gold ring Tag | Page 2 of 25 | The Ring Finders

Lost wedding ring Recovered and returned Victoria

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)










Gail was enjoying her Hot Tub. While she tried flicking hair off of her hand, her ring came flying off.

After a long search she contacted me and after a 20 minute search I had her ring back where it belongs and her finger.

Love my Job

White Gold Wedding/Engagement Band Set-Found!

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

Ryan contacted me several weeks ago about his wife’s white gold wedding/engagement band set she had lost in a grassy area of the apartments where they lived in Chattanooga.  Because of his busy work schedule he had a difficult time getting the search arranged.  I think he had actually purchased an off-the-shelf metal detector at a local store, but was apparently overwhelmed with the large amounts of metallic trash in the ground.  We finally managed to arrange a search on June 9th.  I arrived at the location at 7:15 PM on June 9th.  I started my search as soon as I got the story from him, because we didn’t have much daylight left.  Around 35 minutes later I found the engagement band portion totally hidden below the grass around four feet from the base of a large tree.  It took me right at an hour more to find the wedding band portion, and it was about twenty feet from where I found the other half.  It ended up being in an area outside of the original search zone.  The grass had been cut, so maybe that’s how it ended up being over there.  This portion of the ring was in full view of anyone walikg by, so it’s amazing nobody had seen it.


Lost Engagement Ring FOUND in Essex, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

I received a call from Teresa early this morning (5/30/2023) stating she lost her engagement ring close to her house. I offered to come out later in the week as I did not have my equipment with me nor was I home. She asked if there was any way possible that I could come out today. I could hear it in her voice she was frantic as she was concerned that where she lost it was a heavy foot traffic area and that someone else may find it. I was able to change up my schedule for the day and we met midafternoon. Teresa was very confident in the area that she lost it, so I immediately got to work. Due to the high amount of interference in the area, I needed to fine tune my equipment to eliminate false signals. Shortly thereafter, I was able to call Teresa over to show her what I found. She immediately started crying tears of joy! I’m glad I was able to return this ring to its thankful owner. If you find yourself in a situation like or similar to Teresa, please don’t hesitate to contact me! The quicker I get involved, the greater are the chances of a successful recovery!




  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)
I received a text from a gentleman over in Durham, NC about his wedding ring being lost in the backyard.
The story goes, his 3 yr old daughter picked it up off a table and made a beeline to the backyard to give it to her mom. Only she didn’t make it before she dropped it in the grass.
After getting there and getting the story, it took me about 5 mins to locate and get it back to him! The 3 girls were watching and telling me where baby sister was when she lost the ring. Crazy enough the 3 yr old was pretty close to where she lost it!!
TIKTOK VIDEO: Captures her saying « HE DID IT »
2023 ring count: 47 FTY
8 – Total recoveries FTY
1 – gold & silver ring (1 recovery)
1 – platinum (1 recovery)
11 – gold rings FTY (4 recovery)
1 – tantalum (1 recovery)
1 – titanium (1 recovery)
14 – silver rings FTY (1 coin silver)
18 – mixed – copper – tungsten – steel – aluminum – junk rings
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Lost Gold Wedding Band Found Longport NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

I received a message from Marisa on my Ring Finders South Jersey Facebook page about her antique wedding band that was lost yesterday.  She was standing in the surf in Longport, NJ when a wave came in and caused the ring to slide off her finger.  She saw it drop into the ocean and thought she would never see it again. Ironically, she happened to see the news segment earlier in the day about a lost wedding band that I found and reached out to me. I went out at sunrise to catch low tide since it was lost in the surf.  After roughly 35 minutes of gridding the surf and wet sand, I was able to find it!    

Ocean City Ring Finder

Find lost ring in the sand with a metal detector


Gold Cartier Love Ring Found Ocean City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring? Don’t wait to call!


I received a call from Dawn whose friend saw my Ring Finders South Jersey page on Facebook and referred her to me.  Her daughter Julia lost her Cartier gold Love ring in the surf during a severe storm in Ocean City, NJ.  She was in ankle-deep water when strong gusts of wind suddenly blew the ring off her finger.  After speaking with Julia about the details of how and where she lost the ring, I started the search in knee-deep water and worked my way toward the beach.  I had to expand my search out about another 35 yards and the ring was found on the high on the slope! Never give up the search the rings can be found!


ring finder, NJ, new jersey ring finder, metal detector service, jersey shore


  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

We received a call from August late one afternoon. He had lost his gold wedding band, in a flower bed, when adding mulch. He searched but did not find it. When he gave his location, we realized it was just a 10 minute drive. Carrie and I loaded the detectors in the truck and went to the site. Carrie, as always, grilled the client while I prepped the equipment. She thought it logical for the ring to fall off when he washed his hands over the flower bed. She claimed that search area and I started on the other end of the bed. We used pin pointers and crawled through the bed. Carrie found the ring under a flower plant in 10 minutes. After some pictures we left for supper.

Thanks, August, for the generous reward.


  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

Hannah lost her rose gold diamond ring in the back yard of her boyfriend, Bradley’s house. I received a call from Bradley, but a 3 week trip delayed the hunt. While he was waiting, he borrowed and rented detectors and attempted to find the ring. No luck. When I returned from my trip, I headed out to find the still-lost ring. Carrie was busy but I still brought her equipment. The search area was not large but contained a lot of coins and buried metal. That along with no published data on rose gold discrimination numbers created a lot of “false finds”. After Bradley and I covering the area without locating the ring, (Carrie’s equipment was put to good use) we started a sectioned, crawling, pin pointer search (I made this term up). On the last section I looked in an area we had not included in the original search. There, in the shade of a neighbor’s building, was the ring sitting on bare dirt, fully visible. Sometimes being lucky is better than being good. We reunited Hannah with her ring and got a load of pictures. Carrie regrets not being there for the successful hunt.

Thank you, Bradley and Hannah for the generous reward.

LOST WEDDING RING in Durham, NC…….. FOUND!!!!!!

  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)
Got a call today from a man who lost his 14k white gold wedding ring about 2 weeks ago while cutting wood with his boys.
He had his cell phone in his front left pocket when he took his ring off so it wouldn’t interfere with wood cutting and put it in the same pocket as his phone. Then at some point he took his phone out of his pocket and it must have pulled his ring out with it.
I get to his house, get the scoop, grabbed my machine and got to searching! I started where he was when he took it off and put it in his pocket.
Less than 5 mins – Boom! We got gold!!!
Another successful ring recovery and another marriage saved!
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  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)
Received a call from a young lady tonight asking me if I could try and find her promise ring, from her boyfriend, for her. She had been trying to find it for 4-5 days with a couple of metal detectors with no luck.
I drove the 1.5 hr drive, pulled up, met her, got the back story and in about 10 mins found her ring. She was shocked I found it so fast and said, “I KNOW I COVERED THAT AREA!” I advised her gold isn’t the easiest to find if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking/listening for.
I then had her bring over her machine to see where it hit up on her machine. It was in the pull tab range on hers.
2022 ring count: 198.5 (200.5 w/3 in 1 recovery) FTY
18 – Recoveries FTY
1 – gold & tantalum ring (1 recovery)
36- gold rings (15 recoveries) FTY NOTE: got 1 NOT marked. Had it checked and it’s gold!
48.5 – silver rings (2 recovery) FTY
113 – mixed – copper – tungsten – steel – aluminum – junk rings FTY
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