We got a email from an very nice young man who was in a little bit of a panic. He was playing volleyball with his team at the local « Bump & Drink Volleyball Club » and realized his wedding ring had come off sometime during the evening. This was about 8pm, he had spent the next 2 hours on his hands & knees with his friends going through the really deep sand on the court he had played on.
His wife is 8 months pregnant and he really dreaded going home without his wedding ring and then having to tell his wife about it.
He found « The Ring Finder » website and sent us a email. I responded immediately because I knew exactly what Volleyball Club he had been at, we had been called in before to find rings for other customers. I immediately call the club and spoke to the manager, most of the Volleyball clubs are very strict about not allowing detectorists on to their courts, but this manager remembered us and said we could come in the next day 30 minutes before they opened.
Ellen & I arrived at 3pm on a Friday and began our hunt. Understand this sand is awesome, but it is 12-20inches deep all over the 8 courts. We had to use our beach scoops as we detected. We knew what court he had played on and where he had wash off the sand at the end of the night, so we began our hunt.
We cover the court 3 times with no luck, I began covering the area I believed the customer would have walked to the wash off station »aka water hose! Understand that Ellen & I both use Garrett ATPro’s and Garrett Pinpointers, I was digging in the sand and Ellen walks over and says « what did he say his ring looked like », as I looked up she had this sheepish grin on her face and on her finger was a Platinum Wedding Ring. I started to get up, and she said don’t stop looking this might not be his ring! We have had that happen more than once, we found a different ring than the one we were hired to find.
Well the customer was on his way, he was stuck in Friday afternoon Dallas 5pm traffic..YUK! When he arrived, we shook hands and I said « my wife has a question for you » she walked up and said « is this your ring ». He was awestruck, his mouth dropped open, he was so excited. He must have told us 3 times how much his wife was going to be happy…
This hobby is so much fun.
Another successful hunt for The Ring Finders!
Don & Ellen – Dallas/Ft Worth