metal detecting service Florida Tag | Page 3 of 3 | The Ring Finders

Lost wedding ring in grass, Longwood, Florida….found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Marybeth was playing with her children in the back yard throwing water balloons and as she raised her hand to catch one that was thrown in her direction it hit her in the left palm just right and knocked her precious wedding ring right off of her finger. She actually felt her ring come off and immediately she began to look in the grass around her. Unfortunately the type of grass was our famous St. Augustine grass that is super thick and is known to swallow up rings and the like!
She spent a few hours on her hands and knees looking and feeling through the grass desperately hoping to find her lost ring. Realizing the futility of trying to spot it with her eyes she began thinking that maybe a metal detector would be the proper tool for the job. Her first thought was to see if there was somewhere that would rent her a metal detector for the day and after typing « Metal Detector Rental » on her phone….up popped « » website and one of my stories!
Later that day I met Marybeth and she showed me the exact spot where she was standing and it only took a few swings of my Garrett AT Max metal detector and Bingo!!! What a privilege it was to help Marybeth find her lost ring!

Have you lost something and need my help? Call or text me ASAP….I am only a call away!

Mike McInroe….so thankful to be a member of

Lost wedding ring in Ocean, St Augustine, Florida….Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mellisa and her husband were enjoying a beautiful day at the beach and while walking their two large dogs the unexpected happened! As they were splashing water on the two dogs in the ankle deep surf, Ian actually felt his ring come off of his finger but he did not have any idea where it landed. All he remembered was how deep the water was and that it happened around 3:30 in the afternoon. Plus they figured they were « in front off » a certain hotel during their play time with their dogs.

When Mellisa called me and asked for my help I knew it was important to get out and search ASAP and since I already had plans for the evening I encouraged her to contact one of the members of theringfinders in the St. Augustine area. And thankfully she was able to talk to Barbara who passed her request on to a friend named Dick who enjoys helping with beach searches. Dick was able to meet Ian and Mellisa and looked for an hour and a half but did not find Ian’s lost wedding ring. The couple had to leave back to Georgia and Dick was planning to come back in a day or two to look again. And it just so happened that I got a call from someone in the Jacksonville area so I decided to stop by the beach and help Barbara and Dick look. When I arrived they were both swinging their metal detectors and had basically covered all the logical areas where Ian said they were while splashing their dogs. He had previously indicated that he was in ankle deep water just after high tide so that would have put them up on the wet sand. We spent another good 90 minutes and Dick thought maybe he would wander down towards the waters edge and detect some and BANG… he got a solid signal and was totally surprised to see a chunky man’s yellow gold ring in his scoop! Could it possibly be Ian’s lost wedding ring?!! He called me over to have a look and I was shocked how far towards the water the ring was. Come to find out the beach had a first sand bar that would have separated two places where Ian could have actually been in ankle deep water during the time he indicated–so I learned something new that day that will help me in future searches!

It was great to meet Barbara from St. Augustine and Dick who loves to metal detect and they both enjoy looking for and returning lost rings to their rightful owners! Two very wonderful people who share the same passion and hobby that I myself do!

Do you need help finding something that you lost? Call or text me ASAP!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of

Lost diamond engagement ring in sand, Lake Buena Vista, Fl….Found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike and his young family were spending an awesome time at one of the Disney Resorts and while enjoying one of the sandy beach areas with their two children Mike’s wife felt her diamond ring slip off of her finger! Normally one can find their ring when they know and feel it come off and it lands on a hard surface but when it drops into soft sand, well…that is another story! Mike immediately began to run his fingers through the sand thinking surely he would feel the ring and put his dear wife’s mind at ease, but again in soft, fluffy sand that can be a big problem. Gold rings have an uncanny way of just sinking further down into the sand and the more one rakes or runs their fingers through the soft sand the further the ring disappears! Engagement rings are usually very expensive and a pain to replace and loosing this ring was affecting their vacation time. Mike tried asking the resort management if there was anyone who could help and when that did not lead to the help they needed he went online and found He first called another Ring Finder named Steve Thomas who at the time was up in Texas welcoming a new grand baby to their family–so Mr. Steve gave Mike my number. After getting the proper permission I met Mike at the resort and we walked out onto the newly raked sand and Mike indicated the area where the ring was lost. I set out four corner flags and started my tight grid search. I found a few coins and some small aluminum foil pieces and of course each time I would dig and retrieve a target Mike’s hopes and adrenalin would go up! After 15 minutes I got a good solid repeatable gold signal and uncovered the lost diamond engagement ring! What an honor and privilege it was to help Mike and his family and to give them a wonderful reason to now enjoy the rest of their Florida vacation! It never gets old….helping reunite people with their lost treasures!

Mike McInroe…thankful to be a member of

Lost wedding ring, Lighthouse Point Park, Ponce Inlet, Florida….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Marcia called me on Saturday wanting to know if I was available to help her look for her lost rings. While she and her husband were enjoying swimming in the ocean they got to talking about getting tan lines and Marcia wanted to see if under her rings she had any tan lines. She was in waist deep water at the time and she pulled her rings only slightly down her finger to see if she had any of those dreaded « tan lines » and then the unimaginable happened. Her rings simply slid the rest of the way down her finger and into the churning surf. She could not believe what had just happened. She and her husband frantically began searching the water but her rings just seemed to vanish.
Thankfully Marcia found web site and decided to give me a call. Rings lost in the water at the beach require someone to look as soon as possible, so the following day I met Marcia at the Lighthouse Point Park and she showed me the area where they were when the « unimaginable » happened! I set out four corner flags in the wet sand and two flags down the middle and started my grid search in and out of the water. The rings were dropped around three hours before high tide in waist deep water so that meant I needed to thoroughly search quite a large area. I was amazed that Marcia was able to remember where she lost her rings in the surf because after an hour of searching I pulled her wedding ring out of the sand in three feet of water. I thought for sure the engagement ring would be somewhere in the same area but I just could not find it. Come to find out the engagement ring was a thinner band and had a large 1 carat diamond set up high. Could it be that my metal detector just could not find such a thin gold ring? Or did the large diamond sticking up cause the ring to tumble around and get pushed to another location?
Three days later I went back at low tide and searched again for four more hours and still could not find Marcia’s 2nd lost ring. Thankfully Marcia was able to get her wedding ring back and that gave her plenty to be grateful for!
Mike McInroe…grateful member of

Lost gold necklace, Daytona Beach, Florida…..Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Amber sent me a text asking about The Ring Finders service and how soon I could come out and help find her lost gold necklace. Apparently she was by a lake behind her apartment sunbathing and decided to take off her necklace for fear of getting a tan line. She laid her gold necklace on the towel and soon forgot all about it. A mother duck came by with 6 little babies and Amber decided to have a closer look. She gathered up her towel and walked along the waters edge over to where the little ducks were. She spent a few minutes observing the little ducklings and then headed up to her apartment. An hour later Amber felt her neck and was stunned to realize her chain was missing. She remembered taking it off and laying it on her towel so she ran downstairs and out the door, retracing her steps all the way back to where she had taken her necklace off. The grass was thick and Amber hoped that she would be able to see her gold necklace against the green color of the grass. But it ended up being much more difficult because of the small bits of dead grass here and there that were the exact same color as her gold necklace. After searching for some time and not finding it, Amber realized she needed some help so she typed « Metal detector-lost necklace » into her phone and up popped web site. The next day I was able to meet Amber and do a successful search and it was amazing how well her golden necklace blended in with the grass. It took 10 minutes of grid searching the exact area where she picked up her towel and the relief was obvious when I showed her where her lost necklace was hiding. Thank you Amber for calling me and giving me the opportunity to help you in your time of need.
How can I help you? Call, text or e-mail anytime! Mike McInroe…proud member of in sunny Florida

Lost wedding ring, Orlando, Florida…..Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

James called me on Thursday and wanted to know how theringfinders services worked and asked if I could help him. He told me that while mowing his yard and doing some trimming he lost his wedding ring and having only been married for 5 months, he said it was not a good time for losing his ring! I explained briefly how I operate and that I would be more than happy to help him find his lost ring. So I arrived at James’s house around 4pm and was met by Tamra and Chloe. Tamra proceeded to show me the back yard and the chain link fence where James had pulled some weeds and later trimmed some small banana trees. It took an hour and a half to find James’s ring and it was not where I thought it would be! There it was in the middle of the yard hiding in the thick grass and no where near the fence or the banana trees! Later that evening James wrote: « Hey Mike, I just wanted to express to you my gratitude and thankfulness for finding my lost wedding ring! My wife and I so much appreciate what you have done for us and want to say a heart felt thank you, thank you!!
Lost a ring in your yard? Give me a call! I am glad to help! Mike McInroe—-proud member of theringfinders!

Lost wedding ring at Bethune Beach, Fl……Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

February 12th, 2018 Kyle wrote, « This is less of a review and more of a testimony. After an evening with my wife and some friends on the beach, tossing the football around, I realized after we had left that my wedding ring was no longer on my finger. To say panic set in, would be an understatement as this was the ring my wife and I had picked out together just over a year ago and she had put it on my finger at our wedding shortly after. After searching as thoroughly as possible, all hope was lost. How could I replace something that was irreplaceable? Turns out I wouldn’t have to! Thanks to some quick searching online by my wife, we found Mike’s information and I quickly contacted him. You would have thought his services would cost more than the ring I lost by the amount of detailed questions he asked, trying his best to narrow down the most likely location of my ring. After a few emails back and forth late in the evening, Mike put my mind at ease and said he was on the job. I thought, surely this was a lost cause, a ring lost on the beach….good luck with that! But Mike didn’t need luck, he’s a skilled veteran and within an hour of setting foot on the beach, he recovered my lost ring and saved my wife and I both heartache and money. There is no way I can thank him enough for his services. He’s living proof that miracles happen and sometimes you have to lose something to find them. As I told him before I left, I’d hoped I’d never need his services again, but you can bet that if the occasion ever arises, I’ll be calling Mike, The Lord of the Rings, to bring my precious back home to me! »
Thank you Kyle for contacting me and giving me the opportunity to help you get your « precious » ring back where it belongs.
Mike McInroe…..proud member of

Lost class ring, Sanford, Fl……Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mr. Dave was born in 1928, grew up in Salem Oregon and graduated from High School in 1946. At 89 years of age, he has seen allot of life and he and his dear wife of 66 years are still very much alive and in love! Early in their marriage they felt God calling them to be missionaries and in 1957 they went to Papua New Guinea and served for 44 years. Now they are residents at our NTM Homes retirement center here in Sanford, Fl. and I and 40 other staff members have the honor and privilege to help care for them in their old age. Earlier this year their sons came down to help them move from a duplex apartment to one of our Adult Living Facility rooms. Going through closets and household stuff is not always easy and in the process Mr. Dave’s ring was no where to be seen.
A few weeks later I was searching for a misplaced part to a new shower unit and thought maybe someone had mistakenly thrown it into the construction debris dumpster. So I proceeded to go thru the garbage, starting at one end of the 25 foot container. After a while I noticed that there were bags of household garbage mixed in with the construction debris. So, one by one I threw the household garbage bags out onto the ground and noticed that one of the bags had a tear in it. I never did find the shower part I was originally looking for so I jumped out of the container and proceeded to load up the bags into my trailer. There were 7 large bags all together, the heavy duty Hefty type and I was thankful they did not rip open and spill all over the place. As I loaded the last bag I noticed it had ripped open and I was surprised to see that only a few items of garbage had fallen out. Was I ever shocked to see that a beautiful gold ring had also fallen out and was laying in the mulch! I could not imagine how it got there and where it had come from. So I looked in the garbage bag and found a piece of discarded mail and determined that the lost ring had to belong to Mr. Dave. So I devised a little plan to surprise Mr. Dave and in the end he was very, very happy to have his lost class ring back once again.
Lost your ring? Maybe I can help! Give me a call—anytime.
Mike McInroe—proud member of

Lost cell phone in water, Orlando, Florida…..Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Joe had just gotten his son, Jack, a new I-phone and had it fit with the new water proof case and all was going good until Jack said that he lost his phone in the water at a near by park! Apparently some of Jack’s friends were jumping into the water from a tree and Jack was trying to take some photos with his phone from the same tree, when two boys decided to jump at the same time. The leaning palm tree sprang back and Jack lost his balance and in the process dropped his new phone into the murky water 10 feet below. Scrambling down the tree Jack frantically searched for his phone and convinced the other boys to help. His phone had somehow disappeared! Just below the tree the water was only about a foot deep but the bottom sloped away quickly and Jack feared his phone had fallen into the deeper water. Then a bigger fear settled over him….he had to tell his parents!! And thankfully his dad, Joe, had some ideas. He first tried wading into the water feeling with his feet for the phone, but could not locate the lost phone. It became apparent that he needed something like a metal detector to help locate the phone. After searching « Underwater metal detector » he discovered that there is a group of metal detector specialists that actually help people find lost items on land and in the water. He quickly gave ma a call and we made arrangements to meet and conduct a search. An hour and a half later I suited up with my wet suit and scuba boots and grabbed my trusty Tiger Shark (water proof) metal detector and off we went. The area was flooded so we sloshed along until we came to the leaning palm tree and Jack showed me exactly where he was standing and the small area where he said the phone hit the water. I figured the phone had to be close, so I wadded in and started swinging my metal detector. Back and forth across the 8 foot area and a few small signals sounded in my headphones but no loud beep like I was expecting. I went out up to my chin and still no phone. I was afraid it had been pushed into deeper water and after 15 minutes or so I said « It’s just not out here » and waded into where Joe was standing in ankle deep water watching my every move. Just to the side of the search area in shallow water was a medium size Cypress tree and it’s roots were sort of jutting out here and there. Earlier I had casually run my coil over the tops of the roots when I first started my search and as I came up out of the water Joe says to me « Did you check real good down in these roots? » So I grabbed my Garrett Pro Pointer AT and started poking it around into each dark crevice and low and behold it started beeping! There tucked under one of those roots in just a foot of water was Jack’s lost phone!
Lost something recently? Call me ASAP! Let me help you find your lost item!
Mike McInroe—honored to be a member of