Finders Category | Page 426 of 449 | The Ring Finders

“40 years on my finger” (Less 3 months) for a Yarmouth, MA man’s wedding band

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)
Stan and Rick with smiles!

Stan and Rick with smiles!

Stan's Ring

                                                                Stan’s Ring

August was a fine month for boating and beach going. The only moment that was a downer was when Stan’s ring slipped from his finger while mooring his boat on the BassRiver. The spot had been one of his favorite places to watch other boaters and the surrounding homes.

October came and Stan read about TheRingFinders in an article about Rick returning two class rings. What the heck, he had nothing to loose and he called Rick. A meeting was set for the next weekend.

On the last day of November at 1pm. Stan, Rick’s friend Dick and Rick were ready to walk to the location of the ring’s loss and start searching. The river’s current was running fast and it was about 2 hours before low tide. Dick started the search above the high tide mark while Rick started searching at the water’s edge. Each worked down the sandy slope so their machines would not interfere with each other. About 10 minutes into the search after only two pull tabs and one sinker Rick saw a gold ring in his scoop. A quick look to verify the date and then Stan was given the honor of taking his ring from the scoop and he immediately placed the wedding band back on the finger where it belonged. One happy ending with SMILES!

Now there was only one thing Stan was going to do and that was to get the ring re-sized.

A note from Stan:


Lost Wedding Ring West University-Houston, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)


I received a call today from Ryan and Jess regarding Ryan’s lost wedding ring.

Ryan and Jess reported Ryan was playing football in the front yard with family when

his ring flew off of his finger.

Ryan mentioned his wife Jess was not happy :), but after speaking to her she

insisted Ryan would be sleeping in-doors tonight regardless of the out-come.

Ryan reported one of his family members had located after

his failed attempts at finding his ring.

I think you can tell from the smiles, today was a good day

I was happy very happy for Ryan and Jess, you could see the relief and happiness

in both of them when the ring was recovered.














Ryan and Jess














Ryan’s Wedding Ring


Equipment used on this Recovery: CTX 3030 and Pinpointer Pro




Same ring lost twice and recovered twice Arlington Heights,IL

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

imageimagePerhaps this ring looks familiar! It should . I posted it about july 12th 2012 when I first found it in the garden for a customer. Well, today I received another call from the same customer. This time the ring came off while hanging Christmas lights. Ironically, it was found about 3 feet away from where I found it last year!
Maybe I should consider a package discount. 😉



Lost Texas A&M Class Ring Woodlands, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)


Hi John,

I work for The Woodlands Township in The Woodlands and I supervise the
boathouse next to the woodlands mall. Today at work, my worst nightmare
happened. I went to shake someone’s hand and they pulled my ring off and it
bounced off the dock into the lake. It is about 4.5 to 5 ft deep where it fell
in and it is in probably a 5 by 5 ft area next to the dock.

I found you online at when I was looking for metal

detector rentals. Is there ANY way you can help me with this. My ring is/was easily

my most prized possession.

Please, if you get a chance I would love to hear back from you with any help
you might be able to offer me.

Thanks in advance,















I met Kyle this morning at the Woodlands Boat House and  Kyle gave me a first hand

account of how the ring was lost and where he believed it landed in the water.

The job appeared easy from the top side, I was thinking, I’ll jump in this tropical warm

blue water, grab the ring and job complete.

Well the water wasn’t tropical or warm and the bottom of the dock was concrete with

apparently a lot of re-enforced re-bar. I found the ring, lots of luck on this job. I was

thinking to myself, Kyle you just witnessed an early Christmas Miracle 🙂

I was really happy for him, It was clear from the beginning the Ring was very important to him.














Kyle was nice enough to grab a shot of the recovery















Kyle with a big thumbs up.









Nice Ring


It was a good day



Equipment used on this Recovery:

Minelab Excalibur II


Keys Lost At Blackmud Creek Ravine Edmonton

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

matt VW KeyVW Fob

Received a call from Matt last night around 7:30 to see if I was able to come out and try and find his key fob for his Volkswagen  that he lost on Saturday on a toboggan hill while he was sledding down the hill with his family. I told him if the keys are on the ground I will find them for him. I told Matt I would be there in 30 minutes I meet up with Matt at his house and walked over to the hill with my trusty V3i, Matt told me that he spent some time on Saturday evening looking for the keys but it was too dark to see also he was out early Sunday morning with no luck. Matt showed me where he was sledding on the hill and he had a spare set of keys on him, I tested his key fob and was getting a visual display of 37! Within 5 minutes I received a clear loud 37! on my unit Bingo!!! Key fob was located buried in about 4 inches of snow, another happy client Thanks Matt.

Lost item in Eastern Washington

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)


The trees have ears..?

The trees have eyes you might be saying, however deep in the mountains of northeast Washington  they had ears. What I mean is that, a gentleman named Skip had lost his hearing aid while out hunting. After looking in the dark for a few minutes and returning the next day to find that it had snowed, Skip decided to look for help. He called a local metal detecting shop and asked about renting a detector. The sales man knew he wouldn’t have any luck so he told him to look up the Ring Finders. So a few days ago I returned Skip’s call and set up a date to go looking. it was 19 degrees, the ground was frozen, but the sun was out. It took one and half ours to drive out to the location, 5 minutes to walk to the area, and 2 minutes for me to turn on my Whites DFX.  After Swinging it around and just barely hearing a change in the threshold while in pinpoint mode, Skip and I started looking on our hands and knees. Just moments into it Skip pulled out a piece of the aid from underneath a few twigs. So then we started moving around some branches and I spotted the other half that contained the inner workings for the aid. Happy, cold and elated to have helped this man, I thought I am so glad this was my first ring finders happy ending. Thank you for calling me Skip it means more than anything to have had the chance to help you.

WP_000235 (2) WP_000237 (2)

100 years of Cuban heritage found and returned on Cape Cod, MA.

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Monday November 11, 2013 was a beautiful day for a search for a lost ring.

I was told of a lost ring by my detecting partner who could not go on the search. I contacted a second partner and we headed to Falmouth, MA to find a century old hand made Cuban diamond ring. It was Elena’s great-grandmother’s ring that Elena had lost it in the “back yard” while playing with her dog. Her “back yard” was about 20’x40′. Ah, but that was not the “back yard”. We had to walk to the town hall’s back yard…a much larger area. A quarter of the way through the second pass I heard a strong signal and saw the ring. See the Smile and Ring pictures, tart and thank you card. They tell the rest of the story.

We also recieved the following E-mail Thank You note:

Last November 8th I was playing with my dog, at the park. Suddenly, while I was throwing the ball my ring slipped out of my finger. I felt it fly away!

I expend the next two hours on my knees trying to find that ring. However, it was no where to be seen. The grass was to high, there were too many leaves on the ground. My husband help me, my neighbor, some passer-by … I went back late at night with a torch. I was back on early Saturday morning.

My husband inserted an ad at Craigslist, asking for some help or information to rent a metal-detector. We were so surprised when Richard Browne called us on Saturday morning offering his help. That only happens on movies!

He and Eleanor H. arrived soon after and, sure enough, they found my ring.

It was much farther that I ever expected. There is no way I would have ever found it.

This ring has been in my family for the past hundred years. It was my great-grandmother engagement ring. She died in Cuba soon after my grandmother was born. My grandma and her brother where sent back to Spain when they were really young, so little more than that ring is left of my Cuban family. It is much more than a ring.

I am so glad that Richard and Eleanor were able to find it. I would never be able to express with words how thankful I am.
Thank you.

Elena L. P.

CoverElena TU Elena ringElena        Elena tart


Lost Platinum Wedding Band recovered in Severna Park, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

The streak continues! A gentleman by the name of Brock emailed me several days ago about his lost wedding ring.  Again, I can’t emphasize enough how important taking good notes, both physically and/or mentally, are important to the success of finding your lost item. Brock did an excellent job at this which in turn made the chances of success very likely. Brock not only had the details fresh in his mind of exactly what happened, but he physically marked the spot he was standing on his property when he believed the ring flew off. He did go out and buy a metal detector and gave it a shot himself, but quickly realized that having a metal detector is only half the battle. Knowing how to operate it to its fullest capabilities is a must.  Once I arrived at his home,  I was able to recover the ring in about 25 minutes. It was about 5 yards from the spot he marked, buried in a small pile of leaves.  Here are a few pictures of the ring itself and a very happy Brock!Brocksringphoto a


Remember, if you are unfortunate enough to lose a ring, piece of jewelry, keys and the like,  attention to your surroundings is the most important factor. The other is to contact someone that not only has a metal detector, but the skill and experience to use it. Please be sure to check everyone’s blog in your area if you need help. Once you do that, the decision who to contact should be an easy one based on success.

Lost Wedding Ring Sugar Land, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)


24kt. Wedding Ring Recovered in Sugar Land 11/05/2013


I received a call from Chetham, regarding his wife’s lost 24kt Gold Wedding Ring at a park in Sugar Land, Texas. Chetham reported he and his wife Nethra were at a gathering with friends when she lost her ring.

Chetham said he and his wife where sitting at one of the picnic tables in the park when her ring accidentally flew off of her finger and landed in the grass near the picnic table.

Chetham reported he and several friends searched for an hour or better on their hands and knee digging through the grass trying to find the ring.

Chetham said after unsuccessfully locating the ring he did a Google search and located the web site

I met Chatham and Nethra at the park today and we searched the area they felt the missing ring would be found. We searched and searched the area in question with no success. I had Nethra perform a re-enactment of where she was standing and what she was doing when the ring came off her finger.

The ring was located 180 degrees in the opposite direction of where they believed the ring would be found.

You can see from the pictures both Chatham and Nethra were very happen when their missing ring was found.















Chethan and his wife Nethra














Nethra’s Wedding Ring


Equipment Used on this Search:

CTX 3030 and Minelab Pinpointer Pro


Lost Wedding Ring… Found At Ames, Iowa


I received a call last week from Tim who lost his wedding band while tailgating at a college football game the weekend before. He had rented a detector but didn’t find it.

So I met him and his wife today to try and find it. We gridded off an area where they had parked with marker flags and I went to work. Wow what a terrible place to try and find a gold ring. The pop tops and bottle caps just littered the ground.

I knew the ring had to be close to the surface so I didn’t dig any targets and I put on my small coil. I was there two and half hours with nothing to show for it but a pouch of junk.

Tim told me he had been wearing gloves that day but took them off when he was playing a game at a table they brought. So I asked him and his wife to direct me to the area where the table was that day as best as they could remember.

His wife walked over to a spot where she thought the table had been. She then bent over and picked up his ring! It was like magic. I told them I don’t care who finds it as long as it’s found. We were all very happy to have had a successful search.

Good luck to all the ringfinders out there,

Norm Slaymakerwg ringTim and wife