help find lost ring Tag | Page 3 of 3 | The Ring Finders

Lost class ring, Sanford, Fl……Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mr. Dave was born in 1928, grew up in Salem Oregon and graduated from High School in 1946. At 89 years of age, he has seen allot of life and he and his dear wife of 66 years are still very much alive and in love! Early in their marriage they felt God calling them to be missionaries and in 1957 they went to Papua New Guinea and served for 44 years. Now they are residents at our NTM Homes retirement center here in Sanford, Fl. and I and 40 other staff members have the honor and privilege to help care for them in their old age. Earlier this year their sons came down to help them move from a duplex apartment to one of our Adult Living Facility rooms. Going through closets and household stuff is not always easy and in the process Mr. Dave’s ring was no where to be seen.
A few weeks later I was searching for a misplaced part to a new shower unit and thought maybe someone had mistakenly thrown it into the construction debris dumpster. So I proceeded to go thru the garbage, starting at one end of the 25 foot container. After a while I noticed that there were bags of household garbage mixed in with the construction debris. So, one by one I threw the household garbage bags out onto the ground and noticed that one of the bags had a tear in it. I never did find the shower part I was originally looking for so I jumped out of the container and proceeded to load up the bags into my trailer. There were 7 large bags all together, the heavy duty Hefty type and I was thankful they did not rip open and spill all over the place. As I loaded the last bag I noticed it had ripped open and I was surprised to see that only a few items of garbage had fallen out. Was I ever shocked to see that a beautiful gold ring had also fallen out and was laying in the mulch! I could not imagine how it got there and where it had come from. So I looked in the garbage bag and found a piece of discarded mail and determined that the lost ring had to belong to Mr. Dave. So I devised a little plan to surprise Mr. Dave and in the end he was very, very happy to have his lost class ring back once again.
Lost your ring? Maybe I can help! Give me a call—anytime.
Mike McInroe—proud member of

Lost ring on the beach in New Jersey? We can help!

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Everyone’s jewelry has a story attached to it and that story ends when its lost in the sand or ocean… The Ring Finders service will help bring their story to life again and continue that story by finding what people thought was lost forever. Rings, wedding bands, diamond engagement rings, diamond earrings, diamond tennis bracelets, watches, gold pendants… People who have given up the search now have a second chance!

Don’t wait call as soon as possible!


Wedding Ring Lost Playing Volley Ball Missouri City, Texas (found) by John Volek

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Wedding Ring lost in the grass while playing volley ball at a home in Missouri City, Texas (found) by John Volek TRF-Houston

I was contacted by Cecilia regarding her husbands lost wedding ring in the backyard of their residence in Missouri City, Texas. Cecilia reported her husband Rick had been playing volley ball with their kids in the backyard when he discovered his ring was missing. Cecilia said Rick was pretty sure his ring was lost while playing volleyball, but he was unaware it had come off his finger until later in the day.

Check out the video to see the recovery of Rick’s Wedding Ring!


































Equipment Used:

CTX 3030 Metal Detector



The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard. If you lost your RING or other precious item « Don’t Wait-Call Now! »


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                          Don’t wait… Call now!












Luck of the Irish – Returning a lost ring on an Hawaiian Island beach!

It didn’t take us long to meet up with newlyweds Paul and Barbara on the beach after we’d gotten their call.

Paul was an Irishman with a new American lass for a wife – but Barbara had done all of the talking on the phone as Paul’s Irish accent was so thick. « Are you Ring Finders? » she asked.

As soon as we heard that Paul hadn’t seen his ring all day we knew we’d have a challenge. And they didn’t know where it could have been lost…!

Paul and Barbara had been married just five days earlier and were enjoying the restaurants and shops near their hotel here on the Big Island of Hawaii. As Paul tried on some Maui Jim sunglasses, he looked as his hand to admire this wedding ring – which was missing!

They’d seen a detectorist in the early morning combing the beach and didn’t want to loose their ring forever – so looked us up online to find and return their ring. We got to their hotel as soon as possible and decided that the small bay they’d spent the morning swimming in was a good place to start. Again, they weren’t sure if it was lost in the water, the sand, the hotel or the shops…!

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Brent Madison of Big Island Metal Detecting explains the basics of the Excalibur II metal detector and how small, lost gold rings can turn into big, found signals for recovery. Big Island, Hawaii.

Paul wasn’t a strong swimmer so we were confident that scuba wouldn’t be necessary though we’d packed our dive gear in the car.

I looked where Paul had rented a stand-up paddleboard while Sylvie searched the sandy bottom where Paul had remembered swimming in the warm, tropical waters of the bay.

Sylvie and I started our grid pattern searches with our metal detectors.

Beaches on the Big Island of Hawaii are so heavily searched by treasure hunters that neither of us hit any of the trash often found on other beaches around the world. We were well into our search pattern – at least 45 minutes – when I heard my name called and saw Paul and Sylvie « high-five’ing » nearby.

Sylvie had been carefully following her search pattern and talking to Paul as he snorkeled and bobbed around her. Suddenly she’d hit a « huge target » in her underwater headphones – then as suddenly, lost the signal. She was so deep in the water that she couldn’t hold the target under her detector and dig the target at the same time.

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Sylvie Madison of Big Island Metal Detecting gears up with her Garrett Sea Hunter metal detector to look in the water for a lost, men’s wedding ring. Big Island, Hawaii.

« Hold the detector here! » she told Paul, handing him her Garrett SeaHunter II, after she’d reacquired the signal. Sylvie dug and nothing. Then dug in the sandy bottom again.

In her scoop was Paul’s lost ring straining out of the sand. Barbara had been watching from beachside and rushed into the water when Sylvie pulled it from her scoop.

We all stood in the water admiring their newly found wedding ring, delighted together in Sylvie’s find. We laughed that Paul could start relaxing again on his honeymoon!

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A platinum wedding ring which was lost and found on the beaches of the Kohala Coast, Big Island, Hawaii.

Not knowing where they’d lost it, it seemed it had been the luck of the Irish to reunite them – a small ring in such a large world! Barbara was quick to qualify the reason – she’d been praying to St. Anthony, her patron saint, since they’d discovered the ring had been missing.

God knows the reasons some rings are found or not – and in the end, Paul, Barbara and us at Big Island Metal Detecting are all thankful that we could be part of the discovery of their lost treasure. Especially so early on in their new marriage!

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Sylvie, Paul, Barbara and Brent give the Hawaiian « shaka » after their successful recovery of Paul’s lost wedding band. Big Island, Hawaii.

Son Flounders in Water, Father Grabs for Son and Looses Wedding Band, Falmouth, Cape Cod, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

This happens very often and then panic sets in. Where is the ring, I felt it fall off but I can’t find it.

Thank the social media for the service they provide. A search for how to find a ring on Cape Cod led Ami to my e-mail address. She reached out for help and I responded. At the next day’s low tide we met and started the search. About 20 minutes into the search, the ring was found and quickly put back where it belonged, on Ryan’s finger. In 17 days it was Ami and Ryan’s 5th anniversary, I hope they have many Happy Anniversaries!

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Sentimental Friendship Ring Found @ Bearspaw Park, Edmonton’ Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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I received a call from Justine around 1:56 pm asking if it was possible for me to come out and find her 10ct white gold friendship ring that she had lost this morning, along the side walk in Bearspaw Park.  We were in the midst of a heavy snow storm with about 4 inches of snow. She told me her and her boyfriend had searched in the snow for about three hours with no luck.  She turned to the internet and found and called me.

I told her I would be down in 45 minutes, met up with Justine, and together we went over to the park where she showed me approximately where the ring had flown off her finger. It took me approximately 45 minutes to locate her ring. She was a very happy young lady when I found it as the ring was of sentimental value to her.

Another happy Client – Thank You Justine.