Norm Peters, Author at The Ring Finders | Page 15 of 17

Gold Wedding Band Found Edmonton Garrison Play Park

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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4:00 Pm  Justin called me yesterday and said my name was referred to him from a previous client. he lost his wedding band in the park while he was playing with his daughter and would it be possible for me to help him find it? after asking Justin a bunch of question about the ring and location I agreed to meet up with him @ 5:30.

Arrived at the location and meet Justin he pointed to the park and said that he was playing at three play ground and on the hill, I started first at the site nearest to his yard did a grid search with no luck at that location walked over to the second play area and did a grid search checked around the swings which I would say that would be the most logical place for the ring to be. Found all kinds of clad and junk then I received a sweet sound of gold there buried in about 3 inches of sand was Justin ring. Walked back to Justin as he was coming towards me I asked him if the ring had any distinguish marks on the ring and he said there is a inscription on the inside of the ring and I said to him is it Forever Bear and I watched the reaction on his face he said  you found it.

Another happy client.

Also I like to thank all the 15 Kids that assisted me on the Hunt.


Lost White Gold Wedding Band CFB Edmonton, Alberta Canada.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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Sunday December 20, 2015

Miranda called this morning asking if I was available to find her husband 14ct  white gold wedding band which he lost while shaking snow off his hand his ring flew off. They both spent a couple of hours looking and filling plastic pails with snow and taking them into the house to melt, with no luck finding the ring, they where all ready late in heading out of town for the weekend,

Miranda gave me the location where the ring could possibly be, I headed out to the base it took me about five minute to locate the ring. I meet up with Stipan yesterday and handed him his ring back in which he was very grateful to have his ring back where it belongs.

Thank you Stipan for the generous reward, once again another happy client.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you and your family




Lost Gold Ring Near Strathcona Farmers Market Edmonton, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


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Michael  called me this morning to see if I would be available to help him find his lost gold ring. It belonged to his father and was of huge sentimental value to him. I told him I would be there in forty five minutes.

Michael had been checking his parking meter to see how much time he had left, lost his balance, and felt the ring fly off his finger but had no idea in which direction it had gone.  He thought it ended up on the Church property and had spent a couple of hours with his friends looking for it with no luck.  He had even had the Edmonton Police with a hand held detector looking for him.

I did a quick search of the area but did not find the ring so I decided to check the street.  With all the traffic, I had to dodge cars, and I felt my chances were slim that I would find it.  I did detect a tone, which  turned out to be a pop can.  I swung my coil again and only inches away from the pop can I heard the same tone again. Packed in about 2 inches of snow was the ring in perfect condition.  Considering that he had lost the ring 3 days prior, and all the traffic on that street, he was very, very fortunate.

Another Happy Client! Thank you Michael for your generous reward.

Lost Gold Wedding Ring in Back Yard While Playing With A Dog, In West Edmonton.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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Peter called me yesterday to ask me if I could help him find his wedding ring.  He lost it in the back yard the previous evening while playing with his    dog.  He had fallen in the snow and felt his ring slip off his finger. Peter and his wife spent a couple of hours raking and pouring hot water to melt the snow but had no luck finding the ring.

I met up with Peter in his back yard and he showed me where he thought his ring should be. I searched that area as will as the surrounding area with no luck, only to find a bunch of roofing nails.   I stood back and analyzed the area where Peter fell and thought it either had to be in the neighbors yard or along the fence line.  I took out my pin pointer and searched along the bottom of the fence dragging my pin pointer underneath the boards and out popped the ring.

Another happy client, Thank you Peter for the generous reward.


Lost White Gold Wedding Band On The Anthony Henday Drive Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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Received a call from Kerry around 8:15 last evening wondering if it was possible for me to find his Lost Ring on the side of the Highway. He had marked the area he was stopped at good thinking Kerry. (makes my Job a lot easer when that happens)   He told me how he lost the ring he was helping a friend move some boxes to a storage locker one of the boxes fell off the truck and ended on the highway so he stopped picked the box up and place it in the truck then he removed his glove to check the rest of the boxes that’s when he felt his ring fell off his finger and ended in the ditch he spent a while looking for it before he called me .

I meet up with Kerry this morning around 8:10 am at the location – 13C (8.0) Fahrenheit  and 6 inches of snow It took me a couple of minutes to find his ring which made him a very happy man.

Once again another happy Client and thank you Kerry for the generous reward.




Lost Gold Ring In 40′ Motorhome-Found! Calmar Alberta Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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I received an email from Kim regarding a white gold ring that she had lost in her motor home two years ago. I explained that it may be difficult task because of all the metal in the motor home but I agreed to go over and do my best.

Apparently Kim had placed two rings on the night table before going to bed, and the following morning one ring was missing. Kim and her husband Brent searched throughout the motor home several times and came to the conclusion that perhaps the ring had been taken.

We headed out to the storage yard where the motor home was parked and I asked Brent to pull the slides out so I could analyze the situation. I visualized where the ring could be and went to work taking everything out of the storage area under the bed, and also checking the mattress with my pro pointer. I then went outside and removed the bottom seal from around the slide just in case the ring had lodged itself between the seal and the frame of the motor home. This was not the case so I looked on the other side but could not see or feel anything. My feeling was that the ring had to be under the slide but Brent said he had pulled out the slide about 20 times since the ring had been lost.

I again laid down on the floor with my flashlight and noticed a silver object which I thought was the ring but turned out to be an American nickel. As I moved along the floor with the flashlight I notice something sparkling between the slide roller and the carpet. I reach in with a knife and said out loud “YES, found it!” Brent could not believe it.

We went back to see Kim and I asked if this was her ring. I think everyone in the neighborhood heard her scream with excitement.

Kim and Brent, Thank you for intrusting me and The Ring Finders to reunite your ring, and for the generous reward.

Another happy client!


Misplaced 18ct Gold Ring In A Downtown Edmonton, Alberta Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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I received a call on Monday from an elderly lady who had misplaced her mother’s gold ring.

She and her house keeper had looked everywhere in her condo. The ring had been missing for approximately one week and they both felt that it must have gone in the garbage.

Upon arrival on Thursday morning they immediately showed me the garbage and recycle bags outside on the deck and so I went through both bags. The ring was not there.

Next I searched the couch, chairs, cupboards, drawers, book shelves, you name it. I looked under the bathroom sink and furnace registers, and still no ring. I proceeded into the bedroom and checked under and around the sides of the bed. I asked them both if they had looked in the closet and the dressing table drawers. They told me that they had taken everything out. I asked if they would mind if I checked in the drawers, and “BINGO”, there was the ring tucked in between a pair of socks. When I showed her the ring I saw in her face just how relieved she was, and how happy she was to have her mother’s ring back on her finger again.

Thank you for entrusting me and The Ringfinders to find your ring, and also for your generous reward.

Found Diamond Wedding Ring South Edmonton, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


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Chris called me on Tuesday in regards to his wife’s lost wedding ring which was thought to have been in the back yard. As I had other commitments I told Chris that I would be available on Friday evening, and that since the ring was lost in their back yard, it would be safe. Amanda was very distressed about her ring and  I reassured them both that if the ring was there I would find it for them.

Amanda told me she had been in the back yard for a couple of hours with friends, visiting and playing with their children. They then had gone inside the house for a while. When her friends left and after putting her daughter down for a nap, she realized that her ring was missing. Panic set in.

Amanda and Chris looked for the ring but had no luck.  Then Amanda went on Google to check about renting a metal detector.  Our website came up and she contacted me.

Amanda showed me the area in the back yard where she had been. I went to work slowly checking all possible areas in both the front and back yard as I knew how import this ring was to her.  Two hours later, I had to tell Chris and Amanda that the ring was not outside.  Amanda burst out crying. I told them that it had to be inside.  They told me that they had looked every where in the house and so I asked Amanda to retrace her steps.

She told me she had been in the freezer and the refrigerator.  Chris had also taken the plumbing apart in the bathroom incase the ring had fallen while Amanda was washing her hands.

I asked many questions and  Amanda told me she had been sitting on their leather couch.   Chris had already checked the couch but I needed to check for myself.   We turned it over and I checked the inside of the couch, and between the back rest and the cushions.  I then checked around the back support of the couch and found the ring.  I shouted « Bingo ».Amanda jumped out of her chair with enormous relief.

Thank you Chris & Amanda for entrusting me and The Ring Finders to reunite your wedding ring. Thank you for the generous reward.


16 Hours Searching For Lost Gold Ring in Millwood’s Pond Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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I received a call last fall regarding a ring which had fallen into the Millwood’s pond. I was shown the approximate area and was told it would probably be about ten feet from the railing.

As I descended down into the lake I noticed it was full of garbage, pop cans, bottles and bricks, etc.etc. The water was a foot deep, and very mucky. I searched the immediate area and picked up lots of pop cans and pull tabs. AT pro was constantly beeping, however I had no luck finding the ring. I decided to leave and continue my search the following day. I returned and continued the search for another 3 hrs expanding my search to about a 30’x 30’ area. Again no luck.

I asked to be shown the area once more. I was told that they had been bike riding and with the force of the sudden stop the ring had flown off and that he had seen the ring fly. I searched again but did not find it.

This spring I resumed my search, but decided to wait until the water level in the pond dropped. I searched for another 4 hours. Throughout my searches I was constantly picking up garbage. People would stop and thank me for cleaning up their pond, not realizing that I was searching for a ring. After 16 hours of searching I finally found the ring.

Thank you for entrusting me and The Ringfinders to search for your ring.


Please check this article in the Edmonton Journal.


Diamond Earring Found on the 8th Floor Jasper Ave, Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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I received a call from Charlotte as her diamond earring had fallen in the thick shag carpet of her apartment. Charlotte had spent several hours looking between the fibers of the carpet and had no luck. The earring had been given to her by her late father and therefore had much sentimental value, and so it was very important for her to find it.

I met her this morning, and explained to her that due to interference from wires, nails, and screws, the earring would be very hard to detect. I used my pro-pointer but could not detect it. I then got down on my hands and knees to see if I could feel it, but had no luck. Finely with Charlotte’s help, we managed to pick up the carpet, turn it over and shake it. I saw the earring land on the floor.

Another very happy client! Thank you, Charlotte for entrusting me and The Ring Finders to find your diamond earring.