lost ring in sand Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost diamond rings in sand on the north shore of Oahu

  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

It all started when I got a phone call from Paul, his voice filled with panic. “We lost the wedding rings on the North Shore Sunset Beach!” he exclaimed, and I could hear the distress in his tone. I was at work in town, surrounded by the hustle and bustle, but my heart was already racing. I needed to get home, situate the kids with my wife, and grab my metal detector. This was a call I couldn’t ignore.

After a quick chat with my wife, I rushed home, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I informed Paul that I am on my way and will let you know when I was about twenty minutes out. I felt a surge of determination and the North Shore was my childhood playground, a place where the ocean waves comforted me as a child. I couldn’t wait to help them find the lost rings.

When I arrived at the beach, the parking lot was alive with activity. I met up with Paul and Heewon, their faces a mix of concern and hope. As I followed them down the sandy path to the spot where they thought the ring had slipped off, memories of my own childhood flooded back. I marked the area in my mind, ready to begin the search.

With my detector in hand, I made my first pass over the sand, the hum of the machine blending with the sound of crashing waves. Nothing. I took a deep breath and started my second run. Halfway through, the detector emitted a strong tone that sent a thrill down my spine. This was it! I scooped down, heart racing, and as I raised the scoop, there they were—two beautiful rings glimmering in the sunlight.

Excited, I looked up to share the moment with Paul and Heewon, but to my surprise, they weren’t looking my way. I approached them, holding up a piece of fishing lead I had found and asked, “this don’t look anything like your rings?” They shook their heads, still scanning the beach.

“Then what about this?” I said, revealing the scoop. “Inside the scoop!”

Suddenly, a shout of joy erupted from Paul and Heewon, their eyes wide with disbelief. “That is my rings!” he exclaimed, rushing toward me. The air was thick with celebration as beachgoers nearby turned to see what the commotion was about. They joined us in clapping and cheering, the sound echoing against the backdrop of waves crashing on the shore.

What was lost had been found, and the rings were back in their rightful hands. We all celebrated, laughter mixing with the sounds of the ocean. “Enjoy the rest of your trip here in Hawaii!” I said with a smile, feeling grateful to have played a part in this joyful reunion.

As I walked back along the beach, the sun setting in a blaze of color, I felt a warmth in my heart. The North Shore had once again woven its comfort, reminding me that sometimes, the simplest acts of kindness bring the greatest joy.

Mahalo Paul and Heewon


Miami lost and found metal detecting service

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)









If you just lost your ring or any other type of jewelry on the beach or in the water, stop panicking and call/text Louis 305-608-1870.  I have a metal detecting service and can come out and help you find your lost item.  Be sure to check out my over 100 successful recoveries on my homepage.

Ring recovery in Miami Beach

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

Metal detecting service?….call louis at 305-608-1870 if you lost any type of jewelry at the beach, in the water, or in your backyard. I have a Metal Detecting service that I can come out and find your lost jewelry. Be sure to check out my page for all my other successful recoveries don’t wait, give me a call, text or leave me a message .

Lost Class Ring Found On Beach in North Wildwood, NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)


The class ring was found! I received a call from Dieter, owner of the Fishtown Pizza Truck, that Darby had lost her ring on the beach in the sand. The family was happy the sentimental ring was found!


Lost Wedding Band Found Wilmington DE By John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

James and Meagan were walking on the bridge at the Riverwalk in Wilmington, DE when his ring slipped off his hand and landed in the marsh. The couple, who was just married three weeks ago, searched for the ring for a few hours with no luck.  . I met the couple at the Riverwalk and found the band four inches deep in the mud after a quick search.


Metal Detector Finds Lost Ring in Sand at Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

















Katie and her family were having a party at their beach front house in Newport Beach, CA. They set up some beach games and other activities on the sand. Sometime during the day her uncle Don loss his gold wedding band in the sand. He told me it happened when he brush sand off his clothes.

The whole family and friends tried their luck at finding the ring. After sifting through the sand with tennis rackets and dragging their fingers the ring was not found. Katie found my contact information while searching the internet.

I was able to meet them shortly after Katie called me as I live 2 miles from the location. After a short discussion about how the loss occurred and what type ring I was looking for, I began a grid search with my metal detector. The ring showed up soon after I began the search. Everyone at the party was elated and surprised that Don’s ring was found where so many of them had spent hours trying to find it. Don was happy to have his ring that he has worn for many years.

Ring Recovery In Long Branch NJ

I was at work this morning and got a call from Janvi Patel asking for help in finding her ring she lost the afternoon before. The ring was a gift from her mother, a green emerald representing her astrological sign, plus it was blessed. It ment everything to her. I asked my boss if I could leave and he said OK for it was slow at work. I told her i’d be there within a half hour. She met me and took me to where she was sitting when she lost it. While down on the beach, she went to remove her beach skirt she was wearing and it got caught on her ring sending it into the sand. I searched the area but had no luck. Her friend that was with her told me she thought they were over a little farther away, closer to the water. I moved my search about 20 feet and sure enough within a few minutes I had her ring in my scoop. She couldn’t believe it and was so excited to have her ring back. A great happy ending ( better than sitting at work LOL )

Ocean City NJ Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?



Steve and his friends were in Ocean City, NJ when he lost his wedding band during a beach volleyball match. It got knocked off his finger after he hit an incoming ball, and he was not sure where it landed. He called me and I met him a little while later to start the search. I started in the area where he stood during the game and worked back and forth in the sand court. The ring rang up on the opposite side of the net and the group was able to go back to enjoying their time at the shore in Ocean City, NJ.

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Lost a ring in OCean City, NJ Call the Ring Finders South Jersey 

metal detector

Lost Wedding Band Found North Wildwood NJ THE RING FINDERS SOUTH JERSEY John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)


I received a call from Regina today to help find her wedding band that she lost on the beach in North Wildwood NJ this afternoon. I was able to find it quickly after searching the area where she was sitting. The ring is now back where it belongs and it ended up being a great beach day!

How to find a lost ring in the sand.


Lost Engagement Ring and 3 Wedding Bands Found Sea Isle City, New Jersey by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano OVER 200 SUCCESSFUL ITEMS RECOVERED!!!

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Matt and Alicia enjoyed a day on the beach with their sons in Sea Isle City, NJ on Wednesday. They arrived around 3 PM and set their chairs up near the water’s edge. Before applying sunscreen to herself and her sons, Alicia took her 4 rings off and layed them on her chair. As the tide came in, the chairs had to be moved back a few times. They packed up around 7 PM and returned to their house. Approximately an hour later, Alicia realized her wedding rings were missing. Matt gave me a call and we planned to meet at low tide. I gridded the wet sand and did not get any signals, so I expanded the search up to the dry sand. After gridding the dry sand for some time, I finally got a signal and dug up one of the 3 bands. The next signal was another band, followed by the engagement ring that is extremely sentimental because the diamond is a family heirloom. Thankfully, the last band was nearby and recovered!

Sea Isle City NJ Ring Finder with metal detector finds 4 lost rings in the sand!

ring finder