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Found wedding ring in Mishawaka, Indiana

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

Today I met a young couple. Chris Turner called me at work last week and asked me if I could find a ring that a man had lost in the snow, I immediately jumped to the chance until he told me it was in Mishawaka, Indiana 100 miles south of my home. I told him I would contact the couple and see what the search would entail. I emailed the name that Chris had given me and it turned out to be a young woman named Monica, who had come from Venezuela a month ago to study English. In her email she said it would be easier to communicate with her through email than to talk to her on the phone because her English was not that good. Monica told me that after it had snowed last weekend her and her husband (Juan) had just returned to their apartment and feeling frisky in the new fallen snow, Juan made a snowball and threw it in Monicas direction. When he threw the snowball he flet his wedding ring come flying off. After searching for the ring, Monica went on line and found « theringfinders » website so she contacted Chris. I was the closest Ring Finder to them so he called me.

I told Monica I would travel the 100 miles to their apartment and find the ring. They agreed to pay my travel expenses. I arrived at their home and started my search. There was about 15 inches of snow plus some mounds from shoveling. I asked Juan to show me where he was standing and how he threw the snowball. I proceeded to search an area of about 20 by 50 feet. I set up a grid and after about an hour and a half and a break for hot chocolate, I got a beep on my Bounty Hunter Time Ranger and there it was. I presented it to Monica and Juan and they started smiling from ear to ear. I got a big hug from Monica and a big double hand shake from Juan.

Juan had purchased the 18K ring from Columbia and it contained a braid of pink gold and a braid of black gold with the band of yellow gold. He asked me if he could give me a reward besides the auto expense and I gladly accepted his offer. It is such a rewarding experience to find someones prized possession it is almost reward enough.

Thank You to The Ring Finders Members for a Great 1st Year!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Thanks to all members for a Great 1st year of Discoveries with The Ring Finders!
Prizes were awarded today Dec. 4th 2010 for members who not only found and returned lost rings but for using The Ring Finders Info Book tips to the fullest and getting lots of positive free press, which greatly benefits us all.

Our Winners for 2010

Stephane Philippe from Ottawa, Canada… Wins the 48″ Handle Diamond Head Stainless Steel Beach Scoop that was donated by our Sponsor « Nuttall Enterprises »

For his… Newspaper Story, Radio Interview, TV Interview & multiple blogs & 10 Recoveries-

Darryl Mansfield from Sacramento California, USA…Wins a Garrett Pinpointer Pro that was donated by The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service Inc.

For his… Newspaper Story, News Story & Video, TV interview & 3 Recoveries and blogs.

Honorable Mention…

John Abel from Brentwood, England… Wins One year free membership on The Ring Finders Directory.

For his Newspaper Story & Radio interview and multiple blogs and 5 Recoveries.

Darrin Gray from Minneapolis, St. Paul Minnesota, USA…Wins One year free membership on The Ring Finders Directory .

For his… 13 Recoveries & multiple blogs.

 »Book of Smiles » Judging by the Smiles (176) The Ring Finders Directory is making a difference! I’m very proud of all our members! If you are yet to make a discovery please remember that you are only a phone call away from putting a smile back on someone’s face…

I look forward to reading your blogs and seeing the discoveries you’ll make in 2011

Happy Holidays,

Chris Turner/CEO of The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service Inc

Jeweler Metalsmith Artisan Will Be Missed

  • from Bellingham (Washington, United States)

Coenraad Zielstra graduated from Vakschool for Goud en Zilversmeden with his gold and silversmithing diplomas in 1963. But Coenraad was much more than a metalsmith, he was an exceptional artist with his own gallery of rings pendants and jewelry items. His creativity and originality were exemplified by his use of antique metalsmithing tools he brought with him when he immigrated from Holland.

Entering his studio in Fairhaven Washington, one stepped into another time with his collection of 18th and 19th century mahogany tables, display cases and cabinets.

A row of rolling mills marked the beginning of his studio workspace.

Anvils, crucibles, molds, hammers, files, a large rolling mill are all antiques that function as well today as they did centuries ago.

His historic collection of metalsmithing tools would be remarkable for a museum, but they weren’t for show, they were used to create beautiful, wearable sculptures for the 45 years Coenraad has worked with them.

Dutch Master Goldsmith Coenraad Zielstra (1943 – 2010)

Calgary Sun Newspaper Story on the Rocky Mountains Lost Gold wedding Rings

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

The Calgary Sun Newspaper did a story on this search in the Rocky Mountains for 5 lost gold rings.

It’s called… « The Best Boyfriend Ever »

Click on the link below to see internet story…