A call came in yesterday, to help find a Wedding Band that was lost the day prior in waste deep water. Rick called and asked if I wanted to go, I said he was on his own for this one, that I had a few things to do. I thought about how vast the area was, so I called back, and said I’ll meet him at his house ASAP. We met Stephanie and Chris at the beach lot about an hour later. They seemed real precise as to where they thought it to be. They walked out ahead of us, as we got ready for the search. Rick and I walked out about a mile onto the sand, then into waste deep water. We both searched for quite some time with no luck two junk targets a bullet and a penny.
I asked Chris to regroup, and stand where he thought it was, he was having second thoughts, he moved about 150 feet over. Again Rick and I searched, and searched, still nothing. I then asked Stephanie where she thought it was lost, and to go over and stand there, so I could start my search over. Rick was still out far and walking away from Chris with no targets at all. I headed towards Stephanie, as I approached her, I said » I just don’t get it, I just don’t get it. Not a signal in that whole area, even after an hour, it’s crazy. I told her not to give up till she sees us walking toward the truck. That if it was there and I went over it that I would hear it. I think Chris and Stephanie were about to throw in the beach towel, but as I walked by her, finally a very loud signal 4 feet away from where she was standing in the water. I looked over to her and smiled, Her eyes got huge, her smile even bigger, she had a hard time controlling her emotions. Stephanie knew, I had just recovered what they both thought was lost forever, King Neptune finally gave in to me. Stephanie was shaking, I’m not sure if it was from the cold, or from being excited. She yelled over to Chris, he started to run fast as he could in the water, I yelled faster, faster, he couldn’t get there fast enough to see what the commotion was all about. Rick knew already I had just found Chris’s beautiful 14K white gold wedding band, with black diamonds set into the center. I handed it over to Chris as he teared up also. So gratifying to see it back on his finger.
Lot’s of congratulations and hand shakes went around, Chris kept repeating he just couldn’t believe we did what we said we would do. Great team work is always a plus. Thanks again to Rick for the invite. Now I will say it myself. Congratulations Chris and Stephanie on your return. Thank You for getting in touch with Rick & myself.

14K white Gold Black Diamonds

Leighton & Chris after return

Chris with band

Stephanie & Chris
Sincerely Leighton