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Metal Detecting Houston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)


Metal Detecting Specialist

John Volek

certificate Volek

Metal Detector Rentals Houston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.

Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek


Lost Texas A&M College Ring Houston, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)


I was contacted by Chris a resident in Houston (North Houston) regarding his daughters lost Texas A&M College Ring (Aggies). Chris said he believes his grandson had picked up his daughters A&M ring and dropped it somewhere in his front yard. Chris said earlier in the day his grandson had grabbed the ring off of a counter in the house, and was seen playing with it, Chris said they took it away and placed in an area out of his reach. Well thats what they thought, they later discovered the ring was again missing. Chris said after throughly searching the house and not finding the ring, they knew the only other place it might be is in the front yard. Chris said his grandson had been in the front yard the day the ring went missing.


I made trip up to north Houston, and met with Chris who outlined the areas he believed the ring might have been lost. Chris’ house was a corner lot, and when I arrived, I was thinking this is going to be a long hot day.

I used a little marking paint on Chris’s lawn to establish a search grid pattern and was preparing for an extensive search of his front and side lawn. I opted to start the search near his front door and hit the first foot of grass and « Hello » Texas A&M.

Must be my fastest recovery to date, nice when it all comes togehter.

Running the CTX 3030 on this call.





Lost Wedding Ring Sugar Land, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Service Call  06/29/2013

I recieved the following email from a Sugar Land resident regarding a lost ring.

Hi John, I just read the story about  Richard Browne in Mass. who finds rings for people and he mentioned

I checked and to my surprise, I found you in Sugar Land, which is where I am.

My eldest son was in our pool 2 weeks ago splashing the dogs and he says his wedding ring flew off (he’s been married for two years).  I have a very old metal detector, and I am a rank amateur, but we tried to find it with no luck.  If it did fly off, then it’s in my back yard, but we just can’t find it. My wife and I go out in the yard looking for it  almost every day but we’ve found nothing.

So I am reaching out to you, to see if you can help us. At the worst I’d like to be able to tell my son it’s not there.

thanks and regards,
Mark Locascio


I made the short trip to Marks this morning with the new CTX3030 in hand. Mark pointed out the areas where he felt the ring might have flown of his son’s hand. I was initial a little apprehensive when Mark brought out his nice looking White Coin Master Metal Detector and explained he had already tried finding the ring. He said he had put another gold ring in the yard and was able to find it with no trouble.

That was a little bit of a sinking feeling 😉

I worked the same areas as Mark had previously described with his detector, and was not able to find the ring. I took a few minutes to think about the event that led up to the loss of the ring. I decided to work some a couple of flower beds well outside of the area identifed.

I opted for the hand and knees approach with my pin pointer on a flower bed that was riddled with metal distractions. The ring jump right out on my second sweep of the pinpointer.

Mark and his wife said they had given up all hopes that the ring would ever be found.


Lost Gold Wedding Ring… Long Beach, CA… Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

This afternoon about 5pm I got a call and an email from Krista. She had been at Mother’s Beach in Long Beach, CA. with her two young daughters. Krista took her diamond wedding ring off and set it on her lap while she put sun screen on her daaughter. About a half hour later she realized she had not put it back on and it was somewhere in the dry sand. They searched through the sand for a long time and could not find her ring. When she got home Krista found my contact information on  » The RingFinders » website and called me.   We met at the beach about 7pm and I set up a grid search. By 7:30pm I got that special gold tone and when I scooped up the target there was her ring.  Now the ring is back on her finger where it belongs.

The highlite of this search was when Krista’s young daughter came up to me and said, « Thanks for finding my mother’s ring » The little girl is only about 5 or 6 years old.. It was a special thanks and there were smiles on everybody’s faces. Even all the spectators..

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Lost Diamond Ring… Bolsa Chica State Beach, CA… Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Last Saturday at 9 am I received a phone call from Amanda and Adam. They were at Bolsa Chica State Beach and had borrowed a metal detector to find a ring that she lost Friday afternoon. She was standing in about ankle deep water and went to brush some sand to off her leg. That is when her beautiful ring went flying into the water. Amada reached down just as a wave broke in front of her. They searched till 8pm that night and returned the next morning. Saturday morning about 9am she found  » The RingFinders » online and called me. I was able to get  her location about 10am and the tide was going out. I searched till the lowest tide with no success. Sunday morning was a minus tide, so I came again Sunday at 6am. This beach is soft sand and has a very steep slope. It was very difficult to be positive about finding this ring as the sand can build up more than a foot in one tide.  After 4 hours of searching as the tide came in, still no success. I watched Adam swinging his detector and Amanda walking back and forth on the beach the whole day. I told her that I had given it my best effort and it was hard to tell her that the ring may have worked itself too deep to detect.

I went home feeling I had done my best to find that ring and it was not the best experience watching Amanda and Adam trying so hard to find the ring.. That night I checked the tides and it was going to be a 6.8 ft high tide with a minus tide in the morning.  8:30am  SUCCESS !! I found it about 6 inches deep.

They were unaware that I decided to give it one more try, so when I sent Amanda a text message  with a picture of her ring asking her to call me, I bet the house was crazy.  We met at about 10 am and they were sooo happy.

I know a lot about metal detecting in the surf and this ring had been through 3 super high tides and 3 medium high tides on a steep sloping, soft sand beach and I don’t believe I was able to find it.  This was a awesome search and I’m still amazed ( 40% Skill and 60% Luck )

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lost ring in spokane Valley

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Hello, my name is Luke Schlining. I am a member of the ring finders and I would like to help you find your lost item. Please go to for more information and how to contact me. I hope you never lose anything but if you do I will be there to look for it.

Lost 18K Gold & Platinum Wedding Ring Recovered In Walnut Cove 6/13/2013

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

Hello , I recieved a call from a gentleman by the name of ( Mr. David P. ). who explained that he lost a 18K gold & platinum ring while working in his yard a week earlier.. After speakin with him I agreed to come out and help him locate his lost ring. I arrived on the morning of 6/13/2013. When I got there we spoke alittle more about it and Mr. David P. , walked me through everything he had done from the time he first started and the time he noticed his ring was missing. he showed me all the areas he thought in might be lost in as well. I searched for about 4-5 hours very long hours and then i finally found it. As you can see from the smile on his face he was very happy to have his ring back and it was a pleasure to help him find it.. 0613131223 0613131221

Lost Gold Wedding Ring..Laguna Beach, CA… Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

The day before finishing their beach vacation, Taylor lost his gold wedding ring.

This morning about 9:00am, I received a call from Taylor asking me if I could help him find his wedding ring he lost yesterday on the beach. He was searching the internet for a metal detector when he found The RingFinders and my phone number. I was able to meet him about an hour later.

He and his family had been vacationing in South Laguna Beach and had spent the day on the beach. He had taken his ring off and put it into the cup holder of his folding beach chair. When they got ready to leave he picked up his chair and walked to the parking area.  (about 200 ft.)  That was when he realized that he had lost his ring.  Taylor was able to give me very good idea of where they were sitting and that made it very easy to find his ring. He and his wife were very happy and by now they are back home in Utah. I’ve found a lot of rings for people and I still get excited when I can help people like Taylor and his wife find their ring. Their little daughter is still trying to figure out what was the big deal.

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Metal Detecting For a Lost Diamond Ring at a Vancouver Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Its been a very hard week due to the loss of my wife’s father, we’ll miss him very much!I was away for the past week dealing with the preparations of the service and I had 3 calls and 2 that I passed on to others Ring Finders, after I arrived home late last night I was able to do a search for a diamond wedding ring that was lost on Spanish Banks Beach here in Vancouver.

I was extremely exhausted but looking very forward to getting away to the beach and and helping someone find their lost smile as this is more like relaxation for me.I met with Mary at 11pm and she showed me where her wife lost her ring and it took me a little over an hour to find it.



It would have been a quicker search but due to the fact that it was late and dark it took a while for Mary to put me in the correct area but when she did it only took minutes and we found the ring and I got to see her big smile!

Thank you very much for the generous reward Mary it helps me with my gas money and equipment and 15 % of the reward money goes to charity… Children’s Hospital




I love my job!

Lost something…Call ASAP!You can watch the video of the recovery on the link below…