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Lost Gold Wedding Ring In Spokane Valley Wa….FOUND!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Sherry was finishing up her day and had gone outside to start feeding the squirrels and birds. After grabbing all of the bags of food that she needed she made her way around her snow covered yard to each of the feeders. After finishing up this last chore Sherry made her way to the couch. Sitting there enjoying the last hours of the day Sherry had a startling feeling. Her ring was not on her finger. The search for Sherry’s ring begun. The ring wasn’t found anywhere in the house so Sherry and her husband Steve headed outside to look. Neither one of them saw the ring outside. So to the internet Steve went. He had the idea to search for a metal detector. Steve quickly realized he had no idea how to use a metal detector. Not to worry the internet showed Steve some YouTube videos from Chris Turner. Steve thought the Ring Finders looked promising. So that’s where I enter. With a few texts and a phone call I was set up to go to Steve’s house after work. I knew the back story of how the ring was lost so all I needed was to see the possible locations. Turning on my metal detector was problematic. It started looping on and off over and over. Good thing I had a back up detector. Oh yeah, and the fact that as I searched my way back to where the bird feed was kept, I spotted the ring sitting on top of the bark. With a huge grin I swung my metal detector over the ring and looked up. Steve and Sherry could tell I had found something special. They both headed over to me and Sherry quickly saw the ring she had lost. It was a little confusing as to how we all walked over the ring twice but sometimes swinging a metal detector focuses the eyes and finds lost rings. The snow and cold were at it again but nothing stops the passion of a Ring Finder looking for a lost ring.

Lost wedding ring found in Roswell, Georgia!

  • from Cumming (Georgia, United States)

Gold wedding band found by Anne and Eric Cowen for a young man that lost it while walking his dog. We searched the entire route he uses for walking his dog and found it in the dog park in his neighborhood. We were very happy we could find it for him.

Ring Lost On Siesta Key, Recovered By SRARC

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted. We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Anne’s father was the captain of a submarine during world war II and while stationed in Australia had found a beautiful sapphire stone which he purchased for his wife. Later, while back on duty one night when he surfaced the submarine to recharge the batteries the crew discovered a pilot who had been shot down and rescued him. A few weeks later when the airman departed the submarine for Pearl Harbor Ann’s father gave him the sapphire with a note of love for his wife and asked him to send it to her just in case he never returned from the war. He did return home safely at the end of the war and at that time he took the diamond from Ann’s mother’s engagement ring and together with another purchased diamond he created a new wedding ring including the sapphire from Australia. Ann inherited her mother’s ring 20 years ago and had worn it ever since. While visiting from Rhode Island she and her son, John and daughter-in-law, Simone went to Siesta key beach to enjoy a sunny warm day. While sitting in the sand Anne took the precious wedding ring off, set it on the chair arm to put suntan lotion on her hands and promptly forgot about it. They packed up and went home none the wiser and a few days later she realized the ring was missing. After checking everywhere at their house and in the car she recalled taking it off at the beach. Simone searched the Internet and discovered SRARC ring finders. She made a call to Howard Metz and Howard contacted Mike Miller and arrangements were made to meet the next morning in hopes of finding the ring. Ann and John identified an area of about 100 square feet and Mike went to work. About an hour later Mike got a sweet tone and up came the ring. Needless to say Ann was overjoyed to have such a precious ring returned after believing it was lost forever.

Southern California Snow IPhone Recovered .. Mt. Baldy, Claremont, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)









Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136 .. Email:

… We had snow in the mountains of Southern California. When that happens many who reside in the city make a run to the nearby mountains. The first day of the snow, Linda was able to take her kids to Mt.Baldy which is an easy drive. After taking photos of her girls she put her iPhone 13 in her jacket pocket. Later that afternoon while it was snowing heavily, she realized the phone was missing.

She was sure the phone was in the soft powered snow but the area was probably 50’x50’ area. It was snow hard on that Thursday afternoon so they had to get down the mountain before the snow was too hazardous to drive. Linda and her friend returned Saturday with shovels and couldn’t find the iPhone. Celphone service is non existent at that 6000ft. elevation, making it impossible to use the find my iPhone app. They were again unsuccessful at finding the lost phone.

Linda called me Saturday night asking for help. We agreed that Sunday would be crazy busy with cars and people in the area of the loss. We had set up Monday morning to meet in the spot where the loss occurred. We carefully coordinated the time and place to meet because there is zero celphone reception there. 

I arrived 20 minutes before Linda and her friend, Arizona arrived. The snow had melted and frozen over the last two days. It was about 2 ft. deep and the top 12 “ was solid like an iceberg. Not very encouraging for easy digging. As it turned out Linda’s friend had purchased a inexpensive metal detector at a Walmart. He had no idea how to use it. I took a couple minutes to show him how to set it up. Then we both took a section of the area to scan. Shortly after we started he called me over because he had a signal. I put my detector over the spot and immediately knew the size and ID numbers match what had to be a celphone. 

He wanted to chip away with a shovel on the hard packed frozen snow. I would not let him. I used a small pick-like tool to patiently scratch the surface till we could remove the phone. (10 plus minutes) We didn’t need to do all this work of two days of searching to damage the phone by carelessly digging. Long story, but there were several unexpected twists that I had to share.. I live at the beach, I know hardly anything about retrieving items lost in the snow. That doesn’t mean we can’t find them, first thing to remember is you can’t find a lost item if you don’t try.

It was a pleasure to meet Linda and her friend Arizona, I am happy to be able to do these searches. Linda was also happy that she found me through TheRingFinders directory of independent metal detectorists.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”… Finding your valuables is important to me .. Call now !  Stan the Metal Detector Man …  949-500-2136

Ring Lost On Clearwater Beach, Recovered By SRARC

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted. We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Howard Metts contacted Robert Clarke Sunday evening, January 9th in regards to a lost diamond tennis bracelet in the sand on Clearwater Beach. Robert advised he could respond and contacted Leslie, the owner of the missing tennis bracelet, got her exact location on Clearwater beach and headed that way. Robert met Leslie and her son near Tower 1 on Clearwater beach where she explained while throwing a football around with her family she felt her diamond tennis bracelet come off. They were able to find SRARC and ringfinders thru the internet and called Howard. Smartly, Leslie stayed in the exact spot where she felt the bracelet come off. Robert started detecting at that spot and within one minute got a faint “1” signal on his Nox, took out his pin pointer and on the first sweep, the pin pointer hit the necklace, revealing it in the sand just below the surface. Leslie was overjoyed, crying with happiness, believing she would never see the necklace again and gave Robert a big hug and kiss on the check. Another successful SRARC jewelry recovery!

Lost Childhood Memories Silver Ring Olympia WA

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call ASAP 206-618-8194

Watch the SeattleRingHunter return a lost childhood memory back to her cherished owner Miss Allen

Like share and subscribe… 

October 2021 Allen reached out to me asking for help in recovering her lost sterling silver keep sake ring she received from her grandmother when she was very young. This ring yet simple in design holds a lost of memories and would mean a lot if she could get it back. She explained that a few days prior she had got up early, went down to a bakery for some local treats and then went over to the public dock. She sat down on the dock with her breakfast and prepared to enjoy a library book. Being that the baked goods were sticky she took several rings off of her fingers and placed them in her lap thinking that was not a good idea but proceeded in doing so. As she enjoyed her morning treats and reading her book the weather turned on her with our typical Pacific North West rain flurry. As she jumped up to move out of the rain she remembered her rings in her lap as she looked down and watched them fall to the dock around her feet. She sadly watched the ring she cherished the most do a few bounces and to her dismay on the last bounce it landed into the marina water below.

After a quick search online she found where she found my offer of assistance for lost item recovery.

Watch the video to see as we bring a smile back to Allen’s face as her cherished ring is reunited with her once again.

Be sure to like, share and subscribe to my videos. By sharing these videos on your social media it really helps get the word out about our amazing Ring Finders across the nation… 

If you lost an item of value reach out to me directly for a quick chat so I can formulate a recovery plan for you!

CALL 206-618-8194

YouTube: #SeattleRingHunter

Young newlywed lost his wedding band cleaning snow off car Brampton, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I received a text from a manager of a recreation complex that he was cleaning the snow off his car knocked his hand on something. Next thing he noticed his 2 month old cobalt wedding ring was missing!

I new right away that it was a colleague at my work place! I messaged him back if he was a COB employee 😂 after that exchanged he called me and we had a bit of a laugh over it!

I met him bright and early the next day. Unfortunately, the area still had snow and ice but the worse was that the area was rebar encased concrete parking pad/walking area. I had my work cut out for me. Gave it 4 1/2 hours, I lowered my sensitivity to 2 but only had my 15” coil with me. I called it quits and decided to go back the following day on my lunch hours.

Well, 4 minutes into my 2nd attempt with my small coil and decided to check the snow piles / iced areas that were still present. I had a solid 9/10!! As I kicked the snow away, out popped the iced up shinny cobalt wedding band!!! WHAHOOOO!!

Now to surprise Antony!!!

As I was heading back into the building to surprise Antony… he walked out to check on the status. I pretended that an emergency call came in for a street light pole down. Then I pulled out his beautiful shinny cobalt wedding band!! His reaction was priceless!! Antony was so grateful to receive his 2 month old wedding band back. He was dreading telling his telling his Wife!

Check out my YouTube video for this recovery;

Thank you Antony for your donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation as I don’t take the reward for finding the lost item! Instead, I have the clients pay-it-forward with a donation! He receives a tax receipt.

I will be riding a snowmobile in honour of his dear Friend Rachel who passed away from breast cancer far too young!

BREAST CANCER DISCRIMINATES NO ONE!! Early diagnosis saves lives!

Security Key Lost McCauley Neighborhood! Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Gureye called me yesterday afternoon requesting my service to locate his front entrance apartment security key which he lost 2 weeks ago! he spent hrs!  looking for the key with no luck.
Gureye told me he was standing on his balcony and he tossed the key down to his friends which his friend missed it and landed in a snow bank.
I met Gureye and he showed me the area where the key could be within minutes I had the key back in his hand.
We all know how expensive it is to replace these security keys! Gureye was very happy to have the key back in his possession Thank you Gureye.

Wedding ring found in snow, and returned to owner.

  • from Reading (Pennsylvania, United States)

Jackie called and told me she lost her wedding ring in the snow after an evening of sledding at her sisters house. I arrived the next day and began my search. Due to her schedule, Jackie was unable to be there with me. After searching for about 20 min., I gave her a call to obtain some more information on the exact area she was sledding. After I spoke to her, I received a great hit on my Garrett ATPro under some ice. I had to use my shovel to break up the ice and then I found her ring. I sent her a text with a photo and she immediately called me and was so excited.

We made arrangements for her to drive to my house to get the ring back. I met her a few hours later and she told me they had bought a metal detector and searched for hours with no luck. If you have lost a ring or piece of jewelry, don’t waste the time and money trying to search with a cheap detector but call me at 610-207-8677 and allow me to find your lost item with my professional equipment.


Wedding Band and Engagement Rings Recovered – Yardley 1/9/2022

  • from Newtown (Pennsylvania, United States)

Received a call from Katie, who had lost her wedding and engagement rings in the snow while playing with her dog Winnie. Luckily it was small area to search and I was able recover them for her. Katie was overjoyed and I was very happy I could assist!