Leighton Harrington, Author at The Ring Finders

Falmouth Old Silver Beach Wallet Returns Home

  1. While I was searching for a lost ring deep in the water two days ago, I got a very faint signal deep in the sand.  It was out about neck deep in the water, and it took me some time to actually get the item in my scoop. Richard Browne another ring finder was with me and said don’t give up now, we both laughed and Seven scoops later, and 20 inches deep I had it. At first glance I thought it was a cell phone by the shape of it, but it tuned out to be a wallet. I put it into my pouch, and continued to search for the ring. When I was done,  later at the truck I looked through it, and found the owners name on the drivers Lic. It also contained a dime and a few credit cards. I managed to find the owner Kyle on Facebook, I messaged him about him possibly losing something in the water. He got back to me but apprehensive at first, thinking it was a scam. Tuns out, we have a few mutual friends. We met up at the local store to share the story about how it was lost for over a year in the water. Kyle remembers losing it after a long hot day of work while swimming. I am so happy to get this wallet reunited with Kyle. Congratulations buddy please stay in touch.  Sincerely Leighton

Mattapoisett Harbor Beach Golden Band Rescue

As I was getting out of the water yesterday when I received  a text message from Chet. It said that he had lost his wedding band the day before while swimming his boat back to shore.  He also new the general area, and mentioned, at low tide it should be fairly low water. He wanted to know if I could help with locating it for him. I told him that I certainly will try.

We made plans to go around an hour before low tide. I met Chet, and asked a few more questions like, is it White, Yellow, Gold or Platinum? Any makings inside, the usual. Was the water mucky in that area? Hopefully no one had stepped on it, and sent it to deep to locate.

We walked down to the area, I had him go out and stand in the spot he had it last and stop. I made my way out to him, first signal was an old Penny, next signal was blasting , I knew I had it rite away. I looked in the scoop and said does that look familiar ? He couldn’t believe it. Less than five minutes, and with perfect timing, it was back on his finger. Congratulations Chet and Thanks for calling The Ring Finders… Leighton

Howes Beach sandbar swallows up Gold/Platinum Band

Got a phone call from Gail last evening. She said they were at the beach and her son in law had lost his wedding band in the water.  She asked for help in trying to find it.  Rick & I both agreed that today would be better because low tide exposed the area in question.
I met Rick at his place then off to the beach where we were to meet Gail and her daughter Leah. They were already out in the sand area eagerly waiting for us.
we introduced ourselves and I asked both of them to stand where each of them thought it may be buried.  Well after about an hour of walking the grid pattern I noticed Rick talking with two woman.  I continued to search closer to the beach and about 175 away from them when I finally got a nice loud tone on my MineLab xcal II only six inches down and out onto the sand a Beautiful wedding band staring back at me.
I called Leah and her mom over to witness it in the scoop.  Both of them were so happy and tears of joy flowing.  They both Hugged me and thanked me so much for what we do.  We shared some pictures and a few stories.  Corey is Leah’s husband who was FaceTimed by Gail was extremely surprised when we showed him the ring.  Another happy story to share.

West Dennis Beach Holds Lost Platinum Ring

Got a call from Rick Browne another Ring Finder Saturday evening. He asked me to join in a hunt for a lost Platinum Wedding band from the day before. I said of course I’ll join in. We met the next morning at his place, then met up with the owner (Alex) at the West Dennis beach. As usual, Rick & I took our approach and went at it. I had asked Alex to go into the water, and stand in the spot he believed it to have come off of his finger while playing football. He was trying to remember, but seemed as though things looked different to him today. Rick & I had grid an area about about 100 x 100 square foot = 10,000 square feet.

We were running out of area to search. I turned to see Rick looking at his machine, I said whats up? He replied with great sorrow, he replied my battery is dead. I said no worry I’ll keep looking for it. I broadened the search area,  Alex called in a lifeline to his brother. He helped in this recovery as best as he could. I kept searching, and in the process, I found two sterling rings that had been lost many moons ago. We were running out of more area now, It had been almost 3 hours of searching, and yet no Platinum Wedding band.

As I got closer to Alex I told him I think that’s about it buddy. He said he had waved the white flag and chocked it up as gone forever. All three of us were walking out of the water, I got a signal that I was sure it was it…. NO…. it was a Quarter this time. Something told me to turn right just a little and yes another signal… could it be? sounds good…I dug down one scoop and finally the Platinum wedding band was in my scoop. I looked up and said you are a very lucky man today.  Alex was running over to me, he couldn’t believe I got it after so long. He teared up, and said Thank You so much. Rick & I congratulated him, out of the water we went, mission completed. Lot’s of joyous comments on the way back to the truck. Alex was was so happy we didn’t give up easily… Persistence did pay off. Congratulations Alex… Glad we found it.

Forestdale Mass Gold Band Recovered for Goalie

I received a call from Tom on Cape Cod about a White Gold Band, he lost it the night before. He was practicing with his boys on a soccer field, and when he tried to stop a goal, the ball hit his hand, and there went the ring. They searched for a couple hours with no luck. They had two other detectorists try to locate the ring, and again no luck. That’s when he called me. I met up with Tom at the area, and within about ten minutes he was reunited with his Gold 14K Gold Band. Experience helped out in this case, with what tone to listen for, and overlapping the search area. Congratulations Tom.. So happy I had a hand in this one.

lost Gold Chain + Rings found in Fairhaven, Mass

A friend on Facebook sent me a listing of a Gold chain with a diamond butterfly lost that had 3 rings on it at the beach. After reaching out to Alyssa, she finally got back to me after a few days. We chatted about what I do and how it was lost. She had mentioned that for me not to bother to travel so far because she said a couple of other guys had searched high and low for them to no avail. We agreed that maybe someone had seen them on the sand and possibly picked them up.

I again reached out about four days later and told Alyssa that when I got over that way I would check the area in question and went over that day again. I asked if she had gone into the water, she replied no just to the waters edge. She did mention that she walked up to the bathing houses on her way out that day.

Two month’s had gone by. It was honestly haunting me, to know that such a precious set of rings and a gold butterfly chain was just possibly sitting in the sand without no one looking for them any longer. I keep a list of NON found things on my desk. I looked at that note everyday. I decided to make the trip yesterday. I searched the area in question for an hour, I was almost up to the parking lot, but still in the path sand area, when I got that familiar low tone. I dug down, and out popped a Gold ring, still didn’t look familiar. I checked the hole and another low tone, and again out popped two more gold rings and they were attached to a beautiful gold diamond butterfly chain. Now I was smiling. I knew I had Alyssa’s precious rings. The best part is that she had not even known that I went to look for them.

I contacted her again through Facebook and I am happy to say she is reunited with them once again. Never give up, in this case keeping notes and persistence paid off. On a side note to the story, Shawn was off the hook, he apparently was the one who had them in his shirt, and dropped them. Congratulations Alyssa on your return. Sincerely Leighton




Eden Fish Ring,Harwich,Dennis,Cape cod,Yarmouth,Bass River,Wellfleet,Bechcomber,Water walker,Mass

I was out water detecting early last week, and as I was getting out of the water, I was stopped by a woman named Diane, she politely asked if I had found any Treasures yet, my response was, only coins. Diane proceeded to mentioned that her future daughter in law Jessica had lost her Sterling « Eden » fish ring a few weeks earlier in knee deep water. I asked where? she said rite here. Working the surf line, I found it within five minutes. Diane had moved back up the beach before I had found it.  I went on my way down the beach to try my luck before leaving.

As luck would have it, on my way out back to the truck, I once again talked with Diane, and told her I had found Jessica’s ring, she said no way, in dis belief. I exchanged info with her, and that I would contact Jessica that evening. I did just that, Jessica answered the phone, I told her I was a Ring Finder, that I had located her through Diane, She was very happy to hear I had it found it. We made arrangements to meet, and tell me her story as to how it was lost.  She had mentioned that her fiance Ryan bought it for her about six years earlier. It was a special order ring. They are hand made one at a time here on Cape Cod. She has a matching bracelet also.

Jessica was coming out of the water from a swim, when she was pulling her hair back when the ring got caught and pulled off of her thumb. I guess that’s why there was still hair stuck to it when I found it. It was about three weeks in the surf, luckily I went over it. Congratulations Jessica, on your return. Congratulations on your soon to be marriage. It was a pleasure to get it back to you. Sincerely Leighton

Eden Hand Made Ring with GOLD fish Eye


Lost Wallet with Credit Cards and Drivers License Returned, Cape Cod,Harwich, Yarmouth, Hyannis,Falmouth,

While out in the waters of Cape Cod, I found a wallet that was a surprise to see in my scoop. It had a metal card to Apple inside. A license, and many credit cards. When Rick and I got home, the very first thing we did, was to check for a match on Facebook. It triggered a fast response from Beth, the owner, as I talked with her about how, when, and where she lost her wallet, I knew I had to get it back ASAP. We asked if she was still on Cape Cod, she replied no, that she had gone home last week.

This is her statement about how she thinks it was lost.As we got out of the car we entered the beach area and made a hard right. We kept walking till we saw a sign saying Private Beach Area. We turned around, I was picking up seashells along the way close to the waters edge. When we got back to the beach where we entered, we made the obligatory Sun Appreciation spot halfway up on the dunes. I changed out of my shorts, that I thought had my wallet. We were there about 45 minutes, packed up,and walked to the jetty and then back to the car. My wallet must have fell out of my pocket as I reached for the shells. It was very windy, and the waves crashing didn’t help. We never heard it fall.We searched high and low multiple times for the next day or so. Car,Beach,Path, Sand, Nothing.

I was so happy that I found it and reunited it with Beth, Credit cards,License,Vac Card,all home where it belongs. Be safe and Congratulations on your return.Sincerely Leighton2022-09-06 11.57.17 copy


Black Diamonds ARE Forever. Lost,Cape Cod,Found,Returned, Yarmouth Beach

A call came in yesterday, to help find a Wedding Band that was lost the day prior in waste deep water. Rick called and asked if I wanted to go, I said he was on his own for this one, that I had a few things to do. I thought about how vast the area was, so I called back, and said I’ll meet him at his house ASAP. We met Stephanie and Chris at the beach lot about an hour later. They seemed real precise as to where they thought it to be. They walked out ahead of us, as we got ready for the search. Rick and I walked out about a mile onto the sand, then into waste deep water. We both searched for quite some time with no luck two junk targets a bullet and a penny.

I asked Chris to regroup, and stand where he thought it was, he was having second thoughts, he moved about 150 feet over.  Again Rick and I searched, and searched, still nothing. I then asked Stephanie where she thought it was lost, and to go over and stand there, so I could start my search over. Rick was still out far and walking away from Chris with no targets at all. I headed towards Stephanie, as I approached her, I said  » I just don’t get it, I just don’t get it. Not a signal in that whole area, even after an hour, it’s crazy. I told her not to give up till she sees us walking toward the truck. That if it was there and I went over it that I would hear it. I think Chris and Stephanie were about to throw in the beach towel, but as I walked by her, finally a very loud signal 4 feet away from where she was standing in the water. I looked over to her and smiled, Her eyes got huge, her smile even bigger, she had a hard time controlling her emotions. Stephanie knew, I had just recovered what they both thought was lost forever, King Neptune finally gave in to me. Stephanie was shaking, I’m not sure if it was from the cold, or from being excited. She yelled over to Chris, he started to run fast as he could in the water, I yelled faster, faster, he couldn’t get there fast enough to see what the commotion was all about. Rick knew already I had just found Chris’s  beautiful 14K white gold wedding band, with black diamonds set into the center. I handed it over to Chris as he teared up also. So gratifying to see it back on his finger.

Lot’s of congratulations and hand shakes went around, Chris kept repeating he just couldn’t believe we did what we said we would do. Great team work is always a plus. Thanks again to Rick for the invite. Now I will say it myself. Congratulations Chris and Stephanie on your return. Thank You for getting in touch with Rick & myself.

14K white Gold Black Diamonds

Leighton & Chris after return

Chris with band

Stephanie & Chris

Sincerely Leighton

Abby’s Moon Phase Necklace.Lost,Found,Cape Cod,Freshwater Beach Pond.

While out searching for coins and jewelry in the water Rick Browne (Ring Finder) & I were approached by a gentleman named Matt. He asked if we were The Ring Finders from Cape Cod. We both responded YES with enthusiasm. We asked why? He said that his daughter, had lost her precious necklace the day before, and had we found it? We asked if it was in the water, or sand, and he said sand. We hadn’t done the sand area as of yet so let’s give it a try.

We met Matt’s wife Ronni, Abby his daughter, they were all on vacation from New Jersey. I asked Abby to stand where she last saw it the day before. They had been searching with flashlights the night before for over an hour with no luck. Just about then, Rick was already digging a target, and I had a target too. I dug down, and out popped Abby’s chain, with it had a Birth date, Moon phase Medallion attached to it. Abby and Ronni were emotional as one can expect. Congratulations all around for everyone. People clapped as I handed it back to Abby, Rick and I were so happy to be in the rite spot, at the time when needed. Congratulations, to Abby, her Mom Ronni, and Dad Matt, for not giving up and believing. Sincerely Leighton

Moon Phase Pendant and Chain

Abby with Necklace