lost wedding band Tag | Page 27 of 88 | The Ring Finders


  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

Hannah lost her rose gold diamond ring in the back yard of her boyfriend, Bradley’s house. I received a call from Bradley, but a 3 week trip delayed the hunt. While he was waiting, he borrowed and rented detectors and attempted to find the ring. No luck. When I returned from my trip, I headed out to find the still-lost ring. Carrie was busy but I still brought her equipment. The search area was not large but contained a lot of coins and buried metal. That along with no published data on rose gold discrimination numbers created a lot of “false finds”. After Bradley and I covering the area without locating the ring, (Carrie’s equipment was put to good use) we started a sectioned, crawling, pin pointer search (I made this term up). On the last section I looked in an area we had not included in the original search. There, in the shade of a neighbor’s building, was the ring sitting on bare dirt, fully visible. Sometimes being lucky is better than being good. We reunited Hannah with her ring and got a load of pictures. Carrie regrets not being there for the successful hunt.

Thank you, Bradley and Hannah for the generous reward.

Lost wedding band in Sand at Taupo Bay – Found!

  • from Paihia (New Zealand)
 Taupo Bay is a beautiful surf beach, and whilst the bigger waves can be powerful, the shallow runout wash into the beach shallows is an ideal place to play with the kiddies while on holiday – As Michael was doing with his 2yo daughter this morning.

As he lifted her up out of the water though, he felt his platinum wedding ring of 7 years slip off his finger – and vanish.

Rings sink almost instantly in mobile sands, and efforts to locate it were fruitless.

This afternoon, Michael posted on the local Taupo Bay social media group asking people to be on the lookout for it.

Word filtered through to me, and knowing the ring would already be under the sand, I got in contact with Michael.
The tide was approaching full, and a similar tide state to when Michael lost his ring, so I dropped everything and headed up – Worst case, I could work the last of the rising tide, and then follow it back down again into the night if necessary.
On arrival, I asked Michael to mark a line down the beach as his best guess as to the alignment the ring might be on, « We’ll see how good you are », I said with a grin.This would be my reference for the grid extending out either side.With the tide rising, I started in the water and worked my way ashore.
Aside from a few ‘teasers’, likely deep fishing sinkers or pulltabs off drink cans, the beach was pleasantly clear of trash.

I emerged out of the shallows and continued the grid into the edge of the waters reach.
As I passed Michaels line in the sand, I got a nice low ‘double-hit’ of a shallow target.
I dug my hand in, and from about 2 inches down, emerged the ring – Smack in the middle of Michaels line!

I’ve often had rings up to 30-40metres, or more, away from the « It’s Here » mark, but never actually exactly on the line. Definitely one for the books.

With the ring handed back, a handshake and a few photos, I was on my way back home.

And Michael was out of the ‘doghouse’🙂

Pendants lost at South Mission Bay Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Danielle was playing with a puppy who came up to her on the beach, when the dog snagged her necklace breaking it. She had two pendants on that chain fall off into the dry sand. The next day I was contacted by Danielle after she found my phone number on The Ring Finders website. We made arrangements to meet that afternoon to define the search area and get the particulars on how they were lost and what I would be looking for. It sounded like a nice easy one for a change….wrong.  We met at the site, and as luck would have it, a group of people were camped in and on the edge of the search area. Since I was looking for both a small silver pendant and larger gold one (one that had belonged to her grandmother), every non-ferrous target would have to be scooped so nothing was missed. Good thing they weren’t made of steel, as the place is paved with nails and other ferrous fire ring debris. I gridded the entire area that I could without having to displace the folks that were camped there, but, couldn’t find either pendant. The people camped there were curious as to what I was looking for, and were nice enough to move some of their gear so I could expand the search area a bit into where they were set up. Still nothing.  We figured, as unlikely as it was, that someone must have spotted them and picked them up since the time they were lost. I asked Danielle to send me any photos she may have of the two pendants and I’d keep them on file in case I ran across someone who may have detected that area and found them. It was a nice day and I decided to stay and detect for a while. I went up the beach an eighth of a mile or so and worked my way back hoping by the end of the afternoon everyone would be gone and I’d have the whole area to myself. I made it back to the original search area just before sunset, everyone was gone, and I completely gridded the area where I couldn’t search earlier. Sure enough, just slightly out of the search area where the previous folks had parked their wagon (which we hadn’t moved), I got a signal that turned out to be the silver pendant. A careful search of the surrounding sand and the gold pendant’s weak low tone signal came through the nail and junk infested site and into my headphones. Danielle was very happy to get her family heirloom back again. A pleasure to meet you and thanks for the reward.

18k White and Yellow Gold Wedding Band Lost After Blizzard Snowstorm Swept Through Bracebridge, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Elaine & Adam arrived home to Bracebridge, Ontario after celebrating Christmas with Family outside the Toronto GTA area.

During the Christmas holiday break there was a massive blizzard hitting Canada from the west coast, right across the prairies, into many parts of Ontario as well as the United States.

After Elaine & Adam parked their car in the neighbours driveway, Adam set up a tripod and camera to capture the snowfall with themselves showing the height of the snow accumulation. I was a beautiful photo! They then broke through the 6’ high snowbank at the bottom of their driveway and proceeded to the front door falling numerous times due to the depth of the snow.

When Adam noticed his wedding band was missing they spent the whole day clearing snow outside but gave up when it was dark and then called you.

I received and text from Elaine and called her immediately to set up a date and time.

After my half day of work I proceeded directly up to Bracebridge, set up my gear at the back of my car, walked over to the starting point where Adam set up the tripod / camera and wouldn’t you know it, I spotted the ring 7’ away in ice on the roadway!!

I started the video interview with Elaine and moved right into the surprise recovery and reveal! Shear disbelief!

Check out the video and the reaction here;

What an incredible feeling and how lucky we were to find it before the next snow clearing event!

I am so honoured to help Elaine & Adam recover this sentiment wedding band but I too was blown away at the extremely generous donation they made to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! They made me cry because I really felt my work was valued! They not only received their precious wedding ring back but also received a tax receipt for the donation!

Thank you so very much Elaine and Adam! It was such a pleasure to help on the misadventure of your wedding band!


14k Gold Wedding Band Lost in a Snowy Toronto Backyard

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Craig and his Husband Alex were preparing for the upcoming festive Christmas season.

Craig was busy in the backyard trimming some evergreens and trimming this years Christmas tree. An hour went by and after sitting at his computer he realized his 4 month old wedding band was missing.

Craig figured his wedding band must have come off his finger in the backyard prepping the Christmas tree. He googled metal detectors and The Ring Finders directory popped up.

Ring Finder member Paul wasn’t available so I sprung into action.

I started grid searching the backyard and figured that with the weight of Alex’s matching wedding band I had to search the entire back yard due to trajectory.

Thank goodness I expanded the search because the ring was in the very back of the yard hiding in behind a small Buddha statue!

Check out the video and Craig’s reaction!

Craig and Alex are extremely happy and I thank them for the wonderful dinner and the generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation. Craig also receives a tax receipt!

From Mombo Beach, Curacao to Denmark, an unexpected return!

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

November 15, 2022
My vacation in Curacao ended with an unexpected ring return. While detecting at Mombo Beach I found an initial ring, my second ring found on the first day in Vacation Land. No one around had lost or knew of anyone losing a ring. Five days later Leighton, my RingFinders traveling companion, was asked to help find a ring that was just lost. Two minutes later he had found and returned the ring. As it usually happens a happy commotion of joy was spread along the beach when a return is made. One of the onlookers, Jordan, was among the onlookers and when he had a chance, he asked Leighton if he had also found an initial ring, he had a picture of. Leighton said no but he took a look at the picture and would ask the other detectorist who was some distance down the beach.

Leighton’s description from the photo he viewed sounded like I had the ring I had found. A walk back to talk with Jordan took a few minutes. When together we were told the story of the ring’s loss and history which verified the ring’s ownership.

Jordan’s girlfriend, Anne, had been swimming when the ring slipped from her finger. The ring was her great-grandfather’s ring with two dates engraved on the inside of the ring and initials for DH on the face of the ring. It was her ring. But she would have to wait until January to wear it again. Anne had returned to The Netherlands and Jordan would not follow until his return in January.

Now back on Cape Cod, I have great memories of a wonderful vacation and an unusual and unexpected return.

Massive gold signet ring lost, recovered and returned in Wallingford, PA

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

John reached out to me after finding me in the Ring Finder directory. He was looking for help in finding his 60 year old gold signet ring that came up  missing at his Wallingford, PA home after a day raking leaves. After considering buying or renting a detector himself he decided to hire a pro instead. I met John at his home the next day and he shared the details of where he was working in his yard. After a quick demonstration of my machine to prove to him I would not miss his ring if I scan over it…I went to work. He thought the ring most likely fell off in the front yard…so I started my search there…no luck. Off to the back yard we went…still no luck. Ok…time to step up my game! Back to the front yard with an expanded search…BOOM! I got that glorious gold surface tone in my headphones…I look down and there was his beautiful, massive gold ring! I called out to John who was sitting nearby…I was so happy to see the big smile on his face when he saw his ring in my hand!


Heirloom Platinum and Diamond Band lost, recovered and returned in Philadelphia, PA!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Gavin reached out to me after a google search led him to the Ring Finder Directory. After a brief conversation I learned of his wife, Brianne’s, lost platinum diamond wedding band. It was handed down to her from multiple generations and carried extreme sentimental value. Apparently she was throwing a ball to her dog at a local park near their home when she felt the ring slip off her finger. They searched for hours on their own before recruiting a youngster with a metal detector next door to aid in the search. After much frantic searching without success they got in touch with me. I arrived at their home later that same day…while they were somewhat skeptical that I would find the ring based on the search area and leaves on the ground…I confidently(arrogantly?) told them I would find the ring in less than 10 minutes! I felt like Babe Ruth calling for the homer! Anyway…we got to the area where the incident occurred and sure enough it was a pretty big area and lots of leaves! But Brianne did a great job marking the area and describing exactly how and where she was throwing when the ring came off. I would have liked for her to have seen rather than just felt the ring come off…but was still pretty confident that it was there.

I wasn’t aware till later that Gavin had been timing me after my claim to find in 10 minutes! Anyway, I gridded the area where i figured the ring must be and on my 3rd pass I got that sweet surface gold/platinum tone in my headphones. I swept some leaves away with my foot…Brianne standing by my side… and pointed to the ground! I think she was initially surprised and somewhat skeptical…then she saw the ring! The first thing she did after picking up the ring was give a big hug to her husband…which was awesome! We laughed and were all so happy. I asked how long the search took…9 minutes!!!

Such a nice couple…I was so happy to be able to come through for them!

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Ashville, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost ring on her property that was lost while completed the daily chores with the bees. She had place the ring in her back pocket which happened to be the same pocket that she used to hold her phone. While completed the chores, she receiving a phone call, the ring must of have flipped the ring out of her pocket. The walking distance is in the area of about an acre of grass. Performing the search in all the areas that was walked to and from each location. Then while searching around the bees, there was the ring hiding in the tall grass. She was very happy with Joy to have the ring return to her.

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Ashville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Ashville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Ashville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Ashville, OH. “FOUND”




20k Wedding Ring Lost! In The Uplands Neighborhood, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



Edwin called me requesting my service to locate his wife’s 20k yellow gold wedding ring which she lost while getting into her car. Edwin told me it was the first time in her life she had seen and touched snow. She shook her hand before getting into the car and the ring flew off her finger. They looked for a few hours searching with no luck but within 5 minutes I had her ring back on her finger, Both where delighted to have the ring back.