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Lost Keys In The Snow Found In Royal Oak Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

College Cutie Gets Her Ride Back!!

This pretty, young lady awoke today only to find out she lost her car and work keys Friday night after she got home in the snowmageddon here in SE Michigan. She needed to go to class and work today and by time I responded to her there was only a few hours till she had to be there. When I got to the site we talked about where she parked and walked towards her apartment. I noticed the plows and maintenance people had moved lots of snow and there were huge, deep, hard ice packed snow mounds in the area where she was. We both discussed the possibility that a plow had snagged them and moved them who knows how far from where they were dropped! I got my MXT set up and started a grid search.
I checked a wide area in the street only to find nothing. We talked a bit more and she thought she maybe cut across the front yard to get into her apt quicker in the snow so I had a vibe and decided to check the area where I saw her footprints in the snow. Being that keys give a mixed signal I had to go on the MXT depth indicator to feel I was on target. Cutting thru the snow with my bigfoot coil I got a mixed iron/non ferrous signal at 0 inch depth and kicking the snow aside revealed her keys! I yelled over to her as she was levelling the snowdrifts in the street and texting her boss saying she had lost the office keys!
She couldn’t believe that I had found them and was so very excited that she could continue her daily routine despite the elements and losing the keys! She didn’t end up texting him after all but decided to tell him that she was able to find them with the help of a metal detectorist!

Lost White Gold Diamond Ring in Blaine Tennessee…Found

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

This drive was a 2 hour and 15 minute drive from home to the location.  Here is her testimonial.


On Wednesday evening Feb 7th, 2018, I was feeding 3 of the horses in barn, I threw some hay in stall for them, watered them and then went in house. Next morning I had realized I was not wearing my wedding set!!! This was a new wedding set my husband had saved money to buy me for our 25th Anniversary just 10 months ago. I went to barn and one of the girls had already cleaned out all the stalls and threw the manure in field where it had been trampled over by least 4 other horses and had been raining for 4 days straight, it looked hopeless to say the least. I spent all that day in rain knee deep in manure and mud with small detector hunting for ring, the horses had been moved from barn to horse arena, so now it could been stepped on and in arena maybe, I spent next day for 7 hours in arena and nothing, I went back to barn opened stall doors and under door was the diamond wedding band but No solitaire diamond .

I found Ed Hart on line through and he is about two hours away, he gladly said he would be up next day. Saturday morning feb 11th 2018 Ed was right on time. He started in each stall and some of the manure in barn a hour into searching the rain started pouring again, he put on rain gear and we started outside the barn where girls had thrown manure from that Thursday, when stepping into the field area your boots would get stuck instantly was about 8 inch deep from all rain and mud. I had a area marked for him to search and he hit on something and started to dig then another hit, my husband started digging for him because mud was so bad you would get stuck in it, all the sudden where the hit was and my husband said I GOT IT! I gave ED great big hug, it would have never been found without Ed Hart and .  Thank You again ED you are the best!


Lost Phone School Yard Terwillegar Neighborhood, SW Edmonton, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call from Marnie on Wednesday evening asking if a metal detector could locate a I phone lost in the snow. I told her that it should not be a problem and asked if she knew the approximate area the phone was lost.

I met Marnie and her daughter yesterday afternoon at the school where her school class had been snowshoeing. She wasn’t sure exactly where she had lost her phone but it was along the path they had walked. After about one hour of searching we came up to some bushes and a small creek at the end of the field and this is where her daughter had fallen. That is where I found her phone buried in a foot of snow.

Both were very happy to have the phone back in their possession as all her personal identification was also in the phone wallet. This could have caused a huge problem had the phone ended up in the wrong hands Costly too.

Another happy client and thank you for calling me and the Ring Finders.

Engagement Ring Lost In The Snow! Hamptons NW Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

I received a call this morning from Rene requesting my assistance to locate his wife’s white gold engagement ring which she had lost last evening in front of their home.

When I arrived Rene showed me where the the ring was lost. There was two feet of snow, the temperature was  -20 with a windshield of -28 Celsius so it was not a pleasant day for searching.  However luck was on my side as with in five minutes I had found the ring and returned it to Rene. He was very grateful for my service.

Thank you, for calling the Ringfinders.

Gold Family Crest Signet Ring Lost at Venice Beach, CA…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

I hadn’t been home too long Sunday after a successful ring recovery at Hermosa Beach, and was waiting as my wife was getting dinner ready when I received a call from Natasha. She had been at the beach on our very warm day, and went to apply sunscreen. To do so, she removed her family crest signet ring that had been given to her by her father. All of the members of her family received a family crest ring when they reach a certain age, so this was special. She told me she had stayed in the spot of the loss, so that was good news. I let her know that I would be coming immediately, we could not wait because the county sifting machines would be over the area early in the morning, and many people metal detect the area all the time.

When I got there it was dark, but we were able to find each other pretty quick. She showed me the area, and expanded it out a bit to be sure I would be able to cover everywhere she had been. I got my equipment ready, and she and her friends moved their towels and bags. I turned my detector on, swung to my right, and got a great signal. One scoop, and Natasha’s ring was in my scoop. She had unknowingly put me right next to her ring, and within 20 seconds it was found. Turned out to be a great day. Natasha’s smile tells it all.


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Ring Lost at Hermosa Beach, CA Volley Ball Court…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Sunday afternoon I received a call from Daiane. She had been playing volley ball with friends, went to hit the ball, and felt her ring come off of her finger. She and her friends searched for the ring, but were unable to find it. The ring had been given to her by her boyfriend as a token of commitment to their relationship with appropriate engravings. I told her I could help because it had just happened, would still be there, and we should be able to find it. I was on my way.

When I got there, Daiane took me over to spot where she hit the ball, showed me the direction she swung her hand, and told me she hit the ball with a great amount of force. She had been up right next to the net and hit the ball over and across the court. She was certain the ring would be right in the direction of the swing, near the net. It was the logical solution, but with the many rings I have searched for I have found that there are times when a ring loss is anything but logical. I began my search in the most logical spot, no ring. I then began a grid of the whole court, both sides, no ring. I then worked the outside of the court in the direction of the swing, no ring. Then I began going around the outside of the whole court. During this search I found a few coins and some other items, but no ring. It wasn’t until I was outside the court behind where she had been standing that I got a good signal, and had her ring in my scoop. It seems that when she hit the ball, the ring bounced off of the ball, and flew 20 feet behind her, not what they expected. It is important to think and search out of the box, even if the person you are helping is sure where the item should be. It was great to put a smile back on her face, and faces of her friends.


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Lost Ring at the Beach…Found and Returned

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

I was metal detecting at the beach when a young man came running up to me with some of his friends. Noah had been having fun with his friends in the beach sand, and then realized his ring that his mother had given him was gone. He didn’t know what to do because the sand had swallowed it up, and although they searched for it, they were not able to find it. He looked around, and saw me down by the water metal detecting, and realized I might be able to help. I told him everything was in his favor, and we would find his ring.

Noah took me right to the area where they were playing around, and explained what had happened. I began my search, and found that we had to widen the search area. It wasn’t more than 3 minutes, and I had Noah’s ring in my scoop, a ring that was very sentimental, because of its origin, his mother. Was glad to be able to make his day.


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Lost Platinum Ring Found In The Snow In Ferndale Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Platinum Smiles On A Gloomy Day!

This nice gentleman was out today shoveling a 3 inch snow drop in the Detroit area after a 50 deg day yesterday. On the phone he mentioned taking a break and reaching over the fence to pet the neighbors dog his platinum wedding ring came off and landed near the fence in the snow and left over leaf debris. A few minutes passed and he thought he may have shoveled it into a 2 foot pile of snow on his property as well.
Driving thru the traffic with people who seem to have forgotten how to drive in the snow I was able to reflect back on prior ring hunts near fences. On site based on what he said I knew to check along the fence while he levelled the pile. My MXT was picking up the fence but I set the sens way down and scanned from away towards the fence paralleling it. I got a small +40 reflection signal I call it mixed with the ferrous fence signal and knew I was in the area of influence. Checking with the Garrett carrot produced a solid vibration as I scraped debris from the fence towards me away from the overbearing fence attraction.
Feeling the pin pointer hit the metal ring and the vibration, I reached down and found his gorgeous custom design platinum wedding band in the leaves and snow! Yay!

Diamond set Omega watch recovered from lake in Warwickshire village

This search was a difficult one. It was the second time I had been to recover some items that had been…well no easy way to say it but quite literally thrown in a lake.

The first visit was very difficult, it was just before Christmas and half the lake/ large pond was frozen which in some ways was helpful as the lost items would have been on the surface of the ice, so I only needed to look where the water had thawed. The water was extremely cold but I did have very high waders. that session I managed to recover one diamond ring and two bracelets before the cold really started to wear me down. Also I didn’t have the best sand scoop.

So I decided to return a couple of days ago with an all new sand scoop constructed by me using an old aluminium fire extinguisher. This thing worked great and was small enough not to grab masses of silt that was very heavy last time. The problem was this time there had been lots or rain and the water level was about a foot higher. this meant in the deepest parts the water would go over the top of my waders ( nearly 5 ft) and fill me up, very uncomfortable, also the control pod of my detector would have been submerged so that was cable tied to my shoulder strap. Anyway after a few hours and bits of trash I had a good signal, there was zero visibility in the water as one could imagine with the amount of silt, so retrieving that target was a challenge, what came out was part of a watch bracelet that was an item I had been tasked to recover. The rest of the watch had to be very close, another ten minutes and out came the rest of the the watch. It was diamond set ladies Omega Constellation with mother of pearl dial and diamonds for each numeral, and still working!

A very happy lady! and a very smelly drive home!

Georgetown, Ontario~Lost house/car/mail box keys in the snow prepping snow blower!

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

2017-12-26 Georgetown, Ontario

I received a phone call on Boxing Day from a couple from Georgetown a community about 20 minutes south of me.

Overnight there was a really nice snowfall. The husband proceeded out to the back garden shed to start up the snowblower for the first time this winter. He didn’t realize that he had the set of keys (house/mailbox/car/car starter) in an unzipped coat pocket. He went to go move the vehicle and couldn’t find his keys. Both husband and wife looked all over the driveway and yard and turned the house upside down. They felt the keys were lost in the snow.

I headed down within the hour, asked some questions and decided to start in the back in front of the garden shed where the husband pulled out the snow blower. He said he had a hard time starting the snow blower.

Both decided to go back into the home to get warm. Within 5 minutes I found the set of located.

They were very happy not to have to waste the money to replace all the keys not to mention what could of happened if an undesirable found them..

Couple lost keys in snow