Gold Cartier Love Ring Lost in the Sand Found Avalon NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano
Lost a ring?
Don’t wait to call!

Lost a ring?
Don’t wait to call!
Lost a ring?
Don’t wait to call!
A few days ago Trey handed his gold chain and charm to his friend for safekeeping before he went swimming in the ocean in Ocean City, NJ. Unfortunately, his friend dropped the charm in the sand during the transfer. The jewelry is very sentimental to Trey because it once belonged to his grandfather Joe. His grandfather was a World War II Veteran and one of the oldest living World War II Veterans at the time of his passing last year at age 98. Trey reached out to me and asked if I could help find the charm. He gave me the general location of where it could be and I went out to search for it. After around an hour of gridding the beach, the charm was recovered. Trey was elated when I called him to let him know it was found.
I received a message from Nicole on Saturday afternoon via the Facebook messenger app on my page – Ring Finders South Jersey. When I spoke to Nicole she said she realized she lost her Archbishop Prendergast class ring and her Claddagh while on the beach the day before in Ocean City, NJ. She thought the rings may have missed her bag when she put them away. Since she went home the night before, she gave me gave me a marker on the beach to put me in the general location where she was sitting. I waited until some of the beachgoers left before I started my search. I heard a signal and out popped the Claddagh ring! Being in the right area, I figured the class ring was nearby. Well as it turns out, that ring wasn’t lost on the beach at all…it was found in the trunk of the car the next day! Great ending to a Saturday night!
Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to try and find a wedding/engagement ring lost on Thanksgiving weekend on the beach at Oxnard shores, just south of the Channel Islands Harbor. This is a beautiful location known for it’s quiet streets, multi-million dollar homes and simply just an awesome stretch of beach. Cathie, my client relayed to me how she had lost the ring, she was relaxing on her beach towel, took her ring off for a minute and forgot it was on the towel. She got up to leave, shook out her towel and launched the ring. This began her series of unfortunate events. She realized when she got home the ring was gone so she and a friend went back using a colander to try and find it. That didn’t work so she got a friends metal detector and she and her friend tried to use it to no avail. Since this was now the end of fall the county begins the process of beach replenishment and right in her rings flight path was a giant 5 foot tube used to transport sand from the dredge. All of this and the most rain and storms we’ve had in 6 years of drought had made the ring virtually disappear.
6 months later Cathie posted an ad on craigslist and we met up to try and find the ring. I spent 4 hours gridding with my CTX 3030 an ever larger area around the lifeguard tower but couldn’t find the ring. Since I hate to quit anything I promised I’d come back with my Pulse Induction machine as it reaches deeper and retry the area. Again I came back and re-gridded the same area with my pulse and found some items buried 24+ inches but none were her wedding ring. As with any hunt it’s never over until it’s over and I promised Cathie as I’m in the area I’d watch for erosion and if I see a change in the sand structure I’ll hit it again.
Every new attempt at recovery is a learning experience for my clients. Cathie realized that had she thought of calling myself or any other ringfinder her chances at a positive outcome would have greatly increased. Learning to use a metal detector is the same as learning a new language. She found out that learning what her friends metal detector was saying was a lot like trying to interpret what R2D2 is trying to say if you’re not a Jedi.
If you have lost an important piece of jewelry or a sentimental ring don’t hesitate to call a ringfinder right away. We are experts at using metal detecting equipment and if you put is in the right place you’ll likely get your ring back.