Most Recent Discovery Category | The Ring Finders

Lost black hills gold earring in a chicken coop… Found!!!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Hello everyone, please enjoy this video of my efforts to recover Sarai’s black hills gold earring. Thank you for watching.


Would A Chicken Eat an Earring

Platinum Diamond Wedding Ring Lost in West Lost Angeles City Park

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I am ready to help you find your missing metal item lost at the beach, yard, park or in the water. Also I have been able to recover jewelry in cars, homes or other places where a metal detector can’t be used using endoscopes and other search tools.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ call or text for help or information .. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. 949-500-2136

*** Katie called me after she lost her platinum solitary diamond wedding ring. She had taken her daughter to a city park in the west side of Los Angeles, CA. They were in children’s totlot which has a large sand area.

Before leaving the play area. Katie noticed her wedding ring missing from her finger. Katie called her husband to come help her look for the ring. After a couple hours of unsuccessful searching, she found my service scanning online.

I met her at the park within an hour after our phone conversation. The beautiful ring was found after setting up a thorough grid search using a Minelab Manticore metal detector.

These are some of the cities I can meet you to find your lost keepsake :

Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Seal Beach, Long Beach, Balboa Beach, Costa Mesa, Corona Del Mar, Crystal Cove, Dana Point, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo, San Clemente, San Jaun Capistrano, Venice Beach,Marina del Rey, Santa Monica, Malibu, Los Angeles, Anahiem, Garden Grove, Irvine, and anywhere you need help. Including beaches,  parks, yards, gardens, and ponds in Southern California, Orange County, all of Los Angeles County and any place that you are willing to pay my travel expenses.

Wedding Ring of 70 years.. Found in Front Yard .. Garden Grove, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


If you have lost something that is important to you. Call or text me at 949-500-2136 … I can answer any questions you may have about my recovery service. Available to help you 24/7 .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

*** Dennis had lost his gold wedding band of 70 years. He had been doing work on his landscaping in the front of his home in Westminister , CA.  Later that evening while at the dinner table he noticed that his 70 year old wedding ring was missing. Both he and his wife were upset about the loss.

After a week of searching inside and outside the house, Dennis believed the most likely place the ring could be was in a very dense 7 ft. high bush next to his garage. Searching visually had limitations. He asked me to search this bush believing it was the only place he had not searched well.

Dennis was so sure the ring was in that bush, said it was the only place he wanted me to search. I was going to bring a battery operated leaf blower to my tools. Also, it sounded like I would be using handheld pinpointer ( probably on an extension stick). The vegetation may be too thick to use normal metal detector.

The bush was very thick and I agreed with Dennis that this could be a place the ring could be hiding. After over an hour of thoroughly search the suspected bush, I asked Dennis where else he had been that day the ring was lost. He pointed to a planter with a small ornamental tree and a few sparse plants. The rest is history, yep, it was a Boom! The ring was actually visible under one of the plants. Yes! the plants he had searched through thoroughly before I came with my tools. There is a chance that the leaf blower freed the ring from the branches or leaves. Another case where it’s hard to know what really happened.    

Both Dennis an his wife appreciated the recovery of their ring he has worn 70 years of their marriage.

 Available to help you promptly call or Text 24/7  … Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136 ..  “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

I received a text message from a young lady needing my help to search for her lost family heirloom platinum diamond ring that was passed down by her great-grandmother.

Story goes, she pulled into work, took the ring off and put it in her pocket. She went into the building and then back out of the building. She turned to the right and ran to the back shed on the backside of the building to place a box in there. Then she ran back inside. The running must have caused the ring to work itself up and out of her pocket.

When she came back inside she realized she had lost her ring. Her and her co-workers searched and searched for her ring to no avail! She was so devastated!!

We make arrangements for me to come search for it. I get to the site and start my search. There were lots of signals in the gold/platnium range. Based on that it took me hours to recover it. But finally, not too far from the front door, in the high grass I get a signal, grabbed my pin-pointer, I move the grass back and I finally see the ring!!!

I texted her pictures of the ring and she sent a co-worker/friend to come pick it up!


Ring count for 2025: 10 (7 – recoveries)

GOLD – 2 (2- recoveries)
GOLD/SILVER – 1 (1 – recovery)
PLATNIUM – 1 (1 – recovery)
SILVER – 4 (3 – recoveries)



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Yellow Gold & Diamonds Engagement Ring lost at Ala Moana Beach Park…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a text message from Stephanie who was on vacation from Arizona and enjoying the day at Ala Moana Beach Park.  As she reached down to pick up her towel, the rings that were in the towel scattered in the beach sand.  She was able to find two of them but the most coveted Yellow Gold & Diamonds Emgagement ring couldn’t be found.  I had just gotten home from work, so I called her and said I was on my way.  There was plenty of parking near lifeguard shack 1D so that was a bonus.  Stephanie drew a small grid box to hunt in so I fired up the Manticore.  The first target #22 loud perfect dot on the VDI.  One scoop and BINGO ring found.  Elapsed time 15 seconds!  Aloha to Stephanie and you are going home with your wedding ring!

Lost Platinum and Diamond Wedding Band…Recovered from the Soccer Pitch!

  • from Walnut Creek (California, United States)

The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590

I was cooking Saturday morning breakfast for the family when Eric called.  His wife was assisting with setting up soccer goals for an early game and lost her Platinum and Diamond wedding band somewhere amongst the grass.  They looked for quite some time and even enlisted the help of others at the field.  At one point there was a cheap child’s metal detector deployed, but with low batteries and an abundance of « beeps » it produced more frustration than results.

I was keen to the task, but schedules meant the ring would overnight there until the following Morning when I could get an early jump on it.  When I arrived, it was just before sunrise and it was shaping up to be a gorgeous day. The nicely groomed fields were wet from overnight fog which played a nice roll in my grid searches.  I noticed that as I swung from side to side, if I brushed the top of the grass it would change the color and I knew exactly what I had covered and where I had not.

The field was large, but Eric had met me there and showed me the target areas for our search.  It was still a large enough area to take some time and after I cleared one of the target areas we moved off to the next.  The field was trashy with a lot of deeper targets but I did locate a few odds and ends.  Then after 20 minutes or so in the new location…We made the recovery!  Tucked out of sight in the green grass the small wedding band came into view and Eric confirmed it to be our target.  We took a few photos and a video and the mission was happily accomplished.

Thank you Eric for your feedback and in trusting me with your wife’s ring.  I wish you all both the very best and hope you tell the story of the once missing ring far and wide.


The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

Received a call from a guy stating his wife had lost her gold/silver ring while they were driving down the road and she was waiving at a cousin

I said “I’m on my way!!” I make the drive up to the lost ring location and meet up with the couple. They give me the general area to look and after about 45 mins later I found her ring!



Ring count for 2025: 9 (6 recoveries)

GOLD – 2 (2- recoveries)

GOLD/SILVER – 1 (1-recovery)

SILVER – 4 (3- recoveries)




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Gold Ring Lost off Boardwalk at Laguna Main Beach, CA. Found During Nighttime Search

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Metal Detector Man searching service is available now for you. 24/7 ..  Call or text  .. 949-500-2136

*** Lost Ring calls at the beach seem to come after people have spent hours looking for the ring. Sometimes the delay of contacting an experienced ringfinder is because they returned home where they could go online to get information about buying or renting a metal detector. Many calls come after dark.

Steve and his wife, Li had been walking the boardwalk at Laguna Beach, CA. Li dropped her gold ring near the edge of the wooden boardwalk. She wasn’t sure if it had fallen in the sand or that the ring fell into the cracks between the boards. The way the boardwalk is constructed, there is no access under the walkway. Hopefully the ring didn’t drop, through the cracks.

Most people don’t understand how a metal detector works. Before beginning the grid search, I told them that I could only search the accessible sand. I know  my metal detector could find the ring if it is there. I try to explain this to people prior to doing a search,  so they don’t get disappointed if the ring is not found. Many times the people are satisfied that the search area has been cleared by an experienced metal detector expert.

This was one of the quick easy searches. The ring had fallen in the sand just 3 feet from the edge of the boardwalk. Making it simple to find with my state of the art metal detector equipment. It was easier because Steve and Li called me soon after she felt it slip off her finger. They also marked the location and waited there till I arrived.

After finding Li’s sentimental gold ring . It was exciting for me to see how happy she was when I found her ring. I know it probably has important personal memories for her.

Locations in Sothern California …

Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Seal Beach, Long Beach, Balboa Beach, Costa Mesa, Corona Del Mar, Crystal Cove, Dana Point, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo, San Clemente, San Jaun Capistrano, Venice Beach,Marina del Rey, Santa Monica, Malibu, Los Angeles, Anahiem, Garden Grove, Irvine, and anywhere you need help. Including beaches,  parks, yards, gardens, and ponds in Southern California, Orange County, all of Los Angeles County and any place that you are willing to pay my travel expenses.

Heirloom Ring Lost for Years Found in NJ

  • from Madison (New Jersey, United States)

Andrew holding his lost ring shortly after it was found today in NJ

HACKETTSTOWN, N.J. — Several years ago, Andrew was tossing some yard debris down an embankment on his property when a family heirloom ring he had worn flew off into the leafy hillside below. Thinking the ring was lost, he wrote it off to bad luck.

The heirloom ring being pulled from the dirt where it had been missing for five years

As time wore on, Andrew decided to rekindle the search and contacted Ringfinder Bill Leasure. Bill searched the hillside up and down and side to side, for several hours. Finally, after moving some old two by fours, a strong signal emerged from the leaves below. About two inches down, the shining ring popped out of its years-long hiding spot. Another successful recovery by Ringfinder Bill Leasure, finding Northern New Jersey’s lost rings one happy customer at a time.



Gold Necklace Pendant Lost on Grass Football Field Found .. Westminister , CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

If you have lost something that is important to you. Call or text me at 949-500-2136 … I can answer any questions you may have about my recovery service. Available to help you 24/7 .. Stan the Metal Detector Man

*** Antonio lost a gold pendant at a Westminister, CA. park while playing football with his friends. He was sure the pendant was on the grassy field . He called me after he had another guy search for it with a metal detector.

  I met him late in the afternoon to get an idea of where he thought it may have come off. A football field is a massive area which could take me 5 or 6 hours if it wasn’t there or I missed it.

Antonio was very upset as this was a gift from his mother who had recently passed away. Actually he was going to be attending her funeral. The next day while I was doing the search.

My game plan was to separate the large area in five sections. Starting with Area #1 center of field. Areas  #2 and #3 the ends nearest the goal lines. Lastly, areas #4 and #5  would be grid searched.

The pendant was found in the first search area after an hour and a half of slow and low meticulous swinging of my Minelab Manticore metal detector. Searches can be quick if you start in the right spot. “ Some say it’s a game of inches.”

We were lucky this time and it was an emotional return as Antonio had been at the funeral and didn’t know the pendant was found till later that day.

If you have lost something that is important to you. Call or text me at 949-500-2136 … I can answer any questions you may have about my recovery service. Available to help you 24/7 .. Stan the Metal Detector Man