chain Tag | The Ring Finders

lost Gold Chain + Rings found in Fairhaven, Mass

A friend on Facebook sent me a listing of a Gold chain with a diamond butterfly lost that had 3 rings on it at the beach. After reaching out to Alyssa, she finally got back to me after a few days. We chatted about what I do and how it was lost. She had mentioned that for me not to bother to travel so far because she said a couple of other guys had searched high and low for them to no avail. We agreed that maybe someone had seen them on the sand and possibly picked them up.

I again reached out about four days later and told Alyssa that when I got over that way I would check the area in question and went over that day again. I asked if she had gone into the water, she replied no just to the waters edge. She did mention that she walked up to the bathing houses on her way out that day.

Two month’s had gone by. It was honestly haunting me, to know that such a precious set of rings and a gold butterfly chain was just possibly sitting in the sand without no one looking for them any longer. I keep a list of NON found things on my desk. I looked at that note everyday. I decided to make the trip yesterday. I searched the area in question for an hour, I was almost up to the parking lot, but still in the path sand area, when I got that familiar low tone. I dug down, and out popped a Gold ring, still didn’t look familiar. I checked the hole and another low tone, and again out popped two more gold rings and they were attached to a beautiful gold diamond butterfly chain. Now I was smiling. I knew I had Alyssa’s precious rings. The best part is that she had not even known that I went to look for them.

I contacted her again through Facebook and I am happy to say she is reunited with them once again. Never give up, in this case keeping notes and persistence paid off. On a side note to the story, Shawn was off the hook, he apparently was the one who had them in his shirt, and dropped them. Congratulations Alyssa on your return. Sincerely Leighton




Abby’s Moon Phase Necklace.Lost,Found,Cape Cod,Freshwater Beach Pond.

While out searching for coins and jewelry in the water Rick Browne (Ring Finder) & I were approached by a gentleman named Matt. He asked if we were The Ring Finders from Cape Cod. We both responded YES with enthusiasm. We asked why? He said that his daughter, had lost her precious necklace the day before, and had we found it? We asked if it was in the water, or sand, and he said sand. We hadn’t done the sand area as of yet so let’s give it a try.

We met Matt’s wife Ronni, Abby his daughter, they were all on vacation from New Jersey. I asked Abby to stand where she last saw it the day before. They had been searching with flashlights the night before for over an hour with no luck. Just about then, Rick was already digging a target, and I had a target too. I dug down, and out popped Abby’s chain, with it had a Birth date, Moon phase Medallion attached to it. Abby and Ronni were emotional as one can expect. Congratulations all around for everyone. People clapped as I handed it back to Abby, Rick and I were so happy to be in the rite spot, at the time when needed. Congratulations, to Abby, her Mom Ronni, and Dad Matt, for not giving up and believing. Sincerely Leighton

Moon Phase Pendant and Chain

Abby with Necklace

Lost Engagement Ring Underwater, Found, Cape Cod, Sea Shore, Returned

Rick and I were metal detecting at a local saltwater beach area this morning. As we were almost done, and not much to show for it, we decided to get a quick lunch break in. That never happened, a guy stopped Rick in the water, and said that his friend Katelyn, had just lost her engagement ring. Katelyn’s Engagement Ring was lost only a half hour before, underwater. She was throwing a football with friends. Rick motioned to me, and we began to grid the area. Katelyn was getting nervous, and having second thoughts that she may never see it again. I assured her that we would prevail and to not give up till she sees us give up. I asked her to stay in that area, and to not walk away, so I could do my job with precision. Her Husband, and about five others were trying to locate it with snorkel and masks, but turned up nothing. I started to move over to broaden the search area. As Rick and I crossed paths, he saw me stop and start to dig, he asked me if I had it? I honestly wasn’t sure, it was a scratchy sound but on the third try sure enough it was in my scoop. When I motioned to Katelyn to come over to have a look. I asked her to describe it again. She was so excited that I had it. I told her she was a lucky girl today. Everyone around us were cheering and clapping. Even her friends up on the beach were yelling, I actually felt like a celebrity LOL Its such a fantastic feeling to return it to the owner. Another great day at the beach. Congratulations Katelyn ! Leighton.

Custom Engagement Ring

Designed by Katelyn

Big Smiles

13 Lucky Number for Kenyon … Lost,Found,Recovered,Returned In Salt Water…

13 is Kenyon’s lucky number today.

I was on my way off the beach the other day from recovering a ring for a gentleman, I noticed a Lost Wedding Band sign posted. I gave it a quick call to a man named Kenyon. I told him who I was and what I do. He told me he had lost it a week ago while doing butterfly strokes in the water. That it hadn’t been off of his finger in 13 years. I had him send me a picture of the area, and drop a pin where I should search if I could get down to have a look for him. I tried to go a few days in a row, but because of the wind and high waves I wasn’t able to get in the water till this morning.

I searched for over an hour with no luck in the area he was sure it was, to no avail. As I was running out of real estate, with only one target that was a small bullet. I was about to call it quits. I was going to have Kenyan meet me tomorrow and put me in the area again. I was walking out of knee deep water when I got a signal so loud it scared me. I knew it had to be the ring because there were no other targets in the area. Sure enough, there it was a size 13.5  14K White wedding band looking up at me in the scoop. I am so happy to get this back to him as Kenyon and his wife are going away tomorrow on vacation. Keep the faith.

Bike Key Missing on beach. Found on Cape Cod. One return leads to another.

The Key to Success.

A few days ago I was asked to help recover a ring that was possibly dropped as leaving the beach. Richard Browne a ring finder and myself grid the area to no avail. While searching for the ring I found a key with a tag that looked like it went to a bike lock of some sorts. I didn’t think much of it, till Rick waved me over. He was chatting with Pierre that was on his bike, and he was asking if we had found a key that he had been there searching for it the day before. I told him yes, that I had found a key and sure enough it fit perfectly into his bike lock. Great to save all objects when you can. Un expected return.

Sincerely Leighton

50 Years of Marriage. Wedding Band found in bushes (lost,Found,Reunited)

50 Years of Marriage.

Upon getting in from detecting I got a call from a gentleman named Jim that lived very close to me. He proceeded to tell me how he had lost his wedding band a few days earlier. He said he tripped down a few stairs and landed in some Pachysandra plants. His wife of over 50 years their neighbors all searched for it a few times to no avail. I told him I’ll come rite over and have a look. Never any guaranty but let’s give it a try.

When I got there we walked across the street to the neighbors house as he talked about it and that it’s very sentimental to him and his wife Kathy and worth around $4,000.00 to replace it. It was a very small area to search. I only had one signal, and It was a nail, Grrr… we were running out of real-estate fast, but I told him not to give up till he sees me get into my truck and leave. I looked around the corner of the house close to that small patch, and noticed a broken Hydrangea plant stem. He hit it and broke it with his arm when he fell, I spread the bush apart and laying at the bottom of the plant on the lowest stem possible hanging from it was his beautiful wedding band that had two rows of 5 diamonds. No pinpointed needed. I asked him how much does he like me?  He started to cry immediately, he knew I had found it. After a few moments he caught his breath enough to Thank me, I said It was absolutely my pleasure, and was so glad he has it back on that finger. Happy Anniversary my friend.

Sincerely Leighton

Fingers CROSS-ED Lost Cross,14K,Gold,Cape Cod,Mass Saltwater Beaches

Fingers CROSS-ED

On June 27th Rick Browne from the Ring Finders called and invited me to search for a silver cross that was lost the day before. I declined because of the high winds, rain, and BIG surf, and lots of heavy seaweed moved into the search area. Rick said he was going anyway to give it a quick scan. He called me later on that evening and said I made the correct decision that it was useless, he could just about move the detector because of waves and thick seaweed.
We touched base on the next morning and again he asked if I wanted to give it another try. I said I’m in. We met up, and went to the general area he was told it was possibly lost. Still lots of seaweed but less waves. We made our way out into water, Rick went his way, and I in the opposite direction. After about 45 minutes we both shrugged our shoulders, we still had no signals.  I made my way over to the outside of the grid area, and finally i got a lonely signal, but it was low, not high like silver, hmm? Low tone usually means Gold. As I dug it, Rick kept heading out into deeper water. As I looked deep into my scoop, sure enough it was the Silver CROSS that we were searching for. Puzzled a bit, when I motioned to Rick he looked surprised. He made his way over to see what I had found. He said “That’s It”  I flipped it over and it said 14K.  Makes sense it was White Gold. (Silver Color)
Rick & I went up to car and took a few pictures, then called Mary and Dave her husband… They couldn’t  believe we had found it. They took no time to get to us. Jennifer and Keith her husband bought the Cross for their son Colin. It was for his Confirmation in Jan of 2019. It has a very special meaning. Colin was devastated when he lost it. Rick and I are so glad that its back where it belongs. God Bless him and his family for believing in us. We never give up.
Sincerely Leighton
Leighton,Mary,& Rick


Dave & Mary with Cross recovered

14K White Gold Cross

14K Gold Confirmation Cross

Lost Ear ring Returns home Chatham MA

Rick Browne of the Ring Finders was in J & E Enterprises  when a couple walked in to rent a Metal Detector. Upon further conversation with Lisa & Paul, it was obvious that Lisa was very emotional about losing an ear ring earlier the day before. Lisa had mentioned that the ear rings were 20 years old. Rick offered his services to find it, he also made the call to me… I accepted, but hesitant on going. Ear rings are tough to find, especially on a beach. It was lost while trying to re fly a kite that had crashed, the string caught Lisa’s ear and was thought to be lost forever.

We met up with Paul and Lisa, we walked down to the spot where they both thought it should be. I had Lisa stand where she felt it last. Paul went over to a different spot about 45 feet away and marked an X in the sand… I knew we had our work cut out for us… Rick helped me notch out everything but the ear ring on my detector… we had the other one to go by. After we both methodically did the area about 150 square feet we new where it wasn’t.

I started to think outside of the box, and thought that maybe Lisa somehow carried it in her hoodie and didn’t realize it. I started to search near the exit to the beach, and about 20 feet from the boardwalk I got the signal that I knew was the ear ring. Sure enough in my hand was a 1.75 Carrot Diamond ear ring. I called over to Rick and gave him the thumbs up, he smiled and was surprised I had found it so far from where they thought it to be. He said you did it again, good job buddy. I then gave Paul a signal to come over, and motioned to Lisa… I think they were about to give up. Lisa kept repeating did you find it? she just couldn’t believe it, when I dropped it into her hand. She started to cry a bit, and said I restored her faith in people…Lisa said there really are some good ones left in the world. I told her we are not done yet… I needed to get the back part for her… She said she didn’t care about the back, I said I don’t leave Gold on the beach… She chuckled a bit, and about one minute later, I also found the back… Another great day for The Ring Finders… Thanks to Rick helping set the machine up… and Thanks to Lisa and Paul for not giving up… Persistence payed of in a big way…Congratulations …

Rose Gold 14k Gold Band lost & Found in Eastham mass

Rick, Jim, & Myself we’re out searching for recent drops today in our local ponds. Rick’s wife Jayne called my phone and left an Urgent message for us to return a call that she had just received, saying that we were recommended, by a local Metal-Detecting shop on Cape Cod, to help find a Wedding Band that was lost about an hour earlier on a beach. I called back immediately and Jessica picked up the phone, she proceeded saying that they were all down on the beach earlier, and that a friend of hers named Louis, had dropped his wedding band in the dry sand, they were wondering if we could help find it. I said yes but no guarantees. They were not to familiar with the area, and wasn’t sure what parking lot they were in.  I told them to meet us there in an hour.  We all jumped in the truck and headed down 25 miles away an got there earlier than expected, we met Lewis and Anton after about a 15 wait. Glad we waited for them to show up, as we were walking down the path and got onto the beach, Louis had mentioned that he put a stick down into the sand, where he thought he had dropped it. I asked him to please stand exactly where he thought it fell and not to move, I then proceeded to turn on my machine and took less than five seconds to receive my first signal, that just happened to be his beautiful 14 karat Rose Gold Wedding Band.  We were all very happy to see it back on his finger that quickly.  That’s where it belongs. Louis actually said incredible, just incredible we were all looking for over an hour on our hands snd knees to no avail.   We were glad that Jessica called the Ring Finders.

14k Rose Gold Band

Gold medal found by Theringfinder member


A few weeks ago I was detecting on my favorite beach – Barra da Tijuca, on my favorite spot – Praia do Pepê, when a couple approached and asked me if I could help them find a gold medal they had lost a few minutes before. They told me they were tourists from the capital, Brasilia, were enjoying their visit to Rio a lot but the loss of that medal was a real drawback.

He said he had lifted his wife in the air but in the process her hand got tangled in his necklace and it snaped, sending his gold chain and medal flying through the air. They found the chain but not the medal.

As they had a good idea where it had landed, it did not take me long to find it. When I picked it from the scoop (after seeing bottle caps, pull tabs, coins and even a small metal toy  car be pulled out of it) they got elated to say the least.  Being responsible for that big smile and that strong hug is priceless.

I love my hobby.