Testimonials Category | Page 16 of 58 | The Ring Finders

Lost cell phone in Bon Echo Provincial Park Ontario

  • from Cobourg (Ontario, Canada)

While on a recovery for an IPhone, I was fortunate to find a Redmi cellphone. Took the phone home and inserted the SIM card into a working cellphone and was able to get owner’s information. It turns out that she had lost her phone at a dock, in the water, over two months ago. I Mailed her the cellphone and she will be taking it to a repair shop to hopefully recover the data. She was extremely thankful and figured she’d never see the phone again.

Lost and found IPhone 10 in Trenton Ontario

  • from Cobourg (Ontario, Canada)

Received a text from Tim about two weeks ago, about how he had lost his cell phone at a local dock in Trenton Ontario. The phone was sitting on an empty baby carriage, with a water bottle, and the wind blew the carriage into the water. Now, the issue was that he since had left this location, on their boat, to Kingston and could not meet up at the dock. After exchanging information and pictures of the dock, I went for a scuba dive trying to locate his phone. Unfortunately, the bottom was extremely silty, with lots of weeds, and working again in zero visibility. Using my underwater metal detector, I was able to find (feel) a cell phone but not the right one. I went back a couple days later, this time using a strong fishing magnet but no luck. Finally, after talking with Tim again and fine tuning exactly where the phone had fell in, I went for a third time, scuba diving, and manage to find his phone. Another happy ending!


Lost and found IPhone at Bon Echo Provincial park

  • from Cobourg (Ontario, Canada)

My adventure today was to meet up with Fatih at Bon Echo Provincial park. His IPhone fell out of his pocket while at a dock across Mazinaw lake. Fortunately for him, it was only about 10’ deep, laying flat on the bottom just before a huge drop off. While looking for his phone, also found another cell phone and four old pair of sunglasses. Absolutely beautiful day for a Scuba dive although a bit chilly with air temps of 12C and water temp of 65C. Another happy ending!

Long Branch NJ Lost Wedding Ring in the sand recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder September 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)
Anthony was at the beach in Long Branch NJ with his family. His wedding ring slipped off into the surf when his daughter was pulling on his fingers, while they were playing in the waves. He marked the location on his phone, and took some pictures of the exact spot their blanket was in. I went there and began the hunt, in little time I had the ring in my scoop. The waves had moved it about 10 yards from the location he gave me. I am mailing it back and he will forward some smiling pics when he is reunited with the ring. Another happy ending. .#njringfinder, #lostring,#lostcross,#lavallettenj,#ortleybeachnj,#lostringLBI,#lostringholgatenj,#lostringsurfcitynj,#lostringlongbranchnj,#lostringbradleybeachnj,

Beautiful Wedding Ring Recovered from Lake at Andalusia Ala

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I got a call from Kelli about noon on Wednesday asking if I could find her wedding ring. She and her husband had been married for nine months and the ring was designed by her husband and custom made. She first called my son in law, David Cartee, who wasn’t able to help because of other obligations that day but he recommended She give me a call. Kelli’s ring was lost in a lake off a dock in Andalusia Alabama. It had been a couple day since she lost it. She got in the water up to about neck deep and tried doing a visual search but the bottom was muddy and she had no luck. Listening to her story I felt sure the ring had sunk out of sight in the mud. I told her I would help. I was in the Pensacola area at the time and Andalusia was about 2 hours away. I felt time was of the essence because I didn’t know that lake and fearing the ring might settle deeper in the muddy bottom over time. The lake turned out to be a reservoir used by the power company to generate electricity and the bank was very steep. When I saw how quickly the grade dropped off I began to worry about it having vanished in the deep water or my recovery activity dislodging it to deeper water. It was most important to plan carefully so that would not happen. I took my time making sure the search coil didn’t touch the bottom and to carefully completely search the area before moving my feet to deeper water. Fortunately I got a good signal, the ring had settled on a slope in about 5 foot of water. I set my recovery scoop and both husband and wife stood by in anticipation. I peered into the scoop then looked up at them and smiled, her beautiful precious ring was recovered and returned to her finger. Smiling faces and no more worries all around!

Diamond wedding band found Lancaster Ontario

  • from Cobourg (Ontario, Canada)

Today’s travel took me to Lancaster Ontario, where I had the pleasure of meeting Christopher and Nicole. They had rented a beautiful property, over a week ago, for their wedding and family vacation. Unfortunately, while the whole family was swimming, Christopher felt his new Diamond gold/tantalum ring slide off his finger while playing with the kids. The good part was that he was fairly certain where about the ring fell off. The bad part, it was in in about 8 feet of water with silt and weed bottom. They contacted their local Scuba club and a diver came out, on two occasion, with an underwater metal detector but had no luck finding the ring.

This is where I come in. At first, and keep in mind that you have ZERO visibility due to murky water but especially due to the silt being disturbed, I found a few targets (beer bottle cap, fishing lure, lead weights) with the Excalibur II metal detector, then using my pin pointer (mini detector) to narrow down the exact area, you “feel” each and every targets with your finger tips, mixed in with silt and other debris, to identify those items. About forty minutes into the dive, I heard this great signal and, using the technique described above, I finally felt his beautiful ring between my fingers. Once I surfaced, I was able to visually confirm it was his ring and the rest is history. Definitely ranks up there in level of difficulty but the outcome sure was worth it. Another happy ending.




Lost Wallet with Credit Cards and Drivers License Returned, Cape Cod,Harwich, Yarmouth, Hyannis,Falmouth,

While out in the waters of Cape Cod, I found a wallet that was a surprise to see in my scoop. It had a metal card to Apple inside. A license, and many credit cards. When Rick and I got home, the very first thing we did, was to check for a match on Facebook. It triggered a fast response from Beth, the owner, as I talked with her about how, when, and where she lost her wallet, I knew I had to get it back ASAP. We asked if she was still on Cape Cod, she replied no, that she had gone home last week.

This is her statement about how she thinks it was lost.As we got out of the car we entered the beach area and made a hard right. We kept walking till we saw a sign saying Private Beach Area. We turned around, I was picking up seashells along the way close to the waters edge. When we got back to the beach where we entered, we made the obligatory Sun Appreciation spot halfway up on the dunes. I changed out of my shorts, that I thought had my wallet. We were there about 45 minutes, packed up,and walked to the jetty and then back to the car. My wallet must have fell out of my pocket as I reached for the shells. It was very windy, and the waves crashing didn’t help. We never heard it fall.We searched high and low multiple times for the next day or so. Car,Beach,Path, Sand, Nothing.

I was so happy that I found it and reunited it with Beth, Credit cards,License,Vac Card,all home where it belongs. Be safe and Congratulations on your return.Sincerely Leighton2022-09-06 11.57.17 copy


North Beach (LBI) NJ Lost Wedding Ring recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder September 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)
Tom called today, he told me he lost his wedding ring while at the beach at North Beach, (LBI) New Jersey. Tom said the ring was in his hand, and he fell asleep in the chair, when he woke up the ring was no where to be found. We arranged a meeting time, and discuss the details of the search. He asked me how likely I was to find his ring, and I told him 100% providing the ring is where he says it is. When I arrived we walked down to the location, and in less than three minutes the ring was in my scoop. Tom was amazed I was able to find it that fast. I told him that’s how it goes when the location is correct. .#njringfinder, #lostring,#lostcross,#lavallettenj,#ortleybeachnj,#lostringLBI,#lostringholgatenj,#lostringsurfcitynj,#lostringlongbranchnj,#lostringbradleybeachnj,

Brant Beach (LBI) NJ Wedding Band lost for 2 months recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder August 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)
Valentina called yesterday after I was tagged on her post about her beautiful wedding ring that was lost in Beach Haven N.J (LBI) almost 2 months ago, on July 4th. We talked for a while, and determined that where it was lost there was a good chance it could still be there. She wasn’t positive the ring was on the beach, but sure did know where her towel was, which is a good starting point for my search. We decided to begin early today before swimmers arrived. About 30 minutes later my machine gave a REAL nice solid tone, and sure enough, the ring was in the scoop. The ring will be reunited soon with Val as she is about 2 hours away.#njringfinder, #lostring,#lostcross,#lavallettenj,#ortleybeachnj,#lostringLBI,#lostringholgatenj,#lostringsurfcitynj

Brant Beach(LBI) NJ Lost Cartier Bangle Bracelet recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder August 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)
Got a call from Camille Saturday evening. She had lost her bangle bracelet, but wasn’t sure where. She did have a picture from the night before, which was taken on Brant Beach (LBI) NJ. We figured that was a good place to start. They marked the location in google maps and sent it to me. I arrived at the beach ASAP and after about 1 1/2 hrs. I had no luck finding it. She came down to look where I had been, and we made a few adjustments to the search location. Within 15 min. I had one half of this beautiful Cartier love bracelet in my scoop, and about 10 min later both half’s were safely in my pouch. I walked up to the house to meet her, and told her she wasn’t in the spot she believed she was. With that said, Camille looked down and said, « I guess you had no luck ». I replied, « you were 10′ over » and handed her the bracelet. What a weekend, her birthday was Saturday, her lost bracelet was found, and today her grandson is expected to arrive!!!!!!!!!.