Minnesota lost ring recovery metal detecting
2 Lost rings at a fall festival – Recovered, theringfinders.com
2 Lost rings at a fall festival – Recovered, theringfinders.com
Rachel’s beautiful 14 karat white gold, 1 carat diamond engagement ring that IN-HOUSE RING FINDING SPECIALIST, Brian Rudolph helped to recover for his client!
Rachel could not have been more relieved to have found her diamond ring in her apartment with the help of RING FINDER, Brian Rudolph
Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Utility or Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!
Rachel and Stan had a terrible argument which led to Rachel taking off her 14 karat white gold, 1 carat diamond engagement ring and throwing it from the kitchen where it flew across her apartment living room area.
After tensions cooled down, Rachel began searching for the very precious sentimental keepsake. Sadly, with hours of searching, the frustrated young lady could not find the irreplaceable piece of jewelry. That’s when Rachel looked online and sought additional help from a professional ring finder. Rachel found one of my in-house ring search articles on THE RING FINDERS international directory of metal detectorists and immediately contacted me – an in-house ring finder specialist.
Because Rachel lived in Texas, I agreed to help the desperate woman via FaceTime. I was able to conduct the search by seeing all of the places in Rachel’s apartment over the phone! Eventually the gorgeous diamond ring was found in the doggy’s toy basket! I couldn’t have been happier for my client and Rachel was beyond grateful for my in-house / in-apartment ring finding skills and expertise!
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Here is the link to the story
Ring Finders South Jersey Recover Lost Jewelry at Jersey Shore
Read More: Ring Finders South Jersey Recover Lost Jewelry at Jersey Shore | https://wpst.com/ring-finders-south-jersey-recover-lost-jewelry-at-jersey-shore/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral
An 18k gold ring lost gardening! This french bulldog tags along on my adventure! Anne lost her 18k gold Tiffany ring while gardening. This 18k gold Tiffany ring is dear to the owner as it was designed by the late Elsa Peretti – known for her sculptural and captivating jewelry design work.
Anne was braiding ornamental grass and believed her gold ring slipped off during yard work. A couple of days went by, and she decided to email me through rediscoverlost.com for help in finding her lost gold tiffany ring. I knew Anne from a couple of years ago when we thought a gold ring was forgotten in the grass. Now, I’m back to help find the lost gold with the high-frequency coil used on XP Deus metal detectors.
How to Find a Lost Ring
Lost ring in your yard? It happens all the time – as the weather warms up and the yard work begins. Don’t waste your time renting or borrowing a metal detector. Stop and mark the area where you believe the ring was lost. If plowing or shoveling occurs, block off the site to preserve the ring’s location. My jewelry finding service covers Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and other surrounding states.
If you have a lost ring or something of value, contact Keith Wille now.
Call or text | 860-917-8947
Email | uncoverthings@yahoo.com
Website | www.metaldetectionkeithwille.com
Subscribe to My YouTube Channel to See Stories of People Being Reunited with Their Rings:
Jay found me via The Ring Finders Directory. He told me he was in the front yard of his beautiful Chadds Ford, PA home putting up Christmas lights when he took a break to throw a football with his son. His son threw him a deep high pass and while reaching to catch it he felt(but didn’t see!) his large platinum wedding band fly off his finger. He actually borrowed a metal detector from a neighbor and spent several hours looking for the ring himself prior to contacting me. When talking to him I told him that I have had many people contact me after renting or buying a metal detector themselves…I feel the experience of the operator of these machines is as important as the machine itself when searching for something as important and valuable as a ring. Anyway, I met Jay on a Saturday afternoon and we reenacted the incident. Jay was convinced the ring must have flung off his finger straight back and far toward the side yard. After 20-30 minutes and not finding…we reenacted the incident again and considered other angles and expanded our search. Still nothing! We decided to reenact the incident one more time but this time Jay was going to actually fling a ring sized object to see how far and what direction it might go. He just returned from his garage with the ring sized object in his hand and was preparing to fling it…I was standing next to him in an area he never thought possible his ring could be…but sure enough I got the perfect signal on my detector. I bent down with my pin pointer and sure enough…there was his massive platinum band! The funny thing was Jay had his back to me still about to fling his mock ring….when I tapped him on shoulder and told him to stop! I held up his ring and we both started laughing…he couldn’t believe where I found it. We had the angles all wrong! All’s well that ends well! Jay was very happy to get get his ring back!
Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call ASAP Anytime 24/7 778-838-3463
Murphy’s Law, who is this Murphy? I’m in the ferry lineup to go see my grandson very early in the morning on Saturday when I get a phone call from a young lady who needs my help finding her lost rings that she lost at the beach the day before. Unfortunately, there is no way of turning back to help her so I told her that as soon as I get back Sunday evening I would go straight to the beach to search for her rings.
I know three days is a long time for people not to find the rings as there’s a lot of new detectorist’s out there now, that being said, it is a game of inches and I know the approximate area of the rings, so my chances are most likely better.
The young lady, Yoshi, told me that she couldn’t meet up that evening because she had to work, she sent me pictures and told me the exact location where she was sitting. I was totally fine with that as I know the beach pretty well.
When I arrived at the park I could not use their paid parking as it was closed, because of COVID-19. I drove further down the road and did find a spot and had to walk about 15 minutes to the beach. I figured it was a good thing because less people would’ve hunted that beach because of the inconvenience of parking.
I got to the beach just before dark went to the location she had sent pictures of and started my grade within minutes I found her two beautiful rings that were just inches in the sand, and lost for three days. I was so excited they were still there and more excited to send Yoshi a picture of her rings. We set up a time to meet the next morning.
I know I always say this but… I Love my Job!
Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinder.com I love my job!
Watch the video of the search below…
SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call ASAP 206-618-8194
Watch video link below…
Tom posted to the community that he had lost his wedding ring in a populated area. After seeing his post I quickly reached out to him offering my recovery assistance. He had just lost his yellow gold men’s wedding band the day prior while training for a marathon. He was running down a public sidewalk and knew the location his ring fell off. At that moment he search the concrete sidewalk and roadway but couldn’t see his ring. Later that day he returned with his kids and spent about three hours looking with no success.
After we connected and shared some details the search was set. Later that afternoon I arrived and we got straight to the hunt.
I was happy to have been able to connect with Tom quickly as he published a lot of details online of the location of where he lost his ring. Typically we recommend not to publish detailed location information of your lost items to public post. This is to disable the “sharks” of any opportunity in finding your lost treasures behind your back without any thought of ever returning your lost property.
Instead its highly encouraged that you contact a local trusted recovery specialist with a proven track record directly from TheRingFinders.com directory listings. You can review their portfolio of success to have peace of mind you’re working with an experienced recovery specialist best qualified to work your specific case. Having this open forum of success stories online and a stack of published YouTube success stories has made the process much easier for many individuals to see first hand the good honest works we provide to our communities on a daily basis.
It all worked out for a very pleasant recovery process. Tom was very happy and appreciative of the search efforts provided and best of all he quickly got his wedding ring of nineteen years returned to his finger where it belongs!
Watch this video to see the full story unfold of this happy recovery.
Jeff Morgan
I received a call from a young lady the other day asking if I could help her find a lost ring that was a gift from her mom & dad and daughter, many years ago. After asking a few questions I came to realize she wasn’t a hundred percent sure it was lost where she thought it was…in the garden.
To her it made sense because she put the rings on just before she went out for lunch then at the last second she jumped in the garden to do a few things, she didn’t realize until later she was missing one ring. After searching the car and then searching her house she thought of renting a metal detector and that’s when she found TheRingFinders.
Why rent a metal detector when you can hire a metal detecting expert to come out and help you find your lost item…It will save you countless hours and ensure you that the ring is there or not there. I always wonder how many people have rented a metal detector and didn’t find their ring and just gave up? Its not as easy as we make it look, we know our detectors and importantly the environment we are searching and the questions that will help us get close to what we are looking for.
In this search I couldn’t use my metal detector because of the thick over growth of flowers & plants and the fact that there was wire hold the flowers up. OK bring out the handheld pin pointer and get on my hands and knees and start the slow search!
Not long after searching the first area, Bingo! I was lucky to find her beautiful ring in the second location!
I love my job! Did you know there is a global directory called TheRingFinders.com with over 430 members helping people find what they thought was lost forever…We find Smiles!
Watch video of search below…Need help in Vancouver & the Lower Mainland call Chris Turner 778-838-3463