Lost and Found Rings, Third Beach, Stanley Park...Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call ASAP  Anytime 24/7   778-838-3463

Murphy’s Law, who is this Murphy? I’m in the ferry lineup to go see my grandson very early in the morning on Saturday when I get a phone call from a young lady who needs my help finding her lost rings that she lost at the beach the day before. Unfortunately, there is no way of turning back to help her so I told her that as soon as I get back Sunday evening I would go straight to the beach to search for her rings.

I know three days is a long time for people not to find the rings as there’s a lot of new detectorist’s out there now, that being said, it is a game of inches and I know the approximate area of the rings, so my chances are most likely better.

The young lady, Yoshi, told me that she couldn’t meet up that evening because she had to work, she sent me pictures and told me the exact location where she was sitting. I was totally fine with that as I know the beach pretty well.

When I arrived at the park I could not use their paid parking as it was closed, because of COVID-19. I drove further down the road and did find a spot and had to walk about 15 minutes to the beach. I figured it was a good thing because less people would’ve hunted that beach because of the inconvenience of parking.

I got to the beach just before dark went to the location she had sent pictures of and started my grade within minutes I found her two beautiful rings that were just inches in the sand, and lost for three days. I was so excited they were still there and more excited to send Yoshi a picture of her rings. We set up a time to meet the next morning.










I know I always say this but… I Love my Job!


Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinder.com I love my job!

Watch the video of the search below…


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