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Lost Gold Hawaiian Heirloom Bracelet at Aulani Disney Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This Bracelet find begn this morning at 5:45 AM while eating my breakfast when the phone rang. I thought for sure it was going to be one of the recent prank calls that have been plaguing the island. But on the other end was Elizabeth from Makakilo on Oahu who was calling on her granddaughter Lexcy’s behalf. The previous day while doing back flips off a paddleboard in the lagoon the heirloom gold Hawaiian bracelet Elizabeth had given to her came off in 4 feet of water and disappeared. The high surf on the west side was making the water in the lagoon so turbulent and murky you couldn’t see the bottom even in shallow water. After a few futile attempts snorkeling to find the bracelet they contacted a relative that works at the resort and she put them in contact with Aloha Security who gave them my number for recovery. My fear was that at low tide the water would clear up enough for someone to spot the bracelet and then not return it. I decided to go that afternoon. Lexcy sent me a description and a few pictures of the location. 10 feet on either side of the rope line and 30 feet out. When I arrived the tide was high and the water was rolling way up onto the beach and I was getting pushed about pretty well. I did the entire area with only finding a single cent. I stood on the shore and watched the water roll in and noticed it was pushing hard to the right. I decided to try woking 30 feet to the right then through the original grid. When I got out to neck deep water I got a gnarly sound in the Excal and it really sounded strange. There were a few sweeps of the coil that were solid then the gnarly sound would return. I started scooping in the sightless water. Missed the target. Missed again and again and again. This was getting frustrating. Finally after about the 20th try I put my foot in front and pushed the target into my scoop. Up it came and as the scoop broke the surface of the water there was a gorgeous Gold Hawaiian Bracelet inside. Whoa! No wonder, the bracelet was nearly the circumference of my scoop. I immediately went ashore cleaned up then called Elizabeth. I asked her if the word « KUULEI » mean’t anything to her? You found it? That was her name in Hawaiian. I could hear her sobbing and it was joyful. We decided to meet at a nearby McDonald’s parking lot where I was able to give the bracelet back to Lexcy. There were a few hugs all around and many praises of thanks. These are the moments we enjoy the most about this wonderful hobby. Aloha to Lexcy & Grandma Elizabeth!

Wedding Ring Lost in Grass in Santa Monica, CA…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, don’t wait, time will work against you, please call as soon as possible. 310-953-5268

Monday afternoon Antwon called explaining how he had lost his wedding ring after having removed it from his finger for a couple of minutes. Apparently it is a bit tight, so for a little relief he figured he would remove it and then put it back on when his finger felt better. The problem was that after he removed the ring it dropped into a patch of very tall and thick grass. I let him know I was on my way.

When I got there Antwon informed me that he had been there for 3 hours looking for the ring. He showed me the area, and I knew this would be a quick search. I turned on the detector, took a few swings, got the signal, put the pin pointer in, and had the ring in hand. Antwon looked more relieved than happy, but I could see the joy restored. Then I asked how long he had been married, and he said 3 days, so I understood. Glad to have been able to make his day. I know he slept well that night!


I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.




Wedding Ring Lost at Zuma Beach, CA…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, don’t wait, time will work against you, please call as soon as possible. 310-953-5268

I had just gotten home from recovering an engagement ring, when a call came in from Jason who had lost his wedding ring at the beach. I needed to eat, because I hadn’t eaten all day, so I asked if he could wait, and he agreed to. I let him know I would be on my way as soon as I completed my meal and would let him know.

When I got to the beach Jason and his wife met me, and they took me directly to the area they had been. Wisely Jason had used landmarks to identify where they had been, which helped put me in a good place to help them faster. He had been worried that the incoming tide would have washed his ring into the sea, but from what he told me, I assured him, that even though the water would come up to where they had been sitting, I didn’t think it would wash the ring away. I began my pass, and took about 3-4 swings when I got the signal in the headphones. One scoop, and his ring was in my hand, held out to him. They were surprised it was so quick, but the fact that Jason had used landmarks to get back to the spot helped me to help him. To make the recovery more special, Jason and his wife were going to celebrate their first wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks; how cool is that? What a great day, and what great smiles.


I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.


Engagement Ring Lost for 3 Weeks in Simi Valley, CA…Found and Joyously Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, don’t wait, time will work against you, please call as soon as possible. 310-953-5268

Leah contacted me last Saturday explaining how she had lost her 2 rings (An engagement ring, and wedding band) 3 weeks ago in a school soccer field, and was wondering if I could help. It wasn’t sounding too hopeful, but I felt she needed closure, so I agreed to meet her for the search. With that much time having gone by, there were so many possibilities for the rings not to be there, but sometimes you never know. She was pretty certain that the field is where the loss occurred after reviewing pictures from the event she was at there.

We met at the school, fortunately now out of session to perform the search. Leah took me to the field, and there weren’t too many areas where the ring could have hidden, but the places she had been had some nice tall grass, and weed patches. I began my search, and then Leah showed me another area she had been that looked more promising, so I changed my search area. Leah and her friend were doing a visual search of their own while I worked. There was a lot of metal in the ground, most of it too deep to find, but causing me to stop and check very often. Finally in one of the larger weed patches, after getting a solid signal, I put in the pin pointer to locate the origin of the signal, and spotted her engagement ring, a large diamond solitaire. I then lifted it and held it out for her to see. She then came running over, looked at the ring, and said « My ring, this my ring » with a tone of disbelief, I am sure thinking it would never be found. I then focused my search on her wedding band, going over all the areas she had been, and expanded out from there, but was unable to find it. It could have fallen in an area that was exposed to others to see, and might have been picked up; 3 weeks is a long time. It was great to have found Leah’s engagement ring. She got it for her 10th wedding anniversary last year, and was heartbroken to have lost it. I was so glad to bring her smile back.


I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Found lost ring at the “Oceans Edge”

  • from Brewster (Massachusetts, United States)

I received a call saturday from the the front desk of the “Oceans Edge” Resort in Brewster Ma. The concer reported that a woman had lost three rings on the beach! She had lost her engagement, wedding and husbands wedding ring while throwing a ball. I was unable to go at that time because my son was about to graduate from high school. I promised I would be there in the morning. When I arrived I was informed they had found two of the rings but not the wedding ring. She told me the ring was silver and worth only about $40 but worth more for sentimental being her wedding ring. She knew about where she had lost it and I started looking  after my sixth pass I had found it!! She was so happy and I was glad to see her smile.  She said she would write a review for me so I can post it, still waiting on it!



A Seagull’s Misadventure: Recovering a Lost Wedding Ring at Ventura Pier

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)

Early morning brought an urgent text from Jason, seeking aid in the search for his lost wedding ring near the north side of the Ventura Pier. With summer break granting me the freedom to assist, I swiftly arranged to meet him at the swings within half an hour.

Upon arrival, Jason recounted the unfortunate tale of his ring’s disappearance. During a seaside outing with his young son, he had removed his ring to apply sunscreen, placing it on his son’s shirt. In a twist of fate, a squadron of seagulls, hungry for a snack, swooped down and snatched the shirt—with the ring still attached—before soaring off into the sky. Amidst the chaos, panic ensued, and the search was abruptly halted to tend to his unsettled son.

With a determined spirit, we identified a probable search area and delineated a 20’x20′ grid in the sand. Armed with my trusty Equinox metal detector, I commenced the hunt. Within moments, a clear signal reverberated through the air, guiding me to the elusive treasure buried beneath the sand. With a deft scoop, Jason’s rose gold wedding ring emerged, casting a radiant gleam in the morning light.

The joy that lit up Jason’s face upon the recovery of his precious ring was immeasurable—a testament to the profound significance it held. Beyond its material worth, the ring symbolized a bond of love and commitment, now restored amidst the sandy shores of Ventura Pier.

At Ventura County Ring Finders, we specialize in the art of lost ring recovery, offering professional metal detection services to reunite you with your cherished treasures. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, don’t hesitate to reach out. Visit or call 805-290-5009 to embark on your journey to reclaim what’s rightfully yours.

Lost Gold & Diamonds Keepsake Ring at Ala Moana Beach…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I came home to a voicemail from Elizabeth who resides on Oahu. While spending the day with her family at Ala Moana Beach her Keepsake ring fell off in waist deep water. The water was very murky and after hours searching the family gave up. A quick search on Google and Elizabeth found me and left a voicemail as I was out detecting. I called immediately upon returning home. Elizabeth had already left the beach and had returned home heart broken that the ring was gone. I found out the lifeguard at the shack was also informed. Unfortunately that’s not the best option and should be avoided. It’s not their job to help you in that situation, lets just leave it at that. I told Elizabeth I would grab a bite to eat and head down to Ala Moana soonest. It was getting dark so parking should be a snap. As I arrived parking near the exact spot was available and I called Elizabeth for some fine tuning on the hunt. There was a fisherman in the exact starting point so I explained to him what I was doing and would keep an eye out on his fishing line. As I entered the water in ankle deep water I got a nice low tone but choppy. I scooped once and the target shifted to the left. Second try I looked in the scoop and there was Elizabeth’s keepsake ring glistening in the bottom. Wow I thought what luck. And I was expecting to get wet to my waist at least. I immediately called Elizabeth and told her she was blessed and the ring was found. We made arrangements for her to pick up the ring from my home the next day and as you can see it’s another smile for the book. Aloha to Elizabeth!

Lost Platinum Wedding Band at Ko Olina Lagoon…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began on 25 May when I agreed to look for Matt’s Platinum wedding band in Lagoon 3 at Ko Olina resort. Matt was visiting from Southern California with the Mrs. and his band came off will swimming in the lagoon. His flight back to Cali was leaving shortly so he sent me a pic of himself standing in the lagoon where the ring went missing. I decided to go after work and although Matt’s flight was delayed several hours we weren’t able to hook up as road repair work kept me away from Ko Olina several hours. The ring was found very close to Matt’s location in the picture and I texted him a pic after the recovery. Since I was going to SOCAL the next Thursday for a Disneyland vacation Matt & I agreed to meet at our hotel which was about 20 minutes from his home. As you can see Matt & the lovely Mrs. met me in the lobby of the hotel and I was able to hand deliver him his ring. A 2500+ mile ring return. Aloha to Matt and the Mrs.

Lost palladium wedding ring, (recovered) Niles, Michigan (Cass County)

  • from Granger (Indiana, United States)

Andrew was doing spring clean up in his yard, tending to the flower beds and lanscaping. When he removed his glove, his palladium wedding ring went flying in an unknown direction. He thought it likely went into one certain area, but searching there only produced aluminum scrap(flashing) from the home’s construction and a couple pop can pull tabs. I broadened the search area, moving into the small wood lot in the opposite direction where I was finding pop cans and more junk pieces. I got a promising signal in a leaf pile, which ended up being a chipmunk hole entry point. Dug around in the hole with my pinpointer and long behold, the ring had went down the chipmunk hole!

Lost wedding ring (lost for 9 years, recovered), Lake Manitou, Rochester Indiana

  • from Granger (Indiana, United States)

Alan had lost his tungsten wedding band nine years ago, in Lake Manitou, Rochester Indiana. He was helping with the yearly tradition of intalling the cottage dock sections on Memorial Day weekend. While he was holding the second pier section in place, he adjusted his grip and the ring plopped in the waist deep water, vanishing in the rocks and soft bottom. Alan had lost some weight due to a medical condition, so the ring fit very loosely. He had no idea that lost rings/etc could be found in the water, until just recently when he stumbled across the Ringfinders website.
After an hour of searching, finding many other targets and lots of glass shards, it was looking grim. My tenacity paid off though, finally sorted out a mixed signal and scooped up a couple rusty nails along with his tungsten wedding ring! The ring had some cosmetic damage from being in the water, but Alan was very glad to be reunited with his long lost ring!