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Recovery Of Lost Wedding Rings Cle Elum River Ronald WA

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)




SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call ASAP 206-618-8194

Watch this video of Sterling’s lost wedding band that got pulled off his finger by a Cle Elum River rapid.

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This adventure took place on August of 2021. Sterling contacted me and explained a few weeks prior he had lost his rose gold wedding band of seven years in the Cle Elum River in a rapid.  My first reaction after hearing river rapids left me a bit questioning what chance of recovery we would have but I always remain optimistic and refuse to blurt out negativity during my interview process. I learned early on by having an open mind willing to seek out all possibilities is more than half the battle in all of these recovery cases.

Sterling continue to share his story that he believed he lost his wedding band when going down an aggressive rapid attached to a popular river swimming hole. He went on to tell me he had returned a few days after the incident with a snorkel, mask and fins and actually got over the top of the rapid looking for his ring. He had a stick in his hand that he was poking the rocks with when he saw a shimmer. After closer inspection it was a wedding ring that he was able to poke his stick through and pulled it out of the river. It was not his ring but it was found in the same spot he suspected his was lost.

We made a plan to meetup so he could show me the exact spot where he rode the rapid and lost his wedding band. He also shared that the access would be fairly easy for me to get my SCUBA gear to the water. I was energetic and ready for this day of adventure, to SCUBA dive a clean mountain river would be a welcome refreshing mission.

After arriving Sterling was very detailed and clear on his recollection of the days events that took place when he lost his ring. After a brief introduction and recap of his story we got the gear setup and straight to action. It was an easy entry to the down stream swimming hole just after the rapid. This area was wide and allowed for plenty of room for any one blown through the rapid to easily swim without a strong current danger. This is what makes this site a very popular swimming hole. My dive plan was to start down stream in the calmer waters and work my search effort up into the actual rapid. 

My plan worked as intended and turned in to a very enjoyable dive effort. At some point during my dive Sterling got my attention and signaled me to surface. He had been working the rapid with mask, fins and snorkel again while I was at depth searching the river bed. He told me he located two rings. When he went to retrieve them he got one and the other blew past a bit and got caught up in some rocks under the rapids. He told me he actually recovered his own rose gold wedding band and he wanted me to recover the other wedding ring still in the rapid.

I was very happy for him to have found his ring and absolutely amazed that three lost wedding rings had been found in this section of the river. I made my way back into the rapid with my SCUBA gear and the flow of the river was extremely compressed as it channeled through the bedrock. Even though it was only a few feet at most the restriction of the river water drastically increases the pressure. Along with this there was a lot of bubble formation that causes a little bit of a visibility impairment when trying to search for lost items. I also had to keep my face down as not to have the flow of the river pushing against the purge on my SCUBA regulator. If at any time I were to find the conditions beyond my physical capabilities I would have been able to easily abort the action. Fortunately I was able to coexist in this extreme river environment but had to take it slow and calculate my every move.

I was able to work my way into the rapid and after digging around in the bed rocks I uncovered the third wedding ring Sterling had told me about.

It was a great day and we were very happy to have recovered three missing wedding rings from the grips of the river. 

Sterling was very happy and appreciative of my support and assistance on this mission. We both walked away exhausted with smiles from ear to ear. 

As a recovery specialist these are some of the most memorable experiences I will look back upon. With a quiet humbleness I will remember owning the river for that brief moment in time.

Be sure to like, share and subscribe to my videos. By sharing these videos on your social media it really helps get the word out about our amazing Ring Finders across the nation… 

If you lost an item of value reach out to me directly for a quick chat so I can formulate a recovery plan for you!

CALL 206-618-8194

YouTube: #SeattleRingHunter


Engagement ring found… Christmas Miracle

  • from Colorado Springs (Colorado, United States)

Paola got in contact with me to let me know she was devastated to have lost recently her white gold and diamond engagement ring, but after 30 minutes of searching, we found the ring! It was an early Christmas miracle packaged with a smile!

Lost White Gold Wedding Band at Kalama Beach Kailua…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began as I returned from work and noticed I had missed a call on the road. I called and Andrew from Santa Barbara California answered. About two hours prior his White Gold Wedding Band went missing at Kalama Beach in Kailua Hawaii. He knew it was between where they were sitting on the beach and some sand snowmen about 50 feet away. Andrew agreed to meet me at a nearby church and we would walk down to the beach for the search. Traffic was very light and I arrived about 30 minutes later. Andrew told me they left a red towel on the beach in the area I needed to search and it was still there when we arrived. I asked Andrew to remove the towel and I’d hunt that area first. I turned on the Nox and after three swings I got a loud number « 13 » on the Nox. Amazingly it took four scoops to recover the target which was Andrew’s ring. He looked at me in disbelief as he figured the ring would probably be more towards the Snowmen. Vacation saved. Aloha to Andrew and welcome back to the Islands!

Gold wedding band lost in New Brighton, MN – Now found!

  • from Saint Paul (Minnesota, United States)

Billy was doing some garden cleanup in his back yard. He put his wedding ring in his pocket but, after taking a break on his deck, he checked his pocket and the ring was gone. He looked all over the yard and even rented a metal detector but couldn’t find the ring.

After about 2 months, Billy texted me. The ground was frozen, but we decided it would be better to find it sooner rather than later. I searched the garden area first with no hits but found the ring half buried on the frozen dirt just under the grass next to the garden. I was glad that ring wasn’t going to be outside all winter long!

Lost Gold Wedding Band Alki Beach Seattle

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call ASAP 206-618-8194

Watch this video of Andrew’s lost wedding band that shot off his finger throwing a volleyball at Alki Beach Seattle.

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This adventure took place on August of 2021.  Andrew contacted me asking for some assistance in locating his hammered white gold wedding band of fifteen years. He explained that he was in town visiting a friend enjoying some time on Alki Beach. Before their dinner plans they had walked as a group down to the beach enjoying the views. While on the beach a near by volleyball rolled their direction from a close game. Andrew explained that he picked up the volleyball and with both hands on the ball at chest level thrusted it back towards the players. In doing so he immediately realized his wedding band had shot off his finger over the dry sand.

As we know once any ring is dropped over dry sand it is immediately consumed and out of sight in a second. Alki beach is one of our most popular beaches in the Seattle area so I made a priority to start my search as quickly as possible if there were to be any chance of a recovery. 

Andrew and I were not able to meet in person so we worked many details through text messaging. After I arrived on the beach I was able to send many photos trying to narrow down exactly where he was when the ring went missing. There was quite a bit of uncertainty of the precise location but he had a solid memory of the general area witch was enough for me to get started.

Andrew’s visit to Seattle had also come to an end and he was flying back home the the East Coast as I continued searching for his lost wedding band.

After several attempts over the course of three consecutive days I learned his friend who lives within minutes of the beach most likely had a clearer idea of where he was standing when the ball was tossed.  After reaching out to the friend I learned that he had tried to locate the ring himself with a rented metal detector with no success, just finding some typical beach trash. This is quite common when people with no search experience obtain a metal detector and attempt to find a lost item. Absolutely nothing against these heroic efforts its pretty clear after seeing this happen for many years that inexperienced people simply have not developed the necessary skills in understanding what a metal detector is telling them and often no real organized search skills. It pays to reach out to an experienced Recovery Specialist from to give your search the full attention that it deserves. We have spent years honing our craft and are honored to be able to help so many people recover their lost precious items of value.

I was able to have a FaceTime video call with Andrew’s friend while on the beach and he was able to clarify the location where the incident took place. With this newly confirmed information I was empowered to continue the search and not call it off until I was absolutely satisfied in my search efforts.

I am glad I persevered and continued the search as I did locate Andrew’s lost wedding ring! 

Be sure to like, share and subscribe to my videos. By sharing these videos on your social media it really helps get the word out about our amazing Ring Finders across the nation… 

If you lost an item of value reach out to me directly for a quick chat so I can formulate a recovery plan for you!

CALL 206-618-8194

YouTube: #SeattleRingHunter

How to find a lost diamond engagement ring in the snow

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

Visiting from Arizona to see her family for Christmas, the recently engaged Fiona, lost her diamond ring while sledding with her younger siblings at their home in Readfield, Maine. After renting a metal detector and spending several hours searching without luck, she found me through the Ring Finders website and reached out for my assistance. Due to a busy schedule as Christmas approaches the search had to take place after sunset, so with a Winter Solstice full moon and trusty L.L. Bean headlamp illuminating the area the ring was located buried in a couple inches of snow after about an hour of searching.

Lost White Gold Bridal Set Rings w/Diamonds Found In Tecumseh Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Roadside Assistance…..

……Came twice for Kristen. After dark on a rainy evening a few days ago she hit a pothole flattening her tire while leaving a family gathering. Assisting the person changing the tire, she was in and out of her vehicle. Back on the road and safely at home she noticed her rings were missing. Her and husband returned in the dark to search only finding themselves at a dead end. Fearing there was no outlet on this rough road we chatted for a few and agreed to proceed with caution this morning and search the area where she remembered being.

Turning on my MXT I quickly started a grid pattern up and down the side of the road, yielding but not being detoured by a few junk items below the frosty grass surface, up went the metal detectors discrimination with the attitude it’s my way or the highway. After 20 minutes or so I was closing in on the area in question and not far off the road I got a nice solid signal over a compressed section of grass where a vehicle was parked or where one drove off the road. Pinpointing the spot I pulled up the squashed grass and discovered Kristen’s gorgeous, 2 soldered rings pressed into the ground. Calling her over she reached down and lifted it out. I quickly checked for any damage with my jeweler’s loupe and saw none. She hit the road again and with the kids at play was totally thrilled that her ring was rescued and relieved that this incident passed with care.


Ring Recovery

  • from Newtown (Pennsylvania, United States)

Received a call from local couple, Rich and Cookie. While doing some yard work Cookie had lost her wedding band! This ring was extremely sentimental being married together for over 47 years! They had found my listing of Ring Finders and gave me a call. I was able to find it and return it to them! Made their year and I was very happy I could help them out. Wishing Rich and Cookie all the best many years to come!

Company Car Keys Lost in North Spokane,FOUND!!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

On this very cold night, Carlton learned how Newton’s third law works when you slip on ice. Carlton was heading out the door to his car when the 90 degree turn in the side walk covered in ice, took his footing away. His feet continued to move forward while his body fell backwards. In his right hand was the keys to his company owned vehicle. As he tried stopping his fall the keys went flying into the sky. The keys flew about 50ft away from where he fell. After Carlton and his family made several attempts to locate the keys with no success they decided to look on the roof. After that failed attempt, Google was the next step. They found a few metal detector rental location but no one was open at 6pm on a Sunday. Then Google showed them The Ring Finders. I answered the phone, and quickly found out where Carlton was located and headed his way. I could see when I got to the house the snow had been raked where the family thought the keys might be. I searched there with on luck and expanded my grid pattern to accommodate the force at which Carlton may have hucked his keys. I made about five passes in my grid pattern and got a signal that was 0 inches in depth. The pinpointer beeped with excitement as the black key fob popped out of the snow. Carlton may have lost his company’s vehicle key and also the way he was getting home that night. But The Ring Finders are always ready to help and return what was lost.

Lost Ring found in Chesapeake Va found for neighbor

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

My neighbor saw me in the yard and called me over. He knew I did a lot of metal detecting and began to tell me about his daughter loosing a ring 3 weeks ago that he had given her. I went back and got my detector and the search was on! I saw a sterling ring in about my third hole and it ended up not being the one she lost! After about another 15 minutes of looking BAM I found her ring she had lost. She ended up with 2 rings!