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Lost my Wedding Ring Playing Volleyball!

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

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We got a email from an very nice young man who was in a little bit of a panic.  He was playing volleyball  with his team at the local « Bump & Drink Volleyball Club » and realized his wedding ring had come off sometime during the evening.  This was about 8pm, he had spent the next 2 hours on his hands & knees with his friends going through the really deep sand on the court he had played on.

His wife is 8 months pregnant and he really dreaded going home without his wedding ring and then having to tell his wife about it.

He found « The Ring Finder » website and sent us a email.  I responded immediately because I knew exactly what Volleyball Club he had been at, we had been called in before to find rings for other customers.  I immediately call the club and spoke to the manager, most of the Volleyball clubs are very strict about not allowing detectorists on to their courts, but this manager remembered us and said we could come in the next day 30 minutes before they opened.

Ellen & I arrived at 3pm on a Friday and began our hunt.  Understand this sand is awesome, but it is 12-20inches deep all over the 8 courts.  We had to use our beach scoops as we detected.  We knew what court he had played on and where he had wash off the sand at the end of the night, so we began our hunt.

We cover the court 3 times with no luck, I began covering the area I believed the customer would have walked to the wash off station »aka water hose!  Understand that Ellen & I both use Garrett ATPro’s and Garrett Pinpointers, I was digging in the sand and Ellen walks over and says « what did he say his ring looked like », as I looked up she had this sheepish grin on her face and on her finger was a Platinum Wedding  Ring.   I started to get up, and she said don’t stop looking this might not be his ring!  We have had that happen more than once, we found a different ring than the one we were hired to find.

Well the customer was on his way, he was stuck in Friday afternoon Dallas 5pm traffic..YUK!  When he arrived, we shook hands and I said « my wife has a question for you »  she walked up and said « is this your ring ».  He was awestruck, his mouth dropped open, he was so excited.  He must have told us 3 times how much his wife was going to be happy…

This hobby is so much fun.

Another successful hunt for The Ring Finders!

Don & Ellen – Dallas/Ft Worth

Wedding Band lost at John’s Pass, Maderia Beach, FL

John and his recently married wife had just returned from their honeymoon and were settling into their home together. They decided to take a break and spend a day at the beach. After they arrived at Maderia Beach and setup a spot on the beach they ventured out into the water. They were just cooling down in neck deep water when John’s wife noticed his wedding ring was missing. They tried to locate the ring in the murky water but had no luck. John’s wife found us on the Ringfinders site and contacted us. We responded the next day with a small team and in about an hour we recovered the ring. Needless to say, John was overjoyed!

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Wedding Ring Lost In Sarasota Yard

Pete Nicolai was busy cleaning the gutters on the roof when he wiped his hand against his pants to dry it off and BINGO his wedding ring was gone!!!!!!!  He heard a ping when the ring hit the ladder below him and never caught site of where it landed. He searched for the ring in the yard and surrounding bushes but had no luck. He went home and broke the sad news to his wife and then they returned and searched with no luck. A few weeks later, Pete read an article on Yahoo about « The Ringfinders » and when he went to the web site he found Michael Miller listed as a resource for finding lost items. He contacted Mike and they made arrangements to meet at the site. Doug Brozek joined Mike in the search and within 15 minutes Doug recovered the ring and returned it to a very happy Pete.

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Lost Ring found near Binbrook conservation area near Hamilton

  • from Toronto (Ontario, Canada)

found ring on hand Happy Pietro & family with FOUND ring & Paul ring finderVandendool Crownring2b ring

« I went swimming in a lake and lost my wedding ring. After spending a few hours swimming down 10 feet, we gave up the search. I thought it was gone for good before I found Paul online. He came with scuba gear and an underwater metal detector and found the ring in 25 minutes! Material possessions can be replaced, but the sentimental value cannot. We can’t thank you enough! »



Pietro was at a conservation area with his family & lost his ring when swimming. Once I arrived he pointed me to the « location » where he felt the ring slip off. The visibility was 1-2′ & I was able to find the ring in about 25 minutes.

Another happy customer.  So far I am 2 for 2!  🙂

Lost Ring found in lake near Haliburton

  • from Toronto (Ontario, Canada)

Diego & happy wifeOn my first official search for a wedding ring, I was able to find Diego’s wedding ring. He flipped a canoe near a friend’s cottage & lost 2 fishing poles & his wedding ring.  The location was in ~18; in a bay of a lake. It took me about 1 hour to locate the « drop » area as the initial search location was not accurate for me. Note that the more accurate the « lost » location is, the better luck I will have in locating « your » treasure. I found the ring within 15 minutes of locating the fishing poles.

Diego has been married since Feb 2013 so finding the ring was very important to him & his wife. 2 Happy Customers!!


Lost Ring in Victoria, BC… Found!

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

December 30th 2011,

I received a phone call from Kevan J. who has only been married since May of this year,  7 months and while playing wth his dog he lost his wedding ring. After a grid search in his back yard I found his ring.  One very happy man!


Recovered Ring



Metal Detecting for 2 Lost Rings In Maple Ridge, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)












Close to two months back I received an email from a young lady asking if I could find her husbands wedding band that he lost while gardening. I replied but never heard back from her, just the other day she contacted me again and we set a day to look for the ring.

When I arrived this morning at 10 am I was greeted by Brenda who quickly told me that she lied about how her husband lost his ring and explained that he threw the ring in the back yard and weeks later she threw hers…

Brenda isn’t the first to do this nor will she or her husband be the last!  This happens a lot ! More then people think…She is just the first to discuss it with me on video and I’m very grateful for that! It’s important that others know that they’re not the only ones doing something like that and not to feel embarrassed,  just call me ASAP and I’ll get that ring back on your finger where it belongs.



I was able to find her husbands ring in only a few minutes but I wasn’t  able to locate her ring. I knew the minute I saw her back yard that there was going to be a good chance that it ended up in the neighbours back yard which wasn’t that far from where the ring was thrown.

The only problem was that the neighbours where the ring could be,  wasn’t home. So now we wait until I hear back and hopefully we can get her ring back on her hand!

I love my job!

Thanks for reading!

Lost something? Call me ASAP

Chris Turner – 778-838-Find(3463)

Watch video of the search below…

Wedding ring found in back yard – Lakewood, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Olivia Frank had lost her wedding ring in her back yard. The couple had searched the yard extensively without any luck. After 6 months of worry and frustration they found “Ring Finders” and through that my contact information. We made arrangements and set a meeting date for me to join them at their home for a brief talk and survey of the site.

My first trip to their house gave me the story of the rings loss and the layout of the yard. I managed to get in about three hours of search time before rain and snow drove me off the hunt site. I was certain that the ring was not in the portion of the yard they swore it in.

Upon my second trip to their house I went over the area that I had previously searched with two other detectors and no ring. I then expanded my search area and started running another search pattern. After another three hours of searching I ended up finding the ring several feet away from the expected location.

“Liv” was so excited and happy that she began to tear up when she got her hands on her ring again. It did need a good cleaning by a jeweler, but that is what happens when a ring is left to the elements for several months.

Ring recovered on December 4, 2010.

Liv and her ring

Livs ring