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Anniversary Tugsten Band Hyannis Mass

Leighton & Brian

Tungsten Band

Tungsten Band

Rick & Brian

Rick Browne from the Ring Finders gave me a text earlier this morning and asked if I were up for another hunt, I said of course I am in, Lets do it. We met up today at the Beach location where the Tungsten Wedding Band was lost the day before by Brian. Brian met us there and we all went over where and how he thought he lost it. We marked out an area on the beach, where he was building sand castles with his son, and where it may have dropped off into the waters edge. Rick went one way, and I the other, on the dry sand at first. Twenty five minutes later we still had no ring. I chatted about it with Brian again, and he said maybe it fell while he swam a bit further out, I checked out there too, still nothing. I then went outside the lines that he had made for us, and as I was searching, I mentioned to Brian if and when I find it, most likely it will be rite on top. I took two steps and got a nice loud target, moved my coil off of it, and looked into the two foot clear water, and I could see it, there it was just sitting on top just as I said it would be,  I called Brian over to witness it, and Rick joined in to.  Another successful hunt by Rick and myself. Brian’s Anniversary is this coming Monday. Congratulations Brian,  and Happy Anniversary. Leighton

3.5 Carrot Diamond In the Rocky Surf Duxbury Beach, Mass

Diamond Ring

Rock & Diamon just after recovery

3.5 Carrot Diamond 18K Gold Ring

Got another call from Rick Browne yesterday afternoon, saying that there was a lost diamond engagement ring on the beach, he wanted to know if I wanted to try for it. I Immediately said of course. Off I went in just a half hour we met, loaded up. and started to drive to the beach up north, to meet up with Rock, the husband of Angela, who had lost the ring when she had tripped and fell on some rocks at the beach a few days earlier. When we got there, Rock was so appreciative that we had answered him so fast, and met him within an hour and a half. I asked him how, when, and where it had fallen off of Angela’s finger.  He went over the story of how precious this ring really was, and that he had a choice over a Porsche or a Diamond Ring for then his bride to be over 25 years ago. He chose the ring. So we needed to get it back to Rock & Angela if we could. Rick and I went rite behind Rock and watched as he was very optimistic, and wasn’t sure how we were going to make this unfold. I told him no promises but we will give it our best shot. Lets face it, traveling 40 miles to put a 10 inch coil over a half inch ring, that’s buried a foot deep by now is very slim at most to find. Low and behold, Rick made a pass down and I went left, first target was a brass nail, and as I turned around heading back up slope, I had a faint signal, and one foot down, out on top of the sand was the BIGGEST Diamond ( 3.5 Carrots ) I have ever seen, or recovered for someone. Let me tell you, I was actually shaking, although I tried to calm my self down, I just couldn’t, it actually made me shiver as I looked back at Rock, I winked, and gave him the thumbs up, he just couldn’t believe I had Angela’s ring in my hand. He actually ran to me. I yelled to Rick and said OK lets go take some pictures. LOL He just shook his head, and said man what a team we are. P.S. Rick never said how big it was,  Maybe that’s a good thing, or perhaps he didn’t know either. I may have been to pressured to find it, Congratulations to Rock & Angela for making what we do so much fun. Leighton

14 K Gold Heavy Band Yarmouth Cape Cod

Sun Ring

Rick Browne (Ring Finder) Gave me a call to help locate a wedding band, that was tossed by accident from a finger while out body surfing. It was lost close to shore, and close to his home, but almost a week had gone by before Pam had contacted us to search for it. So off I went to meet up with Rick, we spent a couple hours in the rough surf, and pouring rain, to no avail. Pam had to leave shortly and I think she had almost gave up on it, but before she did, i really thought i had it a couple of times, and called her over only to see aluminum in my scoop, I was getting discouraged also. So we decided to go back again early next morning, again two more hours and no ring. We knew it was there, but where? it must have gotten buried fast in the very heavy surf. We let it sit for a few more days. We had made plans to go out detecting on our own, but Rick said hey Leighton, let’s give it one more shot for the band. I agreed, and off we went. This time a different machine in both of our hands, and much less waves, my detector made that small grunt we all love to hear, thirty minutes into the hunt, was a beautiful heavy Gold, 14K wedding band inscribed with both Pam and Keith’s wedding date. Third time was a charm. Persistence paid off and never give up. Its there. you just need the conditions and have to go over it.

Ring Shell

Heavy Band

Leighton & Band after Recovery

Keith and his band






Lost Platinum Band Falmouth / Mashpee, Cape Cod Mass

Platinum Band Reflection of Leighton & Rick in band

Leighton & Charles

Platinum Band in Hand

Leighton ,Charles, & Rick

As Rick Browne (Ring Finder) and I were about to walk down on the beach, I got a call from Charles out of  Cape Cod, saying he didn’t want to call so early 6:30 am, but was in dire straights after losing his wedding band yesterday evening on the beach. I e-mailed him with my cell number ASAP. He then called, and I told him I would be there in less than two hours, to bare with us, as we were out on a beach searching for another ring at the moment. After finding and returning the first ring of the morning, Rick and I were off to meet Charles. He mentioned that there were quite a few people helping yesterday to find his Platinum Band to no avail… as we all walked down to the beach he had already marked off an area with beach chairs, but reminded us that he wasn’t sure if it was even there. It might be in the water too… Well first past got myself a dime… and second pass I asked Charles to come over here for a moment and to look into my scoop, and did the ring I just scooped up looked familiar ? He couldn’t believe it was there staring back at him… Less than 3 minutes into it, and a happy reunion… He later told us on the way back that its his Anniversary in Dec. and that the ring is under a year old… P.S. Charles please get that ring resized it’s a big big… Rick & I are glad to have been able to help you out today… Thank You for calling The Ring Finders today… Leighton

Wedding Band (Football Game)Dennis, Cape Cod Mass.

Rick Browne from the Ring Finders gave me a call late last night, and asked if I wanted to jump in on a ring find that was lost earlier in the day. Of course I said, what time, where, and can we go rite now? He laughed, and said let’s do it very early in the morning before the crowd shows up. I agreed… So in the early morning darkness, I was off and got to his house before he even opened up his garage door. Loaded up and off we went. When we got to the beach, Jay had not showed up there yet.  As we hung for a few minutes, Rick said lets go and see if we can get it before he gets here… We marked out the area that Jay had drawn out on the mapped area, where he new it flew from his finger when playing football the day before… Rick started to grid one way, and I the other… I literally took two swings and got a signal, stopped, and dug the ring… I looked over to Rick and said OK lets go… He laughed and said what a team… Ring in scoop and plenty of time to play till Jay and his daughter showed up… Rick met up with him before myself and gave him the great news… It’s so rewarding to hand back an item thought to be lost forever… P.S. Get that ring sized…    LOL

Wedding Band Returned

Emma & Dad (Jay)

Leighton (Jay)

Leighton (Jay) Rick

Lost White Wedding Band Mayflower Beach Dennis Cape Cod Sentimental

  Rick Browne of The Ring Finders gave me a call and asked if I wanted to help find a Wedding Band. I said sure where and when? He replied, rite now, and at my house. I jumped in the truck ready and raring to go. Forty Five minutes later we met Gordon at his summer place on Cape Cod, along with his wife Meghan and the kids, then off to find the « RING »,  after a few blocks down to the beach, people asking what we were doing one woman said prayers to St Anthony to help us. Off we went way out into the water, I asked Gordon to stand exactly where he thought he lost it… Rick grid worked one direction, and I the other to form a square pattern… To no avail, his sister was out standing in a spot where she had paced off the day before, and said she thought it to be where she was. Again we grid worked the area, and to no avail. I noticed that Meghan was walking out into the water, and as she approached, I noticed her stop in her tracks and said to Gordon, I think it was rite here. Of course I went over to her, and as I went close to her feet I had what I thought was a false signal, as sometimes that can happen in the water… as she went over to Gordon to talk it over again, I turned and got another signal rite where I thought the false signal was, and once I realized it was a low growl tone, and the only signal of the entire search, I just knew it had to be the ring. One scoop down, and sure enough it was in the scoop … I told Meghan to come back exactly where she was standing and to look into my scoop, she could not believe we had recovered the ring… Its such a rewarding feeling to return such a precious item… Back onto the ring finger of Gordon. I told him to get it sized it was way to loose for him… I think he has that on the agenda soon.

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Found Ocean City NJ By The Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)




Chris lost his platinum wedding band trying to catch a ball in ankle-deep water today.   I received a call from fellow Ringfinder Jeff Laag who gave me Anouska’s phone number so I could get the details for the recovery.  I started a search of the wet sand shortly after I arrived, and the ring was found on the slope.  It was Chris’ and his family’s first day of vacation in Ocean City, New Jersey-it can now be a relaxing one!


Wedding ring lost prior to wedding ceremony Richmond Hill Country Club, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received a text message from Jing & Mark S for a request to assist to find a custom platinum wedding band that was unfortunately lost prior to the wedding ceremony of his best Friend of 23 years. Mark was the Best Man at a wedding ceremony on the lovely ground of the Richmond Hill Country Club. Mark had written explicit details of the days events leading up to the wedding ceremony. This was key in retracing there steps and actions. Prior to the actual wedding ceremony, the photography asked all the wedding party to remove any items such as phones from the pockets. Mark had removed both the Bride’s and Grooms custom wedding bands crafted in China from the jewellers boxes. Mark felt that a number of times he removed his cell phone from his jacket pocket and at those locations the wedding band could likely be at any one of the spots.

We proceeded down the pathway in which the wedding parties travels in golf cart, up over a bridge and then onto a open grass area where the photo’s had taken place. I used my trusty Minelab Excalibur 2 on land and that amazing tone of platinum on « discrimination » makes my detector SING!! Within 5 on the open grass area that wonderful tone sounded off!! I spotted the very small sized platinum wedding band, threw done my machine (gently of course) and raised my arms. Mark & Jing thought I was upset with them as they were standing on either side of the area as I was using them for my grid markers. Both kept moving about. I then started recording for the ‘surprise’.

Here’s the video for the return

The « Best Man » came through for his Best Friend the Groom and his new Wife!!


Gold band on volleyball sand court


About the end of last summer here in Rio de Janeiro I got a call from a man who had lost his heavy gold wedding band while playing volleyball on the sand court in the condo where he lives.

When I got there he told me when he hit the ball he saw the band fly from his finger and land a few steps in front of him in the direction of the net.  He had spent at least two hours looking for it with  a couple of friends with no result.  I told him I understood but I would  start the search behind the place he said he was standing when he lost it.  On my very first swing I got a solid signal but I thought It was a big coin but actually it was his wedding band.  He got really excited about it because, as he told me, he didn’t really believe  he would have his band back. The interesting thing about this search though is that that was the first time I was using my brand new Tesoro Sand Shark metal detector and on its  first swing  it found gold.

Stone Harbor NJ Lost Wedding Ring Found by Dave Milsted

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)

I received a desperate email from a devastated woman. I was Mary’s last hope. The day before she went with her family for a day trip to the beach in Stone Harbor NJ. While her husband in the water with their daughter, he watched his ring fall off his hand and sink into the sandy bottom. They searched for a while with no success.

They drove back home thinking that the ring was gone forever. A search of the internet, later that night brought Mary to the Ring Finders site since I have made other recoveries in Stone Harbor. She sent me an email around midnight.

I didn’t see it until after my 6-mile run the next morning. I answered her email asking all of the questions needed when doing a water search. I also followed up with a phone call. Mary answered all of my questions, but she said there was someone else already looking for the ring. I said to let me know if she needed me when he was done.

Later in the morning, I called the other detectorist. He said that he didn’t have any luck in finding it. So Mary and I were in touch again. I told her that I would go look for her.

On the drive to the beach, I was getting a gut feeling that this wouldn’t be successful. Someone else already searched the area. I asked for help from above from my mom & my mentor.

I got to the beach and got another bad feeling. I waited till the lifeguards left. I was in the water at 5 pm. I didn’t get my first signal till 5:10 pm. It was a very promising sound and number on my CTX 3030. It was the ring that I was looking for. I left the beach to get my phone to take some pictures. I sent one to Mary. She called right away and I could tell that she was crying. We made arrangements to meet the next day to return the ring.

I got plenty of hugs when we met. It’s a good thing that my wife doesn’t get jealous!!!