This story starts 18+ years ago, in 2006. In late August of 2006, I was taking advantage of the negative low tide, by Metal Detecting the extremely early low tide, in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, by arriving at the beach at 3:00am. Sunrise wasn’t for a few hours but I need to take advantage of the negative low tide, on the pitch black beach. I had parked next to The Brunswick Bar – The Largest Patio On The Beach and entered the beach, at the Life Guard Station, at that location. Once arriving down on the wet sand, I took a left and headed towards the OOB Pier. Low tide was also in a few hours and I was searching the mid beach area as I headed north, towards the pier. It was not long at all, when I received my first target, of the morning. As I dug my target, out of the sand, I knew immediately that I I found a necklace, with some kind of pendant on it. Because it was so dark out, I didn’t know if the necklace was junk, silver or gold. I placed it in my finds pouch and continued metal detecting. I searched until it was light enough out, to examine the necklace. To my surprise, the necklace was 18K Yellow Gold, with a genuine Jade Buddha Pendant. Unbelievable. The necklace was extremely heavy and I then knew that this was a very expensive necklace and I was eager to find the owner.
Once I arrived home, I started placing ads, on Craigslist, to try and find the owner. This was pre-Facebook, for me, as it was 2006. After receiving no leads, to the owner, of the necklace, I placed it in my safe, hoping someone would answer the Craigslist ads and I would be able to return it. No such luck and as time passed, I forgot about the necklace and within a few years, the safe itself, would not open. The digital keypad, of the safe had short circuited and the contents of the safe were stuck inside. I had even contacted a locksmith, to get the safe open but they wanted $300.00, to drill it open. I didn’t need anything, in the safe, at the moment and decided the contents could stay there, safe and sound. Over the years, I would think about the contents, now and then but didn’t think it was worth the money, to have the safe drilled out. Besides the Gold & Jade Buddha Necklace, other contents in the safe were my coin collection, and some other metal detecting finds, but nothing of the value, of the necklace. Before I knew it, 18+ years had passed, since I put the Necklace in the safe, very very rarely, thinking of the contents.
Fast forward to May 30th of this year, 2024. I had a story on Facebook about a ring recovery and return. Among all the congratulatory comments, there was a comment from someone that I did not recognize. His name is Han Tu and his comment said the following
“Have u ever found a gold necklace with a Buddha pendant and heart pendant on it? I lost it in the water like 18 years ago I was devastated and wonder if anyone ever found it”
I replied to his comment, “Han Tu, Sorry, I have not.❤️🙏”
Now, I knew I had found a Gold Necklace with a Buddha Pendant, but after 18 years, I did not remember the necklace having a Heart Pendant. I asked Cheryl if she remembered the necklace, having a heart pendant and she did not remember it either. I knew that if this was his necklace, I needed to return it but the safe was still broken and hadn’t been open since approximately 2010, 14 years earlier. I immediately started to search the internet to see how I could get the safe open, without the cost of have it drilled out. After a few days, I decided to try a possible fix and ordered a part that holds the batteries, as the battery holder was shot and the batteries had leaked all over the inside of the keypad. Had nothing to lose and ordered the part, took the keypad apart, cleaned it all up and waited for the replacement battery holder to arrive. After a few weeks, it arrived and we wired it up to the keypad and placed new batteries in it. Now for the real test. I punched in the keypad code, grabbed the lever and pulled the handle down. IT OPENED. I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT. The safe was open for the 1st time in approximately 14-15 years. I dug through the contents and found the Gold Necklace. To Cheryl’s and my surprise, A Gold Necklace, Jade Buddha AND A GOLD HEART PENDANT, exactly as Han Tu had described. My mind was spinning but a large smile, broke out across our faces. I told Cheryl that I needed to get this Necklace to Han Tu and I wanted to surprise him.
Since I knew nothing about him, I once again started searching the internet for any information. Phone number, address, anything that would allow me to get his necklace, back to him. I couldn’t find anything about him, other than this one address, in WORCESTER MASSACHUSETTS. I wasn’t even sure if this was the address for the same Han Tu, but it was the only lead I had.
As the extremely busy summer progressed and I was posting about all my recoveries and returns, I continued searching for any new information on Han Tu. Absolutely nothing. This was similar to a 1948 Class Ring that I had returned, earlier in the year. I just kept researching until, I came across reliable information, through a third party. This time however, I did not have a third party, to help me. With no other information being found, I told Cheryl that we just needed to make the 2 hour drive and knock on the door, of the address I had found. I knew what Han Tu looked like, from his Facebook Page, that he had commented from. If I knock on the door and that person answered, our prayers would be answered. If it was someone other than Han Tu, from the Facebook Page, we would leave and think about what we would do next.
So, on November 2, 2024, Cheryl and I left our home, in Saco, Maine, at 6:00am and made the 2 hour drive, to Worcester Massachusetts – The Beauty of it all. Once we arrived, we got out of the vehicle, and approached the front door. Cheryl was ready to video the entire meeting. We didn’t see any signs of anyone up but two vehicles were in the driveway. I rang the doorbell, no answer. I knocked on the door, no answer. I did both of them again and still no answer. It was not 8:30am yet and Cheryl suggested we take a drive because everyone may be sleeping in, on the weekend. As everyone knows, I ALWAYS listen to Cheryl 😉. So Cheryl and I drove away and took a drive around the countryside and returned appropriately 40 minutes later, at 9:00am. We again approached the front door and this time, I could hear voices inside, including that of a young child. I rang the bell and almost immediately, I saw a young boy looking out the window at me. I waved to him and he waved back. I then heard the door being unlocked and I saw a familiar face looking out at me, as Han Tu looked out the crack of the door. I told Han who I was and handed him my business cards. He told me he needed to get dressed and would be out, in a moment. Less than two minutes later, Han was outside and I knew he would be getting his Necklace back. We had the right house and person.
I can see Han trying to comprehend what is going on. I mean, he really has no idea what is going on. I explained that he had commented on one of my Facebook posts, in late spring and I was wondering if he could give me a description of his necklace. As he was looking at my business cards, back at me, back at the business cards, he was describing his lost necklace, from 18 years earlier. As he was still describing it, he looked back at the cards, one last time and I held the necklace up, so when he looked back at me, he would see the necklace and hopefully he would be completely taken by surprise. Han looked up at me and the necklace and I could see in his eyes and the look on his face that he was totally not expecting this, as he said,
“No way, are you kidding me?” He then looks absolutely stunned and lost in thought, as he says “That’s crazy”. Han Tu then puts his hand over his eyes and all the emotions started coming out of the flood gate. He was so taken aback and his emotions were just so strong and it was a beautiful moment, to experience. I was getting goosebumps and teary eyed. I could tell how much this necklace meant to this man. This wasn’t just a necklace, this was a very important part of his young life. Among other things Han Tu told Cheryl and I, this necklace was a High School Graduation gift, from his parents. The necklace was very expensive and was not an easy decision for the parents to make but they were so proud of him and to commemorate his achievement, they decided to spend the money on the son they loved and were proud of. Han Tu also told us that the heart represented a very, very dear friend, who had passed away, in a car accident, a few years earlier. The heart, that Han Tu placed on the necklace would always keep his dear friend, close to him and the friend would never be forgotten. If this doesn’t get you teary eyed, you have no emotions. All I could do was console him and give him a hug. I think I may have needed the hug, more than him. It was so comforting and natural as we hugged each other.
Han also told us that he only had the necklace, a few months, after graduation before he lost it. A traditional family getaway to Old Orchard Beach, Maine, in July or August of 2006 went very wrong, when Han Tu was in chest deep water, right next to the OOB Pier, when the large waves finally got him. One of the large waves hit him and sent him in every direction possible, including head over heels. It was at that moment the necklace made its way, over his head, sinking into the deep water, waves and sand. Even though he and his family searched for hours, with borrowed goggles, it was all for naught. Han Tu, was absolutely devastated, as he conveyed to us.
Because this happened 18+ years ago, Han Tu and I think the necklace had been lost for approximately 4-6 weeks, before I found it. The necklace was lost right next to the OOB Pier, yet I found it approximately 150-200 feet south of where he lost it. I vividly recall finding it approximately half way between the Pier and The Brunswick, directly in front of Palace Playland Amusement Park. This just shows how far items can travel due to strong waves, currents and rip tides. Once something is lost in the ocean, you just never know if you will ever see the lost item again. I told Han Tu to do me a favor and not to wear it in the water ever again. He promised me and told me that he may not even wear it again and take a chance of losing it, again. He now wears a White Gold Necklace with a Jade Buddha, another gift from his parents, approximately 10 years ago, for another achievement that Han Tu accomplished. This White Gold Necklace, now matches all the necklaces worn in the family, including his parents. Just talking to Han Tu, Cheryl and I could see, feel, sense, the love and pride he has for his entire family. As a matter of fact, when Han Tu told us he probably wouldn’t wear the returned necklace again, he immediately told us he would most likely pass it down, to his young son. A very strong family man indeed. Hours later, I am still a little emotional, reliving the experience, as I write this. I am so grateful to be able to help people like Han Tu, get a part of their history back, when he never thought he would ever see the necklace again. We will make plans to meet up with Han and his family, next summer, when they return for their annual OOB vacation. I will show Han Tu and his family, exactly where I found the necklace and hopefully get a picture together, with everyone, with the OOB Pier, in the background, where he lost it. Full circle.
I have received a few text messages from Han Tu, since I left him this morning. This is one of the very kind messages, he has sent me. Thank you, Han Tu❤️🙏
“Thank you so much. It’s a true blessing there’s no amount of word I can say to express my gratitude. Looking forward to seeing ur post and me crying like a big baby. God bless you and your family. You are doing gods work and may he continue to watch over and take care of you