August 20, 2022
I was called to find a bracelet but as I was searching, I was asked “Had I found the phone? What? No, I was looking for a bracelet. I saw disappointment in the inquisitive face. I could not let it go, I said where was it lost and was it waterproof? Here and yes, it was waterproof. OK, I will search for both.
After about two hours of searching and finding only two beer bottle twist off caps and two pull tabs I was beginning to think there may be something wrong with my detector. No, it was just that the beach was heavily detected, and all good targets had been removed. Then my ears began to ring with a sound like I had just swung the detector’s coil over a large beer can. But I had to scoop carefully just in case it was a precious object. Yes, it was the yellow phone. Mike came over to me and in disbelief said: “It is still working!”
A couple of quick Thank Yous and he was off toward the shoreline. I continued to search for the Bracelet. A few minutes later Mike and his niece Pina came back into the water and thanked me again.
I had no means of taking any information so I asked if they would please text me with the information I needed for this blog. It is so wonderful that I get to see many smiling faces and hear cheers form the beach goers when I get to return a precious item and in this case an item filled with many photo memories, ones that could not be replaced.
Unfortunately, I have not yet found the bracelet that I had initially been called to help find. I had stayed well after dark on Saturday and returned Sunday morning for another two-hour search. I will return mid-week and expand the area of search. It is not time to give up hope, there are other detectorists I will keep in touch with as one might just find the bracelet before I do. Until then I will keep Pina’s smile in my phone and perhaps it will bring a bit of good luck for me to locate the bracelet.
Mike: thanks for not giving up on your family’s and your searching efforts. Had you left without giving me your contact information, I may not have been able to unlock the phone and retrieve information that would have led to Pina. And I would not have a wonderful smile to remind me of her hope to have her phone returned.