Lost ring LBI NJ Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost wedding ring in the grass, Manahawkin NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

I was over on LBI checking out the beach when I received a call from Stephen. He had been doing yard work earlier in the day and noticed his wedding ring was not on his finger when he was wrapping it up for the day. Stephen had stated that between raking leaves, trimming some bushes, and a few other odds and ends around the yard, somehow his wedding ring went missing. I asked him if anything was brought to the recycling center, and his response was no, which was a big relief. I told him I could swing by in about 30 min. which worked perfect for the both of us. Once I arrived we went over in detail exactly what he was doing, and then we narrowed it down to the most likely place his ring could have been lost. After a short discussion, we headed over to the area he had been bagging some leaves, and in the same spot he had been loading brush into cans. I made a half dozen passes with my machine, when I received a really nice signal, and BINGO, there was Stephens wedding ring just a few inches under some yard debris. The look on his face was priceless as I handed his lost ring back.

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Lost cross on the beach, Atlantic City NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

I received a call from Tomas about a cross he lost. He explained it was a huge sentimental item, and it was irreplaceable. We agreed I would head there early the next morning. He gave me all the information, including the marked location on the phone GPS. With  that I figured it would be a simple recovery. Upon arrival i marked the location, and got to work. After no luck, I examined pics he sent with fixed objects on shore. I remarked the spot 35′ away, and after about 10 min. the cross was in my scoop.

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Lost cross and chain in the sand, Lavallette NJ, OB3, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Ed called about his beautiful chain and cross that disappeared into the sand while they were at the beach. He had given it to his wife for safe keeping while he went in the water. Somehow during a fantastic beach day it went missing. Ed explained the only place it could be was in the area of their towels and chairs, and positively not in the water. I arranged to meet Ed and his family on the beach in Lavallette, later that evening when some of the traffic cleared. They had already marked out the area, which had some fixed landmarks close by, and are always a big plus. I boxed out the perimeter, and when I got to the original starting point, and turned in just a bit to take my second swipe, I got a nice low steady signal that had cross and chain singing in my  headphones. Bingo !!! just as I thought, it was in the scoop. The chain had snuck through the scoop, which his wife quickly spotted shining in the light.

Lost Caduceus Ring in the Ocean, Harvey Cedars NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finders

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Trish called and said she was at the beach with her son Shawn, his ring slipped off his finger in shoulder deep water. It was a large med school ring that I figured wouldn’t travel to far due to its size. She gave me all the details and that she also spoke to the lifeguards, and they were going to keep an eye open for it.  Luckily we have had very light breezes, and a pretty calm surf for New Jersey.  We arranged to meet at the next low tide, and that’s where I started, right at the waters edge.  After one pass I went right into the trough, it wasn’t easy working there with the waves breaking, and the strong moon current pulling. I only worked a small area because the life guards had pointed to the spot they were standing when the ring slipped off. I got a nice strong signal and prayed it wasn’t a penny, knowing the ring was quite large, and would signal the same. With a few small shakes to clear the sand I felt klunk, klunk, and was almost certain it was the ring, YES!!!!!!! it was. This ring is extremely special, Shawn’s dad had given it to him for his Med School graduation, and unfortunately he passed  last year.


Wedding Set snow recovery at the Jerey Shore

Got a call from Andrew asking for my help finding his wife’s wedding set she lost in the snow playing with her child. Told him I would be there the next morning and was met by his wife Kelly. She showed me where she felt them come off her finger as she brushed the snow off. There were multiple targets in the ground so I had to check them all but after a few minutes I found the first ring and knew the second wasn’t that far away, a couple of swings of the detector later out came the second. It’s always a great feeling seeing the smile that comes with the recovery, reuniting someone with their lost item. Was glad I could help.
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Ring Finder .. Thanks Dennis Burlingame

I frantically called Dennis today to see if he would be able to help me find my wedding ring at Pt Pleasant Beach. It had come off my finger as I applied sunscreen on my daughter. He was at the beach within the hour and located my ring within 2 mins of beginning his search. Calling Dennis was the best thing I could have done because there was no way it would have been located without him. Thank you so much for finding my ring today Dennis. It means so much to me and my wife that you dropped what you were doing to come assist us today.

Again thank you so much for rushing out to Pt in the middle of your shopping to help us.  We are forever grateful.


Wedding Band recovered in Brick NJ by Dennis Burlingame

Got a call last night from Helen asking if I could help in locating her husband’s Larry’s wedding band. Told her I’d be happy to and made arrangements to meet them the next day. Turns out that Helen and Larry were having an argument in during that Larry gave his ring back to Helen and in the heat of the moment she threw it off the back deck. Regretting it they tried to find it but had no luck. In doing so they threw things off the deck to get an idea where it might be. Helen said to me it was further back in the yard and I started there but no results. The second area was closer to the deck and within about 15 feet of it I found his ring. She must of thrown it more down then out. They were so glad to get his ring back and promised no more arrangements. A great happy ending.

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Family Heirloom Engagement Ring Recovered in Spring Lake NJ by Dennis Burlingame

I got a text from Tim after he found me doing a Google search asking if I could help in locating his wife’s engagement ring. They weren’t sure if it was lost in their yard or the house but after searching the house they thought it had to be in the back yard. I was off work the next day so we made arrangements to meet in the morning. Tim’s wife was filling up a bird feeder in the back yard when she felt her wedding band slide off her hand. She found it at her feet but a family heirloom engagement ring was missing. They walked around the yard but couldn’t find it. She showed me the path she walked after filling the feeder to where it was hung, then she remembered she stood on the back porch and threw some dog treats to her dog in the yard. I figured that when the ring might of came off. I started a grid of the yard and on the 5th pass right about where the treats would of landed I found her ring shinning in the sun between the blades of grass. ( they didn’t want their picture published and sorry bout the blade of grass in the picture )
She was so happy to get her precious ring back where it belonged. The big smile and hug said it all and made it worth while. Glad I could help.
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Gold Necklace Recovered In Millstone New Jersey by Dennis Burlingame

Got a call from David on Wednesday while at work asking if I could help locating a necklace his daughter Reese lost while playing in a field with her friends. While being chased by her friends, running her hand came up and caught her necklace ripping it off her neck. She was devastated, the necklace was a gift from her late grandmother who passed away last October from cancer. She has worn it everyday since she received it. David went out that night with a flashlight for a couple of hours hoping to see it but had no luck. That’s when he contacted me for help. I told him I’d come out Friday after work to look for it. Luckily her sister had an identical necklace and I used that one to make sure I could detect it seeing it was such a thin delicate chain. I couldn’t detect the chain itself but was able to hear the stone wrapped in gold that was on the chain. They showed me an area they thought it might of been, but after awhile I had no luck. I asked Reese to think again what happened and she said it might of been over a little bit from where I had detected. Tried there but still no luck. It was getting late and I told him I’d try again the next morning. They were away Saturday, but I went back and really grid the last area we were in and about 2 3rds the way through it I found her necklace. I texted David the good news and he couldn’t believe it. They were so grateful I went back and was able to find it. We met up on Sunday for the return. I’m so glad I was able to find it so Reese can always remember her grandmother with such a irreplaceable memento.

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Brant Beach(LBI) NJ Lost Cartier Bangle Bracelet recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder August 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)
Got a call from Camille Saturday evening. She had lost her bangle bracelet, but wasn’t sure where. She did have a picture from the night before, which was taken on Brant Beach (LBI) NJ. We figured that was a good place to start. They marked the location in google maps and sent it to me. I arrived at the beach ASAP and after about 1 1/2 hrs. I had no luck finding it. She came down to look where I had been, and we made a few adjustments to the search location. Within 15 min. I had one half of this beautiful Cartier love bracelet in my scoop, and about 10 min later both half’s were safely in my pouch. I walked up to the house to meet her, and told her she wasn’t in the spot she believed she was. With that said, Camille looked down and said, « I guess you had no luck ». I replied, « you were 10′ over » and handed her the bracelet. What a weekend, her birthday was Saturday, her lost bracelet was found, and today her grandson is expected to arrive!!!!!!!!!.