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Lost Engagement Ring Found Galloway NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call now!


Alexa lost her engagement ring while on the volleyball court a few days ago. I met her in Galloway, NJ and she gave me the details of where the ring might have been lost. I started a grid pattern in the sand with my metal detector and got the signal after a few swings. Alexa was relieved that the engagement ring is found and back on her finger!

I can help find your lost ring!

Watch the reaction when the engagement ring is found in Galloway, NJ.

how find lost jewelry in the sand

ocean city nj ring finder

Lost Engagement Ring Found Sea Isle City NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

The engagement ring was only 3 months old.  It was given to Shannon when Brandon proposed to her in Ireland. Forward 3 months… I received a call from Shannon stating that she had lost her engagement ring on the beach in Sea Isle City NJ.  After a quick 15 minute search the ring was found and returned!

The couple was extremely happy that they could continue their vacation!

ocean city nj ring finder

Find my lost ring in the sand.

Sea Isle City Ring Finder lost ring in the sand

Lost Gold Wedding Band Found Longport NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

I received a message from Marisa on my Ring Finders South Jersey Facebook page about her antique wedding band that was lost yesterday.  She was standing in the surf in Longport, NJ when a wave came in and caused the ring to slide off her finger.  She saw it drop into the ocean and thought she would never see it again. Ironically, she happened to see the news segment earlier in the day about a lost wedding band that I found and reached out to me. I went out at sunrise to catch low tide since it was lost in the surf.  After roughly 35 minutes of gridding the surf and wet sand, I was able to find it!    

Ocean City Ring Finder

Find lost ring in the sand with a metal detector


Gold Cartier Love Ring Found Ocean City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring? Don’t wait to call!


I received a call from Dawn whose friend saw my Ring Finders South Jersey page on Facebook and referred her to me.  Her daughter Julia lost her Cartier gold Love ring in the surf during a severe storm in Ocean City, NJ.  She was in ankle-deep water when strong gusts of wind suddenly blew the ring off her finger.  After speaking with Julia about the details of how and where she lost the ring, I started the search in knee-deep water and worked my way toward the beach.  I had to expand my search out about another 35 yards and the ring was found on the high on the slope! Never give up the search the rings can be found!


ring finder, NJ, new jersey ring finder, metal detector service, jersey shore

Brigantine NJ Lost Wedding Band & Silver Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)
  1. Don’t Wait!

Call Now!


Bill gave me a call about his wife Amy’s rings that were lost in Brigantine, NJ. The couple was sitting on a blanket watching their son take surfing lessons when Amy placed a sentimental silver ring that was custom-made by her son and her wedding band on the blanket. She forgot her rings were there when she pulled up the blanket and shook it out. I met them later in the afternoon and was able to find both rings after a short grid-search.

Ring Finders South Jersey 

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metal detector

Lost Engagement Ring and Wedding Band Found Ocean City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Toleen lost her wedding set in Ocean City, NJ yesterday while spending the day with her family on the beach.  The rings were placed in the pocket of the beach chair and fell in the sand when she folded it up. Her daughter, Alexa, searched and found my Ring Finders South Jersey page when the family realized the rings were lost. While getting some preliminary information before searching, I asked if anyone took any pictures when they sitting on the beach. Her daughter, Liana, had a TikTok video with houses in the background that helped give an approximate location. After roughly 35 minutes of gridding the area, the rings were found! Now Toleen and her family can enjoy the rest of their vacation in Ocean City, NJ.

A lost ring in the sand can be found with a  metal detector! Call Ocean City NJ Ring Finders, a professional now.

How to find a lost ring.

Lost 14k White Gold Cross and Chain Found Ventnor NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost something? 

Don’t wait to call!


Sheila contacted me today about her fiancé’s chain and cross that were accidentally left on the beach in Ventnor, NJ.  The surf was rough yesterday, so he decided to take it off before going into the ocean.  Forgetting that it was in the side pocket of the beach chair, the jewelry dropped into the sand when packing up. They didn’t realize it was missing until after they got home and were extremely upset because it is very sentimental.  I met with the couple on the beach and they gave me the approximate location where it could have been lost.  Something in the distance caught my eye as I was walking around detecting.  It glistened for a second, so I decided to walk toward it.  It turned out to be the edge of the cross peeking out of the sand! It’s a great feeling when you find what you’re looking for, but it’s extra special when you recover something so sentimental.

ocean city nj ring finder 

NJ Ring Finder covers Ventnor, Margate, Brigantine, Atlantic City, Ocean City, Strathmere, Longport, Sea Isle City, Avalon, North Wildwood, Wildwood, Wildwood Crest, Diamond Beach, Cape May, and most beaches in New Jersey.

NJ Ring Finder uses metal detector to find lost ring in the sand.

Ventnor NJ Ring Finder can help find your lost ring


Lost your ring? I can find your ring! Metal Detector Ocean City NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Everyone’s jewelry has a story attached to it and that story ends when its lost in the sand or ocean… The Ring Finders service will help bring their story to life again and continue that story by finding what people thought was lost forever. Rings, wedding bands, diamond engagement rings, diamond earrings, diamond tennis bracelets, watches, gold pendants… People who have given up the search now have a second chance!

Using my metal detector I can help find that lost ring!

Metal Detector Ocean City NJ

Metal Detector North Wildwood NJ

Metal Detector Avalon NJ

Metal Detector Stone Harbor NJ

Metal Detector Cape May NJ

Metal Detector Sea Isle City NJ

Metal Detector Brigantine NJ

Metal Detector Margate NJ

Metal Detector Ventnor NJ

Metal Detector Atlantic City NJ

Metal Detector Cape May NJ

Metal Detector Wildwood Crest NJ

Metal Detector Diamond Beach NJ



Metal Detector

Just a call away! 215-850-0188


Longport NJ Lost Engagement Ring ANd Wedding Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call Now!


Mike and Meg were playing with their dog in the ocean at the Longport Dog Beach in Longport, New Jersey when she lost her wedding band and engagement ring. She was in waist-deep water when Mike threw a ball to her. The ball hit her hand and caused the rings to fly off into the water. Low-tide had already passed when Mike reached out to me, so we planned to meet the following morning to catch the next low-tide. I started the search where she thought she may have stood when the rings flew off. I found the engagement ring in knee-deep water after searching for around 45 minutes, and a while later, the band was found 35-feet away. It was an emotional time for everyone when the rings were returned.

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Ring Finders South Jersey 

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Ventnor NJ Lost Engagement Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?



Nick’s fiancée Rachel lost her engagement ring while the couple was on the beach in Ventnor, NJ. They realized the ring was missing when they got back to the house that evening, so Nick gave me a call and I was able to meet them shortly afterward. I detected the area and was able to locate the ring.


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