Two lost gold rings found on Maine beach

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I received a call from a man named Matt whose wife had lost two rings including her wedding ring on the beach at Reid State Park in Maine. The couple was on a multi stop camping vacation and were continueing on, planning to email directions to the area where the rings were lost after they arrived at the next site.  Unfortunately cell service was nil at there new location and by using the camp grounds land line I received voice mail directions. A+++ to Matt for his treasure mapping because X pretty much marked the spot. Utilizing his landmarks and height of tide references, about 10 minutes of sweeping and the rings were recovered about 7 inches deep. I caught up to them at their next stop not far from my house to return the rings; talk  about some happy campers. To stay on the camping theme a portion of their generous reward will be donated to Hurricane Island Outward Bound to be used towards scholarships for their world class outdoor programs.

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One Reply to “Two lost gold rings found on Maine beach”

  1. Carrie Bolduc dit :

    I will be forever grateful to Sean Kelly for finding my wedding ring. I was devastated, hopeless, and quite positive that I would never see or wear my most valued possession again. We were far north camping with family on vacation when Mr Kelly left the message that my ring was found – he wanted us to enjoy vacation 😊. We traveled to Camden for the end of our trip and Mr. Kelly met us at the campground to deliver my rings. I later learned that he donated the reward to the Hurricane Island Outward Bound program. Mr. Kelly not only found my rings, but reminded me that there are still kind, generous, and innately good people! Thank you Sean Kelly from the very bottom of my heart.

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