Most Recent Discovery Category | Page 42 of 379 | The Ring Finders

Property Markers (4) Found In Cherry Grove, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Wednesday, May 8th I received a voicemail from Anne Marie, in part asking if I could help find property markers. She also said they had purchased a cheap metal detector, and it was going off, but they couldn’t find the markers. She said she had attempted to call the surveyor that had done their original survey but couldn’t get a hold of them. Their intentions are to install a fence. I returned her call and told her I’d be glad to look for the markers and we agreed to meet today, Friday.

Today, as I was getting ready to go, I was checking my equipment, and my pin pointer wasn’t working properly. Not good! I had to stop by my Detector dealer and pick up a new pin pointer and then was on my way. When I got there, I met Anne Marie and her husband Dave, and we got to work. Anybody that’s ever looked for property markers knows there’s always at least 1 that is very elusive, in our case there were 2, both in the front yard. The first one in the front was between the water shut off, the septic overflow, telephone poll and a neighbor’s bush. There were also sheets of tin and some nails around the marker, all fun stuff! The second marker in the front was between the other neighbor’s water meter box, paver patio and a metal fence. Plus, the marker was buried deeper, probably from the added layers of dirt for the patio. Took Dave and I awhile but we found all 4 markers. Dave hammered in yellow markers that are now visible. Now Anne Marie and Dave can get their fence done.

Anne Marie and Dave – Thanks for trusting me to help find your markers. Good luck with your fence.



Lost Wedding Band Brigantine NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)


I can help find it!

Call NOW!


Josh and his family began their day at 7AM, setting up their tent at the picturesque Cove in Brigantine, New Jersey. However, sometime during the day, Josh discovered that his wedding band had gone missing. He speculated that it might have slipped off while he was changing his son’s diaper near their truck. Determined to recover the wedding band, Josh met with me later that day at the spot where they had set up camp. After digging several potential targets, I finally unearthed the lost wedding band – a fantastic conclusion to an eventful day in Brigantine, NJ.

Lost Subaru Key Fob… Recovered from Steep Slope in Oakland, CA

  • from Walnut Creek (California, United States)

The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590

It’s not too often I get calls about lost keys or key fobs, let alone from a 10 year old, but on Monday May 6th that all changed.  The young boy requested that I come look for a set of keys that found their way off of a deck and onto a slope covered with ivy, blackberry, and other organic debris.  Of course I asked if the young boy would be assisting me and that I had an extra metal detector that I’d be glad to share.  Excitedly, we scheduled the search the following afternoon after school had gotten out.

It took 30 minutes or so to make my way to Oakland, CA were the key fob made it’s way into the wilds.  Upon arrival, I met the family including mom, dad, and several siblings.  They showed me to the scene of the mishap and explained that while swinging a rope the boy accidentally struck the keys sending them into the void below.  A search ensued but produced no results.  My first thoughts were that I asked a young 10 year old boy to assist me and now was looking at a very steep and hazardous looking slope entangled in ivy and blackberry vines.  But after producing my back-up machine to the boy and a garret pin-pointer to another sibling, there was no turning back.

The four of us, myself, the two boys, and dad (who was assisting by removing thorny blackberry vines from the slope) started a hasty search of the steep hillside.  The boys were excited every time the metal detectors sounded off and they quickly set out to discover what had made the machine scream out.  The hillside was riddled with targets like bottle caps, pull tabs, aluminum cans, and a large number of other interesting items. After about 20 minutes of looking, dad said that he may have saw something on the slope while pulling out vines and the two boys rushed to confirm the presence of the object.  First the young boy with the metal detector confirmed something metallic, then the sibling with the pin-pointer narrowed the search.  Moments later, with a bit of careful probing, WE MADE THE RECOVERY!

After a short celebration our little crew, and now mom and other siblings, collected on flatter ground for a little exploration and metal detecting.  For another 30 minutes or so we located and dug a plethora of targets, mostly do-dads and trash, but everyone was having a fun and educational experience.  Overall, the search for the wayward key fob and mini-hunt that followed was hugely successful.  Thank you kindly for allowing me to provide this service, I always love to get those willing and able involved into the search and having an interactive experience.

This was our target today!

A substitute picture of myself for the book of smiles!

The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590

Now offering Metal Detecting, Video Endoscope, and Magnet Fishing services!

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Found! Cape May NJ by John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring? Don’t wait to call!


On the official first day of summer Viola lost her platinum wedding band in the ocean while tossing a football on the beach in Cape May, NJ. After realizing that her ring had fallen off in the water, she saw a fellow metal detectorist combing the beach who referred her to me.  We set a time to meet and search for the ring.  The search began in waist deep water in the ocean and after a quick but though search, the ring was found 20 minutes later! The ring was recovered and returned to its owner!

Read more stories about lost rings on tge beach in Cape May NJ!



Cape May ring finder Jeff Laag, Ring finder, Cape May, jersey shore ring finder Cape May NJ, ring finder, metal detector Cape may ring finders, metal detecting service Jersey shore ring finderRing finder cape may

Soldered Rings Lost While Swimming…FOUND in Gilbertsville, Kentucky!

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On Wednesday (May 1st, 2024), I received a text message from Jillian stating she had lost her engagement ring and wedding band (soldered together) on Sunday in about 4 feet of water at Kentucky Dam Beach in Gilbertsville, Kentucky.  She had contacted another Ring Finder that lived closer, but she hadn’t heard back from him yet.  She asked for advice on what to do.  I told Jillian that if she hadn’t heard back from him by Friday, I would come out for a search.  Kentucky is further than I like to travel, but I have a hard time saying no to a ring search, lol.  That evening, I researched if metal detecting is allowed at the beach area.  It’s not, so I called the Kentucky Dam Lodge on Thursday morning to obtain special permission.  They granted me permission to metal detect for Jillian’s rings, but anything else I found would need to be turned in.  I said absolutely and told them that I would be there Friday morning.

I made the 3-hour and 20-minute drive from Huntsville, AL to Gilbertsville, KY early on Friday.  I stopped by the Kentucky Dam Lodge first to check in and make sure I was still good to detect.  Permission was granted, so I made my way to the beach to meet Jillian and her husband, Chris.

I put on my 3mm wet suit, grabbed my Minelab Equinox 900 and long-handled Xtreme Scoops sand scoop, and got in the water.  I had Jillian and Chris line me up with where Jillian had been standing.  She was playing with her daughter and was tossing her in the water.  On the last toss is when she felt her ring catch on to her daughter and slide off.

I started a grid search in that area.  The bottom was sandy when you first walked in, but quickly turned into small sized rocks/pebbles around the 4-foot area.  Over the course of an hour, I had one good sounding target in the ladies gold range, but could not get it in my scoop.  There were harder packed rocks in that area, making it difficult to get a good bite with my scoop.  I thought maybe it was a larger item beneath the surface, so I continued to check the area and expand my grid.  I easily dug a couple of pull tabs, but nothing else.

I kept going back to that one target.  Jillian really felt like it was in the area where she was standing during the loss.  I tried diving to retrieve the item, but I was too buoyant to stay on the bottom.  I had my diving weights in the truck, but Jillian offered to dive for the target.  I lined her up with where it was, and she dove with my pinpointer and flashlight.  I gently pushed her down, so she would not float back up.  Teamwork makes the dream work, lol!  She tried two times, but kept losing the spot.  On the third try I kept my coil over the target until she was there.  She instantly popped up and had the rings in her hand!!  Jillian was so excited and relieved to have her rings back!  I was slightly surprised, because I had so much trouble getting the item in my scoop.  Nonetheless, this elusive target was what we were after, and Jillian got to make the exciting recovery!

We both got out of the water and dried off before taking pictures.  I chatted with Jillian and Chris for a few minutes before I headed over to the Lodge to give them the good news and thank them again for the special permission.  Today (May 5th, 2024) is Jillian and Chris’s 8-year wedding anniversary!  It makes me so happy that Jillian has her rings back to celebrate their special day.  As always, I give all glory and praise to God for the recovery and safe travels.  Until the next adventure… please take care and God bless!

Lost SD card full of wedding photos….Found in Spokane WA!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

All the time spent preparing and planning for a wedding shoot Katie never planned for the worst outcome ever, a lost SD card full of that days photos. With the whole wedding party walking up and down West Riverside ave, Katie was taking photos. During one of the photo shoots a bridesmaid asked Katie to hold her phone. With Katie’s fanny pack open, the phone slipped into the front pocket. After the photo shoot was over, Katie and the wedding group walked back to the event center. The bridesmaid who asked Katie to hold her phone, asked for her phone back. Little did Katie know, the act of pulling out the phone would chuck her number 21 SD card on to the ground. After arriving back to the event center she went to retrieve her sd out of her fanny pack. The card wasn’t there. With the sinking feeling setting in, Katie went back to the photo shoot area to look for her SD card. The bridesmaids came with Katie to help with the search. Having no good luck locating the card, Katie called her husband Zack to enlist his help. Zack quickly found the Ring Finders through a Reddit post and called me. We talked and texted for a bit, then Katie called. After going over the finite details I knew I needed to get to Riverside ave. fast. I knew I needed to bring my Eye detector 1000 and with prayers and God on my side I began my search. The street was full of people and cars. I had my bright flashlight and searched every parking spot and sidewalk. Making my way to the front of the church I saw a small black rectangle in between a car tire and the curb. Picking up the card and looking at the front, I could see a hand written number on it like the example Katie sent to me. I sent a text and picture to Katie. After driving to the event center I saw Katie standing outside waiting for me. I was able to give her card back to her and get a photo of her smile. The wedding photos will have to be recovered by the manufacturer because the card didn’t work, it had been run over. However, Katie was confident not all was lost. The little things in our lives sometimes hold the most treasured of items, and the photos of your wedding day are memories that will last forever. I’m so glad I got to be a part of that lost and found story. Thank you Katie and Zack for having faith in me.

Lost Tantalum Wedding Ring Found in NJ!

  • from Madison (New Jersey, United States)

Tantalum is a rare earth metal often used in men’s wedding rings. The metal reads very similar to iron on metal detectors and can be difficult to find in metal rich locations.

HILLSBOROUGH, NJ, — A wedding ring was reunited with its owner in the woods in Central New Jersey today thanks to the Ringfinders Metal Detecting service.

This morning, I received a text from Rory who lost his ring in the woods while doing some yard work. The ring was made of rare earth metal, tantalum.

I arrived at the residence and listened to Rory’s description about how he lost the ring while doing yard work. The ring had been flung from the backyard into a wooded lot behind the residence.

Slowly the area was meticulously grid searched. Rory mentioned that he thought he heard the ring land perpendicular to the current search area.

As the search shifted to that area, a tone very similar to iron was detected in the leaves under a bush. As the leaves were cleared away, there lie the tantalum ring, 45 minutes into the search.

A tantalum ring is recovered after a 45 min search.

Rory was reunited shortly thereafter with the ring and was extremely grateful. Another successful recovery in central NJ for the Ringfinders team. Lose a ring in NJ? Give me a call – will travel anywhere in the state.

The tantalum ring’s owner, Rory receives his ring back.


Help Finding Platinum Ring Manhatten Beach, CA. ..Lost and Found by Ringfinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Don’t waste your time renting or buying a cheap metal detector. If you don’t have any experience operating one, it could be very frustrating. Let me come to you with the best equipment available and experience for recovering all types of sentimental keepsakes. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Mobile metal detecting service .. 949-500-2136

*** Brad and his young daughter had spent the day at Manhatten Beach, one of the Los Angeles county beaches. At sunset they were walking off the beach when he felt his platinum wedding ring slip off his finger disappearing in the soft sand.

It was cold and getting dark, so Brad decided not to waste time searching the dry sand. He went to the internet for professional help. He contacted me and I told him I could leave right now to meet him at the location.

He was able to stay at the location, which makes it easier to have a successful recovery. We met and within a few minutes the platinum ring was in my sand scoop. Not all recoveries are this easy but many people give up trying to find their ring because they think it’s impossible to find a ring in sand. Especially late at the end of the day. I’m grateful that I’m free most anytime of day to help people find their sentimental keepsakes.

Many people don’t understand how a metal detector service works. Feel free to call so we can discuss the possibilities using a professional metal detectorist to help you find your important lost jewelry or any metal item. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ ..  Mobile Metal Detecting available to help you now … 949-500-2136

Found and Returned Gold Ring Lost in Lake Montclair, Woodbridge VA

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

Found June 28th, 2023

A couple of years ago Curtis lost his ring while swimming in Lake Montclair in Woodbridge, Virginia. He contacted Ed Finck, owner of Woodbridge SCUBA to look for the ring. Ed is always busy and I was grateful we were able to arrange another of our fun outings.

Ed told me how Curtis lost the ring toward the right side of the swim platform. The depth is around 15 feet and it is very easy to stir-up silt. I used an adapted Jackstay line search and started from the center of the platform. There were many trash targets, but my detector allowed me to ignore most of the junk.

Other Targets Found

When I swept my XP Deus 2 metal detector over the ring, it made a perfect sound. I reached into the muck and felt the gold ring and placed it into my custom made metal detecting finds carry bag.

Rob, Curtis & Ed

While back on the beach, Ed called Curtis and he arrived within 10 minutes. He couldn’t believe we found his ring!

Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435

Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.

Lost Platinum Wedding Ring at Salt Creek Beach, Dana Point, CA. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


If you have lost something that is important to you. Call or text me at 949-500-2136 … I can answer any questions you may have about my recovery service. Available to help you 24/7 .. Stan the Metal Detector Man

*** I was in my car returning from another ring recovery when Zoë called me. I’m glad it was not a text because I can’t read texts while driving. My Bluetooth in my car makes it safe to answer calls.

ZOE said she and her husband were at Salt Creek Beach, where they just lost her husband’s platinum ring in the sand. I told them I was on the road with my metal detecting gear and could be there as soon as possible. If they could wait? We should be able to find the ring in a short period of time. If they had other commitments ? I would like the to mark the area, take a few photos of the general location and use their smart phone to drop a pin on their maps app.

They were able to stay even though it started to rain. A few minutes after arriving, it stopped raining and I was able to find the platinum ring. As usual people are impressed at how well the service works. Nowadays, it’s all about technology, cellphone communication, internet, state of the art technology . It was a pleasure to be available to help this nice couple.

I’m ready to help you find your missing metal item lost at the beach, yard, park or in the water. Also I have been able to recover jewelry in cars, homes or other places where a metal detector can’t be used using endoscopes and other search tools.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ call or text for help or information .. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. 949-500-2136
