lost jewelry recovery Tag | The Ring Finders

Wedding Ring found in Fairway KS

  • from Kansas City (Missouri, United States)

Don’s wife contacted me through The Ring Finders to find her husband’s lost wedding ring.  She wasn’t as enthusiastic as one might expect and upon arrival at their home I realized why.  Turns out Don lost his ring about 6 weeks prior and never said anything to his wife, so she wasn’t very happy.

Don told me that while doing some work on their backyard landscaping, he felt the ring slip off his finger.  He was quite confident that he’d find it by just searching but after several hours he wasn’t successful.  He had the idea to search for it at night with a flashlight, but still no joy.  Eventually, he gave up but hadn’t told his wife yet.  When she found out, she sprung into action, found me in our directory and shortly after I was at their door.

Don was very specific about the location where he lost it, a spot with bushes and mulch.  Within 1 minute of turning on my detector, the ring was in his hand.  Likely, in his attempt to find the ring, he inadvertently covered it up even more by moving the mulch.

As I was departing, he thanked me for helping « save » his marriage.  I don’t know if it was quite that drastic but he was obviously very relieved and grateful to have it returned.

SCUBA Diver Returns Gold Ring, Swift Creek Reservoir, Midlothian VA

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

Found and returned a white gold wedding ring, Swift Creek Reservoir, Midlothian VA.

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

Found May 20th, 2023.

Newlywed Bailey was fishing from his grandmother’s dock. He shook off some weeds from his fingers and his wedding ring flew off. When the ring came off, Bailey saw in slow motion how it flew into the water. The family searched near the dock to no avail. Bailey’s mother Susan contacted me and asked for my help. It would be a couple of weeks before I could arrange my schedule for a search. But I knew the ring was not going anywhere.

The Search Area

Getting Ready

My son and I arrived at the lovely lakefront home and assessed how to conduct the search. My son helped me that day by hauling equipment, advising, and acting as my safety diver. At first, we tried searching in the four to five feet deep water using an Equinox 900 and a scoop. After twenty minutes, it became apparent there were an incredible amount of metal targets. When I asked Bailey’s dad why there was so much metal, he explained that many years ago, there may have been an old boat sunk and dismantled near the dock. Although the visibility was very poor in the shallow water, I decided to SCUBA dive. This allowed me to work around branches, rocks, and pinpoint shallow targets faster. Every target I found in the white gold identification range had to be investigated. It was a slow four hours for everyone on the dock, but I finally found the ring!

Bailey Smiles

It was gratifying to hand the ring to Bailey. My son captured the moment when Bailey was handed what he had thought was lost forever.

For my Ringfinder friends, this white gold ring hit at a solid 22 VDI on the Equinox 900.


Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435

(20+) Robert Ellis | Facebook

Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.

Lost Wedding Ring Found on Block Island RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)


While on another search at an ocean beach on Block Island, a young girl approached me to ask for my help.  She explained that her dad, Marty, had just lost his wedding ring while boogie boarding with his kids.  He rode a wave and felt the ring fall off in the water near shore.  I interrupted the other search to look for the ring.  It took thirty minutes to find it in the sand near shore.  Marty and his wife were thrilled.  They felt so blessed that I happened to be there when they needed my help. You see, this was not just any ordinary wedding ring.  It had belonged to his wife’s grandfather, George, who passed away in 2019.  The ring was gifted to Marty because he married the eldest granddaughter and was very close to George.  Marty’s ring is now with his wife for safe keeping until it can be resized!

Lost chain in the ocean at Miami Beach

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

I received a call from my new friend who just lost his chain and medallion the night before in the shallow waters of South Beach.  He was able to tell me exactly where he lost it and early that morning I was able to find it in about chest high waters.  This was passed down from his grandmother and was very sentimental.  He was very excited and blown away that I was able to find it.  If you lose a ring, chain or any type of jewelry, give me a call A.S.A.P. and I’ll come help you find it.  LOUIS 305-608-1870.

Lost wedding ring two years ago, Orlando, Fl….Found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Recently Robyn was looking on her Facebook and noticed an article about a metal detecting service made up of people who specialize in finding lost jewelry. Two years ago her husband Dave, was doing some yard work pulling weeds around a thick rose bush and ended up loosing his wedding ring in the process. They tried searching for it several times and a neighbor even used a cheap metal detector but ended up striking out! Dave’s wedding ring was a hand-me-down from his grandparents and being a rather thin gold band they had a jeweler custom remake it by adding two other gold bands. Robyn really wanted to find Daves ring and that led to the search for someone to help. It was Fathers Day and what better gift then to try and locate his lost wedding ring and get it back to him on this special day!

After meeting Robyn and Dave and hearing the story of that eventful day two years ago, I set up my Garrett AT Max and began detecting around the bushes where Dave spent most of that day. My very first target was a solid 46 and I thought for sure that was his ring…but not so fast! It turned out to be a small triangular piece of aluminum flashing from the trim around the roof. And the next 20 plus targets all turned out to be very similar items…small pieces of aluminum. (The construction guys must have set up their equipment right there years ago when they did the trim job and dropped all the scrap in one place!). I knew I needed to remove every last piece and it took a good hour using my metal detector. There were places where I could not use my detector so I opted to use my pin pointer…also a Garrett brand item! So I got down on my hands and knees and proceeded to stick the end down into the mulch and dirt probing for Dave’s ring. More aluminum pieces and a few nails here and there. The metal detector would discriminate out the nails and other ferrous (metal) items but my pin pointer detects all metal therefore I was digging a bit more junk targets. Ten minutes later…low and behold I spotted a glimmer of gold in a pile of dirt and I shouted to Robyn, « Hey, hey, hey here you go!! » She let out a holler and came a running!

Again I gave thanks to God for putting me in the exact place and for allowing me to be able to reunite Dave and Robyn with their lost ring!

Lost something recently or years ago and need help? Call or text me ASAP!

Mike McInroe…Glad to be a part of theringfinders.com

How to find a lost ring in the sand, Ormond Beach, Fl….Found and Returned to owner.

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe…Ring Finder Specialist…Call ASAP Anytime…321-363-6029

Have you ever wondered what happens to a ring that is lost at the beach in the sand? One might think it is next to impossible to find it again after the waves and sand move and wash with the daily tides. And many a poor soul has walked away from such a loss thinking that there is no hope. But I have some really good news! Because there actually is allot of hope and a great possibility of recovering your lost item.

Connor was faced with a potentially devastating situation just this past weekend. He and some friends were enjoying an unusually warm day at Ormond Beach and before getting wet he decided to wrap his phone and his cherished high school class ring in his shirt and laid it on his friends towel. After a while they returned to their towels to dry off and unfortunately when Connor grabbed his shirt his ring somehow slipped out and into the sand and as they climbed into their vehicles he noticed his ring was not with his phone. Quickly he retraced his steps but could not find his ring. They tried raking the sand and even borrowed a friends low end metal detector but it simply made way too much noise so they gave up the search.

Connors mom posted on Next Door and some kind soul suggested The Ring Finders, so Lindsey sent me a text and thankfully I was available to drop what I was doing and after packing up my van with all my necessary equipment I headed to Ormond Beach. An hour later I met Connor and he showed me exactly where thought he was when he lost his ring. I set four corner flags out and began grid searching the dry sand hoping to find his lost class ring and after 30 minutes no ring. I had my Whites TDI Beach Hunter, metal detector set to dig all signals and continued expanding my search area quite a ways beyond where Connor indicated. Finally I started down onto the packed wet sand and 20 minutes later I got a banging signal. I decided to dig with my hand ensuring that I would not scratch or damage the item rather than use my metal scoop. I dug down at least five inches and still nothing was showing in the hole so I took my pin pointer and it indicated the target was very close. Another inch and I could see a silver rim–and I thought I must have found someone else’s lost ring–until I tried to pull the ring from its hiding place. And oh my goodness and thank you Lord, were the exact words that came out of my mouth! I quickly snapped some photos and sent them to Connor! Within minutes he drove up to claim his lost and now found treasure!

Here is what Mrs. Lindsey had to say. « I am crying happy tears over here! You are amazing! Thank you thank you! I am such a sentimental person and even though the ring isn’t that valuable, it is priceless to me! All his senior memories have been made wearing that ring. I just cant’t thank you enough! You truly are an angle! I wish I could give you more $ but please know our family will never forget what you have done for us! Thank you thank you! I will keep your info saved for life!!! I seriously can’t stop screaming and smiling!!! Lindsey »

Lost something and need help? Call ASAP–Anytime!

Mike McInroe…thankful to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost Family Heirloom Stud Earring…FOUND in Front Yard with Metal Detector Sheffield, Alabama!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Lost Item Recovery Specialist…Call or Text ASAP Anytime 24/7…610-504-6135!

I received an email on Christmas afternoon (Friday, December 25, 2020) from Taylor.  He explained that his wife, Mary, noticed that one of her stud earrings was missing on Christmas Eve.  This was a very sentimental set of family heirloom earrings—Mary’s grandfather bought them for her grandmother, they were passed on to her mother, and now on to Mary.  Around 50 years in the family!

Mary had received a pair of AirPods on Christmas Eve, so she was using those and playing with their daughter.  During this, the earring backing must’ve gotten caught on something and came off.  Mary was very upset that the earring was missing and later told me that she had trouble enjoying Christmas knowing that the earring was lost.

They ended up finding the earring backing in their daughter’s room.  They tore apart the house looking for the stud earring and jacket that the earring was setting in.  Coming up empty handed, Mary remembered that she had been picking up a few sticks in the front yard and had taken them to the curb.  It was now dark outside on Christmas Eve, so Mary grabbed a flashlight and retraced her steps out in the yard.  Walking the same path, she found the earring jacket about 20 feet from the curb!  They thought that the stud earring should be close by, because naturally the stud would fall off with the jacket.  They decided to search more the next day on Christmas when it was light outside.  Taylor borrowed a metal detector and was gently using a leaf blower in hopes of finding the earring.  Taylor was having some trouble figuring out how to set-up the detector, so he Googled the proper settings.  In doing so, The Ring Finders website popped up!  As we’ve heard many times before, they had no idea that a metal detecting service even existed, but thought that it was there best bet to find the earring.

My husband, Lindell, and I went out the next day, Saturday afternoon (December 26, 2020) in search of the earring.  Lindell was using a 5×8” coil on the Garrett AT Pro and I was using an 11” coil on the Minelab Equinox 800.  We also had our Garret Pin Pointers set to maximum sensitivity.  We put Mary’s second earring in a Ziploc bag and checked the signals on our detectors.  Depending on the orientation of the earring, the signals were choppy, but we were able to get a reading on both detectors.  We set-up a grid and got to work.  Lindell started by the curb and I started by the most likely spot by where the earring jacket was found.

We went slow and methodical, checking every signal, so that we did not miss the earring.  Stud earrings are one of the hardest items to find due to the small amount of metal.  After about 30 minutes and checking many surface signals, I check another with my pin pointer that had registered around a choppy 4-6 on the Equinox.  Brushing a few leaves away, I catch a glimpse of Mary’s diamond earring staring back at me!!!  What a beautiful sight!  The earring had landed with the post in the ground, but didn’t appear to be stepped on.  It was about 8-10 feet from where the jacket was found.

I went and got Taylor, Mary, and Mary’s father, Kermit, from the house.  I gave them a big smile and told them that we got it!  Such joy and relief!  They were so happy and thankful that the earring was found!  It’s really such a blessing being able to help find these lost items for people!  We chit chatted for a few minutes sharing stories about past recoveries and where lost items actually turn up.  It was a great day and now this earring will remain in the family and continue its story!  Mary plans to buy a more secure backing to prevent any future mishaps.  I’ve included a photo of what the earring looks like with the jacket.

If you or someone you know has lost a ring, jewelry, or other metal item, please contact a member of The Ring Finders.

Lost ring in the bushes, New Smyrna Beach, Fl…Found and Returned to Owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe…Ring Finder and Metal Detector Specialist…Call Anytime, ASAP…321-363-6029

Rocco had spent his Sunday afternoon cleaning up their back patio area using his pressure washer to wash away the Florida mold and dirt. It was a wet and soapy job and his large gold and diamond ring felt a little loose on his pinky finger but he wanted to finish up so he headed to the dumpster to throw out an old rusty grill. The dumpster lids were both closed so Roccco grabbed one of the lids and with force, threw it open and that very motion plus the wetness from the pressure washing, caused his ring to go flying. He actually caught a glimpse of the ring as it went up into the air but he was not sure as to which direction it went. Frantically he searched all around the outside of the dumpster, thinking surely it landed either inside the fenced area or just over the fence and into the grass. For a good hour he searched high and low but was unable to locate his large gold and diamond ring. So his next thought was that maybe it fell down into the dumpster itself and looking thru other people’s garbage is never fun but Rocco knew he needed to do it so he went thru what he could but still–NO RING!

Frustration and then mild panic began to set in and Rocco thought of looking for someone to help him and that led him to search « Lost Jewelry Recovery » on his phone and theringfinders.com web site came up and one of my recent recovery stories. Rocco could not believe that there actually were people out there that help find lost rings. It was late Sunday afternoon when Rocco called me and we met an hour and a half later and I began my search. I have had some tough and challenging searches in the past 11 years and this one comes in right close to the top! It was dark, the no-see-ums were biting and I was looking thru piles of garbage. I detected all around the dumpster and out at least 30 feet past the wooden fence area thinking it flew allot further than first thought. Next was the garbage in and around the dumpster. I emptied every bag thinking that just maybe his ring fell into the top of one of the bags but still–NO RING!

After looking in almost every possible place his ring could have gone…there was one area in the front of the dumpster that I figured I needed to search. It was way to thick to get my metal detector to be of any use so I opted to use one of my really strong flashlights. I was hoping that just maybe I could get a glimpse of gold or a sparkle from the diamonds and sure enough as I crawled on my hands and knees under the thick bush I caught a tiny glimmer of reflective light. My pulse quickened as I strained to make out what I was looking at. I let out a holler and went to get Rocco to give him the GREAT NEWS!

How thankful I am that God allowed me to be a help and a blessing to Rocco and for showing me where his ring was hiding. Every search is a challenge and some are much harder that others but either way I do my very best to find what has been lost.

How can I help you? Call, text or email me ASAP! Anytime!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring in the grass, Kissimmee/Davenport, Fl…Found and Returned to Owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe…Ring Finder and Metal Detector Specialist…Call Anytime, ASAP…321-363-6029

Quentin was finishing up a job in a new housing development and the small basketball court was in need of some extra sod around the four light poles. One of his workers showed up with a few squares of sod and being as it was Friday, Quentin was anxious to get the sod laid and the job wrapped up. Unfortunately he did not have a shovel or machete to cut the sod into proper pieces so he used his hammer in a desperate attempt to make the pieces fit. There were places where the dirt needed to be leveled out and he used his hands to move the dirt around and as he was finishing up on the fourth pole he looked at his hand and realized that his wedding ring was missing. Quentin has only been married for one year and to think that he had already lost his precious wedding ring made him feel quite uneasy.

He was 99% sure he lost it while working with the sod and he began to search thru the thick grass, thinking surely he would be able to spot it. After walking over the whole area a couple of times he began to think that maybe he ought to consider renting or buying a cheap metal detector. So he typed « Metal detector rental » into his phone and found something even better! Theringfinders.com!!

(I always take photos and write a short story about each and every successful search and I use a good title and tags that will help people find our amazing and very helpful service. Read more of my stories and reviews on www.theringfinders.com web site and see first hand how we can help those in need of our unique services.)

I met Quentin on site and carefully grid searched the whole area thinking surely I would find his lost wedding ring hiding in the grass. But not so quickly! I soon realized that with my Garrett, ATMax metal detector I could only get so close to the large metal light pole bases and that I would need to detect closer so I opted to use my trusty Garrett pin pointer. And sure enough on the fourth and final pole my pin pointer gave a great response to a hidden metallic item tucked into a small corner…and lo and behold…there hidden just under the grass was Quentin’s lost wedding ring! Quentin was stunned and thrilled all in one and the relief was obvious on his face. It wasn’t the Friday Quentin originally thought it would be but he was super glad for the way it turned out in the end.

Lost something and need help finding it? Call, text or email…ASAP!

Mike McInroe…ready to look anywhere and very thankful to be a part of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring, St Pete, Fl…Found with an underwater metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe…Metal Detector Specialist…Call ASAP Anytime…24/7…321-363-6029

Brandon and his father in law were enjoying a guys day out fishing under Johns Pass bridge when all of a sudden Brandon hooked a nice size red fish and managed to get it up onto the dock. The next challenge was to secure the fish for a decent photo and in the process Brandon got a bunch of fish slime on his hand. So what is ones natural instinct when your hand is covered in slime? You shake your hand in hopes that the slime will go sailing off, but more than slime went flying! Brandon was shocked when he felt his wedding ring slip off of his hand and doubly shocked when it landed out in the water. He could not believe what just happened and the thrill and excitement of catching a nice fish disappeared as the reality of what just took place started to sink in. The water was way to deep for Brandon to try his hand at recovering it and actually it was close to 17 feet deep with lots of rocks and concrete boulders and sand and a fairly swift current on top of it all.

This vacation was a much needed one for Brandon and his wife and in-laws as he had to miss last years special vacation due to his military deployment. And having been married for only two years he was having a very hard time dealing with the loss of his wedding ring and having to end their vacation on that bitter note. Later that evening Brandon was looking online for some help and typed in « Underwater ring searching » and up came theringfinders.com! Most all members of theringfinders can search yards, parks and shallow water ways but only a few of us are scuba certified and that was definitely what Brandon was needing. It was a two and a half hour drive to Johns Pass in St. Pete, Florida and after obtaining the proper permission we met and proceeded to set up on the dock under the bridge. I then took two PVC poles that I joined together in order to drive down into the bottom to mark the center of the dive area. Brandon said his ring could be in a 20 foot square area and I was hoping to somehow mark the bottom. Unfortunately the PVC pole was 4 foot short plus the bottom was very rocky with small areas of sand here and there. So I opted to follow one of the dock pilings to the bottom and then with my back to the piling I made my way along the bottom using my Nokta/Makro-Pulse Dive, handheld metal detector to scan for Brandon’s lost wedding ring. Right away it was obvious that it would be difficult as the concrete had rebar in each large block and the detector was picking up all kinds of signals. I slowly made my way forward, barely being able to see what was in front of me. I determined to check each signal and found some fishing sinkers and other large objects. Being the ring was lost the day before it seemed likely that it would not be buried very deep in the sand. For 15 minutes I scanned all around until I came to two large chunks of concrete and as I scanned over the top I noticed a small area of sand and it gave a sharp signal. I swam closer to see what it was and I could barely make out a small circular shaped object. As my hand closed over the item it was obvious that it was a ring. I had a hard time containing myself and let out an underwater scream of Praise!! I slowly ascended to the top and stuck my hand out of the water with the ring on my pinky finger. Brandon’s father in law was videoing with his Gopro and Brandon was in total shock! He could not believe it was his ring and asked me what kind of markings it had on it. I told him and he still seemed dubious!

How I thank God for allowing me to find Brandon’s lost wedding ring and for keeping me safe during the whole ordeal!

Lost something recently? Call ASAP! 321-363-6029