how to find a lost ring Tag | Page 9 of 131 | The Ring Finders

Lost Wedding Ring in the surf, Bradley Beach NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

On day one of the vacation, what is the number one priority for most at the Jersey Shore ? You guessed it, head to the beach. And thats exactly what Eric and his family did. What almost ended in tragedy, ended up being a memory that will last forever. Eric was playing with his daughter down where the waves push up onto the beach, when things took a turn for the worst. His absolutely stunning wedding ring slipped off his finger and into the water, and within seconds disappeared out of sight. they searched for what seemed like hours, without any luck. Thats when Eric figured he better call for some help, knowing it may be his last chance of ever seeing his wedding ring again. He gave me all the details, and I agreed to be on location ASAP, as the tide was going to turn, and start coming in. Eric also marked the exact location with google maps on his cell phone, which is a huge benefit, especially when he was not able to meet me on the beach. I quickly searched down the slope to about knee deep without any signs of his ring. The water was ice cold, so rather than using my wetsuit, I ran back to the truck and threw on my waders. I knew it wasn’t that deep, as Erik assured me he was holding his daughters hand when the ring slipped off. I made a few more passes going just a bit deeper. Eric showed up just about then, and we confirmed the mark was right on the spot he was sitting all day long. Just a few more passes and the ring was in my scoop. Nothing better than turning tragedy, into memories.

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Yellow Gold Mans Wedding Band Lost/Found At Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

I received a call regarding a lost yellow gold mans wedding band (with 10-27-23 engraved inside) on the beach in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The ring was lost on 07/20/24, while James was enjoying a day at the beach. James had placed his treasured ring in a zippered bag for safe keeping, when he decided to put his ring back on his finger he found that it was no longer in the bag. There had been several people who were going in and out of the bag so James felt that the ring had fallen out of the bag and into the sand. I was given the possible location of the lost ring as being on the beach south of Prospect Street at the South end of Rehoboth boardwalk and about three quarters of the way out towards the water. I searched the area for about an hour and a half with no luck in finding the ring. With the ring being lost in the sand for six days prior to my searching for it I felt that the sand rake had gotten it and moved it or that it had been found by someone else with a metal detector. Feeling that I had done my best to find the ring, I began to walk back to the boardwalk while still swinging my metal detector, I all of a sudden heard a familiar tone in my headset and upon digging the item up I found that it was James lost ring. I then promptly took a photo of the ring and texted the photo to James who was happy to get the news. James was in his home state of Maryland at which time he was attending a wedding. I was told that upon hearing the news of the ring being recovered, everyone at the wedding had asked for my cell number.  James was on his way to Bethany Beach on 07/27/24 so I met him in the parking lot of a local business at which time I reunited him with his lost ring.

White Gold Mans Wedding Band Lost/Found At Cape Henlopen State Park Lewes, Delaware

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

I received a call from Scott regarding his lost white gold wedding band that had been lost at Cape Henlopen State Park in Lewes, Delaware on the beach. Scott said that he had been throwing a football to his son and that his ring flew off of his finger and landed in the wet sand just as a wave washed over top of it. Scott said that he ran over to try to recover his ring, but the ring disappeared into the sand as the water covered it. The ring had been lost several hours prior to low tide so when I arrived it was actually low tide and the area of the lost ring was just wet sand. Scott showed me the area that he had marked where the ring was lost, I began to check the area and with a few swings of the metal detector the lost ring was found and returned to its rightful owner. A spectator who was watching me recover the ring approached me and gave me a fist bump and the group of people that he was with up on the dry sand of the beach were cheering and clapping.

Lost Silver Mans Wedding Ring Lost/Found At Rehoboth Beach Delaware

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 07/31/24, I was contacted by Josh regarding a silver wedding ring that he had lost on the beach at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Josh had taken his ring off and placed it inside of his baseball cap for safe keeping while he went swimming. After he came out of the water Josh placed his hat back on his head forgetting that his ring was inside of it. The ring fell out of the baseball cap and landed in the dry sand where it quickly disappeared and became lost. Josh marked the area where he believed that the ring was in the sand with his sneakers. I began a search of the area and the lost ring was found about a foot away from the sneakers. The ring was then returned to its rightful.


  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

During a lively family water balloon toss in his front yard, Darin’s new wedding ring slipped off his finger. On his boss’s advice, he contacted Crystal Coast Ring Finders. I arrived within an hour and enlisted Darin’s son, Roman, to assist in the search. Several deep targets were dismissed before my detector signaled a strong hit. Roman, wielding my pinpointer, homed in on the signal. The pinpointer buzzed over the buried ring. Digging with his fingers, Roman exclaimed, « Found it! » The family, gathered on the front porch, shared in the excitement. Roman’s contribution was invaluable.

Lost cross found with metal detector , Seaside Heights NJ (Sunset Beach) recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

The night prior to Carries phone call, her son and some friends were over in Seaside Height NJ, on a small but well-known beach they call Sunset Beach. The were messing around like all teenage kids do, when his chain broke and his cherished cross went missing. It was pretty dark that night, but that did not deter their search efforts. Unfortunately they came up empty handed. They returned the following morning and again had no luck. The cross and location were posted on one of the local Facebook pages, where Carrie grabbed my number and called to set up the recovery. She gave me exact details of where the chain had broken, and within minutes, the cross was in my scoop. I immediately called Carrie, and we agreed to meet down the road in about 15 minutes.  Another fantastic recovery of a cherished keepsake in the books.

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Lost Wedding Ring… Found!! Jersey City, NJ

  • from Millburn (New Jersey, United States)
🔍 Lost in Translation but Found with Precision: A Wedding Ring Recovery Story 💍
We recently had one of those unforgettable metal detecting adventures that prove the power of determination and a bit of luck!
A man accidentally dropped his wedding ring out of a window, and it vanished into the grass below. To make things even more interesting, he spoke only Ukrainian, while our metal detectorist only spoke English. 🌐
Despite the language barrier, we were united by one clear goal: finding that precious ring. With a few pictures of where the ring might be, hand gestures, smiles, and nods, we set to work. The detector beeped, and after a bit of digging through the grass, there it was—the lost wedding ring, safely in hand once more! 🎉
This experience reminded us that sometimes, no words are needed when it comes to helping people. A shared mission, a bit of patience, and a lot of focus can overcome any obstacle. Whether it’s language differences or the challenge of finding a tiny ring in a big yard, we’re always up for the adventure! 🌟
If you’ve lost something important, don’t let anything stop you from getting it back. We’re here to help, no translation needed!
#LostAndFound #MetalDetecting #WeddingRingRecovery

Lost Wedding Ring… Found Millburn/Short Hills, NJ

  • from Millburn (New Jersey, United States)
🌟 A Heartwarming Recovery: Lost Wedding Ring Found with a Metal Detector 🌟
We recently had the privilege of helping a gentleman recover something incredibly special: a lost wedding ring. 💍
After a lovely dinner, one of our clients was tossing his keys to his wife when, by accident, his wedding ring went flying along with them. Unfortunately, the ring was lost in the grass of their front yard. Despite the best efforts to locate it, the ring was nowhere to be found. That’s when he reached out to us.
Armed with our trusty metal detector, we carefully scanned the area, determined to reunite him with his cherished symbol of love. After around 20 minutes, the detector beeped—there it was, nestled beneath the grass! The look of relief and joy on his face when he saw that ring was priceless. 💍
It’s moments like these that remind us why we do what we do. We’re not just finding lost items—we’re helping people recover memories, emotions, and the little things that mean the most. 💖
If you’ve ever lost something valuable or sentimental, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you find your treasures! #LostAndFound #MetalDetecting #WeddingRingRecovery

Dauphin Island – Lost diamond ring

I got a call from Todd asking if I found rings. Well, yes sir, I do my best – tell me your story.

Todd and his wife were visiting Dauphin Island from Arkansas and this was their second day here. His wife had put her wedding ring on the chair and then accidentally knocked it off. He shared with me that they had been crawling around on hands and knees for a couple of hours looking for it.  They weren’t far away from me so I was there within 15 min.

Todd met me and took me down to the beach where they had set up. Fortunately it was a beach house that wasn’t on the public beach, and it was a fairly narrow strip of sand. The chairs had already been removed, so Todd pointed me to the area they had been sifting the sand with their fingers. It was hot as blue blazes outside with an excessive heat warning that day so I uttered a quick prayer that this would be an easy recovery ! Not to mention I was also recovering from a bout with Covid and my stamina and energy was definitely not back up to normal yet.

I set out with my trusty Minelab Equinox 900, mentally mapped out an area to grid, and started swinging. I warned Todd that pull tabs sound a little like rings and told him don’t get too excited if I scooped a target. Less than a dozen swings of my coil, I got a promising signal. A few gentle shakes of my scoop and there was his wife’s ring. Thankfully one of my easiest recoveries yet and another beach vacation saved !

Necklace and Engagement Ring Lost, Beach Haven NJ, LBI, Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

It was another fantastic day in New Jersey so Denise and her family decided to pack up and head to the beach. Denise’s nephew loves the beach, especially flying kites when the wind is just right. Prior to flying the kite, she removed her necklace and engagement ring. Denise slipped the necklace through her ring and secured the clasp, then placed them both in her top pocket for safe keeping. They both had ran all over the soft white sand, almost covering the entire block, well about 2/3 of it anyhow. It was later on when she looked in the pocket and , OH NO, both were missing. Everyone searched the area for quite some time when they decided a metal detector was needed. They headed down to the local store and purchased one, figuring the necklace would soon be located. Well, unfortunately that did not work, so they decided to call in a professional. Once I arrived and got all the details, I covered the entire area where they were flying the kite, figuring that was the most  likely area they would have fallen out of her top pocket. With nothing to show for my effort, we decided the next most traveled area was the top of the tide line, and down a bit to the low tide mark. After a few passes, I asked them to move back a little, and sure enough, very close to the chairs, was the spot my metal detector sniffed out the ring and necklace. Everyone was totally amazed, and the best I can figure, either the necklace never made it into her top pocket, or coincidently it fell out right in the area they had set up the chairs and stuff. Regardless another happy ending !!!!

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