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Lost Gold Wedding Band at Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki……FOUND!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)



I got a call from Ken while at work and he wanted to know if I could look for his ring at Hilton Hawaiian Village. He lost the ring two days prior and that area is one of the most detected areas in Waikiki. My fear was someone already found it and he would never get it back. The surf has been pounding the South shore so there was a chance the regular Waikiki detectorists might have been taking a break. I told Ken I would meet him after work and give it my best shot. We met at 4PM on the beach and I was elated to find out Ken had lost his ring in the rocky area of the beach. That area is very difficult to detect in as there are many large coral rocks and most of the detectorists avoid it. Ken explained that he was in no deeper than 4 feet of water and between two coral outcroppings on the shoreline. So I went to work. Unfortunately I only found coins, pull tabs and a bottle cap. I asked Ken lets think this over where did you spend the most time? He said probably in the sandy area near the wave break where he was getting thrown around. I said OK I’m going to concentrate there and not go into the rocky area. An hour had already passed and I could see the anxiety on their faces. I needed to find this ring. I started a wave curl search as the surf was pounding the shore. On the return leg a little farther into the sand at the half point between Ken’s marks I got that beautiful « GOLD » tone. After two scoops I saw a ring. I motioned Ken over and asked him to describe the ring again please. White gold with two rose colored bands going through it he said. Sure enough that is what was in my scoop. I pulled the ring out and handed it to Ken. You know that look we treasure so much well Ken was beaming with joy that I finally found his ring. I found out from talking to Ken and his lovely wife Malette that they had just gotten married and only had the ring for a day when it was lost. What a happy ending to a wonderful vacation in Hawaii. Aloha to Ken and Malette.

Lost rings found at North Avenue Beach Chicago

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Got a call at 8:30AM on Sunday, Fathers Day.
Woman was very upset that she lost both her wedding band and her engagement ring at North Ave Beach on Saturday. Took off her rings to put on lotion and forgot they were on her lap. She was leaving Chicago shortly on Sunday. Time was of the essence.  Didn’t want to break the news to her husband on Father’s Day that she lost both rings. Since they were white gold and I didn’t know how small they were, I decided to take the XP Deus and hunt in 18kHz. They had been searching the area 3 different times and lots of people had been trying to help her find them. I gridded off the area that she had been in. They were both down about 5 inches. Probably because people had been moving the sand around. Both rings came in at 45 in my ring program that Andy Sabisch helped me set up at his XP Deus Bootcamp. As you can see the wedding band was very thin, although covered in diamonds. Don’t think I would have found it if I had not been in 18kHz. Found it in less than 10 minutes.
The owner was in tears she was so relieved. She kept saying that I saved her. She was so excited to get the rings back on her hands that you can still see the sand on them!  It’s great to be able to help people. What a great hobby. Thanks Andy,thanks XP Deus team, thanks Ron Shore from Windy City Detector Sales and Rental, and special thanks to The Ringfinders Database so she could find me.



Lost Texas Tech Class Ring Houston (Found)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Texas Tech Class Ring at Construction Site (Found) Houston, Texas


I was contacted by Max regarding his Lost Texas Tech Class Ring at a  residential construction site in Houston,Texas. Max said he was assisting in the pouring of a new concrete foundation at the location when he lost his ring.

Max said he felt pretty sure his ring came of his hand somewhere between the edge of the foundation they were pouring and the roadway where his truck was parked.


I met with Max at the construction today and we walked through the areas he believed he may have lost the ring. The area around the construction site was very muddy, and I had a concern that the ring may have been stepped on and driven down deep into the mud. Max said he and a few of his co-workers had search the area for his missing ring the previous day.

Max reported his had only had his class ring for about a year, and that it had been a gift from his mother upon graduation for college.


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Equipment Used:

Rubber Boots 🙂

CTX 3030

TRX Pin-Pointer



The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.                                         Texas

Don’t wait… Call now!


John Volek



Newspaper Article – Lost Ring – Sun Prairie Star

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)


We were recently featured in the Sun Prairie Star. The original story can be found at:

Lost Class Ring from 1958 – Wait till you watch the video!

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)


Arnie lost his 1958 class ring, and read an article about us in the local paper and wondered if we could help him find his lost ring from 4 years ago.  Check out the write up below, which includes video of the actual ring hunt … did we find his ring?  You’ll have to read it to find out … wait, of course did, why else would I be posting this … check out the size of that ring!

Link to Complete Story:


Direct link to video:




Lost and FOUND Lady’s White Gold Wedding Band at North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

While out shopping with my wife, daughter and granddaughter I received a call from Allison who was very upset that she lost her wedding band. She said she was digging in the sand with her son and thought she should take both her engagement ring and wedding band off. She told me she put them in a bag next to her towel and when she went to retrieve them only the engagement ring was in the bag. I told her I could be there in about an hour to hour and a half.  When I arrived at the beach behind the resort where she was staying I called her and she quickly met me. I also met her husband Gordon who had already marked a 15X20 foot square in the sand around the area they had been sitting. I asked her to describe her ring, what exactly happened and the general area she was in. I set a north/south grid and started searching. The first grid line produced a beer cap, the second grid line produced a house or room key and when I looked at her I could see her hope in finding the ring was fading. There was nothing on the third grid line and as I turned to do the fourth line I got a good signal with my White’s PI dual field and took a shallow scoop. After shaking out the sand I couldn’t see anything with the sea grass in the scoop so I  shook the scoop one more time – bingo!!! There was her size 5 wedding band. I reached in the scoop, looked at her, gave her a little smile and a wink and nodded my head for her to come over to me. She covered her mouth with both hands and I’m pretty sure tears started rolling out of both of our eyes. I held my closed fist out and dropped the ring in her outstretched hands and then got one of  the biggest hugs I’ve ever had. I got extra hugs and handshakes from her husband, dad and a couple of other relatives. It was truly amazing and something I’ll never forget. Total search time was less than 5 minutes.

Lost Gold Wedding Band at Lanikai Beach Kailua…….FOUND!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

segmented ringYuko1

I just got home from work on Friday when the phone rang and Hiroko asked if I was immediately available to recover a ring in Kailua at Lanikai Beach as the couple was flying out that evening. I told her I could be there in 30 minutes or so and she explained the situation. Her friend Mariko had guests visiting from Japan and her lady friend Yuko dropped her Gold Wedding Band in the sand. Mariko was going to meet me at the beach access lane and would show me the approximate location the ring was lost. I asked my wife Wendy if she wanted to come along and she did as their is a really nice shopping mall on that side of the island we hadn’t been to in ages. So off we went. Another helpful tool my wife has GPS on her smart phone and helps me get to the out of the way locations. We arrived in record time and Mariko introduced us to Yuko and her husband who had been looking for the ring for several hours already. When we arrived on location the area was half sand and half leafy rooted plant cover. This was going to be a challenge. Yuko boxed off the area and I began my search. I think every pull tab and bottle cap on Lanikai Beach ended up in this ground cover. After about twenty minutes and numerous tabs, caps and 11 cents I got an unusual growl on my Excalibur. It sounded really weird. As I made a scoop I noticed a bottle cap loose in the sand where I just dug in. I bent down and picked it up. As I made another scoop to the other target a glint of Gold could be seen in the scoop. As I reached into the scoop and pulled out the ring I glanced over at Yuko and tears were streaming down her face. Her husband was bowing at my feet saying « Arigato » over and over. Actually, I was overwhelmed and said please stand up and just give me a hug Hawaiian style. Their appreciation was over the top. I won’t soon forget this find. Aloha to Yuko and her husband!

Corporation Beach, Dennis, MA Lost Ring Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)



Summer temperatures, light breezes and calm seas are calling Cape Cod visitors to come and enjoy any one of the many beaches. Kathleen and family members were among those answering the call on Wednesday. Fair skin needs to be protected, but the sun screen cream tends to mar the brilliance of diamonds. To prevent it from happening to her ring Kathleen took it off, put in in her bag and gave the bag to her mother. Fast forward to the time to go…no ring was to be found in the bag. A visual search and later a search with an inexpensive hardware store metal detector yielded no results.

It was then that Kathleen reached out for professional help. We met at the beach, I was shown the area, and searched far more than the original area. Several nice ladies and infants were occupying an area in the center of my gridded area. The ladies did move over somewhat, but not entirely off the area I had not yet searched. Not wanting to “disturb” the ladies again, I was headed to my car to get a different detector, one that had different operating characteristics. As I started to go the ladies picked up their chairs and bags and left the beach. I returned to quickly search the area and two minutes later Kathleen was wearing the lost, found and returned ring.

Hugs, smiles and a bit of metal detecting talk led to the attached smile and ring photo.

Wedding Ring Lost in Botanic Gardens in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA…Found.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)


Today I went in to my local jewelry store , Medawar Fine Jewelers in Rancho Palos Verdes to get a new battery for my watch. I was talking with the owner Robert, when he asked if I had been finding anything lately (he knew of my service with The Ring Finders). After a brief discussion, he then told me about last Sunday when he was at the Botanic Gardens with his car club, and an announcement came over the speaker about a man who had lost his wedding band at the gardens the day before at his wedding reception. He said that I might check it out because no one had found the ring when he was there.

I called the botanic gardens to ask about the ring, and if anyone had found it between Saturday and today, and the Lady told me that no one had turned one in during that time, so I asked if it would be alright for me to come and search for it after explaining my association with The Ring Finders, and the service I perform. I was given the green light, and made my way over there. When I got to the area of the loss, it was very big, and the other problem was that no one associated with the loss was there to probe, to narrow down the search area, so it was up to me to try to figure it out. I searched going over the areas I thought might have been traveled over by most people without luck. I then just began a grid search across the whole area. After about 1 1/2 hours, dead center in the middle of the grass I got the sound I was looking for, put in the pin pointer, and out pops this brand new wedding band. I took it back to the office, so they could contact the groom. I know I made their day, but they probably won’t know about it for a while because they are probably on their honeymoon right now.

I went back to the jeweler to get my watch immediately after finding the ring, and showed Robert the first picture of the ring on the bench, and it was great to see him experience some of the joy of the find and return. What an awesome day it was today.

Update: I received the following email from the gentleman I found the ring for, with the picture of him with his ring shown above.

Hey Steve,
Thanks for all your help. Remember to reply with contact info for you & the jeweler. My wife & I cannot thank you enough.

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Lost Gold Wedding Band at Waikiki Beach…….FOUND

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)


While I was on my lunch break eating Spicy Ahi Don with my daughter Asti I received a call from Andrea in Waikiki. She told me her husband Nick lost his White Gold wedding band in the sand at Waikiki Beach right behind the Police Station. Knowing how many detectorists prowl the beach my getting there quickly to find their ring was of the utmost importance. I had my Excalibur in my truck so I told Andrea to guard the spot on the beach and not to dig looking for it. I told her I could be there in 30 minutes. Lunch hour traffic and road construction tried hard to keep me away but we managed through it all. Since I know some of the Waikiki HPD Officers I was able to park in their stall directly in front of the lost ring location. Asti stayed in the car and I went to the beach with Nick. It was a relatively small area and the first target was Nick’s ring. They admitted digging for it as it took two healthy scoops to reach their ring. It’s always neat how all the tourists watching the search applaud and say « How Cool is that? » when the ring is found. As you can see Andrea & Nick were all smiles. Aloha to Andrea & Nick.