Lost Phone Tag | The Ring Finders

Paladium Ring made for him by his wife!

  • from Pacifica (California, United States)

I received a call from fellow detectorist and ringfinder, Laura, who is located up in Marin County. She got a call for a lost ring at Montara Beach just south of Pacifica in San Mateo County and referred them to me as I am closer in proximity to Montara. I connected with Jenn and Zakk and planned to head out to the beach the following day. The atmospheric river had other plans for me though. I called off the hunt that day and, instead, headed out the next day when it was cold but nice and sunny.
What I found when I arrived at the beach was a HUGE cut caused by the torrential rain the day prior. It cut the beach in half and I worried that the ring may have been washed away.

Using the photos that they sent me, like a treasure map without the « X » marks the spot, I headed over the cut to the south end of the beach where they were fairly certain the ring had been lost. Because I had to go after work I knew I would be fighting the daylight. I texted Jenn asking for a few minor details to zero in on the exact spot and went to work swinging horizontally to the water, they perpendicularly, then extending the search area again horizontally and perpendicularly. Two hours later I had come up with nothing but false tones and a handful of carefully rolled up twist ties.
The sun had set and I was feeling defeated. I knew how important this ring was for them. They had take a class and each made a ring for the other from paladium so clearly the sentimental value of these rings far outweighed any monetary value (even though paladium is not cheap).
There was a second spot that they circled on the aerial photography they sent me. It was between the cut and the stairs that go up to the parking areas. Since it was dark and the trail I took down from the parking area was slippery with mud I decided to walk toward the stairs and try to swing through the second, less likely, location on my way out. It was very dark and the little light on my Legend was helpful but I took out my phone and used it’s flashlight for additional light. I swung as I walked toward the stairs until I got a loud signal ringing in my ears. Alas, it was only a bottle cap.
Thinking I was going to have to call them and tell them I hadn’t been able to recover the ring I walked a few feet closer to the stairs and suddenly a banging signal rang in my headphones. A split second later my eyes locked on a silver circle sticking out of the sand. I knew without question that this was the ring!
Excited I packed up my machine and walked up the stairs with Zakk’s ring on my index finger smiling and shaking my head. I had spent 2.5 hours out there searching for this ring and couldn’t believe my luck.

It is always disappointing when I can’t recover someone’s lost item. I don’t give up easily and often head back out the next day or next weekend to look again because defeat is not something I am willing to accept.

When I got back to my car I first sent photos and let her know I had found it. When I didn’t hear back right away I called Jenn, but there was no answer. It went to voicemail. I let her know that I had found it and to let me know how I should get it back to her.

Moments later she texted back, « OMG OMG OMG! »

She let me know they were in the process of putting their beloved dog down and my heart broke. I have been through losing my dogs 3 times in my adult life so far and it is the worst possible feeling. But knowing this made me even more grateful that I had found the ring for them. They were having a really shitty week and I was able to bring them some light in the darkness.

I kept the ring safe for a few days and we planned to meet Saturday at a restaurant a few minutes from my house. They drove in from the East Bay where they live and we met at The Ramp. I joined them a little late but they even bought me lunch and we sat there and talked for a couple of hours. We realized we have a lot in common – we like the same kind of television shows, including a lot of British programming – and Zakk was thinking about getting in to metal detecting now. If there is one thing I love, it’s corrupting new people into this wonderful, fun, interesting and educational hobby.

We tried several times to part ways and end our conversations, but kept finding more to talk about. And through all of this distraction and excitement I totally forgot to take a photo of the ring in the daylight and with Zakk and Jenn! Fortunately Jenn remembered and sent me a couple photos with the ring safely back on Zakk’s hand.

Ring recoveries are one of the most gratifying, special things a person can do with a metal detector. And I am thankful for every single person that puts their trust in me for this task.


2024 Has Been a Awesome Year for Finding Rings & Jewelry

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

Hello Everyone,  sorry we have not had time to post any new videos or updates because we have been so BUSY FINDING RINGS.

So if you NEED our SERVICES we are Ready and Able to search for yur Lost Item.

Give us a call … 972-523-4447 or email at don.wilson@theringfinders.com

Thanks Everyone,

Don & Ellen Wilson

150  miles around Dallas area Ring Finder


Lost cell phone, Daytona Beach, Florida….Found and Returned to Happy Owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Jeff called me and explained that his daughter had left her purse and cell phone at a night club and when she returned just a short time later unfortunately no one had seen a thing. Of course her purse had her ID and some cash and cards and whatnot but her phone was one of those nice expensive ones and had allot of information and pictures that were irreplaceable. So I asked Jeff a few questions and come to find out the GPS on the cell phone was still giving a signal of being in the vicinity of the night club. So that was a great clue that the phone was hiding somewhere close. It took an hour or so to make the drive and being as it was in the middle of the day and the middle of the week it was not very busy so I was able to start a systematic and thorough search between the buildings and shops. I never did find Jeff’s daughter’s purse or the contents BUT…I was able to locate her cell phone in the long grass. It had a slight dent on one corner and it looked as if whoever took it that night tried to get into it but it was locked with a passcode so they apparently threw it across the parking lot and it just nicked the cement wall and fell into the grass….where if sat for 2 days waiting for me to come along! I was so thankful to be able to find Jeff’s daughter’s phone and the next day I mailed it off to where she was attending college.

Lost something recently and need help? Call or text a ring finder near you…or call or text me and let’s see if I can help you!

Mike McInroe….blessed to be a member of theringfinders.com

Ice Diving For Crashed DJI Drone Lake Sacajawea Longview, WA

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


SeattleRingHunter 206-618-8194  Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA

Watch this episode of the SeattleRingHunter “Ice Diving For Crashed DJI Drone Lake Sacajawea WA »

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Issac called me requesting my assistance on recovering his crashed drone. He had just got a new DJI Air 3 drone and was enjoying some first flights over Lake Sacajawea. He had collected some nice video of the water fountain in the lake. After a short bit of time flying he shifted his focused to a small island when his flight quickly fell apart. His drone got to close to some tree branches causing the Air 3 drone to bob up and down in the sky as it tried to fly away it just got smacked by some thicker branches causing a total lost of control as it cartwheeled into the ice cold lake below. 

A very disappointed Issac and his friend attempted to try to search for the drone wading out into the ice cold lake with nothing more than a pair of sweat pants on. Issac admitted he didn’t last long in the freezing cold water and had to quickly get out. They even brought out a kayak breaking the thin layer of ice and tried looking for anything resembling the drone but they quickly discovered the visibility of the lake waters to be extremely poor. A hook and rope was purchased with efforts throwing the rig in the lake and dragging the line in hoping to snag the bird sadly ended up with no success.

As a very disappointing last chance effort Issac ran a Google search looking to “hire a diver” and landed on The Ring Finders directory. He quickly found the Seattle Ring Hunter and placed a call for help. 

Once we started our initial phone conversation I collected all the details I could and was encouraged to hear he had captured the last known GPS coordinate location from the DJI controller. This peaked my interest as I am always very curious to find out how close the GPS will get me to the lost target.

When Issac initially called me the temperatures were close to 18 F so I told him we would have to wait for slightly warmer weather however I assured him I would not forget his mission. It worked out that there was a slight break in the rain with a bit of warming temperatures towards the end of the week so we set a plan to reassess the conditions the night before. After a few days we reviewed our options and the green light was a go for operation “Crashed DJI Drone Lake Sacajawea Search and Recovery”. Issac also informed me that there was still some light snow on the grounds and thin ice on the lake. I still agreed to come down with the appropriate cold water dive gear.

Come along for another exciting search as the Seattle Ring Hunter battles the winter shenanigans of Jack Frost and the Winter Warlock.

Call now 206-618-8194 to discuss your specific lost item recovery needs!



CALL 206-618-8194

YouTube: #SeattleRingHunter

Professional lost item recovery of items of value, jewelry, rings, necklace, charms, earrings, watches, keepsakes, wallets, cell phones, hearing aids, car keys and more.

Metal detection, experienced SCUBA recovery diver for hire, lost in house, lost in car, lost on land, dropped in the lake, lost in the snow, and items thrown in anger.

Serving the Pacific North West WA state, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Bellevue, Everett, Redmond, Auburn, Renton, Sumner, Tukwila, Federal Way, Fife, Milton, Puyallup, Bony Lake, Graham, Parkland, White Center, Mercer island, Tulalip, Crystal Mountain, Summit at Snoqualmie, Newcastle, Edmonds, Bothell, Enumclaw, Montlake Terrace, Mukiteo, Kingston, West Seattle, Alki, Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, Issiquah, Lake Union, Arlington, North Gate, Green Lake Park, Gas Works Park Seattle, Wallingford, Golden Gardens Park, Carkeek Park, Denny Park, Juanita Beach Park, Kenmore, Whidbey Island, Bainbridge Island, Port Orchard, Kirkland, Duvall, Snoqualmie, Preston, North Bend, Puget Sound and many more…

I lost my ring how do I find it with a metal detector in the yard, snow, lake and sand. I need an experienced recovery SCUBA diver near me to find my lost wedding ring, cell phone, wallet and car keys.

January 20, 2024

Phone recovered at Sunshine in Banff National Park.

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

Josh called me. He found me right here on TheRingFinders.com.  While skiing he made a sharp turn on a steep hill and his phone fell out of his pocket and into the snow. Two days later we went up to take a look after noting that the Find My Phone app had it located as still being where the loss took place.  Watch the video to see what happened.

Dock Drop Car Keys 30 Feet Deep Lake Union Seattle WA

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


Dock Drop Car Keys 30 Feet Deep Lake Union Seattle WA

SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call 206-618-8194 ASAP

Watch this video of SeattleRingHunter recover a set of car keys from thirty feet of water under a dock.

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Aziz called asking for assistance in recovering his dropped car keys. He was in quite the situation as this was his only set of car keys and his car could not be moved from the down town public parking space until he got his keys back or an expensive replacement from the lock smith. Having experience with Lake Union and knowing first hand how deep many of the docks can be even when close to the shore I knew this mission could easily turn into a SCUBA dive recovery. However having many recovery tools on hand I always try to find the most efficient methods possible.

As a first attempt I meet Aziz with my magnet fishing and fishing camera kit to see if we could recover the keys without having to make a dive. With Aziz having lost the keys the night before and having him in person to point out exactly where the keys went into the water I was confident that we may have a strong possibility of recovery on our first attempt. However that being said recovering anything with a magnet fishing kit can take a lot of patients and skill. Most times it is extremely disappointing especially when using a magnet without any kind of underwater camera system. Working blind with a magnet on a rope is often times a huge wast of time. Even with a camera system and having developed some experience doing this quite a few times its never a guarantee and more than once has turned into a SCUBA dive recovery in the end. The encouraging thing is I have many options at my disposal giving me the highest rate of recovery for items lost in the water. Honestly we don’t get them all back but a very high percentage of items are recovered and it all starts with a phone conversation about your specific situation. To add to this challenge the keys dropped though the dock slats and landed on the bottom of the lake at thirty feet deep.

Come along for an exciting underwater classic water recovery as we get Aziz back on the road of life with a smile on his face.

Call now 206-618-8194 to discuss your specific lost item recovery needs!



CALL 206-618-8194

YouTube: #SeattleRingHunter

Professional lost item recovery of items of value, jewelry, rings, necklace, charms, earrings, watches, keepsakes, wallets, cell phones, hearing aids, car keys and more.

Metal detection, experienced SCUBA recovery diver for hire, lost in house, lost in car, lost on land, dropped in the lake, lost in the snow, and items thrown in anger.

Serving the Pacific North West WA state, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Bellevue, Everett, Redmond, Auburn, Renton, Sumner, Tukwila, Federal Way, Fife, Milton, Puyallup, Bony Lake, Graham, Parkland, White Center, Mercer island, Tulalip, Crystal Mountain, Summit at Snoqualmie, Newcastle, Edmonds, Bothell, Enumclaw, Montlake Terrace, Mukiteo, Kingston, West Seattle, Alki, Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, Issiquah, Lake Union, Arlington, North Gate, Green Lake Park, Gas Works Park Seattle, Wallingford, Golden Gardens Park, Carkeek Park, Denny Park, Juanita Beach Park, Kenmore, Whidbey Island, Bainbridge Island, Port Orchard, Kirkland, Duvall, Snoqualmie, Preston, North Bend, Puget Sound and many more…

I lost my ring how do I find it with a metal detector in the yard, snow, lake and sand. I need an experienced recovery SCUBA diver near me to find my lost wedding ring, cell phone, wallet and car keys.

December 30, 2023

Sunk 1969 Mercury 9.8 HP Outboard Engine Recovery From Lake Washington

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


Sunk 1969 Mercury 9.8 HP Outboard Engine Recovery From Lake Washington

SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call 206-618-8194 ASAP

Watch the SeattleRingHunter recover a sunk 1969 Mercury Outboard engine from the depths of Lake Washington.

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Mike called asking for assistance in recovering his lost 1969 Mercury 9.8 HP outboard engine. He was on his maiden voyage when it came loose from the transom and fell to the bottom of the Lake Washington. His recreational dive buddies attempted to locate the engine a day after the incident but were unable to locate it due to the overwhelming milfoil plant growth. Even after trying several of my suggestions it became a scheduled recovery many days later. We had an early start and showed up with everything but the kitchen sink. After trying several plans I eventually recovered the lost outboard with good old-fashioned determination using an expanding circle search fighting a massive amount of milfoil slowing the process down to a snails pace. However in the end we were successful and got Mike’s engine recovered from the lake.

Come along for an exciting underwater classic water recovery as we get Mikes outboard recovered back top side. Fortunately he had another friend that was on the ready to rehab the engine directly after the recovery for a full save! All in all a win for the environment and a win for Mike.

Call now 206-618-8194 to discuss your specific lost item recovery needs!



CALL 206-618-8194

YouTube: #SeattleRingHunter

Professional lost item recovery of items of value, jewelry, rings, necklace, charms, earrings, watches, keepsakes, wallets, cell phones, hearing aids, car keys and more.

Metal detection, experienced SCUBA recovery diver for hire, lost in house, lost in car, lost on land, dropped in the lake, lost in the snow, and items thrown in anger.

Serving the Pacific North West WA state, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Bellevue, Everett, Redmond, Auburn, Renton, Sumner, Tukwila, Federal Way, Fife, Milton, Puyallup, Bony Lake, Graham, Parkland, White Center, Mercer island, Tulalip, Crystal Mountain, Summit at Snoqualmie, Newcastle, Edmonds, Bothell, Enumclaw, Montlake Terrace, Mukiteo, Kingston, West Seattle, Alki, Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, Issiquah, Lake Union, Arlington, North Gate, Green Lake Park, Gas Works Park Seattle, Wallingford, Golden Gardens Park, Carkeek Park, Denny Park, Juanita Beach Park, Kenmore, Whidbey Island, Bainbridge Island, Port Orchard, Kirkland, Duvall, Snoqualmie, Preston, North Bend, Puget Sound and many more…

I lost my ring how do I find it with a metal detector in the yard, snow, lake and sand. I need an experienced recovery SCUBA diver near me to find my lost wedding ring, cell phone, wallet and car keys.

December 26, 2023

Merry Christmas 2023 from Seattle Ring Hunter

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)

SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call 206-618-8194 ASAP












Your Pacific North West lost item recovery specialist wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Call now 206-618-8194 to discuss your specific lost item recovery needs!

Professional lost item recovery of items of value, jewelry, rings, necklace, charms, earrings, watches, keepsakes, wallets, cell phones, hearing aids, car keys and more.

Metal detection, experienced SCUBA recovery diver for hire, lost in house, lost in car, lost on land, dropped in the lake, lost in the snow, and items thrown in anger.

Serving the Pacific North West WA state, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Bellevue, Everett, Redmond, Auburn, Renton, Sumner, Tukwila, Federal Way, Fife, Milton, Puyallup, Bony Lake, Graham, Parkland, White Center, Mercer island, Tulalip, Crystal Mountain, Summit at Snoqualmie, Newcastle, Edmonds, Bothell, Enumclaw, Montlake Terrace, Mukiteo, Kingston, West Seattle, Alki, Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, Issiquah, Lake Union, Arlington, North Gate, Green Lake Park, Gas Works Park Seattle, Wallingford, Golden Gardens Park, Carkeek Park, Denny Park, Juanita Beach Park, Kenmore, Whidbey Island, Bainbridge Island, Port Orchard, Kirkland, Duvall, Snoqualmie, Preston, North Bend, Puget Sound and many more…

I lost my ring how do I find it with a metal detector in the yard, snow, lake and sand. I need an experienced recovery SCUBA diver near me to find my lost wedding ring, cell phone, wallet and car keys.

December 25, 2023

Phone Lost in Russell, Found in Dense Scrub

  • from Paihia (New Zealand)

Jimmy contacted me as his houseguest had lost his phone in some scrub near Russell.

He had been helping him clear invasive trees from a steep and very overgrown hillside, with his phone ‘safe’ in a leg pocket, secured by a hefty press-stud.

At some stage in his wanderings and stumblings through the dense undergrowth, the press stud on the pocket had been caught and come undone – The phone likely found its way out shortly after. « Murphys Law » came into play with zero reception, so his attempts to ring or otherwise locate the phone were futile.

The going was very tough with a large coil, negotiating the many trees lying where they had fallen, in places the branches meant I couldn’t get closer than a metre or more to the ground surface so I focussed on clearing the more accessible areas with the big coil and the machine running in full sensitivity for the merest whisps of a signal. Constant impacts from branches and vegetation, coupled with the mineralisation of the ground made the machine extremely « chatty ».  It took all my focus to decipher the barrage of sounds, whilst trying to stay upright negotiating the steep slippery ground, fallen branches and trunks.

I was already planning on how I would go about searching the area with the small 6″ coil on a special wireless rig I custom made for such scenarios, to be perfectly honest, I wasn’t looking forward to the many potential hours this recovery might take. However it was a tightly defined – albeit extremely difficult,and relatively large – area, so I knew it was just a matter of getting a coil close enough to pick up the missing phone.

I worked my way through the gorse and scrub, and in one area where several trees had been felled, I got a faint, but repetitive signal coming from under a trunk.

Placing the machine down, I slipped my arm in through the tangle of branches and stretched my fingers out under the fallen trunk.

It was with great satisfaction that I felt my hand close around a shape and glassy texture definitely not encountered in nature.  After facing a potentially very slow and intricate search across the hillside, I was possibly more relieved than the owner!

I Phone lost in the bay, Harvey Cedars NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

John called asking about recovering his phone that he dropped in the bay while unloading his boat. He dropped it the night before and knew the general area that it was in.  Besides the phone, his drivers license was in the case also. I arranged to meet him at the house, where we talked out the details, grabbed my equipment, and headed into the water. John stood in one spot acting as one point of reference, and I used the mooring buoy as the other. The bottom was very muddy and covered with weed matter, making the search a little tricky. Working back and fourth, I covered everything between my 2 reference points with no luck, and decided to work a bit between him and the shore line. Winds had shifted from the day before, moving the boat and mooring buoy about 180*, which kinda threw things off a bit. I wondered way out to the right of the mooring to an area that wasn’t covered yet, and bingo, I got the signal I wanted. When I lifted the phone out of the water it was dinging like crazy after it locked onto Wi-Fi. These newer phones are incredibly waterproof.