Norm Peters, Author at The Ring Finders

Custom Gold Wedding Band Lost In Lac Ste Anne Lake, Gunn Alberta,

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Megan called me yesterday afternoon requesting my service to locate her husband’s custom gold wedding band lost in the lake.  After asking Megan my usual questions I agreed to drive out.

I meet Megan at her cabin and we drove down to the boat launch.  Megan showed me the area off the dock where the ring could possibly be as her husband, Stephen, had been kayaking and when he returned he capsized the kayak in approximately 3 feet of water.  Stephen discovered his wedding band had fallen off his finger into the lake.

Megan and Stephen seached the lake bottom for two hours with no luck! I searched along the dock where they said the ring could be and all I was finding was trash. I could see on Megans face when I scooped the junk up how disappointed she was.  She was slowly loosing hope that the ring would not be found.

Megan had taken photos of Stephen in the kayak, he had the ring on and he was close to the dock where he had tipped the kayak.  After studying the photo I was convinced the ring had fallen off around fifteen feet away from the dock and not close to the dock.

I expanded my search outwards and recived the sound I had been looking for!  When I reached down with my pin-pointer, it was Stephen’s ring! Megan was over the moom that I had found his ring and that it was back on his finger.

Thank you Megan and Stephan, for entrusting me to find your ring.


43 Year Old Wedding Band lost Strathcona Neighborhood: Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Annie called me this morning requesting my service to locate her husband’s wedding ring of 43 years. She told me that she was out in the garden with her husband cleaning up and that he gave Annie his ring for safe keeping while he was gardening.

At the end of the day Annie went to give the ring back to him and unfortunately the ring was missing. They searched her flower beds and the lawn for a few hours with no luck at all.

They checked on line and found The Ring Finder directory and called me the rest is history.

Thank you,

Annie and Tony.


Lost 14K Yellow Wedding Band, Forest Heights Neighborhood, Edmonton.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



Katelyn call to request my service to locate her ring while she was out in her garden getting it ready for planting season.

Katelyn showed me the area where she was picking weeds and cleaning up. She had also been digging up a tree root and thought the ring could possibly be there but unfortunately it was not.

I searched the whole back yard with no ring! Then she said she was along the side of the house cleaning up the flower beds and again no ring, so we headed to the front of the house and searched the flower beds!  Two hours of searching with no luck! I could see on Katelyn’s face that she was very disappointed so I decided to do a final sweep of the area just to confirm the ring was not in the garden. Bang! I received the ring tone I was listening for! Her ring was well blended in the lawn and without a metal detector it would have never been found.

I called Katelyn over and showed her where her ring was.  She was jumping with joy to have her ring back on her finger.

Katelyn was married two weeks ago and the ring was of sentimental value from a previous family member, not only that, it was also her wedding ring!

Thank you Katelyn,


I-Phone Lost In The Snow! Starling Neighbourhood Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

I received a call from Kristopher requesting my service to locate his I-Phone which he thought he had lost in the snowbank when his car became stuck.   When I arrived I could see where Kristopher had dug himself out of the bank so I searched the area but I couldn’t find the phone.  He told me that he had also been stuck at the end of the alley. I could not find his phone there either and told him that somebody must have picked it up.  He was very worried and then out of nowhere, a lady came up to us and asked us what are we doing. We told her that we were searching for a phone, and she told us that her neighbour had picked a phone up off the side walk.  We knocked on the neighbours door and,  yes, he had picked up his phone.

Kristopher was very thankful to have his I-phone back in his hand.

Lost I-phone 11 In Terwillegar Towne Neighbourhood Park, Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Hanna called requesting my assistance to help locate her I-phone 11 lost while walking and playing with her dog in the a school playing field. I agreed to meet her after asking my usual questions! Meet Hanna at the park and she showed me the direction she took also told me she had a few friends with her looking for her phone for a few hrs the night before but could not find her phone.  What made the search more difficult for them was the I phone had a white protective case and laying in the snow making it hard to see also her phone was on silent and find my phone app was not turned on.  After about one hour we located her I-Phone which made Hanna very happy.

Lost Engagement Ring in Farmers Field, Rolly View, Alberta Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)




I received a call from Krystal regarding her white 14k gold engagement ring which she had lost out in Rolly View, in the county of Leduc.  After asking Krystal my usual questions I agreed to meet her.

Upon arriving at the location Krystal showed me exactly where she and her boy friend stood when he proposed to her and gave her the ring. With the excitement of accepting his proposal Krystal shook her hand and the ring flew off her finger into the snow! They searched the immediate area with no luck so decided to go back to the city and purchase a metal detector.  They headed back to continue the search but Krystal told me the metal detector made so many sounds that they did not understand and gave up the search and headed home.  While doing a Google search on “how to find a lost ring” she found me on the Ringfinders Blog Page. Within five minute Krystal had her ring back on her finger and was very grateful to have called me.

Thank you Krystal for getting in touch with me. I am so glad to have been able to find your ring.

The Tale of Three Missing Rings! Parkland County, Alberta Canada.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Debbi called me yesterday to see if I could come out to her acreage and help her find her Engagement/Wedding/Anniversary rings which where solder together. They were lost about 30 days ago while she was pulling her plants and cleaning up her flower beds around her house, so she thought!.

After asking Debbie my usual questions in regards to her lost Rings I agreed to meet her at her home around 2 pm. She showed me where her rings could be and the area she traveled to her compost pile with her wheelbarrow.

Firstly I search the flower beds and immediate area, no rings. I then headed to the compost pile, still no rings.  I asked Debbi more questions to try and trigger her memory as to where she had been that day. When she realized her rings where lost she told me she was all over the place and the rings could be anywhere?

After exhausting all possible search areas I told Debbi her rings where not in the area she told me they could be.  I told her the rings could be in the house and to look there.   I also asked if she had looked in her car but she said she had looked so I asked her to take another look. While I was picking up my markers I heard a loud scream, “I FOUND THEM”!  Her rings were in the spare tire wheel well, in the trunk of her Honda. They were in a safe place and who knows how long they would have remained there if I had not insisted that she checked her car.  Debbi was over the moon to have her rings back on her finger.

The moral of this tale is never give up! Thank you Debbi for entrusting me to help you locate your rings.

Ladies 14k Gold Bracelet Lost at a Soccer Field, Dechene Park, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Jennifer called me yesterday afternoon! Asking if I could help her find her lost bracelet at a soccer field earlier that day, Jennifer told me she had a whole class of kids searching the grounds. They did find her pendant but could not find the bracelet. I agreed to meet her at the soccer field at six forty-five which it was starting to get dark at that time Jennifer told me the bracelet was given to her by her husband 30 years ago so it had a very sentimental value to her and imperative that the bracelet be found.

Jennifer took me to the approximately location where the pendant was found I placed my markers and told Jennifer to place other markers around the field where she thought she had walked before realizing that the bracelet was gone.

After about one hour searching her bracelet was found she could not believe how come the kids could not find the bracelet I told her without the markers it’s hard to concentrate on the field if you have no reference points to go by?

Thank you Jennifer for allowing me to help locate your lost Bracelet.

Lost Man’s Gold Platinum Ring! Rhatigan Ridge Neighborhood, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Received a call from Tyler requesting my service to locate his wedding band which he lost while raking leaves on the weekend with his son in his back yard,  he had no idea where he lost it but he knew he had it on in the back yard.

After asking Tyler a few questions I agreed to do a search for his ring! Told Tyler I would be there around 2 pm to begin the search Tyler said he was not able to be there but his wife would be home.

I arrived at his house and his wife Calli meet me at the door she showed me the back yard and said Tyler was raking the leaves and he had piled the leaves into a pile also had bagged a few leaves into a clear plastic bags about four bags of leaves.

I started my search at a pile of leaves to rule that pile out and yes no ring in that pile then Calli brought me one bag and said they had shook the bag and  if the ring was there it would have fallen to the bottom but they could not see the ring.

I Scand the bag and bingo the ring was in the bag! Calli said they had search for about three hours on the weekend for the ring with no luck.

Thank you Tyler and Calli for allowing me to locate your lost Ring.

Wedding Ring Lost While Playing Volleyball! Woodcroft Community, Edmonton.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



Chris called requesting my service to search for his wedding ring which he just lost while playing Volleyball, I arrived at the court and meet Chris, he showed me the court where he was playing in. His gut feeling was the ring was in the middle of the court,  I quickly search the area but the ring was not there I told Chris the ring has to be on the other side of the net I moved to the other side of the court and bang I hear the tone I was looking for and there was his ring.

Chris was very happy to have his ring back on his finger, I also would like to thank my past client Mitchell for referring Chris to me thank you.