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Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano in Ocean City NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Daniel lost his wedding band on the beach in Ocean City, NJ. The ring flew out of the cup holder when he flipped his chair over while getting ready to leave. He contacted me and I met up with him shortly after to start the search. After a few swings of the metal detector, the ring was found!

Check out the website for more stories and information

Ring Finders South Jersey 


Hire metal detector

ring finder




Lost Wedding Band Found North Wildwood NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Just a call away!


I received a call from Tony’s wife Blyss about his lost wedding band in North Wildwood, NJ. He placed the ring on his knee before applying sunscreen and forgot it was there. It fell off his knee and disappeared in the sand as soon as he stood up. I met the couple on the beach and the ring was found in less than 30 seconds.
Check out the website for more stories and info..

Ring Finders South Jersey in Ocean City NJ

ring finder



Lost Gold Ring on Softball Field Found on Belle Isle Detroit Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Flashing Some Leather…..

…with 2 outs and bases loaded Shema heard the crack of the bat on the ball. As it soared past 2nd base, she full throttled it from her position in center field and took a dive. Making the catch and claiming victory, during the team celebration she noticed her ring missing. Trying to celebrate and not worry where her ring went was becoming difficult, so she and some teammates started to look around. With dusk approaching they called off the search. As with all rings and jewelry there is a story behind them. Shema received this ring from her grandmother prior to her passing away, so she was totally devastated when she had to leave the ballfield that night. A sleepless night was followed by her back out on the ballfield the next morning. She had a general idea where to look so using the quick turn on a go mode with my MXT metal detector I started to grid search. Closing in on the general area I got a good signal. Using my pin pointer detector, I moved some grass aside and the glint of gold shone thru. Shema quickly reached down and lifted her ring from the grass. Totally amazed she could hardly catch her breath. Hugs and high fives followed and although her team won the game, scoring her ring was the winning run!


Diamond engagement ring found in Port Hope Ontario

I was contacted by Lisa last week due to having lost her diamond engagement ring at a beach near Port hope. She had actually placed four rings in her jean pocket and then into her beach bag. When it was time to leave, the kids had emptied the bag and Lisa flung her jean shorts over her shoulder, sending the rings flying onto the sandy beach. After searching for a while, a gentleman and his young daughter came over and asked what they were looking for. Lisa told them what had happened and then the little girl showed her a gold ring she had found earlier. It was one of the four missing rings. Remembering where she had found it, they were able to find two more rings in the sand. Unable to locate the fourth ring, her engagement ring, this is when she found me online to go and help. I met up with Lisa’s mom the very next morning at the beach to discover that the town’s beach combing machine had been through the whole beach overnight. Luckily, I was able to find her ring in less then five minutes for her. Another happy ending!!!



Lost Engagement Ring and Wedding Band Ocean City, NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Christine called me yesterday about her engagement ring and wedding band that were lost in Ocean City, NJ on Sunday. She realized the rings were missing after she got home and thought they might have dropped in the sand while packing up her beach chair. She gave me the general location of where she sat on the beach and I went to go search. Within 20 minutes of using the metal detector, both rings were found.

metal detector

Wedding Band Lost in Stone Harbor Canal Found Stone Harbor NJ by RING FINDERS SOUTH JERSEY JOHN FAVANO

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t  wait to call?


LG gave me a call Saturday night about his lost wedding band in Stone Harbor, NJ. He was playing with his 3-year-old daughter in the water and she accidentally pulled it off of his finger. The challenge was that it was lost in the mud of the Stone Harbor Canal. It was nearly impossible to get out to the area since you sink around 2 feet down in the mud when trying to walk. I used the lucky duck float to maneuver out over the mud to the spot it could have dropped. I was able to lie down on the duck and swing the detector out in front of me. Once I got the signal, I was able to reach under the coil and dig it out. It was buried approximately 10 inches down. I pulled up the gold and platinum wedding band and showed it to LG. It just happened to be the 7 year anniversary of his engagement that it was returned.

check out my website for more info and stories:

Ring Finders South Jersey 

stone-harbor-nj metal detector

Lost Silver Ring Found Ocean City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Angela sent me a text about her daughter Hannah’s silver cross ring that was lost a few days ago on the beach in Ocean City, NJ. Hannah put the ring in her hat and set it on the beach blanket. She forgot it was there when she pulled up the blanket while packing up. Shortly after meeting Hannah and her brother Luke, the ring was found.

Check out the website for more stories and info

Ring Finders South Jersey 

metal detector

Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Calhoun, GA-Found!

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

I received a text this past Monday 11th from a wife.  She said her husband had lost his wedding band in the backyard about a month ago while cleaning out a pool skimmer trap.  She was searching the internet and came across where she found my contact information.  I made the trip to Calhoun that afternoon and met up with her.  She said her husband was still at work, but should be there pretty soon.  She said they had actually purchased a metal detector for themselves, but no luck in finding the ring.  When Alfred got home he was showing me how he lost his ring cleaning the skimmer with his left hand and throwing the trash over the chain link fence with an underhand motion.  He said he felt the ring leave his hand but didn’t see where it went.  With that underhand throwing motion I immediately figured the ring had gone over and into the brushy area behind the fence.  I eliminated the grass and the plant bed first of course, but no luck.  With the chain link fence there I couldn’t get close to it at all without sending my detector into an overload condition.  So that part would have to be searched by hand if I didn’t find the ring back in the brush.  I started back behind the fence, (poison ivy there too), as well as a snake, but didn’t get a good look at it, it was leaving the area.  I started from the right side and went left directly at the back of the fence.  The second pass was from the left back to the right, on a steep slope.  Of course I was finding bits of metal trash, we all do.  On the third pass from right to left I got to right where I figured the ring could have gone with that underhanded throw.  The first thing I found there was a rusted bottle cap, then about three feet away I got two signals on my CTX.  A strong 12:40 showing four inches, but literally inches away from that signal was another one, a strong 12:28 showing one inch.  I hadn’t seen it yet, but that 12:28 at one inch brought a grin to my face.  I stooped over and under my coil I saw a faint hint of something shining back at me.  I snapped a picture of it before I moved it, and you can barely catch a glimpse of something out of place under the layer of leaves.  The 12:40 signal turned out to be a toy car.  The search took about 1.5 hours.

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Lost Metal Nails Found on Horse Arena in Ortonville Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

She Won’t Saddle for Less……

……when it involves her horse, Ebony. When Sarah and she were doing some practice routines, Ebony stepped on a nail that resulted in a horrible infection that slowed her activities down to near zero. During the healing process, Sarah got a metal detector and tried to locate more nails resulting in no success. I decided to approach this challenge 2 different ways. First, using my custom tube magnet, I adapted it to drag thru the loose sand in a grid pattern. This gave a high yield to all the loose nails. Second, I grid searched the arena with my MXT metal detector to capture any other stray nails. Both search methods proved successful. Ebony approved and Sarah is thrilled that she’s back in the saddle and riding high again!

Lost Gold w/Diamonds Bracelet Underwater Found in Cass Lake Waterford Township Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

One Score and Seven Days Ago…….

…..DeAngelo and his out-of-town fiancée were eager to celebrate their independence and freedom. In the pursuit of happiness, they invited all their local friends and family to join them on the lake. As they headed out on 3 pontoon boats the party of 20 people caught up on current events, personal goals and family gossip. Arriving at a popular sandbar their 4th of July celebration began. Food, drinks, card games, music and dancing had everyone in a great mood. His fiancée frequently jumped in and out of each boat to visit with everyone. As dusk approached the small fleet packed it in and headed for the mainland. It was around this time that his fiancée noticed her bracelet missing. With the remaining light everyone tried to find it with no luck. DeAngelo and I made arrangements to meet and try to find it. Arriving at the location I put on my snorkel mask, weight belt and jumped into the refreshing clear cool water with the metal detector to grid search the sand bar. An hour later and a pocket full of junk I got another signal. Thinking it was another bottlecap I looked thru my fogging snorkel mask and thought I saw something. Rinsing out the mask I then went completely underwater a few feet and scanned the sand with my Garrett carrot pin pointer. Moving through the sand I got a signal and when the blurring of the stirred-up sand cleared I saw a portion of the bracelet! Knowing I had to come up for air in a few seconds I pulled the bracelet out of the sand and secured it in both hands. As I surfaced, I was hoping that the bracelet had just snapped and there was not another piece somewhere. That turned out to be true. I yelled over to DeAngelo to come see me. As I showed it to him, he said WOW that’s it, you found it! Boarding the boat, DeAngelo quickly sent texts and pics of the find to his fiancée. She was totally elated and didn’t think she would ever see it again. As we enjoyed the ride back, and our heads held high, DeAngelo was excited to get the bracelet repaired and returned to her next time they meet. Now they can look back on this 4th of July as a double celebration as one heart, proud to be under one flag and on the land that we call America!

Keep calm and SPARKLE on!


Pixilart - Happy "BELATED" 4th of July!! by NiXian