Lost & Found Category | Page 459 of 463 | The Ring Finders

Lost my Ring in Vancouver BC…Platinum Wedding Band Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call the other day while I was at work in regards to a lost platinum wedding band, lost while the man was cleaning out his SUV on the side of the road by his house. We discussed the search and I was able to get to his place before dark at around 8 pm to start the search.

I was feeling confident that this would be a quick search and I’d be on my way home within 30 minutes or less…Not…It was almost midnight and I had to pack it up and head home without finding the ring. Sometimes this happens and I knew the ring had to be there some where so I told the young man and his wife that I’d be back on the weekend to continue my search for his platinum wedding band. I could tell they were both disappointed but I assured them that if it was there I would find it.

The only place that I could think it would be was in the very large and thick hedge along side their property, I did spend some time searching under the hedge but mostly I concentrated in the areas that someone could come along the next day and find it. I wanted to make sure that I didn’t miss the most obvious place and I searched them over and over, I did have some problems with power lines just above me but I was able to stabilize my metal detector.

Saturday came and I was off to search for this young man’s ring,  I brought a rake and I was ready to shake the hedge and rack everything under the hedge to the front and detect.  I started at the most likely spot under the hedge on my stomach and slowly worked inch by inch with my hand held pin pointer (detector)  after about an hour and half way up the hedge I got a nice loud signal and I moved the branches and leaves near the root and there I saw his beautiful platinum wedding band!



I think it might have gotten caught up in the branches and when I shook the hedge it fell to the ground, I was so happy to see that ring and to give it back to the young mans wife as he wasn’t home at the time. When I knocked on the door and she saw the ring I could tell how relieved she was! I have the greatest job in the world…I get to make people smile!


Thank you for the very kind reward Darren! I’m so glad your ring is back where it belongs!

I love my Job!

Lost your Ring? Call me ASAP!

You can watch the video below of the search…

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Recovered in Forest Hill Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

Once again I am proud to say that my 100% recovery success rate is still in tact! Earlier in the week I received a call from Michael telling me that his wedding band slipped off while doing some yard work and asked if I could come out and see what I could do.  Luckily I work about 25 minutes from his residence so we made plans to come out the the next day. Michael had a plane to catch in the morning so I ended up meeting his wife Gina when I arrived. Here’s how things went down in her own words….

My husband was out in the yard spreading grass seed a couple weeks ago. He came into the house and told me that he felt his ring fall off while he was sifting through some of the excess seed with his hands. I went out to where he said that he was and we both spent about 20 minutes before we gave up on it. We both went out the next day and spent another 15 to 20 minutes looking for it and still no ring. We decided to buy a metal detector and had the same result..NO RING! We were both dumbfounded and ready to chalk it up as a loss. I decided to try once last attempt on internet to search for a company that specializes in recovering lost jewelry. After about 10 minutes and different google entries, TheRingFinders website came up. I found Jim’s name and read his blog and my husband called him. He was very pleasant and informative during the conversation. You could really feel his enthusiasm for what he does as a « hobby ».  He was able to come by after work the following day and begin the search. Jim had full confidence that he would find it and I was trying to be as positive as he was about it. After about an hour, all that was found was a flat soda can, aluminum foil and a  juice top, I was having my doubts but Jim kept reassuring me that the ring would be found. He began to search the other part of the lawn where it could have possibly fallen off with no such luck. He then started to go over the initial area where my husband said he felt it slip off. I went inside for a few minutes and came back out to see Jim on the ground digging at something. He turned around and said, « I found it ». I couldn’t believe it when he showed me the spot where it was. It was lying under some grass about 8 feet from the initial area. I was completely amazed and so excited when he held it up. We can’t begin to thank him enough for his professionalism and true passion to help people. I would not hesitate to use him again or recommend him to anyone in a similar situation. Thanks again and congrats on a perfect recovery record!!!


Take Care,


Gina & Michael

I’m glad I was successful Michael/Gina….for your sake and for my own personal track record!


Hiding in the grass!


She said she may charge a ransom once her husband gets home!




Lost Locket & Gold Chain found! Arlington,Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We  received a panic call from a young man about 8pm one night saying that his girlfriend had lost the locket and chain he had given her somewhere in his front yard.  He wanted us come that night but we were tied up and promised to come early the next morning.  We arrived around 7am and he explained that he and his girlfriend had been playing around in the front yard when the incident happened. She had placed the item in the pocket of her hoodie prior to playing around.  She was extremely upset with him and he was really upset that he couldn’t find it himself.

We got out our detectors and began scanning and in just 5 minutes or so we got a HIT.  We found the locket and chain. He was shocked and happy and could not thank us enough.

What a thrill to have another successful hunt for « The Ring Finder ».

Don & Ellen Wilson – Carrollton,Texas

Gold Wedding Band found 6 months after it was lost!!! Coppell,Tx

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

My wife and I were out detecting in a local park when a gentleman approached me to say he had lost his gold wedding band in his backyard, would we come try and find it(?).  Having asked him a few questions, he told me that 6 months ago he was working in his backyard and placed his wedding band on a small patio table and continued working.  He forgot about the ring and moved the table several times before he realized his ring was gone.  He and his family searched for days trying to find it and even borrowed a metal detector from a friend but was unable to locate it. He told me his wife was very upset with him or he wouldn’t have bothered to ask.  We agreed to come out the next morning at  8:30am arriving on a damp, slightly rainy morning.  We found out that the gentleman was a law inforcement officer and was on the phone when we arrived working on a situation that had happened the night before. He quickly showed us the backyard and went through his actions the day he lost the ring.  We got out our equipment and told him there would be several beeps and noises from my pinpointer alone but not to get too excited as the Garrett detector would be picking up anything metal.  I put on my headphones, turned on my Gartett ATPro and began my search in the backyard.  My detector went off  immediately, and I mean in the first 10 seconds of starting, which startled me.  I thought NO-WAY, it has to be coming from the patio rebarb in the concrete.  When I pulled out my pinpointer and checked to be sure I HIT Full TONE immediately.  I bent down, pulled the grass aside to see and there flush in the mud and grass was a Gold Circle.  His wedding band. I looked up and ask my wife to get the video camera ready on our iPhone, she looked at me like I was nuts, I whispered, I Got It.  She said no way but got the camera ready and started filming.  The homeowner was walking around the backyard and I said, ‘sir, you might want to take a look at this’…he hollered and grabbed the ring from me; it actually still had grass growing through it.  He was so excited, he hugged me and thank us and thanked us.  He was so excited he forgot about us and ran inside to tell his wife. This 10 second find made our day and put a smile on everyone’s face for the day.   It felt so good helping someone who is out there protecting us on a daily basis. Another Successful Find for « The Ring Finders » Don & Ellen Wilson  – Carrollton,Tx

Lost Engagement Ring Recovered In Severn Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

Back on April 3rd, I was contacted by Laurie via email informing me that over the weekend she lost her wedding ring while doing yard work. What I remember most about the email was her last sentence…….. » I’m absolutely heartbroken ». I got back to her the same day and we made arrangements to come out that weekend. Once again, my detecting buddy Lance was available to tag along.  Were we successful you ask? I’ll let Laurie tell the story in her own words…..

We were outside most of the day Saturday.  My husband was working in the yard all day.  I was outside most of the day as well , simultaneously cleaning up the flowerbeds and the kids’ play area and playing with the kids.  After coming in for the day, we had a quick dinner, gave the kids a bath and put them to bed.  Once the kids were in bed and we had a chance to relax we realized my engagement ring was missing.  We panicked and tried to look for it in the house and outside, even though it was dark.  We barely slept and continued the search on Sunday and for the next couple days.  We sifted through the bags of yard waste, checked drains in the house, took apart our washing machine and used a cheap metal detector that we had in our garage.  We had no luck finding the ring but kept googling for ideas.  We came across Jim’s web page and figured we had nothing to lose.  We e-mailed Jim and he responded right away.  He told us not to throw out our yard waste so that they could check it with their detectors.  We arranged for Jim and his buddy Lance to come out in a few days.  They arrived as scheduled and were very friendly and eager to help find the ring.  They asked some questions about what we were doing and where and then they got to work.  They were very methodical in their search and their equipment was top-notch.  Within and hour of searching, Lance found the ring in a bag of yard waste.  As our daughter said, “Yay, nice men!”  Thanks again Jim and Lance!  ~ Laurie & Jason

I tell you what, the feeling never gets old returning something to someone that has practically given up hope of ever seeing it again.  And this 100% success rate I(we) have going……I’m really getting use to it!

Lance returning the ring to Laurie


Glad we could got this beauty back to Laurie


Lost Cell Phone in Newark, OH…Found

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

Cell phone was lost while her and her boyfriend was riding a 4-wheeler in the back woods and fields.  After about an hour of looking along the path the cell phone was in the brush beside the path. Good thing that the cell phone was found, even though it was dead, because the rain that was coming and would have ruined the phone.


Ringfinders in the Snow

  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

The first day of snow in Kelowna had Shawn Harrison and his wife Karen cleaning his car windshield of snow, once clean he shook his hands and drove away. When he arrived home he realized he had lost his wedding ring, he returned to the location with a metal detector to attempt to find his ring. It was hopeless too many signals to identify his ring, so he called myself at Ringfinders to assist him. On my arrival I found five people with propane torches and rakes searching the area, I joined the group with my detector and began searching, there were many signals but easy  for me to discriminate, after twenty minutes finding three coins and other deep good signals, I located the ring.

Another happy Ringfinders customer who says I saved his marriage.





Lost Ring in Wood Lake

  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)


Newly married Kyle was playing in 4 feet of water at Wood Lake, Winfield when he saw his white Gold wedding band fly off his finger, Both him and his wife searched the area with scoops, but were unable to find the ring.Four days later I  was contacted through Ringfinders to assist him in the search. Luckily for me he had marked the location in the lake with a mound of stones, it didn’t take long and we had the Ring back on his finger.It pays to know the exact location of a loss in the water.

Tungsten Carbide ring found in Morrison, Colorado sports complex

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Andy's ring

Monday October 17th while playing in a rousing game of kickball on a cool and crisp night Andy lost his tungsten carbide wedding band. He had played in a couple of games before noticing that his ring had gone missing. He was pretty upset as he had been married for less than two months. Over a dozen people helped to look for the ring that evening but they had no luck in finding the ring.

The next day he placed an ad on Craigslist noting the location of the sports complex, a description of the ring and his contact information. This is where I came into play; I normally check the ads on Craigslist to see if there is a need for my services. Tuesday morning I noticed Andy’s ad and researched the park as I do not live in or visit that side of the Denver metropolitan area very often. I called and left Andy a message asking for more information as I wished to narrow down the area of my search. I printed a map of the area and prepared my equipment for my upcoming search.

Upon finding the park I noticed that there were several ballparks within this sports complex, luckily Andy’s ad mentioned which ballpark he was in when he lost his ring. Time did not allow me to search very long as I had other obligations but I was hopeful that I could find Andy’s ring in the time I had. I proceeded to search the designated field without luck. I called Andy and informed him I was unsuccessful but that I would be back to search again.

Late Wednesday morning I finished up my “honey-do” list and prepared my equipment for another trek to search for Andy’s ring. Just as I was about to leave Andy called me to let me know that he had gone back out to the sports complex the night before and that his ad mentioned the wrong ball field.  The ball field that I needed to search was one field to the east of the one mentioned in the ad. Upon arriving at the park at I set up my equipment and began my search at the proper ball field. Within 15 minutes of starting this search I had recovered Andy’s ring. I called him to let him know that I had his ring, we were trying to come up with a means of getting Andy his ring back because I mentioned before I don’t get to this side of town very often. It turns out that Andy’s place of work was on my way home, so I just swung by and dropped off his ring on my way home. 

Ring recovered October 19, 2011.

Andy gets his ring back

Tungsten carbide ring found in Aurora, CO

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Rick Smith lost his tungsten carbide ring while playing in the March of Dimes mud volleyball tournament held each year in the Denver suburb of Aurora. A contributor that led to the loss of the ring is the fact that Rick has lost in the neighborhood of 50 pounds since his marriage.

Rick was changing positions when he actually saw the ring leave his finger and fall in the knee deep soupy mud. He and five of his teammates searched for several minutes but at last the officials of the tournament made them play on.

Now nearly two months later while posting my ad for “Ring Finders metal detecting service” on Craigslist I noticed an ad posted by Amy, Rick’s wife, about the loss of the ring. I sent Amy an email and told her I may be able to help find the ring. That evening I received a call from Rick and we made arrangements to meet the following morning at the site of the volleyball tournament. During our phone conversation Rick mentioned that he was contacted by another metal detectorist about searching for the ring and that this gentleman did not have any luck.

Sunday morning we met at 8:00 and Rick showed me the site of the volleyball tournament. This hunt site was HUGE with at least 30 volleyball mud pits set into a field. Rick had a good idea as to which court he was on when the ring came off but he was not 100% positive that the court he was pointing out was the one we needed to search. After a quick look at the vegetation growth and reading of the site we determined which court we needed to search.

Our first pass with the metal detector yielded no signals to dig. The work then began as we started to pry up the dirt clods in the area of where Rick’s loss occurred from the now dried out mud pit. Each dirt clod was about 10 inches in depth and fairly heavy. We moved each clod off to the side of our search site placing them upside down so that we could search the bottom side of the clods with the metal detector. I first scanned the bottom of the newly formed hole and then the clods without any success. Rick was starting to lose hope but we removed more dirt clods and I once again scanned the newly exposed soil, no luck. I made my way over to the clods and the first clod I scanned, the last out of the hole, I received a signal. I pulled the clod up to look at it and there was the edge of Rick’s ring exposed to the daylight. I let Rick see the clod and the edge of the Ring, he as ecstatic!  Though this ring was not a very expensive ring, it was HIS wedding ring and he finally got it back.

Ring recovered September 25, 2011.

Ricks ringRick happy to have his ring once againRing in dirt cloda challenging hunt site