find my ring in the sand Tag | The Ring Finders

Platinum Wedding Ring Lost from Backpack in Sand at Newport Beach, CA. .. Found in a Night Time Search

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Successful recoveries have to be done in a timely manner. Timing is very important, If you lose something on the beach or any public location, don’t wait. Call as soon as possible . Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136 .. I will answer the phone 24/7.. 

***Dan called me late after sunset asking for help to find his Platinum Wedding Ring. Most likely lost in the sand in Newport Beach, CA. He and his family are staying in a beachfront vacation rental home. Their first day on the beach did not go well. He put his platinum wedding ring in a backpack while the family set up at the towel line for their day on the beach.

Returning to the beach house, Dan went to the backpack to retrieve his wedding band. It was not in the backpack. He was thinking it must have been pulled out because other items being removed may have caused the ring to come out falling in the sand.

I arrived on the beach in the dark, soon after Dan called me. When I arrived there was another guy with a metal detector that volunteered his help. I  asked that he keep some distance because often other detectors can interfere with each other. Either way I would have to search the whole area anyway. I wasn’t confident of his experience metal detecting. Also he didn’t have a sand scoop.

We had to do the search now. Tomorrow the beach cleaning machines would be hitting the towel line as early as 5am.. Our problem this night was getting in the general area where they had been earlier that afternoon. Dan gave me an area to start, but his daughter believed they were actually 50 yards south.  Now it gets a bit confusing, I’m used to this happening. I take the first idea and do a thorough grid search, making sure I don’t get distracted. There will be plenty of time to get both areas searched.

After about ten 40 foot passes on my grid search. I found Dan’s platinum wedding ring.  He had never lost or misplaced it in over 25 years of wearing it. He said this made him realize how important it was to have it back where it belongs. I also learned to stay on track and not get distracted by the many ideas of where it could have been lost.. Patience, Persistence, the Best Equipment and Experience  paid off again.


Your privacy is very important to me especially in stressful momements. Please trust me to help you find your sentimental keepsake . I’m available to answer any questions about how this service works and if we have a chance to find your lost item.. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “  Calliing me anytime is the most the best and the most successful approach .. Stan 949-500-2136

3 Rings Lost at Laguna Beach, CA. Found and Returned to Owner

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)



Call or text Stan the Metal Detector Man if you need a professional mobile metal detecting service… 949-500-2136

… Taylor called asking for help to find 4 rings that were lost in the sand at Laguna Beach, CA.  She had put them on the edge of her beach towel and forgot they were there when she picked up the towel.

Shortly after shaking the sand off the towel, she realized the silver rings had disappeared in the dry sand. After a couple hours of hand searching the sand and waiting to see if a metal detectorist may be on the beach, she had to leave.

It was already 9:30pm when we talked. Taylor was 50 miles away which made it difficult to meet me at the location. The directions she gave me were good enough for me to make a 6 mile drive to search for the rings that night.

Shortly after arriving I had three of the rings recovered. I did call Taylor to verify that there were 4 missing rings. She said there were 4 rings. Also she told me the three I found were the most important and she was happy that I called her.

After more than an hour in the small search area, I could not find the 4th ring. Frustrating, because it should have been there. Sometimes it’s difficult to end a search. It would be nice to know where that 4th ring was, but that’s not going to be possible this time.

It was my pleasure to get Taylor’s most important rings back to her..

Available to help you find your lost keepsake .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”

Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136

Lost Wedding Band Found Margate NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)
Lost a ring?
Don’t Wait To Call!
Patrick was spending the week in Margate, NJ, with his family when he placed his wedding band on the seat of his chair. Without knowing, one of his children sat on the chair, causing the ring to fall somewhere in the sand. Despite his efforts to find it, Patrick wasn’t successful. Looking for help, he reached out to me, Ring Finders South Jersey.
Upon receiving the call, I quickly arrived at the scene. Gathering more details, I began my search. Using my metal detector, I was able to pick up the signal I was looking for, and ultimately found the ring in my scoop. Patrick was overjoyed to have his wedding band back on his finger. Now, he and his family can enjoy the remainder of their stay in Margate, New Jersey.

Gold diamond wedding ring set lost from purse during a company party at Newport Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)



If you lost a piece of jewelry and need a metal detector specialist call or text Stan the Metal Detector Man now … 949-500-2136

*** A lady named Pin had gone to a company beach party at a Newport Dunes Resort. It was a large group of over one hundred people with catered dinner, music and live entertainment. Most of the venue was set up on the sand.  Pin decided to take off her rose gold and diamond wedding ring set and put them in her basket type bag. 

After returning home, she couldn’t find her wedding rings in her purse. She assumed that they may have been pulled out when she was taking things out during her 3 hours on the beach. Then she had the thought that maybe somebody had stolen the rings. 

Pin called the main office to ask if anyone had reported wedding rings fo lost and found. One of the people at the office gave her my contact information. Pin called me giving me directions to where they had been during the beach party. She was unable to meet me at the location, so I went to the location of the screen shot map she had marked up.

After a couple hours of grid searching without finding the rings I had to leave because of rain. Early the next morning I returned to finish the search. I wasn’t the ten minutes before I got a great signal that turned up two beautiful rose gold wedding rings.  

I texted a photo of the rings to Pin and immediately she called me. She was so excited we couldn’t talk much. She asked if I could hold the rings till for a couple days because they were out of town. No problem, we met the next weekend to return her very special rings.

I can help you or someone you know find their precious lost jewelry.. Just call or text ASAP .. Stan at 949-500-2136 … I will try anywhere 

Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano in Ocean City NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Daniel lost his wedding band on the beach in Ocean City, NJ. The ring flew out of the cup holder when he flipped his chair over while getting ready to leave. He contacted me and I met up with him shortly after to start the search. After a few swings of the metal detector, the ring was found!

Check out the website for more stories and information

Ring Finders South Jersey 


Hire metal detector

ring finder




Wedding Ring Lost in Sand Found Avalon NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call?


Ryan placed his wedding band in a beach bag for safekeeping while on the beach in Avalon, NJ. When he went to look for it, he found a hole in the bag instead. He reached out to me the day after it was lost and I met him in the area to start the search. After a quick grid search of the sand with the metal detector, it was found!

Check out my website for more stories and info…

Ring Finders South Jersey 

lost ring avalon nj avalon njavalon njavalon njavalon Avalon Nj rin avalon new jerseyRing Finder Avalon New jerseymetal detectorrin avalon new jerseyavalon nj

Ring Lost In Sand Found Sea Isle City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a Ring?

Don’t Wait to Call!


I received a text from Caroline about her lost ring in Sea Isle City, NJ. It is very sentimental because it’s the first piece of jewelry her boyfriend gave her. She put that ring and another one in her cup holder but forgot to tell her boyfriend they were in there, so both dropped in the sand when he closed the beach chair. I met her on the beach and started to search.
After a few scans with the metal detector, the rings were found!

check out my website for more stories and info:::

Ring Finders South Jersey  click here

sea isle city  sea isle city sea isle city  sea isle citymetal detectorsea isle city

Lost Diamond Wedding Set in Sand at a Remote San Onofre State Beach .. Found by a RingFinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











If you need help finding a piece of jewelry call .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Available to help you now … 949-500-2136

*** Aimee and Kyle contacted me asking for help to find Aimee’s diamond wedding ring set lost in the sand. The loss occurred while they were at a remote beach in the San Onofre State Park. She had put her rings on a towel forgetting they were there until she had picked up the towel to shake the sand off. 

They said, they would be able to wait at the location till I got there. We could have set up a search for another day but it would require another trip for them. Also, it would be very stressful for Aimee to wait even one night believing her rings were never going to be found. 

The beach closes at sunset and I arrived with  enough time to do a proper search. We met in the parking lot on the cliff above the beach. A quarter mile walk down the trail to the beach led us to the place they had spent the day. A half hour after starting the grid search with no sign of the rings, everyone was getting nervous. 

Then Kyle pointed out the small area where the sand had a slight slope. A couple swings of my detector and we had the rings in the sand scoop. Sometimes we find them fast if we start in the right area and other times it could be a nail biter. If the rings are there the metal detector will find them. Another happy couple and they were very grateful for the help I was able to give them.

Timing is important call ASAP .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136  ..I Will Answer the Call… I WILL TRY ANYWHERE