help me find my ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Two Weeks Married Husband Lost His Gold Ring .. Huntington Harbor, Huntington Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)



Stan the Metal Detector Man is waiting for your call … 949-500-2136

*** Kayla and Sam had only been married a couple weeks when he lost his new gold wedding band in a swimming area at Trinidad Park swim area, Huntington Beach, CA.

I met them that same day to get the story and conditions.

The area of the loss would require hooka diving as it could be 10-12ft deep. I returned the next day and began the search. After about 45 minutes I could not search the location because there were too many young teenagers dominating this area of the beach.

I returned several weeks later with my back up diver, Rudy to double up on the search. Also a good time to have Rudy practice with my dive detector equipment .. I knew the ring was still in the location and it was not littered with metal trash.  Rudy went in first while I stood by for the second search.  Boom!  Rudy came up with the brand new gold wedding band, saving me from having to get wet.  I gave him the phone number and let him share the good news to Sam and Kayla. He also lived close enough to them to experience giving the ring to them personally.

It was a fun recovery, I just wish I could have organized the dive sooner. Dive calls take a lot of preparation. The important thing is getting the ring back to its rightful owner.   

I’m available to help you now. “ Have Detector, Will Travel” .. I WILL TRY ANYWHERE.

Call or Text 949-500-2136

Gold diamond wedding ring lost inside Airbnb, found by Florida Ring Finder…Kissimmee, Florida!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Prompt Metal Detecting Service available now…Mike the Florida Ring Finder is here to help you in your time of need! Call or text me at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Kennedy and her family were spending some vacation time here in sunny Florida at an Airbnb when early Sunday morning her young 2 year old daughter decided to collect her mom’s rings and hide them throughout the house. When Kennedy woke up she found one of her diamond rings on the kitchen floor and the other one tucked snugly in a corner of her daughters bed blankets. And the diamond wedding ring was no where to be found. Kennedy was beginning to feel desperate knowing they only had a few more days of vacation before heading back home to Michigan. Later that evening she typed into Google « Help me find my ring » and up popped one of my successful ring recovery stories and she sent me a text asking for my help. House searches are not always easy and thankfully there were a lot less toys and cloths and furniture and shoes, etc to look through being as it is a vacation rental. I started in the kitchen and using a very strong flashlight I searched carefully making my way to the 5 bedrooms upstairs…checking bathrooms and closets, under beds and in blankets. An hour and a half later I made my way downstairs and began in the laundry room where there were piles of cloths and suitcases. Ten minutes later…BINGO! There, behind a large suitcase, simply hiding down by the baseboard was Kennedy’s lost diamond wedding ring! Kennedy writes, »Mike and theringfinders are so kind and are life savers. Being from out of town on vacation, I had a limited time to find my wedding ring after my toddler hid it in our Airbnb. Mike was so helpful and found it within two hours. I am so thankful! »

Kennedy and her mother were so delighted and were beaming from ear to ear, saying how thankful they were for my help. How I thank God for allowing me to find her ring and to help bring relief and joy to their hearts!

Have you lost something and need help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!
Mike McInroe…looking for an opportunity to help you!

Lost – Lady’s diamond wedding ring, Palm Coast, Fl – Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Brittany and her husband were visiting the Palm Coast area on Valentines Day and while driving along on highway A1A the unexpected happened. As we are all aware of how emotions and feelings can lead us to do and say things that we later regret…that is exactly what happened on this particular day. It was towards evening and thankfully they were not traveling at a high rate of speed when Brittany threw her diamond wedding ring out of the car window and into a grass area along side of the road. Her husband immediately pulled off of the road and into the nearest driveway and the two of them tried to find her ring…but her thrown ring was no where to be found!

Later that night Brittany tried to find help and went online to search for something or someone that could help her in her time of need. It was around 10:30 pm that I recieved her call asking if I could help her and after hearing her story my wife and I decided to make the one hour drive to Palm Coast and meet Brittany and we prayed to God we would be the exact help that she so desperately needed.

Brittany showed us where she « thought » the ring was thrown and I set up some cones and began doing an overlapping grid search of the 500 square foot area. Both Brittany and my wife were using very strong flashlights but the night dew was making everything wet and the grass and leaves glistened and sparkled making it almost impossible to find her lost ring. Along most any road there is allot of buried trash items giving signals that sound very similar to what a gold diamond ring would sound like so I had to investigate each shallow signal just to be sure. After 45 minutes I got a really strong signal that registered shallow and my head light exposed her beautiful lost diamond ring just laying there among the wet leaves and grass! Brittany was ecstatic and so relieved to have her ring back again! A lesson well learned, hey?

How we thank God for allowing us to be a blessing and encouragement to Brittany and her husband and we look forward to helping others who find themselves in need or our help and expertise!
Call anytime or text and leave me a message and let’s talk. 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…a ready member of

Metal Detector Used to Find Gold Bracelet Lost at a Laguna Beach Cove

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Metal detecting expert available to help you now.. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136
… Victoria called me after she found my contact information online. She had lost her white gold nail bracelet at Laguna Beach the day before. She was on her way to the location and knew she would have a better chance to find it if she asked for the help of an experienced metal detector person.

We met on the beach soon after she contacted me. The area of the loss was probably half the size of a football field which is not impossible but could be time consuming.

We were lucky enough to start in the right area. The bracelet was found in less than a half hour.

It was a pleasure to be available to help Virginia find her bracelet. Thank You !  for trusting me to find your sentimental piece of jewelry.

Lost ring in the grass in Longwood, Florida…found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you have lost something and need help or information on how to find a lost metallic item…call or text Mike, the Florida Ring Finder at 321-363-6029…anytime!

As the weather cools here in sunny Florida, it seems like even the critters are looking for ways to stay warm and as Sean attempted to chase an insect out of his front door and into his front yard, he felt his gold wedding ring slip off of his finger and in a second it just disappeared.  He just knew it couldn’t have gone too far but the more he searched the more he realized he needed a metal detector.  His first attempt at renting and using a cheap detector proved more frustrating than helpful and all he was left with were holes in the grass and a bill for the rental.  And then he came across web site and after reading a few of my recovery stories he decided to give me a call.  The next day I met Sean and he explained what happened while showing me the exact area he was standing when he lost his wedding ring.  I set up my Deus 2 metal detector and began my first sweep along the driveway and as I returned up towards the front door I got a clear medium tone just behind a small Christmas sign decoration and as I probed with my pin pointer I could barely make out Sean’s lost gold wedding ring.  Sean could not believe it was there…so close…yet so well hidden in the fading winter grass.

Have you lost something recently or even years ago and need a ring finders help?  Call or text me ASAP…don’t wait…call now 321-363-6029 and let’s talk.

Mike McInroe…offering hope and help in your time of need!

Lost gold pendant in Apopka, Florida…Found with a metal detector by Florida ring finder Mike McInroe!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

My name is Mike McInroe and I am a Lost Item Recovery Specialist.  I find metal items on land, in the water, in the grass, woods, houses, vehicles and under ground!  Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Jacob lost a very sentimental pendant and here is his story.   » I called Mike looking for some help.  I lost a family heirloom!  What do I do?  I called Mike with The Ring Finders.  He was very attentive.  On the holiday weekend of Thanksgiving, he answered my call first thing.  He reassured me that it will be alright.  He said I am finishing lunch and I will be on my way!  What a relief to have technology these days to go on Google and find qualified, honest help to find my lost prized possession.  My grandfather had his 10k gold necklace and pendant made from all his 10k gold, smelted a long time ago to make the necklace and PENDANT I had lost in my backyard full of debris and ferns…a place that is very hard to locate small objects like this.  But within 30 minutes, Mike had found my lost pendant.  What a relief!  My most prized possession found in a very thick fern in a bunch of thicket.  So happy to have called.  If I didn’t, my pendant would have been lost FOREVER.  To those who think they can’t, they certainly CAN!  From my family and my heart, thanks Mike.  You made my day, week, month and year!  I hope this helps those in need of your services, to give it a shot.  You never know if you item is gone.  It might just be lost.  Mike can find it.  He found mine and many others!  Thanks Mike!!! »

Do you need help finding something?  Call a member of near you and let us assist you today!  Call or text ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of

Lost diamond ring in yard, Hastings, Florida…found with a metal detector by ring finder Mike McInroe!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

My name is Mike McInroe and I am a Lost Item Recovery Specialist!  On land, in the water, grass, yards, woods, houses, vehicles or under ground…please call ASAP anytime at 321-363-6029!

Makayla called me to ask if I could help her find a very special ring that was lost in a small animal pen behind her house.  Before attempting any search I always ask some very specific questions to help me determine the likelihood of actually finding the lost or misplaced item.  Thankfully Makayla assured me that her friend actually felt the ring come off and it was in a very small area and they had not disturbed the area for fear of burying it further in the straw.  Apparently while spreading the straw out, her friend actually felt her ring slip off of her finger and it immediately disappeared…especially since the ring was a gold ring and almost the very same color as the straw.  They began looking through the 12 inch thick straw and after a while they gave up and decided they needed a metal detector and that led them to the internet and theringfinders web site.

It only took a few minutes to locate the lost diamond ring in the straw and the young couple was thrilled to have their precious ring back again.

Have you lost something and need a ring finders help?  Call or text me ASAP…don’t wait!  Call 321-363-6029 and let’s talk.

Mike McInroe…ready to help you in your time of need!

Wedding ring lost in ocean, Daytona Beach, Florida recovered by Mike McInroe, Florida Ring Finder!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

I was given the wonderful opportunity to look for and find a lost ring in the Atlantic Ocean for Jason and his family and here is what Jason wrote me yesterday.  « The first day of our Daytona Beach vacation started poorly when I realized, while still in the ocean on our first swim of the trip, that my wedding ring had slipped off my finger.  With crashing waves all around, I aimlessly looked for it but gave up hope of ever seeing it again.  Thankfully, the next morning I was feeling at least a bit optimistic and started Googling for solutions.  My searches led me to and to Mike.  He picked up the phone right away and within minutes we had a plan of attack for the very next day at low tide.  He filled me with hope from that first phone call and all of a sudden I started to think that maybe finding my ring wasn’t a lost cause after all.  The next day, he set up a grid over a fairly large area that I was most confident it had been lost in  and he got to work methodically scanning one grid section at a time and pushing further out into the ocean as the tide moved out.  In less than 90 minutes he’d found my lost ring!  My wife and I couldn’t believe it!  It felt so good to have it back on my finger again.  Thank you Mike, for everything you did for me and my wife.  You saved our vacation and gave us a lasting story to share with friends and family!  Jason »

Lost your ring, keys, phone or other piece of jewelry?  Call me or one of the members of and let’s talk.  321-363-6029

Mike McInroe…glad to be a member of

Platinum wedding ring lost in bushes in Orlando, Florida…found and returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Successful recoveries have to be done in a timely manner.  Timing is very important!  If you lose something on the beach or any public location, don’t wait.  Call as soon as possible…321-363-6029.  I will answer your call!

Shree writes… »We’ve been married over a decade and some years ago I lost my wedding ring which made me feel sad for months.  Much later I learned about this metal detecting service but it was too late…so recently when my husband lost his wedding ring I made sure to get a professional search done, only the circumstances were much much harder.  He lost his ring in the midst of the dangerous storm, Milton here in Florida.  We thought we were well prepared for the storm but in the middle of it my husband realized he missed closing down one of the front window shutters.  He was drenched from the rain while pulling the shutter down and came up onto the porch where he shook his drenched hands to get the rain water off and alas with the strong flick of his hands…his ring went flying!   And God knows where!  It was impossible to look for the ring in that weather as every time we stepped out of the house we felt like we could be blown away.  And the following morning we searched again to no avail.

Then I found Mike online and quickly called him.  He assured me the ring had not left my campus and that felt strange to me…given the torrential rain the previous night.  But still we planned to wait and meet the day after, when the weather had settled down.  Mike is so friendly and kind and we really appreciated the unexpected seriousness of effort he was putting into the search while we had mentally given up on the find.  It was more than an hour and a half into the search on the ground and under the shrubs and bushes in our front yard where the ring was lost and we were starting to feel like we had done our bit and it was over.  But Mike’s persistence and hope was on another level!  He just kept digging and searching and…Voila!!!  There it was!  He found it stuck way down in the middle of one of our super thick Bird of Paradise plants!  I don’t think there was anyway we were ever going to be able to find it there on our own!  I wouldn’t have believed in such a service if I did not witness it’s success…BUT it works and Mike is terrific at it!  We are absolutely thrilled to have  our precious ring back!  Thank you Mike!  Abhi and Shree »

Have you lost something and need a ringfinders help?  Call me or one of theringfinders in your area and let us help you find what you thought was lost forever!

Mike McInroe…sharing hope and help in your time of need!

Men’s Wedding Band Lost for 3 Months…Found by Ring Finder Brian Rudolph in Upper Marlboro, Maryland

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Donnie’s Lashbrook Zirconium and 18 karat rose gold wedding band which Brian Rudolph recovered for his client.

Donnie celebrates the return of his beloved wedding band that had been lost for 3 months. Thanks to Brian Rudolph, a professional ring finder, the client’s irreplaceable ring was back on his finger within 5 minutes!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Donnie lost his wedding band during the winter season while moving a hot tub somewhere in the backyard of his Upper Marlboro, Maryland townhouse.

The distressed newlywed tried using a metal detector and searched everywhere for the ring but unfortunately he could not find the zirconium 18 karat rose gold wedding band anywhere.

When all of his efforts failed, Donnie took to the internet and found THE RING FINDERS, an elite international directory of metal detectorists who specialize in finding lost jewelry of every kind. The young man reached out to me and we set up an appointment for me to come out to his home in Upper Marlboro, Maryland to see if I could find the missing wedding band.

It was my pleasure to metal detect and recover Donnie’s lost wedding ring! I found it in less than 5 minutes from the time that I powered up my detector! My client was beyond excited about my quick recovery of his cherished symbol of love! The large-sized zirconium and rose gold ring had already sunk into the dirt and was covered by earth and grass. Donnie would have never found his ring again without the help of a professional metal detectorist. It was my joy to serve this client and to preserve yet another important sentimental keepsake that would have been lost forever!


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