how to find a lost ring in the water Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold diamond wedding ring lost inside Airbnb, found by Florida Ring Finder…Kissimmee, Florida!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Prompt Metal Detecting Service available now…Mike the Florida Ring Finder is here to help you in your time of need! Call or text me at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Kennedy and her family were spending some vacation time here in sunny Florida at an Airbnb when early Sunday morning her young 2 year old daughter decided to collect her mom’s rings and hide them throughout the house. When Kennedy woke up she found one of her diamond rings on the kitchen floor and the other one tucked snugly in a corner of her daughters bed blankets. And the diamond wedding ring was no where to be found. Kennedy was beginning to feel desperate knowing they only had a few more days of vacation before heading back home to Michigan. Later that evening she typed into Google « Help me find my ring » and up popped one of my successful ring recovery stories and she sent me a text asking for my help. House searches are not always easy and thankfully there were a lot less toys and cloths and furniture and shoes, etc to look through being as it is a vacation rental. I started in the kitchen and using a very strong flashlight I searched carefully making my way to the 5 bedrooms upstairs…checking bathrooms and closets, under beds and in blankets. An hour and a half later I made my way downstairs and began in the laundry room where there were piles of cloths and suitcases. Ten minutes later…BINGO! There, behind a large suitcase, simply hiding down by the baseboard was Kennedy’s lost diamond wedding ring! Kennedy writes, »Mike and theringfinders are so kind and are life savers. Being from out of town on vacation, I had a limited time to find my wedding ring after my toddler hid it in our Airbnb. Mike was so helpful and found it within two hours. I am so thankful! »

Kennedy and her mother were so delighted and were beaming from ear to ear, saying how thankful they were for my help. How I thank God for allowing me to find her ring and to help bring relief and joy to their hearts!

Have you lost something and need help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!
Mike McInroe…looking for an opportunity to help you!

Lost diamond engagement ring in Hastings Lake recovered!!

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Contact me for all your metal detecting and recovery needs. Rob Lyman Nebraska 402-580-6933. Land, water, cracks in concrete, rings, keys, hearing aids, law enforcement assistance etc.

Jalen contacted me about her ring she lost off a dock while enjoying lunch and feeding the ducks. Not until my 3rd dive attempt was I successful at recovering it. The video explains the situation and difficulties involved. It was my honor to represent The Ring finders and get it back to her.

Key Fob Lost In Standish, Maine Found Visually, While Searching With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Saturday morning , May 25th, 2024, I received the following voicemail
“Yeah, my name is Stephanie. I called you yesterday but I’m not sure that I actually got the right number because the number that comes up on my phone is a six. Six number. I’ve lost a Key fob in Standish, probably about a half an hour from Saco. I know it’s a holiday weekend, so maybe this isn’t possible but if you could Let me know if it’s a possibility for us to get together I’d appreciate it you can text me, at your convenience. My number is 2 0 7- ***-**** .
Thanks bye-bye…”

I was driving back from Portland, but immediately called Stephanie back. I told Stephanie that I did not receive her voicemail, from the previous day, but that I would certainly be able to help her. It was now approximately 9:30am and I told Stephanie I would be there at approximately 11:00am, just needing to get to my home, in Saco, Maine and pick up my Metal Detecting equipment and drive to Standish, a suburb of Portland, Maine and Windham, Maine.
I arrived at the location, where the Key Fob had been lost, at 11:20am. Stephanie and her husband Tom, arrived 5 minutes later. Stephanie explained that 4 days earlier she had driven to this location and parked next to the walking and ATV trail. Shen then proceeded to walk down the road, stopping at certain locations, on both sides, of the road, to view and smell the many flowers. When she finished her walk, she noticed the Key Fob was no longer, in her pocket. She retraced her steps, on both sides of the road, including down in the ditch, along rock walls, in areas she had traversed, to see the flowers. She could not find the key fob. She then walked 3 miles home and then back to the car, with the spare key fob. Over the next few days, Stephanie returned and searched the area again, this time, getting down into the ditch and searching through the many leaves and brush. Still not successful, Stephanie was telling a friend what had happened and the friend told her to contact me, The Ring Finders of Maine.

Stephanie and Tom took me a few steps up the road, to where Stephanie thought the key fob, may be. It was down, in the ditch and covered with leaves and twigs. As I was searching, I was finding the usual road side trash, of bottle caps, vape pens and cans, but no key fob. As I came out of the ditch, I was walking at the top of the ditch and searching along the path, Stephanie had walked, days earlier. Stephanie was visually searching near me and her husband, Tom was visually searching, about 75 feet ahead of us. I was still only finding road side trash, when we heard Tom yell out to Stephanie to come meet him, up ahead. I continued my search and saw Stephanie and Tom, walking back to me. When they reached me, they showed me the key fob. TOM HAD FOUND THE KEY FOB, while visually searching, about 75 feet, up the road. Nothing like dual optical scanners (Eyes 👀) to successfully find the key fob. Tom had left the road side and saw them, laying next to a rock wall, approximately 10-15 feet from the road. Outstanding job Tom and he was then rewarded with a big kiss.
Another team effort, in locating Stephanie’s key fob. It may not have been found by a Metal Detector but Stephanie doesn’t care. She has it back and didn’t need to replace her Key Fob , at a cost of $325.00. We all left, very happy. And great day and story for my “Book of Smiles”

Ring lost in the lagoon, Little Egg Harbor NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

I was at work when I received a call from George inquiring about possibly recovering his family heirloom ring from his lagoon. We went over the details of when and how the ring was lost, and knowing the area quite well, decided it would be best if I swung by prior to committing to do the recovery. A few days later I met George at his house and after going over exactly what he did when the ring flew off into the lagoon, we decided with the 5′ tide swing this had to be done at low tide. The following week worked perfect with our schedules. My first attempt didn’t work out so well, it was blazing hot, the greenhead flies were eating us alive, and the mud on the bottom was black and bottomless. After about 2 hours I threw in the towel but assured him I would be returning for another attempt. I believe at that point George had given up hope of ever seeing his ring again. Over the next week or so our schedules didn’t work with the tide, so he agreed for me to swing by when conditions were right, whether he was home or not. WELL, after some adjustments to my recovery approach, and taking my assistant wife LEE, and good luck charm, the ring was in my scoop within 15 min. I knew this would mean the world to him, so I decided to do a surprise return, and set the whole thing up with his wife and son. I arrived just as they were getting back from fishing, put the ring in my scoop, and headed down the driveway where we met. We all talked a bit, I asked how they did fishing, then told him I did really well, and put my scoop out. He was kinda puzzled, and I said look in the bottom, and when he did, he could not believe his eyes. Then we let him in on the whole plan. I have the video of the return, just need to edit it, stay tuned. That moment right there is what makes doing recoveries so rewarding.

Check out my Facebook page for more water recoveries

More amazing recoveries found here

Lost ring in the sand, Mantoloking NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey It was late in the evening when I received a text from Connie asking if I would be able to assist in finding a beautiful ring they lost on the beach earlier that day. After texting back and fourth we decided to have her call as it was much easier. Mark and Connie were very anxious to recover the ring, so we decided to meet on the beach in about 30 min. due to the amount of beach traffic, and also the location of the ring possibly being pulled into the ocean, as the tide was coming in. We had one picture they had taken, which would assist in lining up the location, and a few holes their daughter had been digging that day. I arrived first and headed out to begin searching. It was very dark that night, so with the one picture Connie had sent I started to line up a spot with the landscape in the background. After doing a quick search of the first spot I noticed the flagpole I had used was not the correct one, then realized many houses had flagpoles. Moving down the beach a bit. I started another search in a spot that looked promising, by then Mark and Connie had arrived, and  the second spot turned up empty. We all got together to examine the picture one more time, and found a spot just a little further which looked very promising. If you have ever been on the beach on a dark night, you will realize that lining up a small location with a picture, while also figuring out the correct angle it was taken from is quite challenging!!! Well, needless to say, after a few short sweeps of the 3rd spot, bingo, I got the signal I was waiting patiently to hear. To Mark and Connie’s amazement, the ring was in my scoop.

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More amazing recovery stories found here, lost ring LBI

Handmade 14K Wedding Ring with Diamond Chip Lost While Bodysurfing in Scarborough Maine, With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Sunday night 9/3/23, which is also Labor Day Weekend, I received a call from Ric. Ric told me that while Bodysurfing at Scarborough Beach State Park, in Scarborough, Maine, his wedding ring fell off, into the very rough surf water. Ric said he was referred to me by members of the lifeguard crew, including Greg, the supervisor.
As it was already closing in on 4:30pm and the State Park closes at 7:00pm, I told Ric that because I wouldn’t be able to make it from my current location, to the State Park until close to 6:00pm, I would go down 1st thing in the morning and perform a grid search, at low tide. Ric was not going to be available to show me the location of where the ring was lost, but gave me a very detailed description of the location. He was just to the left of the webcam pole and approximately 50-60 feet out into the water, approximately “mid chest deep”.
I arrived at Scarborough Beach State Park the next morning at 8:00am and was greeted by Greg. Greg told me that he didn’t see Ric lose the ring but that it was in the general location described by Ric. I decided to overshoot the area by about 30 feet on each side of the Webcam pole, in case the ring was moved by the rough and strong surf. Starting down near the low tide line, I slowly gridded the hard packed sand, up towards the shoreline. I was finding a few trashy targets, like lobster trap bits and small pieces of aluminum, mostly likely from discarded cans. As I worked my way up towards the shoreline, I finally received a great sounding low tone. Looking down at the CTX-3030’s VDI Screen, I saw a reading that put a smile on my face. I had a great sounding low tone and a 12-19 on the VDI screen. Definitely in the gold range. I pressed my scoop into the sand, with my foot and dumped the sand out next to the hole. I ran the coil over the dug up sand and got the signal. I still couldn’t see it so I pulled my pinpointed out and ran it through the sand. Once I found the target, I put my fingers into the wet dug up sand and pulled out a large chunky ring with a small diamond chip in it. I had Ric’s ring. I called Ric and then sent a photo to him. He replied “That’s it, 100%”. We then made arrangements to meet in 20-30 minutes at a local restaurant, on my way home. The exchange was made and Ric explained that the ring was actually handmade, by a friend, and presented to him for his wedding. As The Ringfinders say, “every ring has a story “ and this one has a very sentimental story. Another great happy ending.

Lost Gold Signet Ring found in Long Lake in Mount Desert, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I went to Long Pond in Mount Desert after receiving a call from Luke, who had been referred by fellow Ring Finder Bill McDougall who assessed this recovery would require diver search capabilities. Luke had lost this heirloom signet ring that had originally belonged to his dad and had been passed down to him. The ring was lost last summer in 4 feet of water while kayaking in front of the family camp, his Great Grandmother had purchased about 90 years ago. The bottom was particularly soft with 8 to 12 inches of mud and quite a collection of branches, leaves and lily pads. After a substantial search that yielded a slew of pull tabs, nails, and bottle caps, I was able to locate the ring which had settled down into about 6” of mud. The signet inscription “en tout fidele” means “in all faithfulness” and just as he and his family have been faithful in their stewardship and preservation of their camp for several generations, this ring has been saved and can someday pass to another generation as well. As always a portion of the generous rewards I receive will be directed toward a worthy cause, so I feel it is fitting to contribute to the badly needed roof restoration of the Conway Homestead & Cramer Museum in Rockport, ME so that this local treasure too may be saved and passed on to the future generations of our community and its visitors to enjoy.

Diamond Engagement Ring Found at Old Orchard Beach Beach Maine, With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

As I was detecting a low tide, on the morning of August 21, 2023, in Old Orchard Beach I was approached by 2 men. One of them identified themselves as Brandon. Brandon told me that he and his father were searching for his girlfriends Diamond Ring and asked if could help. Absolutely I can help. After asking Brandon for the details of losing the ring , Brandon gave me the entire story. He and his girlfriend, Larissa, had been enjoying a beautiful beach day and were in the water, when the ring came off her finger. Brando and Larissa tried  to find the ring in the water and waves, but it was a fruitless endeavor.
Once I was showed the approximate location, I told Brandon that I perform a grid search, horizontal to the beach and would start out near the low tide line , working my way towards shore. The horizontal search would run for approximately 100’ to 150’, along the low tide line to the shore. After not finding much and getting close to running out of beach to search, I received a nice loud low signal , with my Excalibur II and sunk the scoop, into the sand. As I threw the sand out of the scoop, I saw a small sliver of silver in the sand. As I brushed away the Sand, I saw the Diamonds and knew that Larissa would be getting her ring back. I then called Brandon, who had left about 2 hours earlier, with his father. I called and told Brandon that I have something for him and that I would send him a photo, to verify it is the correct ring. The reply I received was, “That’s it thank you”. Brandon came back to get the ring and he brought a very happy Larissa, who was so appreciative.  I handed the ring to Larissa and her smiling face said it all. I love my ability to be able to help people.

What To Do When Your Wedding Ring Is Lost In The Water In Sagle, ID …..FOUND IT!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Corrinne said she was desperate, her eyes were red from crying for two hours. I couldn’t see her eyes because we were talking on the phone. Although in her trembling voice I could hear a broken heart. I knew what I needed to do. Head straight to her and her husband Mike, and do what we Ring Finders do best…Find lost wedding rings. In the fading hours of the day I drove to Pend Oreille river and vowed to find Corrinnes lost wedding ring. We headed towards the other side of the channel which was a short boat ride. Mike and Corrinne both gave great directions on where to search. First I snorkeled and detected and then scuba detected. As night fell like a ring slipping off a finger into dark water, the hope of a recovery drifted into the blackness. I had to stop the search, 1000 psi in the scuba tank and no more strength to keep going. We were the last boat on the lake that night. Tired and distraught we all packed up and headed home. Remembering my vow I woke up the next morning and retraced my steps back to Springy Point camp ground on the Pend Oreille River. Corrinne and Mike showed up shortly after I arrived and we all had a very positive mindset. Mike took us on a quick boat ride over to the other side and parked where they were yesterday. Mike looked out on the water and said « here is your search area Luke ». So I got my scoop and detector and started to grid search along the shoreline. Mike was snorkeling in the deep section where I had been yesterday. I knew I needed to eliminate the shallow water before going back to the deep water. Just as Corrinne showed up on the bank I made a turn in my grid line by an old stump. My pocket was full of pull tabs already and as I turned I got another signal of 13-14. But as I sifted the sand through the scoop a rim of a ring sparkled in between the small stones. I honestly thought I had dug up a different ring . As I reached  for the ring, the ring fell over in the scoop. I then caught a glimpse of Corrinne’s one carat diamond.  The pure sound of joy erupted from my mouth. The fishermen on the other side jumped a little because of the sudden sound. Corrinne knew what I found and held out her hands to hold her wedding ring she has had for 15 years. Mike was still floating in the deep and only heard a muffled sound. So Corrinne and I yelled louder. His head popped up and he saw our smiles and he knew what all the yelling was about. Hugs, fist bumps, and photos, we all celebrated a Ring Finders Happy ending.

Wedding Ring Recovered at Orange Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Ian lost his ring while swimming at Orange Beach Alabama. His wife’s family is from Canada and were vacationing in Orange Beach and invited Ian and their Daughter to joint them. Ian is British and he and his wife live in England. He wasn’t exactly sure were in the water is was lost but had a general area. I started the search and Ian joined me and we talked as I was searching. He’s a very interesting guy, he lives along the southern coast of England and works as a Port Pilot! The lost ring was his original wedding ring and he really wanted it back because that he one his wife gave him when they made the promise. His father in law waited on the beach while we searched, I learned lots about piloting ships, very interesting! It took about an hour to find his ring. He was most grateful. Back on the beach he immediately called his wife that her gift to him was safe and sound back on his finger. Ian and his father in law were really nice folks, I’m happy I met them and could help.