Testimonials Category | Page 26 of 53 | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring Found in Lake Wales Florida

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

My husband Matt and I are extremely grateful for this team for finding such an important ring for us. When Matt said he found someone to look for his ring I was extremely skeptical. Knowing the conditions of the canal I really felt this was a wasted effort. When Jerry Burbaugh came up with a ring on his finger we were stunned!! This canal has very high boat traffic and is literally 20 ft. of dark brown water. Gary Penta was wonderful to work with in coordinating this effort. JerryBurbaugh and Jacob Penta were awesome with their knowledge and abilities! You’ve made the start to our new year a happy one!!  Thank you Jerry for finding our ring!!

Meghan Welsh Balliett

Against all odds my husband’s ring is now bsck on his finger!

Lost Ring in Lake Wales, Florida … Found!

  • from Windermere (Florida, United States)

My husband Matt and I are extremely grateful for this team for finding such an important ring for us. When Matt said he found someone to look for his ring I was extremely skeptical. Knowing the conditions of the canal I really felt this was a wasted effort. When Jerry Burbaugh came up with a ring on his finger we were stunned!! This canal has very high boat traffic and is literally dark brown water. Gary Penta was wonderful to work with in coordinating this effort. Jerry and Jacob Penta were awesome with their knowledge and abilities! You’ve made the start to our new year a happy one!!



Thanks again!

Meghan Welsh Balliett

Against all odds my husband’s ring is now back on his finger.


Souvenir Ring Found in Cumberland, RI

  • from Woonsocket (Rhode Island, United States)

In September 2019, Jim called me for my help in finding a ring on the grounds of the Cumberland Monastery.  The spinner ring held special meaning for Jim as it was a souvenir of a trip to Israel.  It was lost while playing football with family.  I located the ring in two minutes, barely time for him to drive off the grounds!  Jim was thrilled to have this special ring returned to him.

Newlywed’s Lost Wedding Band Found in North Smithfield, RI

  • from Woonsocket (Rhode Island, United States)

During a snow storm in December 2019, Lee lost his rose gold wedding band while playing with his Labrador retriever.  He was anxious to find his ring, so he purchased a metal detector.  After unsuccessfully searching for his ring, Lee decided to turn to someone who was experienced in the use of a metal detector.  It took about two hours for me to find the wedding band as Lee was not exactly sure where it was lost.  Lee and his wife of less than two months were very happy to have the ring returned to them.


Lost Ring Found After a Year in East Greenwich, RI

  • from Woonsocket (Rhode Island, United States)

Andy contacted me in January 2020 and asked for help in finding his platinum wedding band.  He was sure the ring was lost in his backyard a year prior while he was gardening.  He accidently planted his ring in the ground along with some bulbs and bushes.  Andy borrowed a metal detector but couldn’t locate the ring.  After searching various areas for over two hours, I found the ring about six inches in the ground, close to where he had planted a rhododendron bush.  Andy was excited to have his ring back.  His wife exclaimed, « That’s awesome!  You’re the man! ».

2 diamond and gold wedding Rings/Bands lost Boynton beach Florida… found..

  • from North Miami Beach (Florida, United States)

I got a call to find two wedding rings that were lost behind the pool at a house located in boynton Beach Florida. I searched for about one hour and finally came upon one of the rings with a little help from my clients on the location. And shortly thereafter found the other.




2 diamond and gold wedding Rings lost South Beach ,Miami beach Florida… found..

  • from North Miami Beach (Florida, United States)

While I was metal detecting Miami Beach , Fl I was approached by a group of people who asked me to find wedding 2 rings lost in the dry sand. I followed them to a area about 7 x 7 feet . At first I didn’t get any targets . But after searching for quite a while I heard a faint signal and found one ring. after that I still wasn’t hearing any targets. I kept going and I eventually fond the other ring. They were very thankful.

Platinum wedding band lost at Deerfield Beach Florida… found..

  • from North Miami Beach (Florida, United States)

Platinum wedding band lost at Deerfield Beach Florida… found..


I got a call from a man on Saturday morning. He lost a Platinum wedding band . I rushed to go meet him at deerfield beach after searching for hours I was able to recover it ..He was so happy to receive his wedding band back.

Lost New GoPro in Iowa Marsh

  • from Waverly (Iowa, United States)

The following story is from a local Nature Photographer who contacted me because he lost his GoPro

This picture says it all. I was paddling my kayak in about 30-degree temperatures when a spindly little branch knocked my 2-month old GoPro camera into moving water that was deep. In fact, the water was deeper than my chest-high waders were tall.

Finding this was more than just finding a nearly new GoPro camera. Along with the camera was a mount, a small tripod, and a high capacity memory card. Obviously the value of this was more than just replacing a camera.

I contacted Jason Scanlan at “The Ringfinders” to discuss running a metal detector in the cold, moving water. Within ten-minutes of searching there was a “beep” in the headphones and I knew where to scoop with a long-handled net. Another minute or so later and I had my GoPro camera and equipment back in my hands. I pressed the power button and was able to watch the recorded journey my camera took after being knocked off of my kayak.

Thank you Jason Scanlan/The Ringfinders!

Ladage Photography

Lost Pandora Charm Finds It’s Way Back To Her Wrist In Fredericton, NB

  • from Fredericton (New Brunswick, Canada)

I can’t put it in any better words, so here is Genevieve’s own story.

« It’s back on my wrist where it belongs. I can’t even.

First of all, I’ve never been one to be overly emotionally attached to a piece of jewelry. I mean I like my jewelry, but emotional attachment, not so much. If I lost something, I’d be disappointed… but this. This one means so much. It was a surprise gift to me from my band students at our big Playhouse concert last spring. It brought tears to my eyes when they gave it to me and it brought tears of a different sort when I thought it was gone forever.

The fact that it’s back? Here’s how unlikely that is:

I had a nearly 12 hour window in which I may have lost it. During that time, I walked the length of Queen St, danced my ass off at the Mojo tent in numerous locations along with thousands of others on ground where a TINY piece of jewelry would immediately and easily be pushed underground and then I walked up Regent, down King, along Carleton, through the Blues tent and back to the TD Tower parking garage.

When Jennifer tagged Steve Bober he didn’t see it for some reason. I didn’t know that. Suzanne suggested I post to Fredericton Lost and Found. Steve saw my post. I didn’t know that. He didn’t know he’d been tagged for this already by Jen. He sent me a message which I didn’t see. He went to the Mojo tent without having connected with me. Without having me tell him where I had spent my time in the tent. Without knowing my time window for the loss was nearly 12 hours. And he found it.

He found it!

He then tagged me on the lost & found page post I had made. I didn’t see it. He also put up a post of his own telling about how he had found it. Then a friend tagged me. THAT I saw. By the time I responded to that with a « Wait, what?!? », he was trolling through people who knew us both trying to figure out how to let me know that he had my charm.

Steve delivered it to my studio this afternoon.

Seriously, if you ever lose something, you’ve got to reach out to this guy (www.theringfinders.com). Larissa, your brother is a gem. »

Thanks you Genevieve, for sharing this with me, it puts into words what so many experience.

Looks good, back on your bracelet.


There’s the smile I love seeing.