rob ringfinder Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold Bracelet Recovered by Rob Ellis, Reston, VA.

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

David & Deborah

David and Deborah called me and asked if I could help him find his wife’s gold bracelet. She lost it several months ago trimming bushes. When I arrived, they showed me cans of debris they kept for me to search, the area where Deborah had trimmed the bushes and told me that was where she lost the bracelet. My versatile Equinox 900 is the first detector I usually start with. I emptied, detected, and refilled the cans, and searched around the bushes. I searched everywhere throughout the backyard where Deborah had walked while doing her yard work. Despite a very detailed hour and a forty-five-minute search, I didn’t find it. Sometimes chains can have a tricky low target signal, so I broke out my Deus 2 and went over the area again for another half hour. David and Deborah came out of the house to tell me that it was OK to stop searching. Although I felt defeated, I rarely give up. As we were walking toward the front yard, I continued to swing my Deus 2. I heard a great signal, and there it was! I took a photo and asked Deborah if she would like to pick it up. They were both stunned and exclaimed how they couldn’t believe I found it!

In the Grass

Deborah Picking Up Her Bracelet











Catching up on stories, this one is from November 2023.

Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please text/call to see if I can help.


For my fellow detectorists:    
Target IDs of this 17.5-gram 14K gold bracelet, Deus2=42, Equinox800=5, Equinox900=6to8.


Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435



Bracelet for Book

Smiles for Book



“I was so impressed in how calm and confident you were while searching for my ring.” Diamond Ring Recovered by Rob Ellis, Annandale VA.

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

James reunited with his custom-made diamond ring.

James sent me this testimonial:

“Rob is the truth! I stopped by a BBQ restaurant/bar called « O My ChiQ & Bar » in Annandale, Virginia last Friday night to catch up with a few buddies of mine. If you are familiar with this establishment, there is an outdoor backyard area available for the customers to hang out with beer pong tables and cornhole boards. My buddies and I ended up playing a game of cornhole. I was wearing my VS1 diamond flooded Miami Cuban Ring (18 karat gold) that night. I had this ring made with a customized size that fit perfectly and secure around my finger, so I didn’t even think about taking it off before playing as I was confident it wouldn’t be an issue. I was having a great time and there were no issues up until about mid-way through the game when I physically felt my ring slide off my finger at the top of the release of an underhand throw of the beanbag. I immediately stopped the game and searched the area with my friends. Unfortunately, the whole area is on choppy grass and it was quite dark being outside with only a few dim light bulbs hanging at the top. We searched frantically with our cell phone flash lights for about 15 minutes.

We walked right over it!

I felt bad and embarrassed watching my friends searching for my ring as it was supposed to be a time for them to have fun, so I stopped them and continued looking on my own for about another 30 minutes with no luck. Being exhausted and overwhelmed, I felt it was futile spending any more time searching during the night darkness so I decided to go home and come back the next morning when the sun was out. I drove home feeling so defeated.


As you can guess, I didn’t get much sleep that night. As soon as I got home, I spent a few hours researching online for any resources to help me. By the grace of God, I discovered TheRingFinders and stumbled across Rob’s page servicing the Northern Virginia area. Out of urgency, I called his cell and left a message around 1 am (sorry again Rob for waking you and your wife up!). I called back first thing next morning and Rob picked up. I told him the situation and he agreed to meet me at the restaurant an hour before it opened to start searching.

When Rob arrived, I showed him the exact area and trajectory of where I thought the ring might have flown to and then he started his search. Unbelievably, he found the ring only after 1 hour! I cannot explain the feeling of joy, relief, and peace of mind. I was still in shock for about 20 minutes after he found it. What’s even crazier is that Rob found the ring in place I wouldn’t have even checked to see. It landed behind the cornhole board I was playing on, which was the complete opposite side of he backyard where I thought it landed. So, I would have wasted many useless hours with no results if I continued to look at my search area if it wasn’t for Rob.

My situation was very mild compared to other cases you will see on Rob’s page, as my search area was relatively small. Despite this, negative thoughts were running through my mind of giving up and potentially never finding it. If you are reading this, trust me: I understand that dreadful feeling of anxiety and hopelessness. Please don’t give up hope and call Rob! I believe everything happens for a reason, and although this was an unpleasant lesson in my life, I’m glad I went through it because now I am aware of the existence of the TheRingFinders organization. Such an amazing, underappreciated group of human beings. Absolute true heroes.

Thank you Rob so much for your kindness and amazing attitude. I was so impressed in how calm and confident you were while searching for my ring. Thank you for also serving our country as a Marine. I salute you. You are my friend for life.

God bless!


Rob and James


Rob’s Story:

James, thank you so much for that heart-felt testimonial.

I never had one of those calls for a ring search at 1 am, until this one. I couldn’t even get to the phone before James had left a frantic message about his custom made ring lost in an outdoor bar area. I listened to the message and knew I couldn’t help at that hour and tried to get back to sleep.

The next morning, a very apologetic James called and told me how he had lost his ring tossing bags while playing a corn-hole game. I knew we needed to search as soon as possible in this popular restaurant/bar ( ).

I arrived a little before opening and the staff was accommodating, but busy. James and I set-up the corn-hole boards exactly where they were the night before. James showed me how he had thrown a bag underhanded, and where he believed the ring flew off. I set up a quick rope line/grid and searched for about 45 minutes, a good deal of time due to stack of firewood. Being an experienced Ring Finder, I know client’s memories of an event may not be as accurate as they hoped. James and his friends were positive the ring flew off toward the targeted board, however, after finding nothing but trash, I concluded the arc of the underhanded throw might have resulted in a rear left trajectory. Within a few minutes searching there, I found James’ beautiful handmade ring. It was in the grass, close to the base of the stairs where anyone looking down could have seen it! FYI…I now set my phone on “do not disturb” at night:)


For my fellow Ring Finders: Equinox 900 Target ID of this 18K, 13.9 grams ring is 39.


Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435


Key Fob Found Underwater, by Rob Ellis, Occoquan VA

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435


Christina and Derrick on their Wedding Day!

As Christina and Derrick were standing on the dock, her car key fob dropped and bounced into an opening, right into the water. The Penguin Paddling staff tried using a powerful magnet but couldn’t retrieve the keys. I got the call, packed my equipment, and arrived within half an hour.

Christina described how the key fob bounced and perfectly hit the water, right where two of the floating docks have a space of about six inches. After an exhaustive attempt at magnet fishing, they called me.

I dropped a weighted line from the dock where the key fob hit the water. I put on my SCUBA gear, descended and started my search from the drop area. It was dark and I was glad I had my underwater light. Within a minute I found it!

After I climbed back on the dock, we ascertained the inside of the key fob was dry and ready to be used to start the car. It was only then that Derrick and Christina told me they were in a hurry to get to the courthouse before it closed…TO GET MARRIED!!!

Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435

Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please text/call to see if I can help.

Found and Returned Gold Ring Lost in Lake Montclair, Woodbridge VA

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

Found June 28th, 2023

A couple of years ago Curtis lost his ring while swimming in Lake Montclair in Woodbridge, Virginia. He contacted Ed Finck, owner of Woodbridge SCUBA to look for the ring. Ed is always busy and I was grateful we were able to arrange another of our fun outings.

Ed told me how Curtis lost the ring toward the right side of the swim platform. The depth is around 15 feet and it is very easy to stir-up silt. I used an adapted Jackstay line search and started from the center of the platform. There were many trash targets, but my detector allowed me to ignore most of the junk.

Other Targets Found

When I swept my XP Deus 2 metal detector over the ring, it made a perfect sound. I reached into the muck and felt the gold ring and placed it into my custom made metal detecting finds carry bag.

Rob, Curtis & Ed

While back on the beach, Ed called Curtis and he arrived within 10 minutes. He couldn’t believe we found his ring!

Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435

Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.

SCUBA Recovery: Phone Found & Returned by Rob Ellis, Occoquan River, Virginia

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435


Found and returned a Samsung phone, May 23rd, 2023, Occoquan River, Occoquan VA.

It was a beautiful afternoon when I got an emergency call for another lost phone. Despite recommendations from the staff of Penguin Paddling, people continue to carry their phones unsecured in rented kayaks. I packed my SCUBA and metal detecting equipment and arrived about 40 minutes later.

Yesbell and her children were waiting for me on the dock. They described how the phone was lost while exiting the rented kayak. I was grateful no one had tried to search and stir up the algae which was thick this time of year. If they had, would have been greatly reduced and I would have had to use my metal detector.

Upon entering the water, I did a visual grid search and found the phone within a few minutes.

Client photo is withheld by request.

Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435

Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please text/call to see if I can help.

SCUBA Diver Returns Gold Ring, Swift Creek Reservoir, Midlothian VA

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

Found and returned a white gold wedding ring, Swift Creek Reservoir, Midlothian VA.

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

Found May 20th, 2023.

Newlywed Bailey was fishing from his grandmother’s dock. He shook off some weeds from his fingers and his wedding ring flew off. When the ring came off, Bailey saw in slow motion how it flew into the water. The family searched near the dock to no avail. Bailey’s mother Susan contacted me and asked for my help. It would be a couple of weeks before I could arrange my schedule for a search. But I knew the ring was not going anywhere.

The Search Area

Getting Ready

My son and I arrived at the lovely lakefront home and assessed how to conduct the search. My son helped me that day by hauling equipment, advising, and acting as my safety diver. At first, we tried searching in the four to five feet deep water using an Equinox 900 and a scoop. After twenty minutes, it became apparent there were an incredible amount of metal targets. When I asked Bailey’s dad why there was so much metal, he explained that many years ago, there may have been an old boat sunk and dismantled near the dock. Although the visibility was very poor in the shallow water, I decided to SCUBA dive. This allowed me to work around branches, rocks, and pinpoint shallow targets faster. Every target I found in the white gold identification range had to be investigated. It was a slow four hours for everyone on the dock, but I finally found the ring!

Bailey Smiles

It was gratifying to hand the ring to Bailey. My son captured the moment when Bailey was handed what he had thought was lost forever.

For my Ringfinder friends, this white gold ring hit at a solid 22 VDI on the Equinox 900.


Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435

(20+) Robert Ellis | Facebook

Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.

Glasses recovered SCUBA diving, EZ Cruz Marina, Woodbridge VA by Rob Ellis

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

Recovered By Master SCUBA Instructor Rob Ellis


Found May 16th, 2023

Erik was enjoying the day at EZ Cruz Marina, when a gust of wind took his hat and prescription glasses. With help from his friends, Erik tried using a long-handled net to scoop the glasses. Visibility, rocks, and depth made netting his glasses impossible. Sharon, the manager from EZ-Cruz marina, remembered that I recovered a ring last year and gave Erik my contact information.

A weighted Drop Line for Reference

When Erik called, he told me exactly how and where the glasses entered the water. He even sent me photos with drawings.

Gear Preparation


My divemaster (AKA: my wonderful wife) and I checked in with the marina office. We assessed the conditions and finalized how to conduct the search. We dropped a weighted “down line” from the dock to mark the center of the search area where the glasses fell into the water. The easiest entry was from the shore, with a hundred-yard swim. We attached a safety rope after reviewing tender-diver signals.




Most dock bottoms have a lot of metal debris, so I tethered the detector at the surface for my first search by gentle touch and use of a Garrett Pinpointer.

As I descended into the murky water, I lost all visibility at about 5 feet. I hit bottom at about twelve feet, and it was dark, very dark. Even my flashlight wouldn’t penetrate the murky water. I very carefully used my fingertips and pinpointer with a search pattern using the drop line as a reference. Within just a few minutes, I felt a pair glasses and carefully put them in my bag. There are always a lot of sunglasses around docks, and I wasn’t sure these were Erik’s. I ascended, gave the bag to my wife who compared them to a picture Erik had provided. She told me they were the right ones by signaling me the OK sign.

Manager Sharon from EZ Cruz Marina

Erik Smiling!










We were so glad to return Erik’s glasses. The actual search by touch took less than ten minutes. But the preparation, planning for the search & recovery, and clean-up took several hours. It was worth it to return such a nice young man’s glasses.

Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435

(20+) Robert Ellis | Facebook


Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.

Platinum Ring, Lost 5 months, Found and Returned, Fairfax, Virginia

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

Found May 15th, 2023

Will Smiles!

Last fall, Will was doing yard work when he realized his ring was missing. He had been mowing his beautiful yard and thought it might have slipped off while emptying the grass catcher. While he was reading Reddit articles, Will came across one mentioning one of my recoveries. He texted me, and we set an appointment on a lovely day to conduct a search.

Search Area

There It Is!



Will showed me where he dumped his grass clippings in his back yard. There were a number of reasonable target IDs in the area, and each one had to be identified. After a long search through the piles of debris with a rake and shovel, I expanded the area to go under low tree branches and around large stones. Finally, I heard a clean signal (with a VDI of 15). Gently scraping the leaves away, the ring appeared!


Will’s Platinum Ring

Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435

Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.

Gold Diamond Ring, Lost and Found, Woodbridge, Virginia

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

Found January 7th, 2023

Roadside Diamond Ring Found!

On December 29th, Cole was driving home late at night along a winding road in Woodbridge, Virginia. He tossed out a cigarette butt and his beautiful new diamond ring unexpectedly flew off his finger into a roadside ditch. He saw the rings trajectory, stopped, and looked for the ring to no avail. The next day he called me, and we set up a time to meet so he could show me the area and I could begin the search.

Search Area Next to Busy Road



The ditch is close to a busy, winding road. I wore my yellow safety vest, used warning reflectors, and turned on the emergency flashers on my SUV. The ditch had a lot of debris, and the search was slow. After a few hours, it was getting too dark to continue. I told Cole not to be discouraged as I would schedule another search as soon as possible.

As Cole drove off, I discovered my SUV battery was dead! Apparently, emergency flashers on newer cars drain the battery much faster than the cars I grew up with. I couldn’t even open my electric hatchback to access the jumper cables. Thankfully my heroine, Mrs.E., came to my rescue with a portable jump starter.

On January 7th, I returned to the ditch to continue the search. After two more hours of searching, I found the ring deep in the debris. I texted Cole with the great news, and we met so I could return his beautiful ring!

Cole and Ring Reunited!


Some technical data for Ray, Brian, and my other Ring Finder friends: 10K, weight 7.8g, Equinox 800 TID=16, Deus 2 TID=71.


Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435

Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.

Gold Class Ring, Lost and Found, Fairfax, Virginia

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

Area Marked with String of Lights

Jennifer’s Ring

Recent graduate Jennifer was home from college, putting up a string of outdoor holiday lights when she felt her class ring slip off. She immediately searched the tall grass but couldn’t find the ring. She took the string of lights and made a ten-foot circle around the area and called me.

Thanks to Jennifer’s quick thinking, the successful recovery took only moments!

Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435





(20+) Robert Ellis | Facebook


Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.