Finders Category | Page 292 of 433 | The Ring Finders

Platinum Engagement Ring Lost at Santa Monica Beach…Found and Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, don’t wait, time will work against you, please call as soon as possible. 310-953-5268

Yuxi called last night, she had lost her engagement ring while cleaning the sand off of her belongings. She said she would wait at the beach, and I told her I would be on my way immediately. She sent me a text with the area she was at, and I knew the parking lot was closed for the night, so I would have to park pretty far from the area.

When I got to the beach, being Friday night at a very popular beach, I had to park over 1 mile away. Fortunately I have a Segway MiniPro, so I grabbed my equipment, hopped on the Segway, and headed down the bike path with my headlight turned on. When I got to the spot, I saw Yuxi looking at her phone and asked if she was waiting for someone to help find her ring, and she said she was. I must have been a sight to her, 6 foot standing another 6 inches taller on a moving platform with all my equipment, lights and all. She took me over to the area, and showed me where she thought it was lost, Which was maybe 8 x8 feet square (not very large). I could see a bunch of sand that had been scraped out, and a slight hole, so I started there. The ring was not there. I made another pass, and got a good signal outside of the dug out spot, put the scoop in, and found Yuxi’s ring. She was very happy. She and her fiancé Chenglong have matching engagement rings, so it would have been very disappointing for her to lose hers. I got some pictures, and we talked a while, they were so happy! I then hopped back on my Segway for my trek back down the bike path to my car, a very joyful evening indeed!


Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Diamond Engagement Ring lost in Sebago Lake, Maine recovered

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)


I was contacted by Adam who was vacationing on Sebago Lake to search for the engagement ring of his fiancée Sonya. They and a group of friends were swimming and hanging out in about waist deep water when the ring was lost. The group began searching for the ring in the loose sandy lake bed and did so for better than an hour to no avail. I received the call that night and upon my arrival the following day I began a broad visual search of the bottom all the while soliciting some help with a prayer to Saint Anthony. I then began sweeping  the suspected loss area with my detector, finding a chunk of iron, sparkler, bullet shell, rusty nail  and a brass button. Expanding my grid toward shore I found the ring in knee deep water located about 5 inches into the sand, which was probably the result of the groups search efforts the previous evening. A happy ending to the story and this group of friends, especially the Bride and Groom to be will return to New Jersey tomorrow with smiles and a good story of disaster averted, thanks to The Ring Finders. A portion of the generous reward I received will be donated to the Autism Society of Maine, a cause close to Adam’s heart as his brother has Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Lost Palladium Wedding Band at 4 Seasons Ko Olina Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a call last week from the 4 Seasons Security. I was told a local gentleman named Chris was swimming in the lagoon with his son and somewhere on the North side his ring came off. My first hunt walking and then on scuba didn’t produce a Palladium ring. Then yesterday when I went back for a different ring hunt I popped onto the Palladium ring near shore more towards the center of the lagoon. Sure enough when I contacted Chris he came over and comfirmed the ring was his. It fit perfectly. Another very grateful customer. Aloha to Chris!

Lost Silver Ring and White Gold with Diamonds Engagement Ring Found in Clinton Township Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

A Happier THIRD Anniversary!

This very nice couple lost the big diamond part of their engagement rings while doing yardwork and gardening about a week ago. Understandingly they have been extremely stressed out over the loss. Her hands were wet washing dirt off her hands and moving yard tools around. She was scooping dirt and throwing it into the garden bed and afterwards noticed part of the ring was gone. When I spoke with him/her she thought the ring could be between the garden and shed further east in the yard. As we made arrangements to meet today she mentioned it was their 3rd anniversary today and wouldn’t it be nice to find the missing ring.
I agreed to come by and before I arrived they re-inacted what they thought happened by throwing a silver ring with gemstones in the general trajectory of where she thought the white gold ring went. So now I had 2 rings to find!
We all searched along the fence and nothing came up so I started in the garden and right away the silver ring revealed itself!
They were amazed and felt this was giving us hope the gold ring would be found as they said they searched the garden bed and nothing came up. I visually extended the line from where she was standing over and past the silver ring and started my grid search. Nothing in the garden but just outside the garden 20 feet from the silver ring I got a clear +14 on my MXT meter I knew from past searches this was the range of where this type of ladies white gold registers at! Using my Garrett carrot I scanned and got a nice tight spot and the vibration of the pinpointer said look here! Under the grass this really pretty and sentimental ring shined upward at me! As you can see they both were so relieved at having the ring back and can move forward with happiness as the wedding is planned for spring 2019! As for today tho I strongly suggested a celebration!
And in fact should celebrate all month!


Lost Diamond Pendant Longmeadow, MA

  • from Stonington (Connecticut, United States)

While escaping a moth attack, a resident of Longmeadow, MA broke her necklace and her heirloom 1 ct. diamond pendant went flying! The diamond pendant fell through the decking and landed in the crushed rocks below. Luckily it was a second-story deck and the lost diamond pendant didn’t require an army-crawl search. The couple was devastated and purchase their own metal detector to make an attempt at finding the lost diamond. The small gold clasp was hardly enough metal to give a good signal for the average metal detector. Only the highest quality metal detection equipment is sensitive enough to find gold of this size. When deeply valued jewelry is lost, you have to try something! After their own metal detection effort and even a rock removal effort, the couple decided to call a member of The Ring Finders Metal Detection Service.

Through a quick Google search gentleman immediately found The Ring Finders website and my business website. We scheduled the search and a couple of weeks later I arrived in Longmeadow, MA to find the lost diamond pendant. After searching the area I came up with a couple of small pieces of tin foil, which gives off the same type of signal as the small clasp securing the lost diamond. I began to expand my search area after coming up empty-handed directly under the decking where the moth attack took place. Expanding the lost diamond search all the way to the house foundation proves to be a tough search as the large amounts of metal in the concrete foundation make the metal detector go crazy. Suddenly I heard a faint signal through all the noise created by the house foundation. Clearing away a few of the crushed rocks, I saw the shiny diamond peeking out from its hiding place. After a short celebration, we headed upstairs to surprise the owner of the lost diamond pendant! Another lost heirloom diamond found and reunited with its owner!

Lost a piece of jewelry in your yard? Even if it was lost decades ago, it’s not too late to find it! Jewelry is commonly lost during our favorite summertime activities. Don’t waste your time with a metal detector rental or purchase or with a local hobbyist, have a professional member of The Ring Finders find you lost ring or jewelry. I serve Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and short distances into other surrounding states. If you lost a piece of jewelry, contact me now through or or call me at 860-917-8947.


Lost Diamond Found











Lost Diamond Pendant









Small Gold Clasp












Keith Wille’s Media Mentions:

Wedding Ring Lost at Santa Monica Beach…Found and Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, don’t wait, time will work against you, please call as soon as possible. 310-953-5268

I was sitting at home when I received a call from David, he said that he had lost his wedding ring at the beach earlier and wondered if I could come to find it for him. The ring had been left with their belongings on the towel, when, then his wife Maria picked up something on the towel and the ring was swallowed up by the sand. He said he and his wife had not moved from the area of the loss, and would remain there until I came. It seemed as though they were doing everything right to enable me to help them, so I decided to grab my equipment and go right away.

Traffic was on my side and I got there a little sooner than I thought I would. It was after dark now so we needed to coordinate via phone in order to get together. David found me on the bike path, and walked me over to the area. They had left their towel exactly where they had been sitting, so I was encouraged for a recovery. One pass, one bottle cap, and then a good signal, one more scoop, and there was the ring in the bottom of my scoop. I forgot my headlamp in my vehicle, so it made it a little difficult locating the ring in the scoop, but once found I was able to hand it back to David who told me they had been married for 2 1/2 years. Dave and Maria could sleep well last night. It is always great to see the smiles after a successful recovery!


Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Two lost gold rings found on Maine beach

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I received a call from a man named Matt whose wife had lost two rings including her wedding ring on the beach at Reid State Park in Maine. The couple was on a multi stop camping vacation and were continueing on, planning to email directions to the area where the rings were lost after they arrived at the next site.  Unfortunately cell service was nil at there new location and by using the camp grounds land line I received voice mail directions. A+++ to Matt for his treasure mapping because X pretty much marked the spot. Utilizing his landmarks and height of tide references, about 10 minutes of sweeping and the rings were recovered about 7 inches deep. I caught up to them at their next stop not far from my house to return the rings; talk  about some happy campers. To stay on the camping theme a portion of their generous reward will be donated to Hurricane Island Outward Bound to be used towards scholarships for their world class outdoor programs.

Highland Park Beach Ring found in water

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received an email at 1:54 AM to look for a gold enameled wedding ring. It came off in the water, the sand or by a bench. The only thing certain was that it was gone. The couple were visiting from Germany and would be leaving Chicago in about5 days. She had put on suntan lotion and the ring came off at the beach. They knew the different areas that they had been sitting. They had moved to different locations at the beach. She had gone back and forth into the water. She said that she had not gone into deep water. So I first started in the sand where they had first been situated. Nothing! Since the beach had small rocks in some areas, I thought that had the ring fallen off there it would be visible. The water was calm and I thought that the water was the most likely spot. I searched the water chest high. I had wadders and she said it was not deep. Nothing! I worked my way toward shore where there were lost of small rocks. In about two feet of water, in the rocky section I got a hard hit with my CTX. I could look down and saw nothing. I used my handheld waterproof pinpointer to find the area. still didn’t see anything. Pushed some of the rocks away with the pinpointer and there was the ring!! Its always great to make people happy.

Oak Street Beach Chicago Newly Weds lost ring Found

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received a call at about 6:30 from a young man seeking help. The couple had been married only a month and were at Oak Street beach with a group of friends. She had placed the ring on her towel for safe keeping. Needless to say it fell into the sand. There were a number of people helping look. All digging in the sand. When He called me I told him to stop the digging. The ring could sink deeper. I arrived and found her ring in about 30 seconds!! All the guests and surrounding people came over and were shocked that I was able to find it.

The Ocean Tried To Claim Another Wedding Ring, Ocean City NJ

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)









I received an email early yesterday morning, from K asking about my fees to look for a lost wedding ring at the shore. I replied saying that I don’t have a fee. We sent emails back & forth getting all of the details. The only issue was I would be able to make it down till Friday, and today is Tuesday.

K’s husband R was playing in the ocean with their son in waist-deep water at high tide. As R was throwing his son into a wave, his wedding ring of 11 years went flying into the surf. K posted the incident on Facebook. One of her friends recommended me as I had found his lost ring before.

The best time to search for this ring would be at low tide, which is 11pm tonight. After some adjusting of my schedule, I traveled to Ocean City for the search on 9th st.

At 7:45 the beach was still pretty crowded. I called R and told him that I was there. He said he would come up and show me where the loss occurred. I searched for a while finding just a few coins. After a while, R approached me. I was on the wrong beach. They had entered at 9th street and went right. They were swimming at the 10th Street Life Guard stand.

R gave me the details and the general area. I did a grid pattern and came up with just a few coins. I expanded the search area, and on my 1st pass of the extended area, I had R’s ring in my scoop.

The happiness on R’s face was awesome. I got a firm handshake followed by a « bro » hug. He said he thought that this search was not going to find his ring. He had thought that it was gone forever. I said that you should probably call your wife. He said he would wait to see her reaction in person.

As we were leaving the beach K called asking about our progress. R told a white lie and said that we were still looking. When we got back to my truck, R paid for my parking, Thank You!! He asked for several business cards to spread the word. I found out that R is a 1st responder in PA, he is a police officer. I love helping other 1st responders!!

Update: The Philadelphia ABC Affiliate 6ABC did a story on this recovery. There was supposed to be an interview but the news crew got diverted to a helicopter crash: See the news story here