Lost & Found Category | Page 448 of 463 | The Ring Finders

Diamond Engagement Ring found in Fire Pit in Batavia Illinois

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received a call to look for an engagement ring that was lost on the lawn while collecting leaves.

The client was throwing some leaves onto a fire pit and later discovered that her diamond engagement ring was gone. She searched endlessly on her knees an even used a metal detector to search for it. They had dumped the ashes from the fire pit and could find nothing.

I arrived and asked her about what she was doing at the time. I immediately told her to put some water in the fire pit and we emptied the water. Nothing! I search the yard. I gridded it for over an hour, Nothing. Then I went back to the pit. The interior was metal so I could not use the handheld pinpointed. I looked very closely at the silt that remained in the pit. BINGO!!

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Lost Diamond Wedding Ring on Maderia Beach, FL

Dale’s wife had just left town to attend her class reunion so he decided to go for his weekly swim down at Maderia Beach. As he dove down to swim under water he felt his wedding ring slip off. He stopped right then and called someone over to stand in the place while he walked down the beach looking for a dive mask. He returned and hunted the bottom for over and hour but had no luck. He didn’t want to have to tell his wife about losing his wedding ring just when she left town so he contacted us and we did a hunt the next day. We were not successful the first time and he ended up telling his wife when she returned from her trip. As you can imagine she was not to happy with him. I scheduled another hunt at the next good tide and within an hour we had his ring. He was one happy man and I bet his wife was too.


Lost Wedding Ring Northwest-Houston, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Wedding Ring Recovered Northwest-Houston, Texas


Received a call, regarding a lost wedding ring in the backyard of a residence in Northwest Houston.

The caller Allen was wanting to check on my availability in the event he could not find his ring.

Allen reported he had placed his ring on his cellphone in his backyard, and later when he grabbed his phone the ring flew into the grass.

Allen said he was going to continue trying to find the ring himself, and was going to borrow a Metal Detector from a neighbor.

Allen said he would call ne tomorrow if he was unsuccessful at finding his ring.

I am not sure if Allen’s wife Nikki made him sleep outside that night, but he seemed pretty happy to see me the next day 🙂

Allen had to leave for work upon my arrival, but you can see from the smile on Nikki’s face it was a good day.



























Equipment used:

CTX 3030



Lost Military Knife in Columbus, OH “FOUND”.

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call that a guy had lost a friends Military knife. The knife was lost after it was thrown and he missed the target he was aiming for. He did not think that he would miss, but he did and that is where the fun begins. Him and his friend looked, racked, moved brush in the trashy metal, weeds, trees, sticks area with no luck. After I got there, I searched for about half an hour through the trees, weeds, dirt, and a lot of trash metal everywhere. There is was underneath the sticks and dirt. He was very happy to see the knife again and so was his friend to have the knife back.


Lost Military Knife in Columbus, OH “FOUND”.


Lost Military Knife in Columbus, OH “FOUND”.


Pourquoi louer un détecteur de métaux en France? Contactez theringfinders.com

Recherchez le web  theringfinders.com (Larry Griffith)

metal detector rental in France? Why?

Using a detector without experience can be overwhelming and frustrating. Why not consider contacting a knowledgeable metal detectorist who has all the equipment and knowledge to be successful in locating those important, cherished or valuable items? We will respond quickly to your needs at  Theringfinders.com.

Lost Diamond Pendant on Treasure Island, FL

Barbra was just getting ready to dive into the water for her daily swim when she noticed she was still wearing her cherished diamond pendant. She turned around on the dock and headed for her condo. As she crossed a grass area she removed the chain that was holding the pendant but when she looked into her hand the pendant was not there. She frantically looked all around the area, including the dock but could not find it. Her granddaughter had just recently moved in with her and started searching the internet and soon found  The Ringfinders. Barbra contacted us and a team went out that evening to see if they could find it. We had no luck that evening so we returned the next day with a gold nugget detector and soon found it hidden in the grass. What fun it was to see the smile on Barbra’s face when I reached up, saying it was just another piece of tin foil, and dropped the pendant into her hand.

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Lost Ring Lake Livingston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Diamond Wedding Ring Lake Livingston, Texas

Received a call from Mike in Kingwood, Texas regarding his wife’s lost Gold Wedding Ring. Mike reported while swimming in Lake Livingston his wife lost her ring. Mike said he was pretty sure she lost the ring on a sand bar in the lake where they had spent most of the day.

I made the trip with Mike up to the lake and spent 6 hours in the water with the new (replacement) Excalibur II and could not find the ring, The plus, the Excalibur II ran like a champ, and the pictured ring was found while searching for my clients ring.

Men’s 14kt Gold wedding Band (owner unknown)

It was an unfortunate out-come, but Mike was very grateful for the extraordinary effort.














Equipment CTX 3030


Lost Wedding Ring Southwest Houston (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Received a call from Kathy who advised her husband had lost his wedding ring in the backyard of their residence. Kathy said her husband was shooting some hoops when the ring had come off his finger and disappeared in the grass. Kathy said they were unsuccessful at finding the ring and later found www.theringfinders.com on an internet search..

The photograph tells the rest of the story.



























Equipment used on this search CTX3030





Wedding Band lost at John’s Pass, Maderia Beach, FL

John and his recently married wife had just returned from their honeymoon and were settling into their home together. They decided to take a break and spend a day at the beach. After they arrived at Maderia Beach and setup a spot on the beach they ventured out into the water. They were just cooling down in neck deep water when John’s wife noticed his wedding ring was missing. They tried to locate the ring in the murky water but had no luck. John’s wife found us on the Ringfinders site and contacted us. We responded the next day with a small team and in about an hour we recovered the ring. Needless to say, John was overjoyed!

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