lost jewellery Tag | The Ring Finders


  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

Lani’s husband lost his black tungsten wedding band in a field near their home. They searched with and without a metal detector for a week. I got the call, and once I had an understanding of the job, made the 45-minute trip to the location. I met with Lani to go over the area where the ring was lost. I laid out a search area of about 1000 square feet. The first half was dry, the second had 1″ of water with the grass being about 4 inches tall. The whole area was trash-free, so all sounds were taken seriously.  About halfway thru the second half (the wet one) I got a strong 48 reading on my Garrett. Had to move grass and poke around with the pin-pointer for the ring.  Lani was very happy and so was I. Thank you, Lani, for the generous reward.


Found Ring McCalla, AL

  • from Montevallo (Alabama, United States)

This all started November 22nd. Jennifer contacted me about her lost engagement ring, it just so happened to be her Grandmothers ring. She had a rough idea of where she lost it but was unable to locate it. Her and her husband had borrowed an older detector but was unable to pinpoint anything because « all it did was beep on everything » I assured her if it was there I would find it. She was going out of town for Thanksgiving and wanted to set something up for the following week. She contacted me Saturday the 30th after Thanksgiving and asked if I was available for Sunday mid-day to early afternoon. Knowing how sentimental this ring was to her, I decided to load up the whole arsenal and my wife with her detector. We arrived and Jennifer showed me a few areas where she was doing some yard work. She was very confident it was in a small area where she was spreading straw. So we began. The spot was in an animal cage so I knew there would be some chatter from all the fencing, so I popped the small coil on and went to work. First signal hit strong and only gave me one arrow on the Equinox 700, a quick glance revealed a concrete slab right under the dirt with rebar in it. I knew then that was going to present a new obstacle. Second target sounded great and in the gold range, however it was a piece of foil. Then all the sudden a loud assertive double tone and a 22 popped up on the Equinox my wife and I looked at each other with silent joy as to not get anyone’s hopes up, but we knew that sound all to well. My wife reached down and brushed away the straw to reveal a beautiful vintage solitaire engagement ring. We silently walked the ring over to Jennifer, who was visually very upset, and placed it into her shaking hands. Immediately the emotions poured down her cheeks. Right then I knew this ring was truly something special for her. Listening to her tell us about the struggles she had faced this year, my wife and I both struggled to not cry both for her and with her. This was truly the most emotional and rewarding recovery I have done to date. This is why I do what I do.

Lost Gold Wedding Band in the Flower Bed-Found

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

I was contacted by Addison and she said her Grandfather had lost his wedding band in the yard while pulling weeds. It was a two and a half hour trip to Nashville from here, but well worth the trip. Peter said he was pulling weeds in the front flower bed for most of the afternoon and it was after dark, around ten oclock before he noticed his white gold band was gone. He went back out and looked for it but didn’t see it.  After pulling the weeds and putting them in a wheelbarrow he rolled it to the back end of the lot to dump it out, so I had several places to search. I started in the lawn area bordering the bed and frankly, that is where I expected to find it. Not finding it there I went into the bed and did find numerous peices of scrap aluminum and metal that was close to the surface.  About 3/4 of the way through the bed my Manticore locked onto a solid 15 in all directions and it was also close to the surface. The soil was soft so I just rubbed the surface area of the ground from over the signal and I saw the glint of white gold shining at me. That’s what I saw in the attached photo with my finger pointing at it. It was totally buried so he would not have seen it. The search time was around 30-40 minutes.

Lost Gold Watch Bezel-Found

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

I was contacted by a guy that does professional yard services and he had lost the bezel from his watch in a client’s yard while trimming the shrubs. The bezel was custom made gold with diamonds. He was working the day of the search and not able to be there with me. He had given me the address of his customer and they knew I was coming. This search to me nearly two hours of searching because the detector coil would not fit down in the shrubbery so I had to search a lot of it visually. I eventually found the bezel way up under a low growing Japanese maple tree. It was lying face down and very difficult to see in the mulch, but my detector saw it clearly.

Lost Ring in Backyard-Found!

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

I was contacted by Jessica to find her husband’s ring he had lost in the backyard while throwing balls for his dog. Along the way they had borowwed a metal detector to look for it themselves, but they didn’t know how to use it, so they hid her ring in the grass to test it out and see what it sounded like, and that’s where it got more complicated. The detector and their ears were overloaded with all the metal in the ground they didn’t know was there. Then they couldn’t find her ring either. That’s when she contacted me.  They had marked out a spot where she thought her ring would be, and it was a fairly small area, maybe six feet by four feet. I covered that area quickly and no ring, so I expanded the search area to beyond where she had marked out.  I had made one pass, turned around to parallel my path and I was facing the sun. After two steps I caught a relection in the grass of something silver colored before my coil passed over it. It was her ring. The entire search for her ring was less than ten minutes. While I was talking with her and taking a couple of photos the sun was directly in my eyes so I shifted position a little.  When she was looking at me I noticed she had fixed her attention to somewhere over my right shoulder. She said hold on a minute, and took off to the side of the yard and came back with his ring. If my memory serves me correctly it was dark colored, titanium maybe.  From the position we were standing she happened to see it laying on the ground in a clear area that was free of grass. So both rings were recovered in around fifteen minutes.

Lost wedding ring in RV Park

  • from St. Louis (Missouri, United States)

While traveling back home from Arkansas over the weekend I had encountered a big mishap at our stop over outside of St Louis on Saturday night.

We had just parked the trailer and were walking the dogs when Penny’s leash caught my wedding rings just right and they went FLYING… Into the middle of a field of very thick, tall grass. Of course it was dark, why wouldn’t it be!! I didn’t move from my spot while Joe took the dogs back and grabbed flashlights. We searched for about 2 hours. We started weighing our options. Joe jumped on Reddit reaching out to see if he could find anyone willing to bring a metal detector for us. He stumbled upon a website called theringfinders.com

Luckily Jeremy Roth – The RingFinder’s responded right away and offered to come out early the very next morning so we wouldn’t have any delays in our travels. With his help I was able to recover my rings. And let me tell you, we weren’t even close to looking at where it had landed. The physics still isn’t adding up to me but what a relief!!! I’m forever grateful for Jeremy.

So if you ever lose a ring or other sentimental/valuable jewelry, check out theringfinders.com. A really great resource.

2 Rings Lost in Minnesota Lake One Recovered.

  • from Chisago City (Minnesota, United States)
Happily reunited

Back where it belongs

I received a call from a party that mentioned that he and his wife had taken their rings off to not loose them when they were going into a lake swimming.  The rings were put into the pocket of a swim suit.  Later after coming out of the water both, his and her rings were missing. These folk where in Minnesota staying at a vacation rental on a lake about 65 miles north of St. Paul. They went home back to Milwaukee totally heartbroken. They had no idea how to find the rings and contemplated buying a metal detector and driving back to find the rings. Following doing some research they came across the ring finders web site and found my name. They called and were quite surprised that there was people that look for lost rings on the internet.  They were even more surprised to find someone that could go up and look for the rings and they did not have to go back to Minnesota to recover their rings.

There was another group on the property and we had to wait.until they left before searching. But eventually the property was vacated and I went in and searched for the rings. It took about 3 hours and many signals that you find in lakes. Bottle caps, fishing lures and weights, old beer cans and old bait cans. But I finally got a hit that was strong and clean. I knew it was a ring before scooping it up. Yes, it was his ring. I found one of the two missing rings.  I continued to search really hitting the area that I found the one hoping that they fell out together. But no luck. So I finished up out in the water and swept the yard and again came up empty.  While it was not the perfect outcome, I can always go back and try again and see if I can get lucky one more time.  Congratulations  on getting 1 of 2 back.

Recovered Ring

One Recovered Ring

97-year-old heirloom 10kt Victorian darling baby ring recovered and returned! TRF Celina, OH

  • from Celina (Ohio, United States)
97-year-old heirloom 10 karat Victorian darling baby ring recovered and returned! A small ring makes a big hit for the day.
Tough little ring to locate at just 3 mm wide for the band and approximately a size 1.
     Scott, Alicia, and their little family made the almost 4-hour drive back to Alicia’s hometown to visit family. While spending time with family at a local State Park, Alicia was presented with her grandmother’s 97-year-old Victorian Darling Infant Ring as a keepsake for her daughter Noelle, named after her Great-Grandmother. The 10kt. ring was placed on the baby’s finger and photos were taken. The ring was too large for Noelle’s tiny finger and fell off. Alicia and her older children hunted the grassy area where they thought the ring had fallen and weren’t able to locate the ring.
     Alicia was in my wife’s Girl Scout Troop years ago and she has seen posts on my wife’s Facebook Page about my ring returns. A distraught Alicia contacted my wife to see if I was able to come out to the park and find the ring. I grabbed my Manticore, pin pointer, and other gear and we went to the State Park to see if I could locate the ring. Alicia was able to show me the roughly 20 x 20′ area where the ring had fallen. After swinging for about 45 minutes, I was able to find the tiny little treasure and hand it back to the very relieved mother!  Very small ring to locate at just 3 mm wide for the band and approximately a size 1.

Lost Rings Rain When It Pours – Emerald Isle,NC Found By Crystal Coast Ring Finders

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Katie was spending some rest & relaxation from school with some friends along the Emerald Isle beach.  There was a plastic bag they placed jewelry in before swimming.  A quick downpour of rain came in and as they scampered to gather their gear and run for cover, 5 of Katie’s rings fell into the sand.  Katie was very upset when she phoned her mother to explain what had happed.  Her mother contacted me and while Katie and her friends searched for the rings.  A few minutes had passed until I received word they were able to find 4 of the 5 rings.  The last missing ring was a sentimental gold ring.  After a few messages, I started my way to Emerald Isle.  Katie lead me to the area of the beach and I switched on my metal detector and went to work.  The first target was a small piece of ship copper and the second was Katie’s fifth and final ring.

Lost Diamond Gold Wedding Ring Recovered In Baltimore, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

I was just about to put my equipment away after an earlier recovery this week when I got a call about a lost wedding ring just outside of Baltimore city. The ring was lost while doing yardwork in some very dense ivy. Luckily my schedule was free in the afternoon, so we made plans to meet up immediately. Once I arrived, I was shown the area that the ring was believed to be in. It was a relatively small area approximately 10ft x 6ft, but as the owner stated in was very dense ivy and there was an AC unit, a metal handrail and a large bush in the area. All of these items add complexity to the search. Shortly after finding a few « trash » targets, I got a clean signal from my detector! Upon moving some ivy vines to the side, a glint of gold caught my eye!

Needless to say, the owner was delighted and relieved!

Two successful ring recoveries in less than a week! I hope you never need my services, but if you do, do not hesitate to contact me. And keep in mind, it’s not only jewelry I recover, but anything made of metal that you lost!