the surf to give me an idea as to how far from the beach and how close to the breakers she had been. The conditions were not good. Very close intervals between waves that would sometimes overrun each other producing very powerful water flow and made it hard to keep your place to grid and/or scoop. After gridding both directions for about an hour and a half with my trusty Excalibur, I had only found 6 targets. 2 iron sounds that kept falling through the scoop until lost, 3 pieces of scrap metal, and finally, a ring. I headed up on the beach where Alisha was doing some business work while she was waiting, and asked to see a photo of the ring again. When she brought it up on her phone, I knew I had THE one! A happier person you will never see. I was pretty happy myself! Both for making her happy, and also,  that I didn’t have to go back out in that surf to get pounded again! With a beautiful sunset, it ended a beautiful day and a continuing ring story. A pleasure to meet you Alisha and thank you for the very generous reward.

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  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 09/06/15, I received a phone call from a gentleman regarding a lost wedding band. The gentleman advised me that he was fishing at Cape Henlopen State Park in Lewes, Del. when his rose gold wedding ring slipped off his finger and fell into the sand. The gentleman asked if I would assist him in locating his lost ring. I assured the gentleman that I would help him and that I would meet him at the site of the lost ring in a few minutes. I quickly gathered my equipment and responded to the state park where I met the gentleman and he took me to the area of the lost ring. After about five minutes I heard the sound that I was looking for and then recovered the ring with one scoop of the sand scoop. The ring was then returned to its rightful owner. Another fast recovery and another satisfied client. image

Ring lost at Ocean Beach found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Troy and Sara were enjoying a day at Ocean Beach. Troy decided to take a swim. He did so with his wedding ring on. Not one of his better decisions that weekend, but, as it turns out, not his worst one either! (He drowned his phone the next day!) Troy wasn’t exactly sure where the ring came off and didn’t really know who to call at that point. They decided to post a lost ring ad on Craig’s list and saw my ad there. They called me with the details, but, since they live in the L.A. area and were back home.  they couldn’t meet me at the beach at 2:45 am (low tide)……not that they would have wanted to meet at that hour if they lived here! Troy gave me his description of the area, and knowing that beach pretty well, I felt I could conduct a search without him. Braving the elements, alright, it was  a nice, warm, calm, moonlit morning, I started my grid pattern with my trusty Excalibur 15″ WOT combo. Surf was rather rough but since he lost the ring at high tide, and I’m hunting when the tide is 6 feet lower, it should be in the wet sand. After searching for a couple of hours, and having my grid lines wiped out continuously by rogue waves, I’d come up empty. I returned to my starting point and headed the other direction, but, that took me out of the designated search area. I made 3-4 more passes and was about to call it a night (morning?) when I got a nice signal half way from my glow stick marker and the surf. Bingo! Yahtzee! Uno! Troy’s ring is in the scoop! I emailed Troy (his phone was drowned remember) and told him the good news and that I would contact him when I woke up at noon. They made the trip down to San Diego that night and were reunited with the ring. A pleasure to meet you both and thank you for the reward.

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Lost wedding band found and returned in Chatham, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Alex a rs

Alex had made a wedding band for his bride and she had made his. A beautiful pair of rings and a couple with many wonderful memories between them. And now they have one more memory. How Alex lost his ring while taking an evening beach stroll to watch a sunset. The next morning was spent raking and sifting through the sand. Only one quarter was found and that was by their son. They did have the presence of mind to inform the lifeguards who told Alex of TheRingFinders.com.

That were I came into the scenario.

After I received an E-mail I called Alex, asked a few pertinent questions and headed for the beach at 5:30am the next morning. I was lucky, Alex had remembered the precise area of loss and described it perfectly. However the previous night’s high tide was very high and washed all the way to the dunes. The sand was now pristine and very easy to grid. Though Alex had said the ring was most likely lost above the high tide line, the tide was coming in and I had to make a few passes at the water’s edge, just in case the ring was washed down the beach’s slope. Only an old pocket knife was retrieved from its sandy resting place. Back to the now dry sand I made another two passes and then bingo…the ring was in my scoop. Beautiful, the sun was rising over the dune, the ring had risen from its sandy spot and I was on my way to return the ring. I first called at a bit after 7am, no answer, had a cup of Dunkin’s Coffee, called again, still no answer, so I headed home. Just a few minutes later Alex returned my call. He gave me directions to his vacation home. I made the U-turn and Alex was wearing his ring about 45 minutes after I had found it.

One of the pictures below show the pair of hand made wedding bands, where they belong. The one above is for The Book of Smiles.

Ring rs

rings rs

Nantucket Sound, Cape Cod takes Ring, TheRingFinders found lost ring and returned it!

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Mary rs

Ring rs

High seas and strong waves stripped Mary’s engagement ring off her finger as she waded with her young child in her arms. A day of frantic searching by several family members and other beach goers did not yield a successful find. Not wanting to give up Mary did a search for help on the internet. She found my profile on TheRingFinders.com, gave me a call and E-mailed me with a request for help.

Less than a hour later I was at the beach, asked pertinent questions such as type of metal, time of day the ring left her finger, how deep she was, and where she was. With that information I was about to start my search pattern when a beach goer offered more information as he remembered the loss. OK, I modified the area I was going to search and began. I started high on the wet sand and worked toward the water. On the turn to make the third pass a lower than expected tone was buzzing in my ears. I did not think it was the object of search until I saw one third of the ring’s white gold band shining in the sand – the alloying metal in white gold will cause a lower tone than yellow gold on the detector I was using. But, when on a search I dig all targets! A good practice. I took the scoop, sand and ring to Mary for her to retrieve the ring.

Many onlookers passed congratulations and hugs around. Pictures of smiles and the ring were taken and stories were exchanged. I was even asked if I had found a UMASS ring…lost 12 years ago at the same beach. No, not me. But I will ask around if anyone might have found it. That would be great, to locate and have it returned after so many years.

It is always wonderful when a search ends in success. I really enjoy helping those that can use a bit of luck with the expertise I possess.
Smiles on.

Ring Lost at Fiesta Island Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Christen called me with the typical tale of woe. Her husband, of a little over a month, had removed his ring to apply skin lotion and placed the ring in the beach chair pocket for safekeeping. They prepare to leave, chair gets folded up, ring ends up in sand. Since they didn’t notice it missing until they got home, the trick was figuring out just exactly where it was lost. After searching and retracing their steps as best they could, they went to the internet for help. Maybe rent a detector? Wait a minute, spend $60 to rent one and I still need to learn how to use it? Let’s go to plan B, getting someone with experience who has better equipment than the average rental detector. This is where I came in. I met Christen at the parking area and walked with her over to where they had been camped the previous day. She remembered being between two landmarks, so, that’s where I started my search. After my gridding the area for a little while, and finding lots of pull tabs, I was right about midway between the two landmarks. Good signal, scooped and found the ring. Good job getting me in the correct spot! Let the ring story continue! It was a pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.

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Found Diamond Wedding Ring South Edmonton, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


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Chris called me on Tuesday in regards to his wife’s lost wedding ring which was thought to have been in the back yard. As I had other commitments I told Chris that I would be available on Friday evening, and that since the ring was lost in their back yard, it would be safe. Amanda was very distressed about her ring and  I reassured them both that if the ring was there I would find it for them.

Amanda told me she had been in the back yard for a couple of hours with friends, visiting and playing with their children. They then had gone inside the house for a while. When her friends left and after putting her daughter down for a nap, she realized that her ring was missing. Panic set in.

Amanda and Chris looked for the ring but had no luck.  Then Amanda went on Google to check about renting a metal detector.  Our website came up and she contacted me.

Amanda showed me the area in the back yard where she had been. I went to work slowly checking all possible areas in both the front and back yard as I knew how import this ring was to her.  Two hours later, I had to tell Chris and Amanda that the ring was not outside.  Amanda burst out crying. I told them that it had to be inside.  They told me that they had looked every where in the house and so I asked Amanda to retrace her steps.

She told me she had been in the freezer and the refrigerator.  Chris had also taken the plumbing apart in the bathroom incase the ring had fallen while Amanda was washing her hands.

I asked many questions and  Amanda told me she had been sitting on their leather couch.   Chris had already checked the couch but I needed to check for myself.   We turned it over and I checked the inside of the couch, and between the back rest and the cushions.  I then checked around the back support of the couch and found the ring.  I shouted « Bingo ».Amanda jumped out of her chair with enormous relief.

Thank you Chris & Amanda for entrusting me and The Ring Finders to reunite your wedding ring. Thank you for the generous reward.


Wedding ring Found in Ocean Beach

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

David and his wife were working in a community garden and after the planting was done, David realized his wedding ring was gone! What to do? The internet comes to the rescue. They found me through my Craig’s list ad and called me for help. Once I got to the search area, I realized I was going to have to use the small coil and turn down the sensitivity as there was a lot of mesh metal fencing all over the garden. We were able to move some of them but some were permanent, so, I’d just have to make do. Working backward from when he discovered the ring missing to when he started, I started my search with my trusty E-trac. After about 10-15 minutes, I got a nice 12-17 next to one of the freshly installed plants. About 2 inches down was his ring. Since his wife had a matching one, we were able to confirm it was his and return him to the world of married men again! Pleasure to meet you both and thank you for the reward.

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