New Jersey ring finder Tag | The Ring Finders

North Wildwood NJ Lost Hearing Aid Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

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While enjoying the bonfire on the beach in North Wildwood, NJ, Anthony lost his hearing aid in the sand. Upon receiving a call for assistance, I promptly arrived at the scene. After gathering some details about the incident, I began my search with the help of my metal detector.

Despite an hour and a half of meticulous searching, success eluded me. I decided it would be best to resume the search after the bonfire was over and the area was clear. Upon my return, I expanded the search perimeter and digging out several other targets.

Finally, after countless swings of my metal detector and a few hours of dedicated searching, I found the missing hearing aid! I immediately called Valerie to relay the good news. Al soon met me at the scene, and I handed over the hearing aid.

The day concluded on a happy note, transforming a potential disaster into a joyful ending.

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Lost Class Ring Found On Beach in North Wildwood, NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)


The class ring was found! I received a call from Dieter, owner of the Fishtown Pizza Truck, that Darby had lost her ring on the beach in the sand. The family was happy the sentimental ring was found!


Longport NJ Lost Wedding Band Found by John Favano Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)




Nayan was enjoying a beautiful day on the beach in Longport, NJ, when his wedding band slipped off into the sand while he was handing it to his wife. Understandably, panic set in as they searched desperately for the precious ring.

I received the call to help and arrived on the scene shortly after. With my trusty metal detector and a keen sense of optimism, I got the details and began the search. It only took two passes, and there it was – the lost wedding band! Just a few swings later, Nayan’s ring was back where it belonged. The family could finally go back to enjoying their day at the beach in the Longport, NJ!

Read some of the over 160 testimonials at my website… 

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Ocean City NJ Dog Park Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?



Meaghan, Bill, and their furry friend were having a lovely week in Ocean City, NJ. One sunny afternoon, they decided to visit the dog park on Haven Avenue. As Bill was tossing the ball for their dog, his wedding band slipped off his finger and vanished in the sandy terrain. Despite enlisting help from fellow park-goers, the ring remained elusive. One of the other dog owners suggested they contact Ring Finders South Jersey for assistance. Upon speaking with Meaghan, I promptly arrived at the scene to lend a hand. With my metal detector, I commenced my search alongside the eager dogs. In no time at all, we uncovered the lost ring! Relieved and grateful, Meaghan and Bill were free to enjoy their final evening in Ocean City, New Jersey.
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Lost Wedding Band Ventnor NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


How to find a lost ring in the sand

Brian was at the back of a home in Ventnor, NJ, which was nearing completion. Suddenly, a wasp attempted to sting him, but he managed to swat it away. However, in the process, his wedding band slipped off and landed in the sandy mixture on the ground. Brian attempted to locate the lost ring using a metal detector but was unsuccessful. As a result, he reached out to me for assistance. I arrived at the scene, and after conducting a thorough search, I successfully located the missing ring.

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See more stories of lost rings in the sand on my website!

Lost Engagement Ring Wildwood Crest NJ Found Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t Wait To Call!


Stacey and Andrew were on the picturesque Crest Pier in Wildwood Crest, New Jersey for their wedding ceremony this past weekend when Stacy’s engagement ring slipped through the gaps in the pier’s wooden planks.
Meghan from the bridal party reached out to me, and within 15 minutes, I joined the family to help them retrieve the lost ring. I initially conducted a detailed search of the sand down below but the engagement ring was not there.
I returned to my car and grabbed my endoscope to examine the space under the boards and above the pilings. With Bill and another guest offering assistance, the engagement ring was found about 15 feet above ground level out of eyesight on the rafter. Thanks to teamwork, the day was saved, and the family and friends could continue their celebrations in Wildwood Crest, NJ!
See my website for more testimonials!
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Lost Claddagh Ring Found Avalon NJ by John Favano Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost ring avalon nj

Kaleigh realized she didn’t have her jewelry just as she was about to walk off the beach for the day. She spent the day with some friends relaxing on the beach in Avalon, NJ. Earlier, she put her jewelry in her chair but forgot they were in there before packing up her belongings. She immediately walked back to where she was sitting and saw the jewelry. It was all there except her Claddagh ring. The lost ring was sentimental because it was something she brought back from a trip to Ireland. We met up the next morning and had a general idea of the location. I started the search with the metal detector and the Claddagh ring was found! It was a great start to the day in Avalon, New Jersey!


Read more heartwarming stories of returned lost rings here::


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Ocean City NJ Wedding Band Lost In The Sand Found by John Favano Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?



June, who follows the Ring Finders South Jersey Facebook page, called me when John lost his wedding band. I was a few minutes south of Ocean City, New Jersey, when she called, so I was able to meet them quickly after the call. John told me that he took off the band and placed it on his lap. He realized that he had taken it off almost immediately after he stood up, but it had already dropped in the sand. After a few swings of the metal detector in the area, the ring was recovered. John and his family were able to enjoy the rest of the day on the beach!

Ocean City Ring Finder

How to find a lost ring in the sand.

find lost wedding band in Ocean City NJ  How to find lost in the sand Ocean City New JerseyMetal Detectorlost wedding band in the sand Ocean City NJ

Ocean City NJ, Lost Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

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Allison called me about a very special lost wedding band that belonged to her mother.  She was tossing a football to her children while on the beach in Ocean City, NJ, when the ring slipped off and fell in the sand. We met shortly after her call, and she showed me the area where she threw the ball. It wasn’t long before the ring was found with the metal detector and close to her heart again!

Find ring in sand Ring finder ocean city njOcean City NJMetal Detector Ring Finders Ocean City NJ

!Read more stories about lost rings in the sand!


Marmora NJ Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

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Matt lost his wedding band in his backyard in Marmora, New Jersey. He wasn’t sure if it fell off while he was chopping wood or while walking around in the yard. He did a Google search when he realized it was lost and found the Ring Finders South Jersey website. He reached out to me later that evening and I got some additional detail to help find the ring. I met him the next afternoon and started the search. A few minutes later, the metal detector gave off the signal I was looking for and the ring was returned!
Check out my website::

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